
  • Provides:

    • dojox.html.format
  • Requires:

    • dojox.html.entities in common
  • dojox.html.format.prettyPrint

    • parameters:
      • html: (typeof String)
        The string of HTML to try and generate a 'pretty' formatting.
      • indentBy: (typeof Integer)
        Optional input for the number of spaces to use when indenting.
        If not defined, zero, negative, or greater than 10, will just use tab
        as the indent.
      • maxLineLength: (typeof Integer)
        Optional input for the number of characters a text line should use in
        the document, including the indent if possible.
      • map: (typeof Array)
        Optional array of entity mapping characters to use when processing the
        HTML Text content.  By default it uses the default set used by the
        dojox.html.entities.encode function.
      • xhtml: (typeof boolean)
        Optional parameter that declares that the returned HTML should try to be 'xhtml' compatible.
        This means normally unclosed tags are terminated with /> instead of >.  Example: <hr> -> <hr />
    • returns
    • summary
      Function for providing a 'pretty print' version of HTML content from
      the provided string.  It's nor perfect by any means, but it does
      a 'reasonable job'.
    • type
  • dojox.html.entities.encode

    • alias - dojox.html.entities.encode
  • dojox.html.entities.decode

    • alias - dojox.html.entities.decode
  • dojox.html.format

    • type
  • dojox.html

    • type
  • dojox

    • type