

  • Provides:

    • dojo.store.JsonRest
  • Requires:

    • dojo.store.util.QueryResults in common
  • dojo.store.JsonRest

    • type
    • parameters:
      • options: (typeof dojo.store.JsonRest)
        This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store
    • summary
      This is a basic store for RESTful communicating with a server through JSON
      formatted data.
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.constructor

    • constructor - constructor
    • type
    • parameters:
      • options: (typeof dojo.store.JsonRest)
        This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store
    • summary
      This is a basic store for RESTful communicating with a server through JSON
      formatted data.
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.target

    • type
    • summary
      The target base URL to use for all requests to the server. This string will be
      prepended to the id to generate the URL (relative or absolute) for requests
      sent to the server
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.idProperty

    • type
    • summary
      Indicates the property to use as the identity property. The values of this
      property should be unique.
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.get

    • parameters:
      • id: (typeof Number)
        The identity to use to lookup the object
      • options
    • summary
      Retrieves an object by its identity. This will trigger a GET request to the server using
      the url <code>this.target + id</code>.
    • return_summary
      The object in the store that matches the given id.
    • type
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.getIdentity

    • parameters:
      • object: (typeof Object)
        The object to get the identity from
    • summary
      Returns an object's identity
    • return_summary
    • type
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.put

    • parameters:
      • object: (typeof Object)
        The object to store.
      • options: (typeof dojo.store.api.Store.PutDirectives)
        Additional metadata for storing the data.  Includes an &quot;id&quot;
        property if a specific id is to be used.
    • summary
      Stores an object. This will trigger a PUT request to the server
      if the object has an id, otherwise it will trigger a POST request.
    • return_summary
    • type
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.add

    • parameters:
      • object: (typeof Object)
        The object to store.
      • options: (typeof dojo.store.api.Store.PutDirectives)
        Additional metadata for storing the data.  Includes an &quot;id&quot;
        property if a specific id is to be used.
    • summary
      Adds an object. This will trigger a PUT request to the server
      if the object has an id, otherwise it will trigger a POST request.
    • type
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.remove

    • parameters:
      • id: (typeof Number)
        The identity to use to delete the object
    • summary
      Deletes an object by its identity. This will trigger a DELETE request to the server.
    • type
  • dojo.store.JsonRest.query

    • parameters:
      • query: (typeof Object)
        The query to use for retrieving objects from the store.
      • options: (typeof dojo.store.api.Store.QueryOptions)
        The optional arguments to apply to the resultset.
    • summary
      Queries the store for objects. This will trigger a GET request to the server, with the
      query added as a query string.
    • return_summary
      The results of the query, extended with iterative methods.
    • type
  • dojo.store

    • type
  • dojo

    • type