
  • Provides:

    • dojox.widget.BarGauge
  • Requires:

    • dojox.gfx in common
    • dojox.widget.gauge._Gauge in common
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator

    • type
    • chains:
      • dojox.widget.gauge._Indicator: (prototype)
      • dojox.widget.gauge._Indicator: (call)
    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.width

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator._getShapes

    • type
    • source: [view]
         return null;
        var v = this.value;
        if(v < this._gauge.min){v = this._gauge.min;}
        if(v > this._gauge.max){v = this._gauge.max;}
        var pos = this._gauge._getPosition(v);
        var shapes = [];
        if(this.width > 1){
         shapes[0] = this._gauge.surface.createRect({
          y:this._gauge.dataY + this.offset,
         shapes[0].setStroke({color: this.color});
         shapes[0] = this._gauge.surface.createLine({
          y1:this._gauge.dataY + this.offset,
          y2:this._gauge.dataY + this.offset + this.length
         shapes[0].setStroke({color: this.color});
        return shapes;
    • summary
      Private function for generating the shapes for this indicator. An indicator that behaves the
      same might override this one and simply replace the shapes (such as BarIndicator).
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.draw

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dontAnimate: (typeof Boolean)
        Indicates if the drawing should not be animated (vs. the default of doing an animation)
    • source: [view]
        var i;
          for(i=0; i     this._gauge.surface.remove(this.shapes[i]);
          this.shapes = null;
          this.text = null;

         this.color = this.color || '#000000';
         this.length = this.length || this._gauge.dataHeight;
         this.width = this.width || 3;
         this.offset = this.offset || 0;
         this.highlight = this.highlight || '#4D4D4D';
         this.highlight2 = this.highlight2 || '#A3A3A3';

         this.shapes = this._getShapes(this._gauge, this);
          var v = this.value;
          if(v < this._gauge.min){v = this._gauge.min;}
          if(v > this._gauge.max){v = this._gauge.max;}
          var pos = this._gauge._getPosition(v);
          this.text = this._gauge.drawText(''+this.label, pos, this._gauge.dataY + this.offset - 5, 'middle','top', this.color, this.font);

         for(i=0; i    if(this.hover){
          if(this.onDragMove && !this.noChange){
           this._gauge.connect(this.shapes[i].getEventSource(), 'onmousedown', this._gauge.handleMouseDown);
           this.shapes[i].getEventSource().style.cursor = 'pointer';
         this.currentValue = this.value;
    • summary
      Override of dojox.widget.gauge._Indicator.draw
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator._move

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dontAnimate: (typeof Boolean)
        Indicates if the drawing should not be animated (vs. the default of doing an animation)
    • source: [view]
        var v = this.value ;
        if(v < this.min){v = this.min;}
        if(v > this.max){v = this.max;}
        var c = this._gauge._getPosition(this.currentValue);
        this.currentValue = v;
        v = this._gauge._getPosition(v)-this._gauge.dataX;
         var anim = new dojo.Animation({curve: [c, v], duration: this.duration, easing: this.easing});
         dojo.connect(anim, "onAnimate", dojo.hitch(this, function(jump){
    • summary
      Moves this indicator (since it's already been drawn once)
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.shapes

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.text

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.color

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.length

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.offset

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.highlight

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.highlight2

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator.currentValue

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge

    • type
    • chains:
      • dojox.widget.gauge._Gauge: (prototype)
      • dojox.widget.gauge._Gauge: (call)
    • summary
      a bar graph built using the dojox.gfx package.
    • description
      using dojo.gfx (and thus either SVG or VML based on what is supported), this widget
      builds a bar graph component, used to display numerical data in a familiar format.
      <script type="text/javascript">
      <div 	dojoType="dojox.widget.BarGauge"
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.dataX

    • type
    • summary
      x position of data area (default 5)
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.dataY

    • type
    • summary
      y position of data area (default 5)
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.dataWidth

    • type
    • summary
      width of data area (default is bar graph width - 10)
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.dataHeight

    • type
    • summary
      height of data area (default is bar graph width - 10)
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge._defaultIndicator

    • type
    • summary
      of dojox.widget._Gauge._defaultIndicator
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.startup

    • type
    • source: [view]



       width: 1,
       _getShapes: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Private function for generating the shapes for this indicator. An indicator that behaves the
        //  same might override this one and simply replace the shapes (such as BarIndicator).
         return null;
        var v = this.value;
        if(v < this._gauge.min){v = this._gauge.min;}
        if(v > this._gauge.max){v = this._gauge.max;}
        var pos = this._gauge._getPosition(v);
        var shapes = [];
        if(this.width > 1){
         shapes[0] = this._gauge.surface.createRect({
          y:this._gauge.dataY + this.offset,
         shapes[0].setStroke({color: this.color});
         shapes[0] = this._gauge.surface.createLine({
          y1:this._gauge.dataY + this.offset,
          y2:this._gauge.dataY + this.offset + this.length
         shapes[0].setStroke({color: this.color});
        return shapes;
       draw: function(/*Boolean?*/ dontAnimate){
        // summary:
        //  Override of dojox.widget.gauge._Indicator.draw
        // dontAnimate: Boolean
        //  Indicates if the drawing should not be animated (vs. the default of doing an animation)
        var i;
          for(i=0; i     this._gauge.surface.remove(this.shapes[i]);
          this.shapes = null;
          this.text = null;

         this.color = this.color || '#000000';
         this.length = this.length || this._gauge.dataHeight;
         this.width = this.width || 3;
         this.offset = this.offset || 0;
         this.highlight = this.highlight || '#4D4D4D';
         this.highlight2 = this.highlight2 || '#A3A3A3';

         this.shapes = this._getShapes(this._gauge, this);
          var v = this.value;
          if(v < this._gauge.min){v = this._gauge.min;}
          if(v > this._gauge.max){v = this._gauge.max;}
          var pos = this._gauge._getPosition(v);
          this.text = this._gauge.drawText(''+this.label, pos, this._gauge.dataY + this.offset - 5, 'middle','top', this.color, this.font);

         for(i=0; i    if(this.hover){
          if(this.onDragMove && !this.noChange){
           this._gauge.connect(this.shapes[i].getEventSource(), 'onmousedown', this._gauge.handleMouseDown);
           this.shapes[i].getEventSource().style.cursor = 'pointer';
         this.currentValue = this.value;
       _move: function(/*Boolean?*/ dontAnimate){
        // summary:
        //  Moves this indicator (since it's already been drawn once)
        // dontAnimate: Boolean
        //  Indicates if the drawing should not be animated (vs. the default of doing an animation)
        var v = this.value ;
        if(v < this.min){v = this.min;}
        if(v > this.max){v = this.max;}
        var c = this._gauge._getPosition(this.currentValue);
        this.currentValue = v;
        v = this._gauge._getPosition(v)-this._gauge.dataX;
         var anim = new dojo.Animation({curve: [c, v], duration: this.duration, easing: this.easing});
         dojo.connect(anim, "onAnimate", dojo.hitch(this, function(jump){
       // summary:
       //  a bar graph built using the dojox.gfx package.
       // description:
       //  using dojo.gfx (and thus either SVG or VML based on what is supported), this widget
       //  builds a bar graph component, used to display numerical data in a familiar format.
       // usage:
       //  ...
       //    id="testBarGauge"
       //    barGaugeHeight="55"
       //    dataY="25"
       //    dataHeight="25"
       //    dataWidth="225">

       // dataX: Number
       // x position of data area (default 5)
       dataX: 5,

       // dataY: Number
       // y position of data area (default 5)
       dataY: 5,

       // dataWidth: Number
       // width of data area (default is bar graph width - 10)
       dataWidth: 0,

       // dataHeight: Number
       // height of data area (default is bar graph width - 10)
       dataHeight: 0,

       // _defaultIndicator: override of dojox.widget._Gauge._defaultIndicator
       _defaultIndicator: dojox.widget.gauge.BarLineIndicator,

       startup: function(){
        // handle settings from HTML by making sure all the options are
        // converted correctly to numbers
        // also connects mouse handling events

         dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ child.startup(); });

        if(!this.dataWidth){this.dataWidth = this.gaugeWidth - 10;}
        if(!this.dataHeight){this.dataHeight = this.gaugeHeight - 10;}

    • summary
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge._getPosition

    • type
    • parameters:
      • value: (typeof Number)
        A value to be converted to a position for this bar graph.
    • source: [view]
        return this.dataX + Math.floor((value - this.min)/(this.max - this.min)*this.dataWidth);
    • summary
      This is a helper function used to determine the position that represents
      a given value on the bar graph
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge._getValueForPosition

    • type
    • parameters:
      • pos: (typeof Number)
        A position to be converted to a value.
    • source: [view]
        return (pos - this.dataX)*(this.max - this.min)/this.dataWidth + this.min;
    • summary
      This is a helper function used to determine the value represented by
      a position on the bar graph
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.draw

    • type
    • source: [view]

        var i;
         for(i=0; i    this.drawRange(this._rangeData[i]);
         if(this._img && this.image.overlay){
         for(i=0; i    this._indicatorData[i].draw();
    • summary
      This function is used to draw (or redraw) the bar graph
    • description
      Draws the bar graph by drawing the surface, the ranges, and the indicators.
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.drawRange

    • type
    • parameters:
      • range: (typeof Object)
        A range is either a dojox.widget.gauge.Range or an object
        with similar parameters (low, high, hover, etc.).
    • source: [view]
         range.shape = null;

        var x1 = this._getPosition(range.low);
        var x2 = this._getPosition(range.high);
        var path = this.surface.createRect({x:x1,
        if(dojo.isArray(range.color) || dojo.isString(range.color)){
         path.setStroke({color: range.color});
        }else if(range.color.type){
         // Color is a gradient
         var y = this.dataY + this.dataHeight/2;
         range.color.x1 = x1;
         range.color.x2 = x2;
         range.color.y1 = y;
         range.color.y2 = y;
         path.setStroke({color: range.color.colors[0].color});
         // We've defined a style rather than an explicit color
         path.setStroke({color: "green"}); // Arbitrary color, just have to indicate
         path.setFill("green");    // that we want it filled
        range.shape = path;
    • summary
      This function is used to draw (or redraw) a range
    • description
      Draws a range (colored area on the background of the gauge)
      based on the given arguments.
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge.getRangeUnderMouse

    • type
    • parameters:
      • event: (typeof Object)
        The event object as received by the mouse handling functions below.
    • source: [view]
        var range = null;
        var pos = dojo.coords(this.gaugeContent);
        var x = event.clientX - pos.x;
        var value = this._getValueForPosition(x);
         for(var i=0; (i    if((Number(this._rangeData[i].low) <= value) && (Number(this._rangeData[i].high) >= value)){
           range = this._rangeData[i];
        return range;
    • summary
      Determines which range the mouse is currently over
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge._dragIndicator

    • type
    • parameters:
      • widget: (typeof Object)
      • event: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
        var pos = dojo.coords(widget.gaugeContent);
        var x = event.clientX - pos.x;
        var value = widget._getValueForPosition(x);
        if(value < widget.min){value = widget.min;}
        if(value > widget.max){value = widget.max;}
        // update the indicator
        widget._drag.value = value;
        // callback
        // redraw/move indicator(s)
    • summary
      Handles the dragging of an indicator, including moving/re-drawing
      get new value based on mouse position
  • dojox.widget

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary