
  • Provides:

    • dojox.wire.TableAdapter
  • Requires:

    • dojox.wire.CompositeWire in common
  • dojox.wire.TableAdapter

    • type
    • chains:
      • dojox.wire.CompositeWire: (prototype)
      • dojox.wire.CompositeWire: (call)
    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
        Arguments to initialize properties
        An object or array containing child Wires for column values
    • summary
      A composite Wire for table rows
    • description
      This class has multiple child Wires for object properties or array
      elements of a table row.
      The root object for this class must be an array.
      When an object with Wires is specified to 'columns' property, they
      are used to get a row object with property values.
      When an array of Wires is specified to 'columns' property, they
      are used to get a row array with element values.
      The row values are returned in an array.
      This class only supports getValue(), but not setValue().
  • dojox.wire.TableAdapter._wireClass

    • type
  • dojox.wire.TableAdapter.constructor

    • constructor - constructor
    • type
    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
        Arguments to initialize properties
        An object or array containing child Wires for column values
    • summary
      Initialize properties
    • description
      If object properties or array elements specified in 'columns'
      property are not Wires, Wires are created from them as
      arguments, with 'parent' property set to this Wire instance.
  • dojox.wire.TableAdapter._getValue

    • parameters:
      • object: (typeof Array)
        A root array
    • returns
    • summary
      Return an array of table row value (object or array)
    • description
      This method iterates over an array specified to 'object'
      argument and calls getValue() method of the child Wires with
      each element of the array to get a row object or array.
      Finally, an array with the row objects or arrays are retuned.
    • return_summary
      An array of table row value
    • type
  • dojox.wire.TableAdapter._setValue

    • parameters:
      • object: (typeof Array)
      • value: (typeof Array)
    • summary
      Not supported
    • type
  • dojox.wire.TableAdapter._getRow

    • parameters:
      • object: (typeof Object||Array)
    • returns
    • summary
      Return an array or object for a table row
    • description
      This method calls getValue() method of the child Wires to
      create a row object or array.
    • return_summary
      An array or object for a table row
    • type
  • dojox.wire

    • type
  • dojox

    • type