
  • Provides:

    • dojox.widget.rotator.Pan
  • Requires:

    • dojo.fx in common
  • dojox.widget.rotator.pan

    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
    • returns
      continuous gets a linear easing by default
    • summary
      Returns a dojo.Animation that either pans left or right to the next pane.
      The actual direction depends on the order of the panes.
      If panning forward from index 1 to 3, it will perform a pan left. If panning
      backwards from 5 to 1, then it will perform a pan right.
      If the parameter "continuous" is set to true, it will return an animation
      chain of several pan animations of each intermediate pane panning. For
      example, if you pan forward from 1 to 3, it will return an animation panning
      left from 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3.
      If an easing is specified, it will be applied to each pan transition.  For
      example, if you are panning from pane 1 to pane 5 and you set the easing to
      "dojo.fx.easing.elasticInOut", then it will "wobble" 5 times, once for each
      pan transition.
      If the parameter "wrap" is set to true, it will pan to the next pane using
      the shortest distance in the array of panes. For example, if there are 6
      panes, then panning from 5 to 1 will pan forward (left) from pane 5 to 6 and
      6 to 1.  If the distance is the same either going forward or backwards, then
      it will always pan forward (left).
      A continuous pan will use the target pane's duration to pan all intermediate
      panes.  To use the target's pane duration for each intermediate pane, then
      set the "quick" parameter to "false".
    • type
  • dojox.widget.rotator.panDown

    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
    • summary
      Returns a dojo.Animation that pans in the next rotator pane from the top.
    • type
  • dojox.widget.rotator.panRight

    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
    • summary
      Returns a dojo.Animation that pans in the next rotator pane from the right.
    • type
  • dojox.widget.rotator.panUp

    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
    • summary
      Returns a dojo.Animation that pans in the next rotator pane from the bottom.
    • type
  • dojox.widget.rotator.panLeft

    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
    • summary
      Returns a dojo.Animation that pans in the next rotator pane from the left.
    • type
  • dojox.widget.rotator.Pan

    • type
  • dojox.widget.rotator

    • type
  • dojox.widget

    • type
  • dojox

    • type