source: [view]
define("dijit/layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin", ["dojo", "dijit", "dijit/_Contained", "dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget"], function(dojo, dijit) {
dojo.declare("dijit.layout._ContentPaneResizeMixin", null, {
// summary:
// Resize() functionality of ContentPane. If there's a single layout widget
// child then it will call resize() with the same dimensions as the ContentPane.
// Otherwise just calls resize on each child.
// Also implements basic startup() functionality, where starting the parent
// will start the children
// doLayout: Boolean
// - false - don't adjust size of children
// - true - if there is a single visible child widget, set it's size to
// however big the ContentPane is
doLayout: true,
// isContainer: [protected] Boolean
// Indicates that this widget acts as a "parent" to the descendant widgets.
// When the parent is started it will call startup() on the child widgets.
// See also `isLayoutContainer`.
isContainer: true,
// isLayoutContainer: [protected] Boolean
// Indicates that this widget will call resize() on it's child widgets
// when they become visible.
isLayoutContainer: true,
_startChildren: function(){
// summary:
// Call startup() on all children including non _Widget ones like dojo.dnd.Source objects
// This starts all the widgets
dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
child._started = true;
startup: function(){
// summary:
// See `dijit.layout._LayoutWidget.startup` for description.
// Although ContentPane doesn't extend _LayoutWidget, it does implement
// the same API.
if(this._started){ return; }
var parent =;
this._childOfLayoutWidget = parent && parent.isLayoutContainer;
// I need to call resize() on my child/children (when I become visible), unless
// I'm the child of a layout widget in which case my parent will call resize() on me and I'll do it then.
this._needLayout = !this._childOfLayoutWidget;
// If my parent isn't a layout container, since my style *may be* width=height=100%
// or something similar (either set directly or via a CSS class),
// monitor when my size changes so that I can re-layout.
// For browsers where I can't directly monitor when my size changes,
// monitor when the viewport changes size, which *may* indicate a size change for me.
this.connect(dojo.isIE ? this.domNode :, 'onresize', function(){
// Using function(){} closure to ensure no arguments to resize.
this._needLayout = !this._childOfLayoutWidget;
_checkIfSingleChild: function(){
// summary:
// Test if we have exactly one visible widget as a child,
// and if so assume that we are a container for that widget,
// and should propagate startup() and resize() calls to it.
// Skips over things like data stores since they aren't visible.
var childNodes = dojo.query("> *", this.containerNode).filter(function(node){
return node.tagName !== "SCRIPT"; // or a regexp for hidden elements like script|area|map|etc..
childWidgetNodes = childNodes.filter(function(node){
return dojo.hasAttr(node, "data-dojo-type") || dojo.hasAttr(node, "dojoType") || dojo.hasAttr(node, "widgetId");
candidateWidgets = dojo.filter(, function(widget){
return widget && widget.domNode && widget.resize;
// all child nodes are widgets
childNodes.length == childWidgetNodes.length &&
// all but one are invisible (like
candidateWidgets.length == 1
this._singleChild = candidateWidgets[0];
delete this._singleChild;
// So we can set overflow: hidden to avoid a safari bug w/scrollbars showing up (#9449)
dojo.toggleClass(this.containerNode, this.baseClass + "SingleChild", !!this._singleChild);
resize: function(changeSize, resultSize){
// summary:
// See `dijit.layout._LayoutWidget.resize` for description.
// Although ContentPane doesn't extend _LayoutWidget, it does implement
// the same API.
// For the TabContainer --> BorderContainer --> ContentPane case, _onShow() is
// never called, so resize() is our trigger to do the initial href download (see [20099]).
// However, don't load href for closed TitlePanes.
if(!this._wasShown && !== false){
this._resizeCalled = true;
this._scheduleLayout(changeSize, resultSize);
_scheduleLayout: function(changeSize, resultSize){
// summary:
// Resize myself, and call resize() on each of my child layout widgets, either now
// (if I'm currently visible) or when I become visible
this._layout(changeSize, resultSize);
this._needLayout = true;
this._changeSize = changeSize;
this._resultSize = resultSize;
_layout: function(changeSize, resultSize){
// summary:
// Resize myself according to optional changeSize/resultSize parameters, like a layout widget.
// Also, since I am a Container widget, each of my children expects me to
// call resize() or layout() on them.
// Should be called on initialization and also whenever we get new content
// (from an href, or from set('content', ...))... but deferred until
// the ContentPane is visible
// Set margin box size, unless it wasn't specified, in which case use current size.
dojo.marginBox(this.domNode, changeSize);
// Compute content box size of containerNode in case we [later] need to size our single child.
var cn = this.containerNode;
if(cn === this.domNode){
// If changeSize or resultSize was passed to this method and this.containerNode ==
// this.domNode then we can compute the content-box size without querying the node,
// which is more reliable (similar to LayoutWidget.resize) (see for example #9449).
var mb = resultSize || {};
dojo.mixin(mb, changeSize || {}); // changeSize overrides resultSize
if(!("h" in mb) || !("w" in mb)){
mb = dojo.mixin(dojo.marginBox(cn), mb); // just use dojo.marginBox() to fill in missing values
this._contentBox = dijit.layout.marginBox2contentBox(cn, mb);
this._contentBox = dojo.contentBox(cn);
delete this._needLayout;
_layoutChildren: function(){
// Call _checkIfSingleChild() again in case app has manually mucked w/the content
// of the ContentPane (rather than changing it through the set("content", ...) API.
if(this._singleChild && this._singleChild.resize){
var cb = this._contentBox || dojo.contentBox(this.containerNode);
// note: if widget has padding this._contentBox will have l and t set,
// but don't pass them to resize() or it will doubly-offset the child
this._singleChild.resize({w: cb.w, h: cb.h});
// All my child widgets are independently sized (rather than matching my size),
// but I still need to call resize() on each child to make it layout.
dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(widget){