Initialize properties
If 'converter' property is specified and is a string for a converter class, an instanceof the converter class is created.
Arguments to initialize properties object: A root object (or another Wire to access a root object) property: A dotted notation to a descendant property type: A type of the return value (for the source Wire)
A default root object
Return a value of an object
This method first determins a root object as follows: 1. If 'object' property specified, 1.1 If 'object' is a Wire, its getValue() method is called to obtain a root object. 1.2 Otherwise, use 'object' as a root object. 2. Otherwise, use 'defaultObject' argument. 3. If 'property' is specified, it is used to get a property value. Then, if a sub-class implements _getValue() method, it is called with the root object to get the return value. Otherwise, the root object (typically, a property valye) is used for the return value. Finally, if 'type' property is specified, the return value is converted to the specified primitive type ("string", "number", "boolean" and "array"). If 'converter' property is specified, its convert() method is called to convert the value.
A value found
anything (null, undefined, etc)|anything
A value to set
A default root object
Set a value to an object
This method first determins a root object as follows: 1. If 'object' property specified, 1.1 If 'object' is a Wire, its getValue() method is called to obtain a root object. 1.2 Otherwise, use 'object' as a root object. 2. Otherwise, use 'defaultObject' argument. 3. If 'property' is specified, it is used to get a property value. Then, if a sub-class implements _setValue() method, it is called with the root object and 'value' argument to set the value. Otherwise, 'value' is set to a property specified with 'property' property. If the root object is undefined and 'object' property is a Wire and a new object is created and returned by _setValue() it is set through 'object' (setValue() method).
A default root object
A property name
Return a property value of an object
A value for 'property' of 'object' is returned. If 'property' ends with an array index, it is used to indentify an element of an array property. If 'object' implements getPropertyValue(), it is called with 'property' to obtain the property value. If 'object' implements a getter for the property, it is called to obtain the property value.
A value found, otherwise 'undefined'
An object
A property name
A value to set
Set a property value to an object
'value' is set to 'property' of 'object'. If 'property' ends with an array index, it is used to indentify an element of an array property to set the value. If 'object' implements setPropertyValue(), it is called with 'property' and 'value' to set the property value. If 'object' implements a setter for the property, it is called with 'value' to set the property value.
target object to set the property of.
Function to detect if dijit.get support exists on the target
target object to set the property of.
Function to detect if dijit.set support exists on the target
target object to set the property of.
Function to detect if dijit.attr support exists on the target
converter object (or class name) to convert the return value (for the source Wire)