
  • Provides:

    • dojox.rpc.OfflineRest
  • dojox.rpc.OfflineRest

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.rpc.OfflineRest.turnOffAutoSync

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.rpc.OfflineRest.sync

    • summary
  • dojox.rpc.OfflineRest.sendChanges

    • summary
  • dojox.rpc.OfflineRest.downloadChanges

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.rpc.OfflineRest.addStore

    • type
    • parameters:
      • store: (typeof data-store)
        Store to add
      • baseQuery: (typeof query)
        This is the base query to should be used to load the items for
        the store. Generally you want to load all the items that should be
        available when offline.
    • source: [view]
          store._localBaseResults = results;
          store._localBaseFetch = args;
    • summary
      Adds a store to the monitored store for local storage
  • getStorageKey

    • type
    • parameters:
      • key: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/rpc/OfflineRest", ["dojo", "dojox", "dojox/data/ClientFilter", "dojox/rpc/Rest", "dojox/storage"], function(dojo, dojox) {
      // summary:
      //   Makes the REST service be able to store changes in local
      //   storage so it can be used offline automatically.
       var Rest = dojox.rpc.Rest;
       var namespace = "dojox_rpc_OfflineRest";
       var loaded;
       var index = Rest._index;{
        // now that we are loaded we need to save everything in the index
        loaded =;
        for(var i in index){
         saveObject(index[i], i);
       var dontSave;
       function getStorageKey(key){
        // returns a key that is safe to use in storage
        return key.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/g,'_');
    • summary
  • saveObject

    • type
    • parameters:
      • object: (typeof )
      • id: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/rpc/OfflineRest", ["dojo", "dojox", "dojox/data/ClientFilter", "dojox/rpc/Rest", "dojox/storage"], function(dojo, dojox) {
      // summary:
      //   Makes the REST service be able to store changes in local
      //   storage so it can be used offline automatically.
       var Rest = dojox.rpc.Rest;
       var namespace = "dojox_rpc_OfflineRest";
       var loaded;
       var index = Rest._index;{
        // now that we are loaded we need to save everything in the index
        loaded =;
        for(var i in index){
         saveObject(index[i], i);
       var dontSave;
       function getStorageKey(key){
        // returns a key that is safe to use in storage
        return key.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/g,'_');
       function saveObject(object,id){
        // save the object into local storage

        if(loaded && !dontSave && (id || (object && object.__id))){
           typeof object=='object'?dojox.json.ref.toJson(object):object, // makeshift technique to determine if the object is json object or not
    • summary
  • isNetworkError

    • type
    • parameters:
      • error: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/rpc/OfflineRest", ["dojo", "dojox", "dojox/data/ClientFilter", "dojox/rpc/Rest", "dojox/storage"], function(dojo, dojox) {
      // summary:
      //   Makes the REST service be able to store changes in local
      //   storage so it can be used offline automatically.
       var Rest = dojox.rpc.Rest;
       var namespace = "dojox_rpc_OfflineRest";
       var loaded;
       var index = Rest._index;{
        // now that we are loaded we need to save everything in the index
        loaded =;
        for(var i in index){
         saveObject(index[i], i);
       var dontSave;
       function getStorageKey(key){
        // returns a key that is safe to use in storage
        return key.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/g,'_');
       function saveObject(object,id){
        // save the object into local storage

        if(loaded && !dontSave && (id || (object && object.__id))){
           typeof object=='object'?dojox.json.ref.toJson(object):object, // makeshift technique to determine if the object is json object or not
       function isNetworkError(error){
        // determine if the error was a network error and should be saved offline
        //  or if it was a server error and not a result of offline-ness
        return error instanceof Error && (error.status == 503 || error.status > 12000 || !error.status); // TODO: Make the right error determination
    • returns
      TODO: Make the right error determination
    • summary
  • sendChanges

    • type
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/rpc/OfflineRest", ["dojo", "dojox", "dojox/data/ClientFilter", "dojox/rpc/Rest", "dojox/storage"], function(dojo, dojox) {
      // summary:
      //   Makes the REST service be able to store changes in local
      //   storage so it can be used offline automatically.
       var Rest = dojox.rpc.Rest;
       var namespace = "dojox_rpc_OfflineRest";
       var loaded;
       var index = Rest._index;{
        // now that we are loaded we need to save everything in the index
        loaded =;
        for(var i in index){
         saveObject(index[i], i);
       var dontSave;
       function getStorageKey(key){
        // returns a key that is safe to use in storage
        return key.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/g,'_');
       function saveObject(object,id){
        // save the object into local storage

        if(loaded && !dontSave && (id || (object && object.__id))){
           typeof object=='object'?dojox.json.ref.toJson(object):object, // makeshift technique to determine if the object is json object or not
       function isNetworkError(error){
        // determine if the error was a network error and should be saved offline
        //  or if it was a server error and not a result of offline-ness
        return error instanceof Error && (error.status == 503 || error.status > 12000 || !error.status); // TODO: Make the right error determination
       function sendChanges(){
        // periodical try to save our dirty data
         var dirty ="dirty",namespace);
          for (var dirtyId in dirty){
    • returns
      TODO: Make the right error determination
    • summary
  • sync

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • Rest._get

    • type
    • parameters:
      • service: (typeof )
      • id: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/rpc/OfflineRest", ["dojo", "dojox", "dojox/data/ClientFilter", "dojox/rpc/Rest", "dojox/storage"], function(dojo, dojox) {
      // summary:
      //   Makes the REST service be able to store changes in local
      //   storage so it can be used offline automatically.
       var Rest = dojox.rpc.Rest;
       var namespace = "dojox_rpc_OfflineRest";
       var loaded;
       var index = Rest._index;{
        // now that we are loaded we need to save everything in the index
        loaded =;
        for(var i in index){
         saveObject(index[i], i);
       var dontSave;
       function getStorageKey(key){
        // returns a key that is safe to use in storage
        return key.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/g,'_');
       function saveObject(object,id){
        // save the object into local storage

        if(loaded && !dontSave && (id || (object && object.__id))){
           typeof object=='object'?dojox.json.ref.toJson(object):object, // makeshift technique to determine if the object is json object or not
       function isNetworkError(error){
        // determine if the error was a network error and should be saved offline
        //  or if it was a server error and not a result of offline-ness
        return error instanceof Error && (error.status == 503 || error.status > 12000 || !error.status); // TODO: Make the right error determination
       function sendChanges(){
        // periodical try to save our dirty data
         var dirty ="dirty",namespace);
          for (var dirtyId in dirty){
       var OfflineRest;
       function sync(){
       var syncId = setInterval(sync,15000);
       dojo.connect(document, "ononline", sync);
       OfflineRest = dojox.rpc.OfflineRest = {
        turnOffAutoSync: function(){
        sync: sync,
        sendChanges: sendChanges,
        downloadChanges: function(){

        addStore: function(/*data-store*/store,/*query?*/baseQuery){
         // summary:
         //  Adds a store to the monitored store for local storage
         // store:
         //  Store to add
         // baseQuery:
         //  This is the base query to should be used to load the items for
         //  the store. Generally you want to load all the items that should be
         //  available when offline.
          store._localBaseResults = results;
          store._localBaseFetch = args;

       OfflineRest.stores = [];
       var defaultGet = Rest._get;
       Rest._get = function(service, id){
        // We specifically do NOT want the paging information to be used by the default handler,
        // this is because online apps want to minimize the data transfer,
        // but an offline app wants the opposite, as much data as possible transferred to
        // the client side
         // if we are reloading the application with local dirty data in an online environment
         // we want to make sure we save the changes first, so that we get up-to-date
         // information from the server
         if(window.navigator && navigator.onLine===false){
          // we force an error if we are offline in firefox, otherwise it will silently load it from the cache
          throw new Error();
         var dfd = defaultGet(service, id);
         dfd = new dojo.Deferred();
        var sync = dojox.rpc._sync;
         saveObject(result, service._getRequest(id).url);
         return result;
          // if the storage is loaded, we can go ahead and get the object out of storage
           var loadedObjects = {};
           // network error, load from local storage
           var byId = function(id,backup){
             return backup;
            var result = dojo.fromJson(,namespace)) || backup;

            loadedObjects[id] = result;
            for(var i in result){
             var val = result[i]; // resolve references if we can
             id = val && val.$ref;
             if (id){
              if(id.substring && id.substring(0,4) == "cid:"){
               // strip the cid scheme, we should be able to resolve it locally
               id = id.substring(4);
              result[i] = byId(id,val);
            if (result instanceof Array){
             //remove any deleted items
             for (i = 0;i        if (result[i]===undefined){
            return result;
           dontSave = true; // we don't want to be resaving objects when loading from local storage
           //TODO: Should this reuse something from dojox.rpc.Rest
           var result = byId(service._getRequest(id).url);

           if(!result){// if it is not found we have to just return the error
            return error;
           dontSave = false;
           return result;
           return error; // server error, let the error propagate
           return new Error("Storage manager not loaded, can not continue");
          // we are not loaded, so we need to defer until we are loaded
          dfd = new dojo.Deferred();
          return dfd;
        return dfd;
    • returns
      TODO: Make the right error determination|if it is not found we have to just return the error|server error, let the error propagate
    • summary
  • changeOccurred

    • type
    • parameters:
      • method: (typeof )
      • absoluteId: (typeof )
      • contentId: (typeof )
      • serializedContent: (typeof )
      • service: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         // both put and post should store the actual object, serializedContent, function(){
        var store = service && service._store;
        // record all the updated queries
         store.updateResultSet(store._localBaseResults, store._localBaseFetch);,dojox.json.ref.toJson(store._localBaseResults),function(){

    • summary
  • Rest._change

    • type
    • parameters:
      • method: (typeof )
      • service: (typeof )
      • id: (typeof )
      • serializedContent: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return defaultChange.apply(this,arguments);
        var absoluteId = service._getRequest(id).url;
        changeOccurred(method, absoluteId, dojox.rpc.JsonRest._contentId, serializedContent, service);
        var dirty ="dirty",namespace) || {};
        if (method=='put' || method=='delete'){
         // these supersede so we can overwrite anything using this id
         var dirtyId = absoluteId;
         dirtyId = 0;
         for (var i in dirty){
           dirtyId = i;
         } // get the last dirtyId to make a unique id for non-idempotent methods
        dirty[dirtyId] = {method:method,id:absoluteId,content:serializedContent};
        return commitDirty(dirtyId,dirty);
    • chains:
      • defaultChange: (call)
    • summary
  • commitDirty

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dirtyId: (typeof )
      • dirty: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        var dirtyItem = dirty[dirtyId];
        var serviceAndId = dojox.rpc.JsonRest.getServiceAndId(;
        var deferred = defaultChange(dirtyItem.method,serviceAndId.service,,dirtyItem.content);
        // add it to our list of dirty objects
        dirty[dirtyId] = dirtyItem;"dirty",dirty,function(){},namespace);
         if (isNetworkError(result)){
          // if a network error (offlineness) was the problem, we leave it
          // dirty, and return to indicate successfulness
          return null;
         // it was successful or the server rejected it, we remove it from the dirty list
         var dirty ="dirty",namespace) || {};
         delete dirty[dirtyId];"dirty",dirty,function(){},namespace);
         return result;
        return deferred;
    • summary
  • Rest

    • summary
  • namespace

    • summary
  • index

    • summary
  • loaded

    • summary
  • syncId

    • summary
  • OfflineRest

    • summary
  • OfflineRest.stores

    • summary
  • defaultGet

    • summary
  • channel

    • summary
  • method

    • summary
  • service

    • summary
  • defaultChange

    • summary
  • dojox.rpc

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary