
  • Provides:

    • dojox.lang.aspect
    • type
  • dojo

    • alias - dojo
  • dojox.lang.aspect

    • alias - dojox.lang.aspect
  • Array

    • alias - Array.prototype
  • dojox.lang.aspect.advise

    • parameters:
      • obj: (typeof Object)
        A source object for the advised function. Cannot be a DOM node.
        If this object is a constructor, its prototype is advised.
      • method: (typeof String|RegExp|Array)
        A string name of the function in obj. In case of RegExp all
        methods of obj matching the regular expression are advised.
      • advice: (typeof Object|Function|Array)
        An object, which defines advises, or a function, which
        returns such object, or an array of previous items.
        The advice object can define following member functions:
        before, around, afterReturning, afterThrowing, after.
        If the function is supplied, it is called with a context
        object once per call to create a temporary advice object, which
        is destroyed after the processing. The temporary advice object
        can implement a destroy() method, if it wants to be called when
        not needed.
    • returns
    • summary
      Attach AOP-style advices to a method.
    • description
      Attaches AOP-style advices to a method. Can attach several
      advices at once and operate on several methods of an object.
      The latter is achieved when a RegExp is specified as
      a method name, or an array of strings and regular expressions
      is used. In this case all functional methods that
      satisfy the RegExp condition are processed. This function
      returns a handle, which can be used to unadvise, or null,
      if advising has failed.
      This function is a convenience wrapper for
    • type
  • dojox.lang.aspect.adviseRaw

    • parameters:
      • obj: (typeof Object)
        A source object for the advised function.
        Cannot be a DOM node.
      • methods: (typeof Array)
        An array of method names (strings) to be advised.
      • advices: (typeof Array)
        An array of advices represented by objects or functions that
        return such objects on demand during the event processing.
        The advice object can define following member functions:
        before, around, afterReturning, afterThrowing, after.
        If the function is supplied, it is called with a context
        object once per call to create a temporary advice object, which
        is destroyed after the processing. The temporary advice object
        can implement a destroy() method, if it wants to be called when
        not needed.
    • returns
    • summary
      Attach AOP-style advices to methods.
    • description
      Attaches AOP-style advices to object's methods. Can attach several
      advices at once and operate on several methods of the object.
      The latter is achieved when a RegExp is specified as
      a method name. In this case all functional methods that
      satisfy the RegExp condition are processed. This function
      returns a handle, which can be used to unadvise, or null,
      if advising has failed.
    • type
  • dojox.lang.aspect.unadvise

    • parameters:
      • handle: (typeof Object)
        The object returned by dojox.lang.aspect.advise().
    • summary
      Detach previously attached AOP-style advices.
    • type
  • dojox.lang.aspect.getContext

    • returns
    • summary
      Returns the context information for the advice in effect.
    • type
  • dojox.lang.aspect.getContextStack

    • returns
    • summary
      Returns the context stack, which reflects executing advices
      up to this point. The array is ordered from oldest to newest.
      In order to get the active context use dojox.lang.aspect.getContext().
    • type
  • dojox.lang.aspect.proceed

    • summary
      Call the original function (or the next level around advice) in an around advice code.
    • description
      Calls the original function (or the next level around advice).
      Accepts and passes on any number of arguments, and returns a value.
      This function is valid only in the content of around calls.
    • type
  • dojox.lang

    • type
  • dojox

    • type