
  • Provides:

    • dojox.drawing.util.oo
  • dojox.drawing.util.oo

    • summary
      Inheritance utilities used in DojoX Drawing
    • description
      Inheritance utilities used in DojoX Drawing.
      There were designed in a effort to make Drawing as
      fast as possible - especially in a case where thousands
      of objects are being loaded. Drawing declare performs
      about 3 times faster than Dojo declare and 2 times
      faster than Dojox declare. This is not to say Drawing
      declare is wthout limitations. It doesn't have the same
      syntatic sugar and extensibility of the other two. You
      can't inhert methods. It won't work with Dijit. But it
      is simple and effective.
    • type
  • dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare

    • returns
    • summary
      Creates a constructor Function from a
      Function, and collection of methods, and
      more Functions that are extended.
    • description
      Similar in look and feel to Dojo declare as
      far as order and number of arguments, although
      constructed a little closer to prototypical
      inheritance. All arguments passed into the
      constructor are passed into all sub constructors.
      Function, [Object|Function....]
      The first argument is always the base
      constructor. The last argument is always
      an object of methods (or empty object) to
      be mixed in (in the future would like to
      make that object optional). Remaining
      arguments are other constructors mixed in
      using extend() (See below).
    • example
      	MyFunction = dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare(
      			// This is my constructor. It will fire last.
      			// The other constructors will fire before this.
      			customType:"equation", // mixed in property
      			doThing: function(){   // mixed in method
      	var f = new MyFunction();
    • type
  • dojox.drawing.util.oo.extend

    • returns
    • summary
      Extends constructors to inherit from other
      constructors .
    • description
      Typically not used by itself - it's used as
      part of declare(). Could be used by itself
      however, to mix together two or more
      Function, [ Function...]
      Any number of arguments, all must be
      function constructors. The first is
      considered the base object and its
      constructor will fire first.
    • example
      	var A = function(){};
      	var B = function(){};
      	var C = function(){};
      	var D = dojox.drawing.util.oo.extend(A, B, C);
      	var e = new D();
    • type
  • dojox.drawing.util

    • type
  • dojox.drawing

    • type
  • dojox

    • type