
  • Provides:

    • dojox.xmpp.RosterService
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService

    • type
    • parameters:
      • xmppSession: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        this.session = xmppSession;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.addRosterItem

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
      • name: (typeof )
      • groups: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         throw new Error ("Roster::addRosterItem() - User ID is null");
        var iqId = this.session.getNextIqId();
        var req = {
         id: iqId,
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: "set"

        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));
        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'},false));
        jid = dojox.xmpp.util.encodeJid(jid);
        if (jid.indexOf('@')== -1){
         jid = jid + '@' + this.session.domain;


        if (groups){
         for (var i=0; i    request.append("");


        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.updateRosterItem

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
      • name: (typeof )
      • groups: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        if (jid.indexOf('@') == -1){
         jid += jid + '@' + this.session.domain;

        var req = {
         id: this.session.getNextIqId(),
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: "set"

        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));
        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'},false));

        var i = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);

        //item not found
        if (i==-1){return;}
        var item = {
        if(name){ = name;
        } else if(this.session.roster[i].name){ = this.session.roster[i].name;
        if( { = dojox.xmpp.util.xmlEncode(;

        var newGroups = groups ? groups : this.session.roster[i].groups;

        if (newGroups){
         for (var x=0;x    request.append("");


        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.verifyRoster

    • type
    • parameters:
      • res: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        if (res.getAttribute('type')=='result'){
         var err=this.session.processXmppError(res);
        return res;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.addRosterItemToGroup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
      • group: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!group) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var tgroups = [];

        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((item   if (item.groups[i]!=group){continue;}

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups.concat(group),index);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.removeRosterGroup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • group: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        var roster = this.session.roster;
        for(var i=0;i   var item = roster[i];
         if(item.groups.length > 0) {
          //var found = false;
          for(var j = 0;j < item.groups.length; j++) {
           if (item.groups[j]==group){
            this.updateRosterItem(item.jid,, item.groups);
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.renameRosterGroup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • group: (typeof )
      • newGroup: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        var roster = this.session.roster;
        for(var i=0;i   var item = roster[i];
         if(item.groups.length > 0) {
          //var found = false;
          for(var j = 0;j < item.groups.length; j++) {
           if (item.groups[j]==group){
            item.groups[j] = newGroup;
            this.updateRosterItem(item.jid,, item.groups);
          //  found=true;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.removeRosterItemFromGroup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
      • group: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!group) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((i   if (item.groups[i]!=group){continue;}
         index = i;

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.rosterItemRenameGroup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
      • oldGroup: (typeof )
      • newGroup: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::rosterItemRenameGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!newGroup) throw new Error("Roster::rosterItemRenameGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((i   if (item.groups[i]==oldGroup){
          item.groups[i] = newGroup;

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.renameRosterItem

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
      • newName: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!newName) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() New Name is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        return this.updateRosterItem(jid, newName, this.session.roster.groups,index);
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.removeRosterItem

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");

        var req={
         id: this.session.getNextIqId(),
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: 'set'
        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));

        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: "jabber:iq:roster"},false));

        if (jid.indexOf('@')== -1){
         jid += jid + '@' + this.session.domain;



        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.getAvatar

    • type
    • parameters:
      • jid: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.publishAvatar

    • type
    • parameters:
      • type: (typeof )
      • binval: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.onVerifyRoster

    • type
    • parameters:
      • id: (typeof )
    • source: [view]

      dojox.xmpp.roster = {
       ADDED: 101,
       CHANGED: 102,
       REMOVED: 103

      dojo.declare("dojox.xmpp.RosterService", null, {
       constructor: function(xmppSession){
        this.session = xmppSession;

       addRosterItem: function(jid, name, groups){
         throw new Error ("Roster::addRosterItem() - User ID is null");
        var iqId = this.session.getNextIqId();
        var req = {
         id: iqId,
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: "set"

        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));
        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'},false));
        jid = dojox.xmpp.util.encodeJid(jid);
        if (jid.indexOf('@')== -1){
         jid = jid + '@' + this.session.domain;


        if (groups){
         for (var i=0; i    request.append("");


        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;

       updateRosterItem: function(jid, name, groups){
        if (jid.indexOf('@') == -1){
         jid += jid + '@' + this.session.domain;

        var req = {
         id: this.session.getNextIqId(),
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: "set"

        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));
        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'},false));

        var i = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);

        //item not found
        if (i==-1){return;}
        var item = {
        if(name){ = name;
        } else if(this.session.roster[i].name){ = this.session.roster[i].name;
        if( { = dojox.xmpp.util.xmlEncode(;

        var newGroups = groups ? groups : this.session.roster[i].groups;

        if (newGroups){
         for (var x=0;x    request.append("");


        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;

       verifyRoster: function(res){
        if (res.getAttribute('type')=='result'){
         var err=this.session.processXmppError(res);
        return res;

       addRosterItemToGroup: function(jid, group){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!group) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var tgroups = [];

        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((item   if (item.groups[i]!=group){continue;}

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups.concat(group),index);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;

       removeRosterGroup: function(group) {
        var roster = this.session.roster;
        for(var i=0;i   var item = roster[i];
         if(item.groups.length > 0) {
          //var found = false;
          for(var j = 0;j < item.groups.length; j++) {
           if (item.groups[j]==group){
            this.updateRosterItem(item.jid,, item.groups);

       renameRosterGroup: function(group, newGroup) {
        var roster = this.session.roster;
        for(var i=0;i   var item = roster[i];
         if(item.groups.length > 0) {
          //var found = false;
          for(var j = 0;j < item.groups.length; j++) {
           if (item.groups[j]==group){
            item.groups[j] = newGroup;
            this.updateRosterItem(item.jid,, item.groups);
          //  found=true;

       removeRosterItemFromGroup: function(jid, group){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!group) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((i   if (item.groups[i]!=group){continue;}
         index = i;

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;

       rosterItemRenameGroup: function(jid, oldGroup, newGroup){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::rosterItemRenameGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!newGroup) throw new Error("Roster::rosterItemRenameGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((i   if (item.groups[i]==oldGroup){
          item.groups[i] = newGroup;

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;

       renameRosterItem: function(jid,newName){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!newName) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() New Name is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        return this.updateRosterItem(jid, newName, this.session.roster.groups,index);

       removeRosterItem: function(jid){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");

        var req={
         id: this.session.getNextIqId(),
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: 'set'
        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));

        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: "jabber:iq:roster"},false));

        if (jid.indexOf('@')== -1){
         jid += jid + '@' + this.session.domain;



        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;

       //Avatar functions...I removed this stuff for now..can we even do anything useful
       //with this data even if we have it?
       getAvatar: function(jid){

       publishAvatar: function(type,binval){



       onVerifyRoster: function(id){
        //console.log("Roster::onVerifyRoster() - ", id);
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.onVerifyRosterFailed

    • type
    • parameters:
      • err: (typeof )
    • source: [view]

      dojox.xmpp.roster = {
       ADDED: 101,
       CHANGED: 102,
       REMOVED: 103

      dojo.declare("dojox.xmpp.RosterService", null, {
       constructor: function(xmppSession){
        this.session = xmppSession;

       addRosterItem: function(jid, name, groups){
         throw new Error ("Roster::addRosterItem() - User ID is null");
        var iqId = this.session.getNextIqId();
        var req = {
         id: iqId,
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: "set"

        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));
        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'},false));
        jid = dojox.xmpp.util.encodeJid(jid);
        if (jid.indexOf('@')== -1){
         jid = jid + '@' + this.session.domain;


        if (groups){
         for (var i=0; i    request.append("");


        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;

       updateRosterItem: function(jid, name, groups){
        if (jid.indexOf('@') == -1){
         jid += jid + '@' + this.session.domain;

        var req = {
         id: this.session.getNextIqId(),
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: "set"

        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));
        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'},false));

        var i = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);

        //item not found
        if (i==-1){return;}
        var item = {
        if(name){ = name;
        } else if(this.session.roster[i].name){ = this.session.roster[i].name;
        if( { = dojox.xmpp.util.xmlEncode(;

        var newGroups = groups ? groups : this.session.roster[i].groups;

        if (newGroups){
         for (var x=0;x    request.append("");


        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;

       verifyRoster: function(res){
        if (res.getAttribute('type')=='result'){
         var err=this.session.processXmppError(res);
        return res;

       addRosterItemToGroup: function(jid, group){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!group) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var tgroups = [];

        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((item   if (item.groups[i]!=group){continue;}

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups.concat(group),index);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;

       removeRosterGroup: function(group) {
        var roster = this.session.roster;
        for(var i=0;i   var item = roster[i];
         if(item.groups.length > 0) {
          //var found = false;
          for(var j = 0;j < item.groups.length; j++) {
           if (item.groups[j]==group){
            this.updateRosterItem(item.jid,, item.groups);

       renameRosterGroup: function(group, newGroup) {
        var roster = this.session.roster;
        for(var i=0;i   var item = roster[i];
         if(item.groups.length > 0) {
          //var found = false;
          for(var j = 0;j < item.groups.length; j++) {
           if (item.groups[j]==group){
            item.groups[j] = newGroup;
            this.updateRosterItem(item.jid,, item.groups);
          //  found=true;

       removeRosterItemFromGroup: function(jid, group){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!group) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((i   if (item.groups[i]!=group){continue;}
         index = i;

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;

       rosterItemRenameGroup: function(jid, oldGroup, newGroup){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::rosterItemRenameGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!newGroup) throw new Error("Roster::rosterItemRenameGroup() group is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        var item = this.session.roster[index];
        var found = false;

        for (var i=0; ((i   if (item.groups[i]==oldGroup){
          item.groups[i] = newGroup;

         return this.updateRosterItem(jid,, item.groups);

        return dojox.xmpp.xmpp.INVALID_ID;

       renameRosterItem: function(jid,newName){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");
        if (!newName) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() New Name is null or undefined");

        var index = this.session.getRosterIndex(jid);
        if (index==-1){return;}

        return this.updateRosterItem(jid, newName, this.session.roster.groups,index);

       removeRosterItem: function(jid){
        if (!jid) throw new Error("Roster::addRosterItemToGroup() JID is null or undefined");

        var req={
         id: this.session.getNextIqId(),
         from: this.session.jid + "/" + this.session.resource,
         type: 'set'
        var request = new dojox.string.Builder(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("iq", req, false));

        request.append(dojox.xmpp.util.createElement("query",{xmlns: "jabber:iq:roster"},false));

        if (jid.indexOf('@')== -1){
         jid += jid + '@' + this.session.domain;



        var def = this.session.dispatchPacket(request.toString(),"iq",;
        def.addCallback(this, "verifyRoster");
        return def;

       //Avatar functions...I removed this stuff for now..can we even do anything useful
       //with this data even if we have it?
       getAvatar: function(jid){

       publishAvatar: function(type,binval){



       onVerifyRoster: function(id){
        //console.log("Roster::onVerifyRoster() - ", id);

       onVerifyRosterFailed: function(err){
        //console.log("onVerifyRosterFailed: ", err);
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.RosterService.session

    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.roster

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.roster.ADDED

    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.roster.CHANGED

    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp.roster.REMOVED

    • summary
  • dojox.xmpp

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary