
  • Provides:

    • dojo.robot
  • doh.robot._resolveNode

    • type
    • parameters:
      • n: (typeof String||DOMNode||Function)
    • source: [view]
        if(typeof n == "function"){
         // if the user passed a function returning a node, evaluate it
         n = n();
        return n? dojo.byId(n) : null;
    • summary
  • doh.robot._scrollIntoView

    • type
    • parameters:
      • n: (typeof Node)
    • source: [view]
      define("dojo/robot", ["dojo", "doh/robot", "dojo/window"], function(dojo) {


      // users who use doh+dojo get the added convenience of dojo.mouseMoveAt,
      // instead of computing the absolute coordinates of their elements themselves

       _resolveNode: function(/*String||DOMNode||Function*/ n){
        if(typeof n == "function"){
         // if the user passed a function returning a node, evaluate it
         n = n();
        return n? dojo.byId(n) : null;

       _scrollIntoView: function(/*Node*/ n){
        // scrolls the passed node into view, scrolling all ancester frames/windows as well.
        // Assumes parent iframes can be made fully visible given the current browser window size
        var d = dojo,
         dr = doh.robot,
         p = null;
        d.forEach(dr._getWindowChain(n), function(w){
         d.withGlobal(w, function(){
          // get the position of the node wrt its parent window
          // if it is a parent frame, its padding and border extents will get added in
          var p2 = d.position(n, false),
           b = d._getPadBorderExtents(n),
           oldp = null;
          // if p2 is the position of the original passed node, store the position away as p
          // otherwise, node is actually an iframe. in this case, add the iframe's position wrt its parent window and also the iframe's padding and border extents
           p = p2;
           oldp = p;
           p = {x: p.x+p2.x+b.l,
            y: p.y+p2.y+b.t,
            w: p.w,
            h: p.h};

          // scroll the parent window so that the node translated into the parent window's coordinate space is in view
          // adjust position for the new scroll offsets
          p2 = d.position(n, false);
           p = p2;
           p = {x: oldp.x+p2.x+b.l,
            y: oldp.y+p2.y+b.t,
            w: p.w,
            h: p.h};
          // get the parent iframe so it can be scrolled too
          n = w.frameElement;
    • summary
  • doh.robot._position

    • type
    • parameters:
      • n: (typeof Node)
    • source: [view]
      define("dojo/robot", ["dojo", "doh/robot", "dojo/window"], function(dojo) {


      // users who use doh+dojo get the added convenience of dojo.mouseMoveAt,
      // instead of computing the absolute coordinates of their elements themselves

       _resolveNode: function(/*String||DOMNode||Function*/ n){
        if(typeof n == "function"){
         // if the user passed a function returning a node, evaluate it
         n = n();
        return n? dojo.byId(n) : null;

       _scrollIntoView: function(/*Node*/ n){
        // scrolls the passed node into view, scrolling all ancester frames/windows as well.
        // Assumes parent iframes can be made fully visible given the current browser window size
        var d = dojo,
         dr = doh.robot,
         p = null;
        d.forEach(dr._getWindowChain(n), function(w){
         d.withGlobal(w, function(){
          // get the position of the node wrt its parent window
          // if it is a parent frame, its padding and border extents will get added in
          var p2 = d.position(n, false),
           b = d._getPadBorderExtents(n),
           oldp = null;
          // if p2 is the position of the original passed node, store the position away as p
          // otherwise, node is actually an iframe. in this case, add the iframe's position wrt its parent window and also the iframe's padding and border extents
           p = p2;
           oldp = p;
           p = {x: p.x+p2.x+b.l,
            y: p.y+p2.y+b.t,
            w: p.w,
            h: p.h};

          // scroll the parent window so that the node translated into the parent window's coordinate space is in view
          // adjust position for the new scroll offsets
          p2 = d.position(n, false);
           p = p2;
           p = {x: oldp.x+p2.x+b.l,
            y: oldp.y+p2.y+b.t,
            w: p.w,
            h: p.h};
          // get the parent iframe so it can be scrolled too
          n = w.frameElement;

       _position: function(/*Node*/ n){
        // Returns the dojo.position of the passed node wrt the passed window's viewport,
        // following any parent iframes containing the node and clipping the node to each iframe.
        // precondition: _scrollIntoView already called
        var d = dojo, p = null, M = Math.max, m = Math.min;
        // p: the returned position of the node
        d.forEach(doh.robot._getWindowChain(n), function(w){
         d.withGlobal(w, function(){
          // get the position of the node wrt its parent window
          // if it is a parent frame, its padding and border extents will get added in
          var p2 = d.position(n, false), b = d._getPadBorderExtents(n);
          // if p2 is the position of the original passed node, store the position away as p
          // otherwise, node is actually an iframe. in this case, add the iframe's position wrt its parent window and also the iframe's padding and border extents
           p = p2;
           var view;
           p2.r = p2.x+view.w;
           p2.b = p2.y+view.h;
           p = {x: M(p.x+p2.x,p2.x)+b.l, // clip left edge of node wrt the iframe
            y: M(p.y+p2.y,p2.y)+b.t, // top edge
            r: m(p.x+p2.x+p.w,p2.r)+b.l, // right edge (to compute width)
            b: m(p.y+p2.y+p.h,p2.b)+b.t}; // bottom edge (to compute height)
           // save a few bytes by computing width and height from r and b
           p.w = p.r-p.x;
           p.h = p.b-p.y;
          // the new node is now the old node's parent iframe
        return p;
    • summary
  • doh.robot._getWindowChain

    • type
    • parameters:
      • n: (typeof Node)
    • source: [view]
      define("dojo/robot", ["dojo", "doh/robot", "dojo/window"], function(dojo) {


      // users who use doh+dojo get the added convenience of dojo.mouseMoveAt,
      // instead of computing the absolute coordinates of their elements themselves

       _resolveNode: function(/*String||DOMNode||Function*/ n){
        if(typeof n == "function"){
         // if the user passed a function returning a node, evaluate it
         n = n();
        return n? dojo.byId(n) : null;

       _scrollIntoView: function(/*Node*/ n){
        // scrolls the passed node into view, scrolling all ancester frames/windows as well.
        // Assumes parent iframes can be made fully visible given the current browser window size
        var d = dojo,
         dr = doh.robot,
         p = null;
        d.forEach(dr._getWindowChain(n), function(w){
         d.withGlobal(w, function(){
          // get the position of the node wrt its parent window
          // if it is a parent frame, its padding and border extents will get added in
          var p2 = d.position(n, false),
           b = d._getPadBorderExtents(n),
           oldp = null;
          // if p2 is the position of the original passed node, store the position away as p
          // otherwise, node is actually an iframe. in this case, add the iframe's position wrt its parent window and also the iframe's padding and border extents
           p = p2;
           oldp = p;
           p = {x: p.x+p2.x+b.l,
            y: p.y+p2.y+b.t,
            w: p.w,
            h: p.h};

          // scroll the parent window so that the node translated into the parent window's coordinate space is in view
          // adjust position for the new scroll offsets
          p2 = d.position(n, false);
           p = p2;
           p = {x: oldp.x+p2.x+b.l,
            y: oldp.y+p2.y+b.t,
            w: p.w,
            h: p.h};
          // get the parent iframe so it can be scrolled too
          n = w.frameElement;

       _position: function(/*Node*/ n){
        // Returns the dojo.position of the passed node wrt the passed window's viewport,
        // following any parent iframes containing the node and clipping the node to each iframe.
        // precondition: _scrollIntoView already called
        var d = dojo, p = null, M = Math.max, m = Math.min;
        // p: the returned position of the node
        d.forEach(doh.robot._getWindowChain(n), function(w){
         d.withGlobal(w, function(){
          // get the position of the node wrt its parent window
          // if it is a parent frame, its padding and border extents will get added in
          var p2 = d.position(n, false), b = d._getPadBorderExtents(n);
          // if p2 is the position of the original passed node, store the position away as p
          // otherwise, node is actually an iframe. in this case, add the iframe's position wrt its parent window and also the iframe's padding and border extents
           p = p2;
           var view;
           p2.r = p2.x+view.w;
           p2.b = p2.y+view.h;
           p = {x: M(p.x+p2.x,p2.x)+b.l, // clip left edge of node wrt the iframe
            y: M(p.y+p2.y,p2.y)+b.t, // top edge
            r: m(p.x+p2.x+p.w,p2.r)+b.l, // right edge (to compute width)
            b: m(p.y+p2.y+p.h,p2.b)+b.t}; // bottom edge (to compute height)
           // save a few bytes by computing width and height from r and b
           p.w = p.r-p.x;
           p.h = p.b-p.y;
          // the new node is now the old node's parent iframe
        return p;

       _getWindowChain : function(/*Node*/ n){
        // Returns an array of windows starting from the passed node's parent window and ending at dojo's window
        var cW = dojo.window.get(n.ownerDocument);
        var arr=[cW];
        var f = cW.frameElement;
        return (cW == || f == null)? arr : arr.concat(doh.robot._getWindowChain(f));
    • summary
  • doh.robot.scrollIntoView

    • type
    • parameters:
      • node: (typeof String||DOMNode||Function)
        The id of the node, or the node itself, to move the mouse to.
        If you pass an id or a function that returns a node, the node will not be evaluated until the movement executes.
        This is useful if you need to move the mouse to an node that is not yet present.
      • delay: (typeof Number, optional)
        Delay, in milliseconds, to wait before firing.
        The delay is a delta with respect to the previous automation call.
    • source: [view]
        }, delay);
    • summary
      Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not.
  • doh.robot.mouseMoveAt

    • type
    • parameters:
      • node: (typeof String||DOMNode||Function)
        The id of the node, or the node itself, to move the mouse to.
        If you pass an id or a function that returns a node, the node will not be evaluated until the movement executes.
        This is useful if you need to move the mouse to an node that is not yet present.
      • delay: (typeof Integer, optional)
        Delay, in milliseconds, to wait before firing.
        The delay is a delta with respect to the previous automation call.
        For example, the following code ends after 600ms:
        doh.robot.mouseClick({left:true}, 100) // first call; wait 100ms
        doh.robot.typeKeys("dij", 500) // 500ms AFTER previous call; 600ms in all
      • duration: (typeof Integer, optional)
        Approximate time Robot will spend moving the mouse
        The default is 100ms.
      • offsetX: (typeof Number, optional)
        x offset relative to the node, in pixels, to move the mouse. The default is half the node's width.
      • offsetY: (typeof Number, optional)
        y offset relative to the node, in pixels, to move the mouse. The default is half the node's height.
    • source: [view]
        duration = duration||100;
         var pos = doh.robot._position(node);
         if(offsetY === undefined){
         var x = pos.x+offsetX;
         var y = pos.y+offsetY;
         doh.robot._mouseMove(x, y, false, duration);
        }, delay, duration);
    • summary
      Moves the mouse over the specified node at the specified relative x,y offset.
    • description
      Moves the mouse over the specified node at the specified relative x,y offset.
      If you do not specify an offset, mouseMove will default to move to the middle of the node.
      Example: to move the mouse over a ComboBox's down arrow node, call doh.mouseMoveAt(dijit.byId('setvaluetest').downArrowNode);
  • dojo.robot

    • type
    • summary
  • dojo

    • type
    • summary