define("dijit/layout/ContentPane", ["dojo", "dijit", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/layout/_ContentPaneResizeMixin", "dojo/string", "dojo/html", "i18n!dijit/nls/loading"], function(dojo, dijit) {
"dijit.layout.ContentPane", [dijit._Widget, dijit.layout._ContentPaneResizeMixin],
// or by uri. Fragment may include widgets.
// either by uri, javascript generated markup or DOM reference.
// but laid out according to the HTML structure. Unlike IFRAME,
// inside the BODY tag of a full HTML document. It should not
// contain the HTML, HEAD, or BODY tags.
// stylesheets, see dojox.layout.ContentPane. This widget may be
// used stand alone or as a base class for other widgets.
// widgets can contain any widget as a child.
// Or you can send it a NodeList: cp.set('content', dojo.query('div [class=selected]', userSelection))
// The href of the content that displays now.
// pane is shown. (Set preload=true to load it immediately.)
// The innerHTML of the ContentPane.
// can be a String, DomNode, Nodelist, or _Widget.
// Extract visible content from inside of .... .
// Parse content and create the widgets, if any.
// Flag passed to parser. Root for attribute names to search for. If scopeName is dojo,
// will search for data-dojo-type (or dojoType). For backwards compatibility
// multi-version support is used, when it will be something like dojo16, dojo20, etc.)
// Prevent caching of data from href's by appending a timestamp to the href.
// Force load of data on initialization even if pane is hidden.
// still in the process of downloading href.
ioArgs: {},
// onLoadDeferred: [readonly] dojo.Deferred
// This is the `dojo.Deferred` returned by set('href', ...) and refresh().
// Calling onLoadDeferred.addCallback() or addErrback() registers your
// callback to be called only once, when the prior set('href', ...) call or
// the initial href parameter to the constructor finishes loading.
// This is different than an onLoad() handler which gets called any time any href
// or content is loaded.
onLoadDeferred: null,
// Override _Widget's attributeMap because we don't want the title attribute (used to specify
// tab labels) to be copied to ContentPane.domNode... otherwise a tooltip shows up over the
// entire pane.
attributeMap: dojo.delegate(dijit._Widget.prototype.attributeMap, {
title: []
// Flag to parser that I'll parse my contents, so it shouldn't.
stopParser: true,
// template: [private] Boolean
// Flag from the parser that this ContentPane is inside a template
// so the contents are pre-parsed.
// (TODO: this declaration can be commented out in 2.0)
template: false,
create: function(params, srcNodeRef){
// Convert a srcNodeRef argument into a content parameter, so that the original contents are
// processed in the same way as contents set via set("content", ...), calling the parser etc.
// Avoid modifying original params object since that breaks NodeList instantiation, see #11906.
if((!params || !params.template) && srcNodeRef && !("href" in params) && !("content" in params)){
var df = dojo.doc.createDocumentFragment();
srcNodeRef = dojo.byId(srcNodeRef)
params = dojo.delegate(params, {content: df});
this.inherited(arguments, [params, srcNodeRef]);
postMixInProperties: function(){
var messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit", "loading", this.lang);
this.loadingMessage = dojo.string.substitute(this.loadingMessage, messages);
this.errorMessage = dojo.string.substitute(this.errorMessage, messages);
buildRendering: function(){
// Since we have no template we need to set this.containerNode ourselves, to make getChildren() work.
// For subclasses of ContentPane that do have a template, does nothing.
this.containerNode = this.domNode;
// remove the title attribute so it doesn't show up when hovering
// over a node (TODO: remove in 2.0, no longer needed after #11490)
this.domNode.title = "";
dijit.setWaiRole(this.domNode, "group");
_startChildren: function(){
// summary:
// Call startup() on all children including non _Widget ones like dojo.dnd.Source objects
// This starts all the widgets
// And this catches stuff like dojo.dnd.Source
dojo.forEach(this._contentSetter.parseResults, function(obj){
if(!obj._started && !obj._destroyed && dojo.isFunction(obj.startup)){
obj._started = true;
}, this);
setHref: function(/*String|Uri*/ href){
// summary:
// Deprecated. Use set('href', ...) instead.
dojo.deprecated("dijit.layout.ContentPane.setHref() is deprecated. Use set('href', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
return this.set("href", href);
_setHrefAttr: function(/*String|Uri*/ href){
// summary:
// Hook so set("href", ...) works.
// description:
// Reset the (external defined) content of this pane and replace with new url
// Note: It delays the download until widget is shown if preload is false.
// href:
// url to the page you want to get, must be within the same domain as your mainpage
// Cancel any in-flight requests (a set('href', ...) will cancel any in-flight set('href', ...))
this.onLoadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred(dojo.hitch(this, "cancel"));
this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
this._set("href", href);
// _setHrefAttr() is called during creation and by the user, after creation.
// Assuming preload == false, only in the second case do we actually load the URL;
// otherwise it's done in startup(), and only if this widget is shown.
if(this.preload || (this._created && this._isShown())){
// Set flag to indicate that href needs to be loaded the next time the
// ContentPane is made visible
this._hrefChanged = true;
return this.onLoadDeferred; // dojo.Deferred
setContent: function(/*String|DomNode|Nodelist*/data){
// summary:
// Deprecated. Use set('content', ...) instead.
dojo.deprecated("dijit.layout.ContentPane.setContent() is deprecated. Use set('content', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
this.set("content", data);
_setContentAttr: function(/*String|DomNode|Nodelist*/data){
// summary:
// Hook to make set("content", ...) work.
// Replaces old content with data content, include style classes from old content
// data:
// the new Content may be String, DomNode or NodeList
// if data is a NodeList (or an array of nodes) nodes are copied
// so you can import nodes from another document implicitly
// clear href so we can't run refresh and clear content
// refresh should only work if we downloaded the content
this._set("href", "");
// Cancel any in-flight requests (a set('content', ...) will cancel any in-flight set('href', ...))
// Even though user is just setting content directly, still need to define an onLoadDeferred
// because the _onLoadHandler() handler is still getting called from setContent()
this.onLoadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred(dojo.hitch(this, "cancel"));
// For back-compat reasons, call onLoad() for set('content', ...)
// calls but not for content specified in srcNodeRef (ie:
// or as initialization parameter (ie: new ContentPane({content: ...})
this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
this._setContent(data || "");
this._isDownloaded = false; // mark that content is from a set('content') not a set('href')
return this.onLoadDeferred; // dojo.Deferred
_getContentAttr: function(){
// summary:
// Hook to make get("content") work
return this.containerNode.innerHTML;
cancel: function(){
// summary:
// Cancels an in-flight download of content
if(this._xhrDfd && (this._xhrDfd.fired == -1)){
delete this._xhrDfd; // garbage collect
this.onLoadDeferred = null;
uninitialize: function(){
destroyRecursive: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
// summary:
// Destroy the ContentPane and its contents
// if we have multiple controllers destroying us, bail after the first
_onShow: function(){
// summary:
// Called when the ContentPane is made visible
// description:
// For a plain ContentPane, this is called on initialization, from startup().
// If the ContentPane is a hidden pane of a TabContainer etc., then it's
// called whenever the pane is made visible.
// Does necessary processing, including href download and layout/resize of
// child widget(s)
if(!this._xhrDfd && // if there's an href that isn't already being loaded
(!this.isLoaded || this._hrefChanged || this.refreshOnShow)
return this.refresh(); // If child has an href, promise that fires when the load is complete
refresh: function(){
// summary:
// [Re]download contents of href and display
// description:
// 1. cancels any currently in-flight requests
// 2. posts "loading..." message
// 3. sends XHR to download new data
// Cancel possible prior in-flight request
this.onLoadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred(dojo.hitch(this, "cancel"));
this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
return this.onLoadDeferred; // If child has an href, promise that fires when refresh is complete
_load: function(){
// summary:
// Load/reload the href specified in this.href
// display loading message
this._setContent(this.onDownloadStart(), true);
var self = this;
var getArgs = {
preventCache: (this.preventCache || this.refreshOnShow),
url: this.href,
handleAs: "text"
dojo.mixin(getArgs, this.ioArgs);
var hand = (this._xhrDfd = (this.ioMethod || dojo.xhrGet)(getArgs));
self._isDownloaded = true;
self._setContent(html, false);
self._onError('Content', err); // onContentError
delete self._xhrDfd;
return html;
// show error message in the pane
self._onError('Download', err); // onDownloadError
delete self._xhrDfd;
return err;
// Remove flag saying that a load is needed
delete this._hrefChanged;
_onLoadHandler: function(data){
// summary:
// This is called whenever new content is being loaded
this._set("isLoaded", true);
console.error('Error '+this.widgetId+' running custom onLoad code: ' + e.message);
_onUnloadHandler: function(){
// summary:
// This is called whenever the content is being unloaded
this._set("isLoaded", false);
console.error('Error '+this.widgetId+' running custom onUnload code: ' + e.message);
destroyDescendants: function(){
// summary:
// Destroy all the widgets inside the ContentPane and empty containerNode
// Make sure we call onUnload (but only when the ContentPane has real content)
// Even if this.isLoaded == false there might still be a "Loading..." message
// to erase, so continue...
// For historical reasons we need to delete all widgets under this.containerNode,
// even ones that the user has created manually.
var setter = this._contentSetter;
dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(widget){
// Most of the widgets in setter.parseResults have already been destroyed, but
// things like Menu that have been moved to haven't yet
dojo.forEach(setter.parseResults, function(widget){
if(widget.destroyRecursive && widget.domNode && widget.domNode.parentNode == dojo.body()){
delete setter.parseResults;
// And then clear away all the DOM nodes
// Delete any state information we have about current contents
delete this._singleChild;
_setContent: function(/*String|DocumentFragment*/ cont, /*Boolean*/ isFakeContent){
// summary:
// Insert the content into the container node
// first get rid of child widgets
// dojo.html.set will take care of the rest of the details
// we provide an override for the error handling to ensure the widget gets the errors
// configure the setter instance with only the relevant widget instance properties
// NOTE: unless we hook into attr, or provide property setters for each property,
// we need to re-configure the ContentSetter with each use
var setter = this._contentSetter;
if(! (setter && setter instanceof dojo.html._ContentSetter)){
setter = this._contentSetter = new dojo.html._ContentSetter({
node: this.containerNode,
_onError: dojo.hitch(this, this._onError),
onContentError: dojo.hitch(this, function(e){
// fires if a domfault occurs when we are appending this.errorMessage
// like for instance if domNode is a UL and we try append a DIV
var errMess = this.onContentError(e);
this.containerNode.innerHTML = errMess;
console.error('Fatal '' could not change content due to '+e.message, e);
_onError */
var setterParams = dojo.mixin({
cleanContent: this.cleanContent,
extractContent: this.extractContent,
parseContent: !cont.domNode && this.parseOnLoad,
parserScope: this.parserScope,
startup: false,
dir: this.dir,
lang: this.lang
}, this._contentSetterParams || {});
setter.set( (dojo.isObject(cont) && cont.domNode) ? cont.domNode : cont, setterParams );
// setter params must be pulled afresh from the ContentPane each time
delete this._contentSetterParams;
// Startup each top level child widget (and they will start their children, recursively)
// Call resize() on each of my child layout widgets,
// or resize() on my single child layout widget...
// either now (if I'm currently visible) or when I become visible