

  • Provides:

    • dojo.back
  • dojo.back

    • alias - dojo.back
    • type
  • dojo.back.getHash

    • type
  • dojo.back.setHash

    • parameters:
      • h
    • type
  • window.frames.dj_history

    • type
  • dojo.back.goBack

    • alias - handleBackButton
  • dojo.back.goForward

    • alias - handleForwardButton
  • dojo.back.init

    • returns
      prevent reinit
    • summary
      Initializes the undo stack. This must be called from a <script>
      block that lives inside the <body> tag to prevent bugs on IE.
    • description
      Only call this method before the page's DOM is finished loading. Otherwise
      it will not work. Be careful with xdomain loading or djConfig.debugAtAllCosts scenarios,
      in order for this method to work, dojo.back will need to be part of a build layer.
    • type
  • dojo.back.setInitialState

    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof Object)
        See the addToHistory() function for the list of valid args properties.
    • summary
      Sets the state object and back callback for the very first page
      that is loaded.
    • description
      It is recommended that you call this method as part of an event
      listener that is registered via dojo.addOnLoad().
    • type
  • dojo.__backArgs

    • parameters:
      • kwArgs
    • type
  • dojo.back.addToHistory

    • parameters:
      • args: (typeof dojo.__backArgs)
    • summary
      adds a state object (args) to the history list.
    • description
      To support getting back button notifications, the object
      argument should implement a function called either "back",
      "backButton", or "handle". The string "back" will be passed as
      the first and only argument to this callback.
      To support getting forward button notifications, the object
      argument should implement a function called either "forward",
      "forwardButton", or "handle". The string "forward" will be
      passed as the first and only argument to this callback.
      If you want the browser location string to change, define "changeUrl" on the object. If the
      value of "changeUrl" is true, then a unique number will be appended to the URL as a fragment
      identifier (http://some.domain.com/path#uniquenumber). If it is any other value that does
      not evaluate to false, that value will be used as the fragment identifier. For example,
      if changeUrl: 'page1', then the URL will look like: http://some.domain.com/path#page1
      There are problems with using dojo.back with semantically-named fragment identifiers
      ("hash values" on an URL). In most browsers it will be hard for dojo.back to know
      distinguish a back from a forward event in those cases. For back/forward support to
      work best, the fragment ID should always be a unique value (something using new Date().getTime()
      for example). If you want to detect hash changes using semantic fragment IDs, then
      consider using dojo.hash instead (in Dojo 1.4+).
    • example
      		back: function(){ console.log('back pressed'); },
      		forward: function(){ console.log('forward pressed'); },
      		changeUrl: true
    • type
  • dojo.back._iframeLoaded

    • parameters:
      • evt
      • ifrLoc
    • summary
      private method. Do not call this directly.
    • type
  • dojo

    • type