Syntax highlighting with language auto-detection package
Syntax highlighting with language auto-detection package. Released under CLA by the Dojo Toolkit, original BSD release available from: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/
highlight a string of text
Object containing: result - string of html with spans to apply formatting partialResult - if the formating failed: string of html up to the point of the failure, otherwise: undefined langName - the language used to do the formatting
Highlight a passed node
Syntax highlight a passed DomNode or String ID of a DomNode
stop iterations|continue iterations
Unused. Pass 'null' or {}. Positional usage to allow `dojo.parser` to instantiate this class as other Widgets would be.
A String ID or DomNode reference to use as the root node of this instance.
A Class object to allow for dojoType usage with the highlight engine. This is NOT a Widget in the conventional sense, and does not have any member functions for the instance. This is provided as a convenience. You likely should be calling `dojox.highlight.init` directly.
<pre><code dojoType="dojox.highlight.Code">for(var i in obj){ ... }</code></pre>
var inst = new dojox.highlight.Code({}, "someId");
A String ID or DomNode reference to use as the root node of this instance.