
  • Provides:

    • dojox.lang.functional.multirec
  • Requires:

    • dojox.lang.functional.lambda in common
    • dojox.lang.functional.util in common
  • dojox.lang.functional

    • alias - dojox.lang.functional
  • dojox.lang.functional.inlineLambda

    • alias - dojox.lang.functional.inlineLambda
  • dojox.lang.functional.multirec

    • parameters:
      • cond: (typeof Function|String|Array)
        The lambda expression, which is used to detect the termination of recursion.
        It accepts the same parameter as the generated recursive function itself.
        This function should return "true", if the recursion should be stopped,
        and the "then" part should be executed. Otherwise the recursion will proceed.
      • then: (typeof Function|String|Array)
        The lambda expression, which is called upon termination of the recursion.
        It accepts the same parameters as the generated recursive function itself.
        The returned value will be returned as the value of the generated function.
      • before: (typeof Function|String|Array)
        The lambda expression, which is called before the recursive step.
        It accepts the same parameter as the generated recursive function itself.
        The returned value should be an array, which is used to call
        the generated function recursively. Each member of the array should be
        an array of parameters. The length of it defines how many times
        the generated function is called recursively.
        The lambda expression, which is called after the recursive step.
        It accepts two parameters: the array of returned values from recursive steps,
        and the original array of parameters used with all other functions.
        The returned value will be returned as the value of the generated function.
      • after: (typeof Function|String|Array)
    • summary
      Generates a function for the multi-way recursion pattern.
      All parameter functions are called in the context of "this" object.
    • type
  • dojox.lang

    • type
  • dojox

    • type