
  • Provides:

    • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode
  • Requires:

    • dojox.mdnd.AreaManager in common
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode

    • type
    • summary
      Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
      Default class to find the nearest target.
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode._oldXPoint

    • type
    • summary
      used to save a X position
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode._oldYPoint

    • type
    • summary
      used to save a Y position
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode._oldBehaviour

    • type
    • summary
      see <getDragPoint>
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.addArea

    • type
    • parameters:
      • areas: (typeof Array)
        array of areas
      • object: (typeof Object)
        data type of a DndArea
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array
    • summary
      Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.updateAreas

    • type
    • parameters:
      • areaList: (typeof Array)
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
    • summary
      Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
      Algorithm :
      the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
      central point between two contiguous areas.
      If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode._updateArea

    • type
    • parameters:
      • area: (typeof Object)
        the DnD area
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;

       _updateArea : function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
        // area:
        //  the DnD area
        // tags:
        //  protected

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: _updateArea");
        var position = dojo.position(area.node, true);
        area.coords.x = position.x;
        area.coords.y = position.y;
    • summary
      update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.initItems

    • type
    • parameters:
      • area: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;

       _updateArea : function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
        // area:
        //  the DnD area
        // tags:
        //  protected

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: _updateArea");
        var position = dojo.position(area.node, true);
        area.coords.x = position.x;
        area.coords.y = position.y;

       initItems: function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  initialize the horizontal line in order to determinate the drop zone.
        // area:
        //  the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initItems");
        dojo.forEach(area.items, function(obj){
         //get the vertical middle of the item
         var node = obj.item.node;
         var position = dojo.position(node, true);
         var y = position.y + position.h/2;
         obj.y = y;
        area.initItems = true;
    • summary
      initialize the horizontal line in order to determinate the drop zone.
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.refreshItems

    • type
    • parameters:
      • area: (typeof Object)
        a DnD area object
      • indexItem: (typeof Integer)
        index of a draggable item
      • size: (typeof Object)
        dropIndicator size
      • added: (typeof Boolean)
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;

       _updateArea : function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
        // area:
        //  the DnD area
        // tags:
        //  protected

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: _updateArea");
        var position = dojo.position(area.node, true);
        area.coords.x = position.x;
        area.coords.y = position.y;

       initItems: function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  initialize the horizontal line in order to determinate the drop zone.
        // area:
        //  the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initItems");
        dojo.forEach(area.items, function(obj){
         //get the vertical middle of the item
         var node = obj.item.node;
         var position = dojo.position(node, true);
         var y = position.y + position.h/2;
         obj.y = y;
        area.initItems = true;

       refreshItems: function(/*Object*/area, /*Integer*/indexItem, /*Object*/size, /*Boolean*/added){
        // summary:
        //  take into account the drop indicator DOM element in order to compute horizontal lines
        // area:
        //  a DnD area object
        // indexItem:
        //   index of a draggable item
        // size:
        //  dropIndicator size
        // added:
        //  boolean to know if a dropIndicator has been added or deleted

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: refreshItems");
        if (indexItem == -1) {
        }else if(area && size && size.h){
         var height = size.h;
         if (area.margin){
          height += area.margin.t;
         var length = area.items.length;
         for (var i=indexItem; i    var item = area.items[i];
          if (added) {
           item.y += height;
           item.y -= height;
    • summary
      take into account the drop indicator DOM element in order to compute horizontal lines
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.getDragPoint

    • type
    • parameters:
      • coords: (typeof Object)
        an object encapsulating X and Y position
      • size: (typeof Object)
        an object encapsulating width and height values
      • mousePosition: (typeof Object)
        coordinates of mouse
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;

       _updateArea : function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
        // area:
        //  the DnD area
        // tags:
        //  protected

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: _updateArea");
        var position = dojo.position(area.node, true);
        area.coords.x = position.x;
        area.coords.y = position.y;

       initItems: function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  initialize the horizontal line in order to determinate the drop zone.
        // area:
        //  the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initItems");
        dojo.forEach(area.items, function(obj){
         //get the vertical middle of the item
         var node = obj.item.node;
         var position = dojo.position(node, true);
         var y = position.y + position.h/2;
         obj.y = y;
        area.initItems = true;

       refreshItems: function(/*Object*/area, /*Integer*/indexItem, /*Object*/size, /*Boolean*/added){
        // summary:
        //  take into account the drop indicator DOM element in order to compute horizontal lines
        // area:
        //  a DnD area object
        // indexItem:
        //   index of a draggable item
        // size:
        //  dropIndicator size
        // added:
        //  boolean to know if a dropIndicator has been added or deleted

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: refreshItems");
        if (indexItem == -1) {
        }else if(area && size && size.h){
         var height = size.h;
         if (area.margin){
          height += area.margin.t;
         var length = area.items.length;
         for (var i=indexItem; i    var item = area.items[i];
          if (added) {
           item.y += height;
           item.y -= height;

       getDragPoint: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size, /*Object*/mousePosition){
        // summary:
        //  return coordinates of the draggable item
        // description:
        //  return for:
        //    - X point : the middle
        //    - Y point : search if the user goes up or goes down with his mouse.
        //    - Up : top of the draggable item
        //    - Down : bottom of the draggable item
        // coords:
        //  an object encapsulating X and Y position
        // size:
        //  an object encapsulating width and height values
        // mousePosition:
        //  coordinates of mouse
        // returns:
        //  an object of coordinates
        //   example : {'x':10,'y':10}

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getDragPoint");
        var y = coords.y;
        if (this._oldYPoint){
         if (y > this._oldYPoint) {
          this._oldBehaviour = "down";
          y += size.h;
          if (y <= this._oldYPoint) {
           this._oldBehaviour = "up";
        this._oldYPoint = y;
        return {
         'x': coords.x + (size.w / 2),
         'y': y
         }; // Object
    • summary
      return coordinates of the draggable item
    • description
      return for:
      - X point : the middle
      - Y point : search if the user goes up or goes down with his mouse.
      - Up : top of the draggable item
      - Down : bottom of the draggable item
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.getTargetArea

    • type
    • parameters:
      • areaList: (typeof Array)
        a list of DnD areas objects
      • coords: (typeof Object)
        coordinates [x,y] of the dragItem
      • currentIndexArea: (typeof integer)
        an index representing the active DnD area
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;

       _updateArea : function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
        // area:
        //  the DnD area
        // tags:
        //  protected

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: _updateArea");
        var position = dojo.position(area.node, true);
        area.coords.x = position.x;
        area.coords.y = position.y;

       initItems: function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  initialize the horizontal line in order to determinate the drop zone.
        // area:
        //  the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initItems");
        dojo.forEach(area.items, function(obj){
         //get the vertical middle of the item
         var node = obj.item.node;
         var position = dojo.position(node, true);
         var y = position.y + position.h/2;
         obj.y = y;
        area.initItems = true;

       refreshItems: function(/*Object*/area, /*Integer*/indexItem, /*Object*/size, /*Boolean*/added){
        // summary:
        //  take into account the drop indicator DOM element in order to compute horizontal lines
        // area:
        //  a DnD area object
        // indexItem:
        //   index of a draggable item
        // size:
        //  dropIndicator size
        // added:
        //  boolean to know if a dropIndicator has been added or deleted

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: refreshItems");
        if (indexItem == -1) {
        }else if(area && size && size.h){
         var height = size.h;
         if (area.margin){
          height += area.margin.t;
         var length = area.items.length;
         for (var i=indexItem; i    var item = area.items[i];
          if (added) {
           item.y += height;
           item.y -= height;

       getDragPoint: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size, /*Object*/mousePosition){
        // summary:
        //  return coordinates of the draggable item
        // description:
        //  return for:
        //    - X point : the middle
        //    - Y point : search if the user goes up or goes down with his mouse.
        //    - Up : top of the draggable item
        //    - Down : bottom of the draggable item
        // coords:
        //  an object encapsulating X and Y position
        // size:
        //  an object encapsulating width and height values
        // mousePosition:
        //  coordinates of mouse
        // returns:
        //  an object of coordinates
        //   example : {'x':10,'y':10}

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getDragPoint");
        var y = coords.y;
        if (this._oldYPoint){
         if (y > this._oldYPoint) {
          this._oldBehaviour = "down";
          y += size.h;
          if (y <= this._oldYPoint) {
           this._oldBehaviour = "up";
        this._oldYPoint = y;
        return {
         'x': coords.x + (size.w / 2),
         'y': y
         }; // Object

       getTargetArea: function(/*Array*/areaList, /*Object*/ coords, /*integer*/currentIndexArea ){
        // summary:
        //  get the nearest DnD area.
        //  Coordinates are basically provided by the method.
        // areaList:
        //  a list of DnD areas objects
        // coords:
        //  coordinates [x,y] of the dragItem
        // currentIndexArea:
        //  an index representing the active DnD area
        // returns:
        //  the index of the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getTargetArea");
        var index = 0;
        var x = coords.x;
        var end = areaList.length;
        if (end > 1) {
         var start = 0, direction = "right", compute = false;
         if (currentIndexArea == -1 || arguments.length<3) {
          // first time : Need to search the nearest area in all areas.
          compute = true;
         else {
          // check if it's always the same area
          if (this._checkInterval(areaList, currentIndexArea, x)){
           index = currentIndexArea;
           if (this._oldXPoint < x){
            start = currentIndexArea + 1;
            start = currentIndexArea - 1;
            end = 0;
            direction = "left";
           compute = true;
         if (compute) {
          if (direction === "right") {
           for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
            if (this._checkInterval(areaList, i, x)) {
             index = i;
           for (var i = start; i >= end; i--) {
            if (this._checkInterval(areaList, i, x)) {
             index = i;
        this._oldXPoint = x;
        return index; // Integer
    • summary
      get the nearest DnD area.
      Coordinates are basically provided by the &lt;getDragPoint&gt; method.
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode._checkInterval

    • type
    • parameters:
      • areaList: (typeof Array)
        a list of DnD areas objects
      • index: (typeof Integer)
        index of a DnD area (to get the interval)
      • x: (typeof Coord)
        coordinate x, of the dragNode
    • source: [view]
        var coords = areaList[index].coords;
        if (coords.x1 == -1) {
         if (x <= coords.x2) {
          return true;
         if (coords.x2 == -1) {
          if (x > coords.x1) {
           return true;
         else {
          if (coords.x1 < x && x <= coords.x2) {
           return true;
        return false; // Boolean
    • summary
      check if the dragNode is in the interval.
      The x coordinate is basically provided by the &lt;getDragPoint&gt; method.
    • return_summary
      true if the dragNode is in intervall
    • tags:
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.getDropIndex

    • type
    • parameters:
      • targetArea: (typeof Object)
        a DnD area object
      • coords: (typeof Object)
        coordinates [x,y] of the draggable item
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;

       _updateArea : function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
        // area:
        //  the DnD area
        // tags:
        //  protected

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: _updateArea");
        var position = dojo.position(area.node, true);
        area.coords.x = position.x;
        area.coords.y = position.y;

       initItems: function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  initialize the horizontal line in order to determinate the drop zone.
        // area:
        //  the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initItems");
        dojo.forEach(area.items, function(obj){
         //get the vertical middle of the item
         var node = obj.item.node;
         var position = dojo.position(node, true);
         var y = position.y + position.h/2;
         obj.y = y;
        area.initItems = true;

       refreshItems: function(/*Object*/area, /*Integer*/indexItem, /*Object*/size, /*Boolean*/added){
        // summary:
        //  take into account the drop indicator DOM element in order to compute horizontal lines
        // area:
        //  a DnD area object
        // indexItem:
        //   index of a draggable item
        // size:
        //  dropIndicator size
        // added:
        //  boolean to know if a dropIndicator has been added or deleted

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: refreshItems");
        if (indexItem == -1) {
        }else if(area && size && size.h){
         var height = size.h;
         if (area.margin){
          height += area.margin.t;
         var length = area.items.length;
         for (var i=indexItem; i    var item = area.items[i];
          if (added) {
           item.y += height;
           item.y -= height;

       getDragPoint: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size, /*Object*/mousePosition){
        // summary:
        //  return coordinates of the draggable item
        // description:
        //  return for:
        //    - X point : the middle
        //    - Y point : search if the user goes up or goes down with his mouse.
        //    - Up : top of the draggable item
        //    - Down : bottom of the draggable item
        // coords:
        //  an object encapsulating X and Y position
        // size:
        //  an object encapsulating width and height values
        // mousePosition:
        //  coordinates of mouse
        // returns:
        //  an object of coordinates
        //   example : {'x':10,'y':10}

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getDragPoint");
        var y = coords.y;
        if (this._oldYPoint){
         if (y > this._oldYPoint) {
          this._oldBehaviour = "down";
          y += size.h;
          if (y <= this._oldYPoint) {
           this._oldBehaviour = "up";
        this._oldYPoint = y;
        return {
         'x': coords.x + (size.w / 2),
         'y': y
         }; // Object

       getTargetArea: function(/*Array*/areaList, /*Object*/ coords, /*integer*/currentIndexArea ){
        // summary:
        //  get the nearest DnD area.
        //  Coordinates are basically provided by the method.
        // areaList:
        //  a list of DnD areas objects
        // coords:
        //  coordinates [x,y] of the dragItem
        // currentIndexArea:
        //  an index representing the active DnD area
        // returns:
        //  the index of the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getTargetArea");
        var index = 0;
        var x = coords.x;
        var end = areaList.length;
        if (end > 1) {
         var start = 0, direction = "right", compute = false;
         if (currentIndexArea == -1 || arguments.length<3) {
          // first time : Need to search the nearest area in all areas.
          compute = true;
         else {
          // check if it's always the same area
          if (this._checkInterval(areaList, currentIndexArea, x)){
           index = currentIndexArea;
           if (this._oldXPoint < x){
            start = currentIndexArea + 1;
            start = currentIndexArea - 1;
            end = 0;
            direction = "left";
           compute = true;
         if (compute) {
          if (direction === "right") {
           for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
            if (this._checkInterval(areaList, i, x)) {
             index = i;
           for (var i = start; i >= end; i--) {
            if (this._checkInterval(areaList, i, x)) {
             index = i;
        this._oldXPoint = x;
        return index; // Integer

       _checkInterval: function(/*Array*/areaList, /*Integer*/index, /*Coord*/x){
        // summary:
        //  check if the dragNode is in the interval.
        //  The x coordinate is basically provided by the method.
        // areaList:
        //  a list of DnD areas objects
        // index:
        //  index of a DnD area (to get the interval)
        // x:
        //  coordinate x, of the dragNode
        // returns:
        //  true if the dragNode is in intervall
        // tags:
        //  protected

        var coords = areaList[index].coords;
        if (coords.x1 == -1) {
         if (x <= coords.x2) {
          return true;
         if (coords.x2 == -1) {
          if (x > coords.x1) {
           return true;
         else {
          if (coords.x1 < x && x <= coords.x2) {
           return true;
        return false; // Boolean

       getDropIndex: function(/*Object*/ targetArea, /*Object*/ coords){
        // summary:
        //  Return the index where the drop has to be placed.
        // targetArea:
        //  a DnD area object
        // coords:
        //  coordinates [x,y] of the draggable item
        // returns:
        //   a number
        //  or -1 if the area has no children or the drop index represents the last position in to the area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getDropIndex");
        var length = targetArea.items.length;
        var coordinates = targetArea.coords;
        var y = coords.y;
        if (length > 0) {
         // course all children in the target area.
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          // compare y value with y value of children
          if (y < targetArea.items[i].y) {
           return i; // Integer
          else {
           if (i == length-1) {
            return -1;
        return -1;
    • summary
      Return the index where the drop has to be placed.
    • returns
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode.destroy

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojo.declare("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode", null, {
       // summary:
       //  Enabled a type of calcul for Dnd.
       //  Default class to find the nearest target.

       // _oldXPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a X position
       _oldXPoint: null,

       // _oldYPoint: Integer
       //  used to save a Y position
       _oldYPoint: null,

       // _oldBehaviour: String
       //   see
       _oldBehaviour: "up",

       addArea: function(/*Array*/areas, /*Object*/object){
        // summary:
        //  Add a DnD Area into an array sorting by the x position.
        // areas:
        //  array of areas
        // object:
        //  data type of a DndArea
        // returns:
        //  a sorted area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: addArea");
        var length = areas.length;
        var position = dojo.position(object.node, true);
        object.coords = {'x':position.x, 'y':position.y};
        if (length == 0) {
         var x = object.coords.x;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          if (x < areas[i].coords.x) {
           for (var j = length-1; j >= i; j--)
            areas[j + 1] = areas[j];
           areas[i] = object;
         if (i == length)
        return areas; // Array

       updateAreas: function(/*Array*/areaList){
        // summary:
        //  Refresh intervals between areas to determinate the nearest area to drop an item.
        //  Algorithm :
        //  the marker should be the vertical line passing by the
        //  central point between two contiguous areas.
        //  Note:
        //  If the page has only one targetArea, it's not necessary to calculate coords.
        // areaList:
        //  array of areas

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initAreas");
        var length = areaList.length;
        if (length > 1){
         var currentRight, nextLeft;
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          var area = areaList[i];
          var nextArea;
          area.coords.x1 = -1;
          area.coords.x2 = -1;
          if (i == 0) {
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;
          else if (i == length-1) {
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           nextArea = areaList[i+1];
           currentRight = area.coords.x + area.node.offsetWidth;
           nextLeft = nextArea.coords.x;
           area.coords.x1 = areaList[i-1].coords.x2;
           area.coords.x2 = currentRight + (nextLeft-currentRight)/2;

       _updateArea : function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  update the DnD area object (i.e. update coordinates of its DOM node)
        // area:
        //  the DnD area
        // tags:
        //  protected

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: _updateArea");
        var position = dojo.position(area.node, true);
        area.coords.x = position.x;
        area.coords.y = position.y;

       initItems: function(/*Object*/area){
        // summary:
        //  initialize the horizontal line in order to determinate the drop zone.
        // area:
        //  the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: initItems");
        dojo.forEach(area.items, function(obj){
         //get the vertical middle of the item
         var node = obj.item.node;
         var position = dojo.position(node, true);
         var y = position.y + position.h/2;
         obj.y = y;
        area.initItems = true;

       refreshItems: function(/*Object*/area, /*Integer*/indexItem, /*Object*/size, /*Boolean*/added){
        // summary:
        //  take into account the drop indicator DOM element in order to compute horizontal lines
        // area:
        //  a DnD area object
        // indexItem:
        //   index of a draggable item
        // size:
        //  dropIndicator size
        // added:
        //  boolean to know if a dropIndicator has been added or deleted

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: refreshItems");
        if (indexItem == -1) {
        }else if(area && size && size.h){
         var height = size.h;
         if (area.margin){
          height += area.margin.t;
         var length = area.items.length;
         for (var i=indexItem; i    var item = area.items[i];
          if (added) {
           item.y += height;
           item.y -= height;

       getDragPoint: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size, /*Object*/mousePosition){
        // summary:
        //  return coordinates of the draggable item
        // description:
        //  return for:
        //    - X point : the middle
        //    - Y point : search if the user goes up or goes down with his mouse.
        //    - Up : top of the draggable item
        //    - Down : bottom of the draggable item
        // coords:
        //  an object encapsulating X and Y position
        // size:
        //  an object encapsulating width and height values
        // mousePosition:
        //  coordinates of mouse
        // returns:
        //  an object of coordinates
        //   example : {'x':10,'y':10}

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getDragPoint");
        var y = coords.y;
        if (this._oldYPoint){
         if (y > this._oldYPoint) {
          this._oldBehaviour = "down";
          y += size.h;
          if (y <= this._oldYPoint) {
           this._oldBehaviour = "up";
        this._oldYPoint = y;
        return {
         'x': coords.x + (size.w / 2),
         'y': y
         }; // Object

       getTargetArea: function(/*Array*/areaList, /*Object*/ coords, /*integer*/currentIndexArea ){
        // summary:
        //  get the nearest DnD area.
        //  Coordinates are basically provided by the method.
        // areaList:
        //  a list of DnD areas objects
        // coords:
        //  coordinates [x,y] of the dragItem
        // currentIndexArea:
        //  an index representing the active DnD area
        // returns:
        //  the index of the DnD area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getTargetArea");
        var index = 0;
        var x = coords.x;
        var end = areaList.length;
        if (end > 1) {
         var start = 0, direction = "right", compute = false;
         if (currentIndexArea == -1 || arguments.length<3) {
          // first time : Need to search the nearest area in all areas.
          compute = true;
         else {
          // check if it's always the same area
          if (this._checkInterval(areaList, currentIndexArea, x)){
           index = currentIndexArea;
           if (this._oldXPoint < x){
            start = currentIndexArea + 1;
            start = currentIndexArea - 1;
            end = 0;
            direction = "left";
           compute = true;
         if (compute) {
          if (direction === "right") {
           for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
            if (this._checkInterval(areaList, i, x)) {
             index = i;
           for (var i = start; i >= end; i--) {
            if (this._checkInterval(areaList, i, x)) {
             index = i;
        this._oldXPoint = x;
        return index; // Integer

       _checkInterval: function(/*Array*/areaList, /*Integer*/index, /*Coord*/x){
        // summary:
        //  check if the dragNode is in the interval.
        //  The x coordinate is basically provided by the method.
        // areaList:
        //  a list of DnD areas objects
        // index:
        //  index of a DnD area (to get the interval)
        // x:
        //  coordinate x, of the dragNode
        // returns:
        //  true if the dragNode is in intervall
        // tags:
        //  protected

        var coords = areaList[index].coords;
        if (coords.x1 == -1) {
         if (x <= coords.x2) {
          return true;
         if (coords.x2 == -1) {
          if (x > coords.x1) {
           return true;
         else {
          if (coords.x1 < x && x <= coords.x2) {
           return true;
        return false; // Boolean

       getDropIndex: function(/*Object*/ targetArea, /*Object*/ coords){
        // summary:
        //  Return the index where the drop has to be placed.
        // targetArea:
        //  a DnD area object
        // coords:
        //  coordinates [x,y] of the draggable item
        // returns:
        //   a number
        //  or -1 if the area has no children or the drop index represents the last position in to the area

        //console.log("dojox.mdnd.dropMode.DefaultDropMode ::: getDropIndex");
        var length = targetArea.items.length;
        var coordinates = targetArea.coords;
        var y = coords.y;
        if (length > 0) {
         // course all children in the target area.
         for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          // compare y value with y value of children
          if (y < targetArea.items[i].y) {
           return i; // Integer
          else {
           if (i == length-1) {
            return -1;
        return -1;

       destroy: function(){
        // can be overwritten.
    • returns
    • summary
  • _dropMode

    • summary
  • dojox.mdnd.dropMode

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.mdnd

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary