
  • Provides:

    • dojox.grid._Builder
  • Requires:

    • dojox.grid.util in common
    • dojo.dnd.Moveable in common in project dojo
  • dojox.grid._Builder

    • type
    • parameters:
      • view: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         this.view = view;
         this.grid = view.grid;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._ContentBuilder

    • type
    • parameters:
      • view: (typeof )
    • source: [view], view);
    • chains:
      • dg._Builder: (call)
    • mixins:
      • dg._Builder.prototype: (prototype)
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder

    • type
    • parameters:
      • view: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        this.moveable = null;, view);
    • chains:
      • dg._Builder: (call)
    • mixins:
      • dg._Builder.prototype: (prototype)
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._TableMap

    • type
    • parameters:
      • rows: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.view

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.grid

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder._table

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.getTableArray

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var html = [this._table];
          html.push([' style="width:', this.view.viewWidth, ';"'].join(''));
         return html;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.generateCellMarkup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inCell: (typeof )
      • inMoreStyles: (typeof )
      • inMoreClasses: (typeof )
      • isHeader: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var result = [], html;
          var sortInfo = inCell.index != inCell.grid.getSortIndex() ? "" : inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? 'aria-sort="ascending"' : 'aria-sort="descending"';
          if (!{
  = + "Hdr" + inCell.index;
          // column headers are not editable, mark as aria-readonly=true
          html = ['   }else{
          // cells inherit grid aria-readonly property; default value for aria-readonly is false(grid is editable)
          // if grid is editable (had any editable cells), mark non editable cells as aria-readonly=true
          // if no editable cells, grid's aria-readonly value will have been set to true and cells will inherit
          var editInfo = this.grid.editable && !inCell.editable ? 'aria-readonly="true"' : "";
          html = ['   }
          html.push(' colspan="', inCell.colSpan, '"');
          html.push(' rowspan="', inCell.rowSpan, '"');
         html.push(' class="dojoxGridCell ');
          html.push(inCell.classes, ' ');
          html.push(inMoreClasses, ' ');
         // result[0] => td opener, style
         // SLOT: result[1] => td classes
         html = ['" idx="', inCell.index, '" style="'];
         if(inMoreStyles && inMoreStyles[inMoreStyles.length-1] != ';'){
          inMoreStyles += ';';
         html.push(inCell.styles, inMoreStyles||'', inCell.hidden?'display:none;':'');
          html.push('width:', inCell.unitWidth, ';');
         // result[2] => markup
         // SLOT: result[3] => td style
         html = [ '"' ];
          html.push(" ", inCell.attrs);
         // result[4] => td postfix
         // SLOT: result[5] => content
         // result[6] => td closes
         return result; // Array
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.isCellNode

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inNode: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return Boolean(inNode && inNode!=dojo.doc && dojo.attr(inNode, "idx"));
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.getCellNodeIndex

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inCellNode: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return inCellNode ? Number(dojo.attr(inCellNode, "idx")) : -1;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.getCellNode

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inRowNode: (typeof )
      • inCellIndex: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         for(var i=0, row; ((row = getTr(inRowNode.firstChild, i)) && row.cells); i++){
          for(var j=0, cell; (cell = row.cells[j]); j++){
           if(this.getCellNodeIndex(cell) == inCellIndex){
            return cell;
         return null;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.findCellTarget

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inSourceNode: (typeof )
      • inTopNode: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var n = inSourceNode;
         while(n && (!this.isCellNode(n) || (n.offsetParent && gridViewTag in n.offsetParent.parentNode && n.offsetParent.parentNode[gridViewTag] != && (n!=inTopNode)){
          n = n.parentNode;
         return n!=inTopNode ? n : null;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.baseDecorateEvent

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         e.dispatch = 'do' + e.type;
         e.grid = this.grid;
         e.sourceView = this.view;
         e.cellNode = this.findCellTarget(, e.rowNode);
         e.cellIndex = this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode);
         e.cell = (e.cellIndex >= 0 ? this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex) : null);
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.findTarget

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inSource: (typeof )
      • inTag: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var n = inSource;
         while(n && (n!=this.domNode) && (!(inTag in n) || (gridViewTag in n && n[gridViewTag] !={
          n = n.parentNode;
         return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.findRowTarget

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inSource: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return this.findTarget(inSource, rowIndexTag);
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.isIntraNodeEvent

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          return (e.cellNode && e.relatedTarget && dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, e.cellNode));
          // e.relatedTarget has permission problem in FF if it's an input:
          return false;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.isIntraRowEvent

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          var row = e.relatedTarget && this.findRowTarget(e.relatedTarget);
          return !row && (e.rowIndex==-1) || row && (e.rowIndex==row.gridRowIndex);
          // e.relatedTarget on INPUT has permission problem in FF:
          return false;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.dispatchEvent

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         if(e.dispatch in this){
          return this[e.dispatch](e);
         return false;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.domouseover

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode!=this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = e.cellNode;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.lastOverCellNode

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.domouseout

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode==this.lastOverCellNode) && !this.isIntraNodeEvent(e, this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = null;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._Builder.domousedown

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         if (e.cellNode)
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._ContentBuilder.update

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._ContentBuilder.prepareHtml

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var defaultGet=this.grid.get, cells=this.view.structure.cells;
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.get = cell.get || (cell.value == undefined) && defaultGet;
           cell.markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.cellStyles, cell.cellClasses, false);
           if (!this.grid.editable && cell.editable){
            this.grid.editable = true;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._ContentBuilder.grid.editable

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._ContentBuilder.generateHtml

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inDataIndex: (typeof )
      • inRowIndex: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          html = this.getTableArray(),
          v = this.view,
          cells = v.structure.cells,
          item = this.grid.getItem(inRowIndex);

, "onBeforeRow", [inRowIndex, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          if(row.hidden || row.header){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, m, cc, cs; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           m = cell.markup; cc = cell.customClasses = []; cs = cell.customStyles = [];
           // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects)
           m[5] = cell.format(inRowIndex, item);
           // classes
           m[1] = cc.join(' ');
           // styles
           m[3] = cs.join(';');
           // in-place concat
           html.push.apply(html, m);
         return html.join(''); // String
    • returns
    • chains:
      • html.push: (call)
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._ContentBuilder.decorateEvent

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(;
         if(!e.rowNode){return false;}
         e.rowIndex = e.rowNode[rowIndexTag];
         e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return true; // Boolean
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.moveable

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder._skipBogusClicks

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.overResizeWidth

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.minColWidth

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.update

    • type
    • source: [view]
          this.tableMap = new dg._TableMap(this.view.structure.cells);
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.tableMap

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.generateHtml

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inGetValue: (typeof )
      • inValue: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var html = this.getTableArray(), cells = this.view.structure.cells;

         , "onBeforeRow", [-1, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, markup; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.customClasses = [];
           cell.customStyles = [];
              if(cell.headerClasses.indexOf('dojoDndItem') == -1){
               cell.headerClasses += ' dojoDndItem';
              cell.headerClasses = 'dojoDndItem';
             if(cell.attrs.indexOf("dndType='gridColumn_") == -1){
              cell.attrs += " dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
             cell.attrs = "dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
           markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.headerStyles, cell.headerClasses, true);
           // content
           markup[5] = (inValue != undefined ? inValue : inGetValue(cell));
           // styles
           markup[3] = cell.customStyles.join(';');
           // classes
           markup[1] = cell.customClasses.join(' '); //(cell.customClasses ? ' ' + cell.customClasses : '');
         return html.join('');
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.getCellX

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var n, x = e.layerX;
         if(dojo.isMoz || dojo.isIE >= 9){
          n = ascendDom(, makeNotTagName("th"));
          x -= (n && n.offsetLeft) || 0;
          var t = e.sourceView.getScrollbarWidth();
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()/*&& e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft < t*/){
           //fix #11253
           table = ascendDom(n,makeNotTagName("table"));
           x -= (table && table.offsetLeft) || 0;
          //x -= getProp(ascendDom(, mkNotTagName("td")), "offsetLeft") || 0;
         n = ascendDom(, function(){
          if(!n || n == e.cellNode){
           return false;
          // Mozilla 1.8 (FF 1.5) has a bug that makes offsetLeft = -parent border width
          // when parent has border, overflow: hidden, and is positioned
          // handle this problem here ... not a general solution!
          x += (n.offsetLeft < 0 ? 0 : n.offsetLeft);
          return true;
         return x;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.decorateEvent

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         e.rowIndex = -1;
         e.cellX = this.getCellX(e);
         return true;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.prepareResize

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
      • mod: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          var i = getTdIndex(e.cellNode);
          e.cellNode = (i ? e.cellNode.parentNode.cells[i+mod] : null);
          e.cellIndex = (e.cellNode ? this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode) : -1);
         }while(e.cellNode && == "none");
         return Boolean(e.cellNode);
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.canResize

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         if(!e.cellNode || e.cellNode.colSpan > 1){
          return false;
         var cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return !cell.noresize && cell.canResize();
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.overLeftResizeArea

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


       var dg = dojox.grid;

       var getTdIndex = function(td){
        return td.cellIndex >=0 ? td.cellIndex : dojo.indexOf(td.parentNode.cells, td);

       var getTrIndex = function(tr){
        return tr.rowIndex >=0 ? tr.rowIndex : dojo.indexOf(tr.parentNode.childNodes, tr);

       var getTr = function(rowOwner, index){
        return rowOwner && ((rowOwner.rows||0)[index] || rowOwner.childNodes[index]);

       var findTable = function(node){
        for(var n=node; n && n.tagName!='TABLE'; n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var ascendDom = function(inNode, inWhile){
        for(var n=inNode; n && inWhile(n); n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var makeNotTagName = function(inTagName){
        var name = inTagName.toUpperCase();
        return function(node){ return node.tagName != name; };

       var rowIndexTag = dojox.grid.util.rowIndexTag;
       var gridViewTag = dojox.grid.util.gridViewTag;

       // base class for generating markup for the views
       dg._Builder = dojo.extend(function(view){
         this.view = view;
         this.grid = view.grid;
        view: null,
        // boilerplate HTML
        _table: '

        // Returns the table variable as an array - and with the view width, if specified
        getTableArray: function(){
         var html = [this._table];
          html.push([' style="width:', this.view.viewWidth, ';"'].join(''));
         return html;

        // generate starting tags for a cell
        generateCellMarkup: function(inCell, inMoreStyles, inMoreClasses, isHeader){
         var result = [], html;
          var sortInfo = inCell.index != inCell.grid.getSortIndex() ? "" : inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? 'aria-sort="ascending"' : 'aria-sort="descending"';
          if (!{
  = + "Hdr" + inCell.index;
          // column headers are not editable, mark as aria-readonly=true
          html = ['');
         return result; // Array

        // cell finding
        isCellNode: function(inNode){
         return Boolean(inNode && inNode!=dojo.doc && dojo.attr(inNode, "idx"));

        getCellNodeIndex: function(inCellNode){
         return inCellNode ? Number(dojo.attr(inCellNode, "idx")) : -1;

        getCellNode: function(inRowNode, inCellIndex){
         for(var i=0, row; ((row = getTr(inRowNode.firstChild, i)) && row.cells); i++){
          for(var j=0, cell; (cell = row.cells[j]); j++){
           if(this.getCellNodeIndex(cell) == inCellIndex){
            return cell;
         return null;

        findCellTarget: function(inSourceNode, inTopNode){
         var n = inSourceNode;
         while(n && (!this.isCellNode(n) || (n.offsetParent && gridViewTag in n.offsetParent.parentNode && n.offsetParent.parentNode[gridViewTag] != && (n!=inTopNode)){
          n = n.parentNode;
         return n!=inTopNode ? n : null;

        // event decoration
        baseDecorateEvent: function(e){
         e.dispatch = 'do' + e.type;
         e.grid = this.grid;
         e.sourceView = this.view;
         e.cellNode = this.findCellTarget(, e.rowNode);
         e.cellIndex = this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode);
         e.cell = (e.cellIndex >= 0 ? this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex) : null);

        // event dispatch
        findTarget: function(inSource, inTag){
         var n = inSource;
         while(n && (n!=this.domNode) && (!(inTag in n) || (gridViewTag in n && n[gridViewTag] !={
          n = n.parentNode;
         return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null;

        findRowTarget: function(inSource){
         return this.findTarget(inSource, rowIndexTag);

        isIntraNodeEvent: function(e){
          return (e.cellNode && e.relatedTarget && dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, e.cellNode));
          // e.relatedTarget has permission problem in FF if it's an input:
          return false;

        isIntraRowEvent: function(e){
          var row = e.relatedTarget && this.findRowTarget(e.relatedTarget);
          return !row && (e.rowIndex==-1) || row && (e.rowIndex==row.gridRowIndex);
          // e.relatedTarget on INPUT has permission problem in FF:
          return false;

        dispatchEvent: function(e){
         if(e.dispatch in this){
          return this[e.dispatch](e);
         return false;

        // dispatched event handlers
        domouseover: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode!=this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = e.cellNode;

        domouseout: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode==this.lastOverCellNode) && !this.isIntraNodeEvent(e, this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = null;

        domousedown: function(e){
         if (e.cellNode)

       // Produces html for grid data content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._ContentBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){, view);
        update: function(){

        // cache html for rendering data rows
        prepareHtml: function(){
         var defaultGet=this.grid.get, cells=this.view.structure.cells;
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.get = cell.get || (cell.value == undefined) && defaultGet;
           cell.markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.cellStyles, cell.cellClasses, false);
           if (!this.grid.editable && cell.editable){
            this.grid.editable = true;

        // time critical: generate html using cache and data source
        generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, inRowIndex){
          html = this.getTableArray(),
          v = this.view,
          cells = v.structure.cells,
          item = this.grid.getItem(inRowIndex);

, "onBeforeRow", [inRowIndex, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          if(row.hidden || row.header){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, m, cc, cs; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           m = cell.markup; cc = cell.customClasses = []; cs = cell.customStyles = [];
           // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects)
           m[5] = cell.format(inRowIndex, item);
           // classes
           m[1] = cc.join(' ');
           // styles
           m[3] = cs.join(';');
           // in-place concat
           html.push.apply(html, m);
         return html.join(''); // String

        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(;
         if(!e.rowNode){return false;}
         e.rowIndex = e.rowNode[rowIndexTag];
         e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return true; // Boolean

       // Produces html for grid header content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._HeaderBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){
        this.moveable = null;, view);
        _skipBogusClicks: false,
        overResizeWidth: 4,
        minColWidth: 1,

        update: function(){
          this.tableMap = new dg._TableMap(this.view.structure.cells);

        generateHtml: function(inGetValue, inValue){
         var html = this.getTableArray(), cells = this.view.structure.cells;

         , "onBeforeRow", [-1, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, markup; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.customClasses = [];
           cell.customStyles = [];
              if(cell.headerClasses.indexOf('dojoDndItem') == -1){
               cell.headerClasses += ' dojoDndItem';
              cell.headerClasses = 'dojoDndItem';
             if(cell.attrs.indexOf("dndType='gridColumn_") == -1){
              cell.attrs += " dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
             cell.attrs = "dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
           markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.headerStyles, cell.headerClasses, true);
           // content
           markup[5] = (inValue != undefined ? inValue : inGetValue(cell));
           // styles
           markup[3] = cell.customStyles.join(';');
           // classes
           markup[1] = cell.customClasses.join(' '); //(cell.customClasses ? ' ' + cell.customClasses : '');
         return html.join('');

        // event helpers
        getCellX: function(e){
         var n, x = e.layerX;
         if(dojo.isMoz || dojo.isIE >= 9){
          n = ascendDom(, makeNotTagName("th"));
          x -= (n && n.offsetLeft) || 0;
          var t = e.sourceView.getScrollbarWidth();
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()/*&& e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft < t*/){
           //fix #11253
           table = ascendDom(n,makeNotTagName("table"));
           x -= (table && table.offsetLeft) || 0;
          //x -= getProp(ascendDom(, mkNotTagName("td")), "offsetLeft") || 0;
         n = ascendDom(, function(){
          if(!n || n == e.cellNode){
           return false;
          // Mozilla 1.8 (FF 1.5) has a bug that makes offsetLeft = -parent border width
          // when parent has border, overflow: hidden, and is positioned
          // handle this problem here ... not a general solution!
          x += (n.offsetLeft < 0 ? 0 : n.offsetLeft);
          return true;
         return x;

        // event decoration
        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowIndex = -1;
         e.cellX = this.getCellX(e);
         return true;

        // event handlers
        // resizing
        prepareResize: function(e, mod){
          var i = getTdIndex(e.cellNode);
          e.cellNode = (i ? e.cellNode.parentNode.cells[i+mod] : null);
          e.cellIndex = (e.cellNode ? this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode) : -1);
         }while(e.cellNode && == "none");
         return Boolean(e.cellNode);

        canResize: function(e){
         if(!e.cellNode || e.cellNode.colSpan > 1){
          return false;
         var cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return !cell.noresize && cell.canResize();

        overLeftResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);
         var t = e.cellNode && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth);
         return t;
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.overRightResizeArea

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


       var dg = dojox.grid;

       var getTdIndex = function(td){
        return td.cellIndex >=0 ? td.cellIndex : dojo.indexOf(td.parentNode.cells, td);

       var getTrIndex = function(tr){
        return tr.rowIndex >=0 ? tr.rowIndex : dojo.indexOf(tr.parentNode.childNodes, tr);

       var getTr = function(rowOwner, index){
        return rowOwner && ((rowOwner.rows||0)[index] || rowOwner.childNodes[index]);

       var findTable = function(node){
        for(var n=node; n && n.tagName!='TABLE'; n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var ascendDom = function(inNode, inWhile){
        for(var n=inNode; n && inWhile(n); n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var makeNotTagName = function(inTagName){
        var name = inTagName.toUpperCase();
        return function(node){ return node.tagName != name; };

       var rowIndexTag = dojox.grid.util.rowIndexTag;
       var gridViewTag = dojox.grid.util.gridViewTag;

       // base class for generating markup for the views
       dg._Builder = dojo.extend(function(view){
         this.view = view;
         this.grid = view.grid;
        view: null,
        // boilerplate HTML
        _table: '

        // Returns the table variable as an array - and with the view width, if specified
        getTableArray: function(){
         var html = [this._table];
          html.push([' style="width:', this.view.viewWidth, ';"'].join(''));
         return html;

        // generate starting tags for a cell
        generateCellMarkup: function(inCell, inMoreStyles, inMoreClasses, isHeader){
         var result = [], html;
          var sortInfo = inCell.index != inCell.grid.getSortIndex() ? "" : inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? 'aria-sort="ascending"' : 'aria-sort="descending"';
          if (!{
  = + "Hdr" + inCell.index;
          // column headers are not editable, mark as aria-readonly=true
          html = ['');
         return result; // Array

        // cell finding
        isCellNode: function(inNode){
         return Boolean(inNode && inNode!=dojo.doc && dojo.attr(inNode, "idx"));

        getCellNodeIndex: function(inCellNode){
         return inCellNode ? Number(dojo.attr(inCellNode, "idx")) : -1;

        getCellNode: function(inRowNode, inCellIndex){
         for(var i=0, row; ((row = getTr(inRowNode.firstChild, i)) && row.cells); i++){
          for(var j=0, cell; (cell = row.cells[j]); j++){
           if(this.getCellNodeIndex(cell) == inCellIndex){
            return cell;
         return null;

        findCellTarget: function(inSourceNode, inTopNode){
         var n = inSourceNode;
         while(n && (!this.isCellNode(n) || (n.offsetParent && gridViewTag in n.offsetParent.parentNode && n.offsetParent.parentNode[gridViewTag] != && (n!=inTopNode)){
          n = n.parentNode;
         return n!=inTopNode ? n : null;

        // event decoration
        baseDecorateEvent: function(e){
         e.dispatch = 'do' + e.type;
         e.grid = this.grid;
         e.sourceView = this.view;
         e.cellNode = this.findCellTarget(, e.rowNode);
         e.cellIndex = this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode);
         e.cell = (e.cellIndex >= 0 ? this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex) : null);

        // event dispatch
        findTarget: function(inSource, inTag){
         var n = inSource;
         while(n && (n!=this.domNode) && (!(inTag in n) || (gridViewTag in n && n[gridViewTag] !={
          n = n.parentNode;
         return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null;

        findRowTarget: function(inSource){
         return this.findTarget(inSource, rowIndexTag);

        isIntraNodeEvent: function(e){
          return (e.cellNode && e.relatedTarget && dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, e.cellNode));
          // e.relatedTarget has permission problem in FF if it's an input:
          return false;

        isIntraRowEvent: function(e){
          var row = e.relatedTarget && this.findRowTarget(e.relatedTarget);
          return !row && (e.rowIndex==-1) || row && (e.rowIndex==row.gridRowIndex);
          // e.relatedTarget on INPUT has permission problem in FF:
          return false;

        dispatchEvent: function(e){
         if(e.dispatch in this){
          return this[e.dispatch](e);
         return false;

        // dispatched event handlers
        domouseover: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode!=this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = e.cellNode;

        domouseout: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode==this.lastOverCellNode) && !this.isIntraNodeEvent(e, this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = null;

        domousedown: function(e){
         if (e.cellNode)

       // Produces html for grid data content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._ContentBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){, view);
        update: function(){

        // cache html for rendering data rows
        prepareHtml: function(){
         var defaultGet=this.grid.get, cells=this.view.structure.cells;
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.get = cell.get || (cell.value == undefined) && defaultGet;
           cell.markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.cellStyles, cell.cellClasses, false);
           if (!this.grid.editable && cell.editable){
            this.grid.editable = true;

        // time critical: generate html using cache and data source
        generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, inRowIndex){
          html = this.getTableArray(),
          v = this.view,
          cells = v.structure.cells,
          item = this.grid.getItem(inRowIndex);

, "onBeforeRow", [inRowIndex, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          if(row.hidden || row.header){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, m, cc, cs; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           m = cell.markup; cc = cell.customClasses = []; cs = cell.customStyles = [];
           // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects)
           m[5] = cell.format(inRowIndex, item);
           // classes
           m[1] = cc.join(' ');
           // styles
           m[3] = cs.join(';');
           // in-place concat
           html.push.apply(html, m);
         return html.join(''); // String

        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(;
         if(!e.rowNode){return false;}
         e.rowIndex = e.rowNode[rowIndexTag];
         e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return true; // Boolean

       // Produces html for grid header content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._HeaderBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){
        this.moveable = null;, view);
        _skipBogusClicks: false,
        overResizeWidth: 4,
        minColWidth: 1,

        update: function(){
          this.tableMap = new dg._TableMap(this.view.structure.cells);

        generateHtml: function(inGetValue, inValue){
         var html = this.getTableArray(), cells = this.view.structure.cells;

         , "onBeforeRow", [-1, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, markup; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.customClasses = [];
           cell.customStyles = [];
              if(cell.headerClasses.indexOf('dojoDndItem') == -1){
               cell.headerClasses += ' dojoDndItem';
              cell.headerClasses = 'dojoDndItem';
             if(cell.attrs.indexOf("dndType='gridColumn_") == -1){
              cell.attrs += " dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
             cell.attrs = "dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
           markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.headerStyles, cell.headerClasses, true);
           // content
           markup[5] = (inValue != undefined ? inValue : inGetValue(cell));
           // styles
           markup[3] = cell.customStyles.join(';');
           // classes
           markup[1] = cell.customClasses.join(' '); //(cell.customClasses ? ' ' + cell.customClasses : '');
         return html.join('');

        // event helpers
        getCellX: function(e){
         var n, x = e.layerX;
         if(dojo.isMoz || dojo.isIE >= 9){
          n = ascendDom(, makeNotTagName("th"));
          x -= (n && n.offsetLeft) || 0;
          var t = e.sourceView.getScrollbarWidth();
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()/*&& e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft < t*/){
           //fix #11253
           table = ascendDom(n,makeNotTagName("table"));
           x -= (table && table.offsetLeft) || 0;
          //x -= getProp(ascendDom(, mkNotTagName("td")), "offsetLeft") || 0;
         n = ascendDom(, function(){
          if(!n || n == e.cellNode){
           return false;
          // Mozilla 1.8 (FF 1.5) has a bug that makes offsetLeft = -parent border width
          // when parent has border, overflow: hidden, and is positioned
          // handle this problem here ... not a general solution!
          x += (n.offsetLeft < 0 ? 0 : n.offsetLeft);
          return true;
         return x;

        // event decoration
        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowIndex = -1;
         e.cellX = this.getCellX(e);
         return true;

        // event handlers
        // resizing
        prepareResize: function(e, mod){
          var i = getTdIndex(e.cellNode);
          e.cellNode = (i ? e.cellNode.parentNode.cells[i+mod] : null);
          e.cellIndex = (e.cellNode ? this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode) : -1);
         }while(e.cellNode && == "none");
         return Boolean(e.cellNode);

        canResize: function(e){
         if(!e.cellNode || e.cellNode.colSpan > 1){
          return false;
         var cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return !cell.noresize && cell.canResize();

        overLeftResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);
         var t = e.cellNode && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth);
         return t;

        overRightResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return e.cellNode && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth);
         return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.domousemove

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


       var dg = dojox.grid;

       var getTdIndex = function(td){
        return td.cellIndex >=0 ? td.cellIndex : dojo.indexOf(td.parentNode.cells, td);

       var getTrIndex = function(tr){
        return tr.rowIndex >=0 ? tr.rowIndex : dojo.indexOf(tr.parentNode.childNodes, tr);

       var getTr = function(rowOwner, index){
        return rowOwner && ((rowOwner.rows||0)[index] || rowOwner.childNodes[index]);

       var findTable = function(node){
        for(var n=node; n && n.tagName!='TABLE'; n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var ascendDom = function(inNode, inWhile){
        for(var n=inNode; n && inWhile(n); n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var makeNotTagName = function(inTagName){
        var name = inTagName.toUpperCase();
        return function(node){ return node.tagName != name; };

       var rowIndexTag = dojox.grid.util.rowIndexTag;
       var gridViewTag = dojox.grid.util.gridViewTag;

       // base class for generating markup for the views
       dg._Builder = dojo.extend(function(view){
         this.view = view;
         this.grid = view.grid;
        view: null,
        // boilerplate HTML
        _table: '

        // Returns the table variable as an array - and with the view width, if specified
        getTableArray: function(){
         var html = [this._table];
          html.push([' style="width:', this.view.viewWidth, ';"'].join(''));
         return html;

        // generate starting tags for a cell
        generateCellMarkup: function(inCell, inMoreStyles, inMoreClasses, isHeader){
         var result = [], html;
          var sortInfo = inCell.index != inCell.grid.getSortIndex() ? "" : inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? 'aria-sort="ascending"' : 'aria-sort="descending"';
          if (!{
  = + "Hdr" + inCell.index;
          // column headers are not editable, mark as aria-readonly=true
          html = ['');
         return result; // Array

        // cell finding
        isCellNode: function(inNode){
         return Boolean(inNode && inNode!=dojo.doc && dojo.attr(inNode, "idx"));

        getCellNodeIndex: function(inCellNode){
         return inCellNode ? Number(dojo.attr(inCellNode, "idx")) : -1;

        getCellNode: function(inRowNode, inCellIndex){
         for(var i=0, row; ((row = getTr(inRowNode.firstChild, i)) && row.cells); i++){
          for(var j=0, cell; (cell = row.cells[j]); j++){
           if(this.getCellNodeIndex(cell) == inCellIndex){
            return cell;
         return null;

        findCellTarget: function(inSourceNode, inTopNode){
         var n = inSourceNode;
         while(n && (!this.isCellNode(n) || (n.offsetParent && gridViewTag in n.offsetParent.parentNode && n.offsetParent.parentNode[gridViewTag] != && (n!=inTopNode)){
          n = n.parentNode;
         return n!=inTopNode ? n : null;

        // event decoration
        baseDecorateEvent: function(e){
         e.dispatch = 'do' + e.type;
         e.grid = this.grid;
         e.sourceView = this.view;
         e.cellNode = this.findCellTarget(, e.rowNode);
         e.cellIndex = this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode);
         e.cell = (e.cellIndex >= 0 ? this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex) : null);

        // event dispatch
        findTarget: function(inSource, inTag){
         var n = inSource;
         while(n && (n!=this.domNode) && (!(inTag in n) || (gridViewTag in n && n[gridViewTag] !={
          n = n.parentNode;
         return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null;

        findRowTarget: function(inSource){
         return this.findTarget(inSource, rowIndexTag);

        isIntraNodeEvent: function(e){
          return (e.cellNode && e.relatedTarget && dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, e.cellNode));
          // e.relatedTarget has permission problem in FF if it's an input:
          return false;

        isIntraRowEvent: function(e){
          var row = e.relatedTarget && this.findRowTarget(e.relatedTarget);
          return !row && (e.rowIndex==-1) || row && (e.rowIndex==row.gridRowIndex);
          // e.relatedTarget on INPUT has permission problem in FF:
          return false;

        dispatchEvent: function(e){
         if(e.dispatch in this){
          return this[e.dispatch](e);
         return false;

        // dispatched event handlers
        domouseover: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode!=this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = e.cellNode;

        domouseout: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode==this.lastOverCellNode) && !this.isIntraNodeEvent(e, this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = null;

        domousedown: function(e){
         if (e.cellNode)

       // Produces html for grid data content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._ContentBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){, view);
        update: function(){

        // cache html for rendering data rows
        prepareHtml: function(){
         var defaultGet=this.grid.get, cells=this.view.structure.cells;
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.get = cell.get || (cell.value == undefined) && defaultGet;
           cell.markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.cellStyles, cell.cellClasses, false);
           if (!this.grid.editable && cell.editable){
            this.grid.editable = true;

        // time critical: generate html using cache and data source
        generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, inRowIndex){
          html = this.getTableArray(),
          v = this.view,
          cells = v.structure.cells,
          item = this.grid.getItem(inRowIndex);

, "onBeforeRow", [inRowIndex, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          if(row.hidden || row.header){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, m, cc, cs; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           m = cell.markup; cc = cell.customClasses = []; cs = cell.customStyles = [];
           // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects)
           m[5] = cell.format(inRowIndex, item);
           // classes
           m[1] = cc.join(' ');
           // styles
           m[3] = cs.join(';');
           // in-place concat
           html.push.apply(html, m);
         return html.join(''); // String

        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(;
         if(!e.rowNode){return false;}
         e.rowIndex = e.rowNode[rowIndexTag];
         e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return true; // Boolean

       // Produces html for grid header content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._HeaderBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){
        this.moveable = null;, view);
        _skipBogusClicks: false,
        overResizeWidth: 4,
        minColWidth: 1,

        update: function(){
          this.tableMap = new dg._TableMap(this.view.structure.cells);

        generateHtml: function(inGetValue, inValue){
         var html = this.getTableArray(), cells = this.view.structure.cells;

         , "onBeforeRow", [-1, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, markup; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.customClasses = [];
           cell.customStyles = [];
              if(cell.headerClasses.indexOf('dojoDndItem') == -1){
               cell.headerClasses += ' dojoDndItem';
              cell.headerClasses = 'dojoDndItem';
             if(cell.attrs.indexOf("dndType='gridColumn_") == -1){
              cell.attrs += " dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
             cell.attrs = "dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
           markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.headerStyles, cell.headerClasses, true);
           // content
           markup[5] = (inValue != undefined ? inValue : inGetValue(cell));
           // styles
           markup[3] = cell.customStyles.join(';');
           // classes
           markup[1] = cell.customClasses.join(' '); //(cell.customClasses ? ' ' + cell.customClasses : '');
         return html.join('');

        // event helpers
        getCellX: function(e){
         var n, x = e.layerX;
         if(dojo.isMoz || dojo.isIE >= 9){
          n = ascendDom(, makeNotTagName("th"));
          x -= (n && n.offsetLeft) || 0;
          var t = e.sourceView.getScrollbarWidth();
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()/*&& e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft < t*/){
           //fix #11253
           table = ascendDom(n,makeNotTagName("table"));
           x -= (table && table.offsetLeft) || 0;
          //x -= getProp(ascendDom(, mkNotTagName("td")), "offsetLeft") || 0;
         n = ascendDom(, function(){
          if(!n || n == e.cellNode){
           return false;
          // Mozilla 1.8 (FF 1.5) has a bug that makes offsetLeft = -parent border width
          // when parent has border, overflow: hidden, and is positioned
          // handle this problem here ... not a general solution!
          x += (n.offsetLeft < 0 ? 0 : n.offsetLeft);
          return true;
         return x;

        // event decoration
        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowIndex = -1;
         e.cellX = this.getCellX(e);
         return true;

        // event handlers
        // resizing
        prepareResize: function(e, mod){
          var i = getTdIndex(e.cellNode);
          e.cellNode = (i ? e.cellNode.parentNode.cells[i+mod] : null);
          e.cellIndex = (e.cellNode ? this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode) : -1);
         }while(e.cellNode && == "none");
         return Boolean(e.cellNode);

        canResize: function(e){
         if(!e.cellNode || e.cellNode.colSpan > 1){
          return false;
         var cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return !cell.noresize && cell.canResize();

        overLeftResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);
         var t = e.cellNode && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth);
         return t;

        overRightResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return e.cellNode && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth);
         return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);

        domousemove: function(e){
         //console.log(e.cellIndex, e.cellX, e.cellNode.offsetWidth);
          var c = (this.overRightResizeArea(e) ? 'dojoxGridColResize' : (this.overLeftResizeArea(e) ? 'dojoxGridColResize' : ''));
          if(c && !this.canResize(e)){
           c = 'dojoxGridColNoResize';
          dojo.toggleClass(e.sourceView.headerNode, "dojoxGridColNoResize", (c == "dojoxGridColNoResize"));
          dojo.toggleClass(e.sourceView.headerNode, "dojoxGridColResize", (c == "dojoxGridColResize"));
           var t = e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft;
           e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft = t;
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.domousedown

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          if((this.overRightResizeArea(e) || this.overLeftResizeArea(e)) && this.canResize(e)){
          // this.beginMoveColumn(e);
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.doclick

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          return true;
         return false;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.colResizeSetup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof Event Object)
      • isMouse: (typeof boolean)
    • source: [view]


       var dg = dojox.grid;

       var getTdIndex = function(td){
        return td.cellIndex >=0 ? td.cellIndex : dojo.indexOf(td.parentNode.cells, td);

       var getTrIndex = function(tr){
        return tr.rowIndex >=0 ? tr.rowIndex : dojo.indexOf(tr.parentNode.childNodes, tr);

       var getTr = function(rowOwner, index){
        return rowOwner && ((rowOwner.rows||0)[index] || rowOwner.childNodes[index]);

       var findTable = function(node){
        for(var n=node; n && n.tagName!='TABLE'; n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var ascendDom = function(inNode, inWhile){
        for(var n=inNode; n && inWhile(n); n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var makeNotTagName = function(inTagName){
        var name = inTagName.toUpperCase();
        return function(node){ return node.tagName != name; };

       var rowIndexTag = dojox.grid.util.rowIndexTag;
       var gridViewTag = dojox.grid.util.gridViewTag;

       // base class for generating markup for the views
       dg._Builder = dojo.extend(function(view){
         this.view = view;
         this.grid = view.grid;
        view: null,
        // boilerplate HTML
        _table: '

        // Returns the table variable as an array - and with the view width, if specified
        getTableArray: function(){
         var html = [this._table];
          html.push([' style="width:', this.view.viewWidth, ';"'].join(''));
         return html;

        // generate starting tags for a cell
        generateCellMarkup: function(inCell, inMoreStyles, inMoreClasses, isHeader){
         var result = [], html;
          var sortInfo = inCell.index != inCell.grid.getSortIndex() ? "" : inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? 'aria-sort="ascending"' : 'aria-sort="descending"';
          if (!{
  = + "Hdr" + inCell.index;
          // column headers are not editable, mark as aria-readonly=true
          html = ['');
         return result; // Array

        // cell finding
        isCellNode: function(inNode){
         return Boolean(inNode && inNode!=dojo.doc && dojo.attr(inNode, "idx"));

        getCellNodeIndex: function(inCellNode){
         return inCellNode ? Number(dojo.attr(inCellNode, "idx")) : -1;

        getCellNode: function(inRowNode, inCellIndex){
         for(var i=0, row; ((row = getTr(inRowNode.firstChild, i)) && row.cells); i++){
          for(var j=0, cell; (cell = row.cells[j]); j++){
           if(this.getCellNodeIndex(cell) == inCellIndex){
            return cell;
         return null;

        findCellTarget: function(inSourceNode, inTopNode){
         var n = inSourceNode;
         while(n && (!this.isCellNode(n) || (n.offsetParent && gridViewTag in n.offsetParent.parentNode && n.offsetParent.parentNode[gridViewTag] != && (n!=inTopNode)){
          n = n.parentNode;
         return n!=inTopNode ? n : null;

        // event decoration
        baseDecorateEvent: function(e){
         e.dispatch = 'do' + e.type;
         e.grid = this.grid;
         e.sourceView = this.view;
         e.cellNode = this.findCellTarget(, e.rowNode);
         e.cellIndex = this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode);
         e.cell = (e.cellIndex >= 0 ? this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex) : null);

        // event dispatch
        findTarget: function(inSource, inTag){
         var n = inSource;
         while(n && (n!=this.domNode) && (!(inTag in n) || (gridViewTag in n && n[gridViewTag] !={
          n = n.parentNode;
         return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null;

        findRowTarget: function(inSource){
         return this.findTarget(inSource, rowIndexTag);

        isIntraNodeEvent: function(e){
          return (e.cellNode && e.relatedTarget && dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, e.cellNode));
          // e.relatedTarget has permission problem in FF if it's an input:
          return false;

        isIntraRowEvent: function(e){
          var row = e.relatedTarget && this.findRowTarget(e.relatedTarget);
          return !row && (e.rowIndex==-1) || row && (e.rowIndex==row.gridRowIndex);
          // e.relatedTarget on INPUT has permission problem in FF:
          return false;

        dispatchEvent: function(e){
         if(e.dispatch in this){
          return this[e.dispatch](e);
         return false;

        // dispatched event handlers
        domouseover: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode!=this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = e.cellNode;

        domouseout: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode==this.lastOverCellNode) && !this.isIntraNodeEvent(e, this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = null;

        domousedown: function(e){
         if (e.cellNode)

       // Produces html for grid data content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._ContentBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){, view);
        update: function(){

        // cache html for rendering data rows
        prepareHtml: function(){
         var defaultGet=this.grid.get, cells=this.view.structure.cells;
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.get = cell.get || (cell.value == undefined) && defaultGet;
           cell.markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.cellStyles, cell.cellClasses, false);
           if (!this.grid.editable && cell.editable){
            this.grid.editable = true;

        // time critical: generate html using cache and data source
        generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, inRowIndex){
          html = this.getTableArray(),
          v = this.view,
          cells = v.structure.cells,
          item = this.grid.getItem(inRowIndex);

, "onBeforeRow", [inRowIndex, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          if(row.hidden || row.header){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, m, cc, cs; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           m = cell.markup; cc = cell.customClasses = []; cs = cell.customStyles = [];
           // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects)
           m[5] = cell.format(inRowIndex, item);
           // classes
           m[1] = cc.join(' ');
           // styles
           m[3] = cs.join(';');
           // in-place concat
           html.push.apply(html, m);
         return html.join(''); // String

        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(;
         if(!e.rowNode){return false;}
         e.rowIndex = e.rowNode[rowIndexTag];
         e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return true; // Boolean

       // Produces html for grid header content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._HeaderBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){
        this.moveable = null;, view);
        _skipBogusClicks: false,
        overResizeWidth: 4,
        minColWidth: 1,

        update: function(){
          this.tableMap = new dg._TableMap(this.view.structure.cells);

        generateHtml: function(inGetValue, inValue){
         var html = this.getTableArray(), cells = this.view.structure.cells;

         , "onBeforeRow", [-1, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, markup; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.customClasses = [];
           cell.customStyles = [];
              if(cell.headerClasses.indexOf('dojoDndItem') == -1){
               cell.headerClasses += ' dojoDndItem';
              cell.headerClasses = 'dojoDndItem';
             if(cell.attrs.indexOf("dndType='gridColumn_") == -1){
              cell.attrs += " dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
             cell.attrs = "dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
           markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.headerStyles, cell.headerClasses, true);
           // content
           markup[5] = (inValue != undefined ? inValue : inGetValue(cell));
           // styles
           markup[3] = cell.customStyles.join(';');
           // classes
           markup[1] = cell.customClasses.join(' '); //(cell.customClasses ? ' ' + cell.customClasses : '');
         return html.join('');

        // event helpers
        getCellX: function(e){
         var n, x = e.layerX;
         if(dojo.isMoz || dojo.isIE >= 9){
          n = ascendDom(, makeNotTagName("th"));
          x -= (n && n.offsetLeft) || 0;
          var t = e.sourceView.getScrollbarWidth();
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()/*&& e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft < t*/){
           //fix #11253
           table = ascendDom(n,makeNotTagName("table"));
           x -= (table && table.offsetLeft) || 0;
          //x -= getProp(ascendDom(, mkNotTagName("td")), "offsetLeft") || 0;
         n = ascendDom(, function(){
          if(!n || n == e.cellNode){
           return false;
          // Mozilla 1.8 (FF 1.5) has a bug that makes offsetLeft = -parent border width
          // when parent has border, overflow: hidden, and is positioned
          // handle this problem here ... not a general solution!
          x += (n.offsetLeft < 0 ? 0 : n.offsetLeft);
          return true;
         return x;

        // event decoration
        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowIndex = -1;
         e.cellX = this.getCellX(e);
         return true;

        // event handlers
        // resizing
        prepareResize: function(e, mod){
          var i = getTdIndex(e.cellNode);
          e.cellNode = (i ? e.cellNode.parentNode.cells[i+mod] : null);
          e.cellIndex = (e.cellNode ? this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode) : -1);
         }while(e.cellNode && == "none");
         return Boolean(e.cellNode);

        canResize: function(e){
         if(!e.cellNode || e.cellNode.colSpan > 1){
          return false;
         var cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return !cell.noresize && cell.canResize();

        overLeftResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);
         var t = e.cellNode && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth);
         return t;

        overRightResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return e.cellNode && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth);
         return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);

        domousemove: function(e){
         //console.log(e.cellIndex, e.cellX, e.cellNode.offsetWidth);
          var c = (this.overRightResizeArea(e) ? 'dojoxGridColResize' : (this.overLeftResizeArea(e) ? 'dojoxGridColResize' : ''));
          if(c && !this.canResize(e)){
           c = 'dojoxGridColNoResize';
          dojo.toggleClass(e.sourceView.headerNode, "dojoxGridColNoResize", (c == "dojoxGridColNoResize"));
          dojo.toggleClass(e.sourceView.headerNode, "dojoxGridColResize", (c == "dojoxGridColResize"));
           var t = e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft;
           e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft = t;

        domousedown: function(e){
          if((this.overRightResizeArea(e) || this.overLeftResizeArea(e)) && this.canResize(e)){
          // this.beginMoveColumn(e);

        doclick: function(e) {
          return true;
         return false;

        // column resizing
        colResizeSetup: function(/*Event Object*/e, /*boolean*/ isMouse ){
         //Set up the drag object for column resizing
         // Called with mouse event in case of drag and drop,
         // Also called from keyboard shift-arrow event when focus is on a header
         var headContentBox = dojo.contentBox(e.sourceView.headerNode);

         if(isMouse){ //IE draws line even with no mouse down so separate from keyboard
          this.lineDiv = document.createElement('div');

          // NOTE: this is for backwards compatibility with Dojo 1.3
          var vw = (dojo.position||dojo._abs)(e.sourceView.headerNode, true);
          var bodyContentBox = dojo.contentBox(e.sourceView.domNode);
          //fix #11340
          var l = e.pageX;
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr() && dojo.isIE < 8){
           l -= dojox.html.metrics.getScrollbar().w;
, {
           top: vw.y + "px",
           left: l + "px",
           height: (bodyContentBox.h + headContentBox.h) + "px"
          dojo.addClass(this.lineDiv, "dojoxGridResizeColLine");
          this.lineDiv._origLeft = l;
         var spanners = [], nodes = this.tableMap.findOverlappingNodes(e.cellNode);
         for(var i=0, cell; (cell=nodes[i]); i++){
          spanners.push({ node: cell, index: this.getCellNodeIndex(cell), width: cell.offsetWidth });
          //console.log("spanner: " + this.getCellNodeIndex(cell));

         var view = e.sourceView;
         var adj = dojo._isBodyLtr() ? 1 : -1;
         var views = e.grid.views.views;
         var followers = [];
         for(var j=view.idx+adj, cView; (cView=views[j]); j=j+adj){
          followers.push({ node: cView.headerNode, left: window.parseInt( });
         var table = view.headerContentNode.firstChild;
         var drag = {
          scrollLeft: e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft,
          view: view,
          node: e.cellNode,
          index: e.cellIndex,
          w: dojo.contentBox(e.cellNode).w,
          vw: headContentBox.w,
          table: table,
          tw: dojo.contentBox(table).w,
          spanners: spanners,
          followers: followers
         return drag;
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.lineDiv

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.lineDiv._origLeft

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.beginColumnResize

    • type
    • parameters:
      • e: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         this.moverDiv = document.createElement("div");,{position: "absolute", left:0}); // to make DnD work with dir=rtl
         dojo.addClass(this.grid.domNode, "dojoxGridColumnResizing");
         var m = (this.moveable = new dojo.dnd.Moveable(this.moverDiv));

         var drag = this.colResizeSetup(e,true);

         m.onMove = dojo.hitch(this, "doResizeColumn", drag);

         dojo.connect(m, "onMoveStop", dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          delete this.moveable;
          this.moveable = null;
          dojo.removeClass(this.grid.domNode, "dojoxGridColumnResizing");

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.moverDiv

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.doResizeColumn

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inDrag: (typeof )
      • mover: (typeof )
      • leftTop: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var changeX = leftTop.l;
         var data = {
          deltaX: changeX,
          w: inDrag.w + (dojo._isBodyLtr() ? changeX : -changeX),//fix #11341
          vw: inDrag.vw + changeX,
          tw: + changeX

         this.dragRecord = {inDrag: inDrag, mover: mover, leftTop:leftTop};

         if(data.w >= this.minColWidth){
          if (!mover) { // we are using keyboard do immediate resize
           this.doResizeNow(inDrag, data);
 , "left", (this.lineDiv._origLeft + data.deltaX) + "px");
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.dragRecord

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.endResizeColumn

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inDrag: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          var leftTop = this.dragRecord.leftTop;
          var changeX = dojo._isBodyLtr() ? leftTop.l : -leftTop.l;
          // Make sure we are not under our minimum
          changeX += Math.max(inDrag.w + changeX, this.minColWidth) - (inDrag.w + changeX);
          if(dojo.isWebKit && inDrag.spanners.length){
           // Webkit needs the pad border extents back in
           changeX += dojo._getPadBorderExtents(inDrag.spanners[0].node).w;
          var data = {
           deltaX: changeX,
           w: inDrag.w + changeX,
           vw: inDrag.vw + changeX,
           tw: + changeX
          // Only resize the columns when the drag has finished
          this.doResizeNow(inDrag, data);
          delete this.dragRecord;

         delete this.moverDiv;
         this._skipBogusClicks = true;
         this._skipBogusClicks = false;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._HeaderBuilder.doResizeNow

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inDrag: (typeof )
      • data: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         if(inDrag.view.flexCells && !inDrag.view.testFlexCells()){
          var t = findTable(inDrag.node);
           ( = '');
         var i, s, sw, f, fl;
         for(i=0; (s=inDrag.spanners[i]); i++){
          sw = s.width + data.deltaX;
          if(sw > 0){
  = sw + 'px';
           inDrag.view.setColWidth(s.index, sw);
         if(dojo._isBodyLtr() || !dojo.isIE){//fix #11339
          for(i=0; (f=inDrag.followers[i]); i++){
           fl = f.left + data.deltaX;
  = fl + 'px';
         } = data.w + 'px';
         inDrag.view.setColWidth(inDrag.index, data.w); = data.vw + 'px';
          inDrag.view.headerNode.scrollLeft = inDrag.scrollLeft + data.deltaX;
    • summary

    • summary
  • dojox.grid._TableMap.mapRows

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inRows: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


       var dg = dojox.grid;

       var getTdIndex = function(td){
        return td.cellIndex >=0 ? td.cellIndex : dojo.indexOf(td.parentNode.cells, td);

       var getTrIndex = function(tr){
        return tr.rowIndex >=0 ? tr.rowIndex : dojo.indexOf(tr.parentNode.childNodes, tr);

       var getTr = function(rowOwner, index){
        return rowOwner && ((rowOwner.rows||0)[index] || rowOwner.childNodes[index]);

       var findTable = function(node){
        for(var n=node; n && n.tagName!='TABLE'; n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var ascendDom = function(inNode, inWhile){
        for(var n=inNode; n && inWhile(n); n=n.parentNode){}
        return n;

       var makeNotTagName = function(inTagName){
        var name = inTagName.toUpperCase();
        return function(node){ return node.tagName != name; };

       var rowIndexTag = dojox.grid.util.rowIndexTag;
       var gridViewTag = dojox.grid.util.gridViewTag;

       // base class for generating markup for the views
       dg._Builder = dojo.extend(function(view){
         this.view = view;
         this.grid = view.grid;
        view: null,
        // boilerplate HTML
        _table: '

        // Returns the table variable as an array - and with the view width, if specified
        getTableArray: function(){
         var html = [this._table];
          html.push([' style="width:', this.view.viewWidth, ';"'].join(''));
         return html;

        // generate starting tags for a cell
        generateCellMarkup: function(inCell, inMoreStyles, inMoreClasses, isHeader){
         var result = [], html;
          var sortInfo = inCell.index != inCell.grid.getSortIndex() ? "" : inCell.grid.sortInfo > 0 ? 'aria-sort="ascending"' : 'aria-sort="descending"';
          if (!{
  = + "Hdr" + inCell.index;
          // column headers are not editable, mark as aria-readonly=true
          html = ['');
         return result; // Array

        // cell finding
        isCellNode: function(inNode){
         return Boolean(inNode && inNode!=dojo.doc && dojo.attr(inNode, "idx"));

        getCellNodeIndex: function(inCellNode){
         return inCellNode ? Number(dojo.attr(inCellNode, "idx")) : -1;

        getCellNode: function(inRowNode, inCellIndex){
         for(var i=0, row; ((row = getTr(inRowNode.firstChild, i)) && row.cells); i++){
          for(var j=0, cell; (cell = row.cells[j]); j++){
           if(this.getCellNodeIndex(cell) == inCellIndex){
            return cell;
         return null;

        findCellTarget: function(inSourceNode, inTopNode){
         var n = inSourceNode;
         while(n && (!this.isCellNode(n) || (n.offsetParent && gridViewTag in n.offsetParent.parentNode && n.offsetParent.parentNode[gridViewTag] != && (n!=inTopNode)){
          n = n.parentNode;
         return n!=inTopNode ? n : null;

        // event decoration
        baseDecorateEvent: function(e){
         e.dispatch = 'do' + e.type;
         e.grid = this.grid;
         e.sourceView = this.view;
         e.cellNode = this.findCellTarget(, e.rowNode);
         e.cellIndex = this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode);
         e.cell = (e.cellIndex >= 0 ? this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex) : null);

        // event dispatch
        findTarget: function(inSource, inTag){
         var n = inSource;
         while(n && (n!=this.domNode) && (!(inTag in n) || (gridViewTag in n && n[gridViewTag] !={
          n = n.parentNode;
         return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null;

        findRowTarget: function(inSource){
         return this.findTarget(inSource, rowIndexTag);

        isIntraNodeEvent: function(e){
          return (e.cellNode && e.relatedTarget && dojo.isDescendant(e.relatedTarget, e.cellNode));
          // e.relatedTarget has permission problem in FF if it's an input:
          return false;

        isIntraRowEvent: function(e){
          var row = e.relatedTarget && this.findRowTarget(e.relatedTarget);
          return !row && (e.rowIndex==-1) || row && (e.rowIndex==row.gridRowIndex);
          // e.relatedTarget on INPUT has permission problem in FF:
          return false;

        dispatchEvent: function(e){
         if(e.dispatch in this){
          return this[e.dispatch](e);
         return false;

        // dispatched event handlers
        domouseover: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode!=this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = e.cellNode;

        domouseout: function(e){
         if(e.cellNode && (e.cellNode==this.lastOverCellNode) && !this.isIntraNodeEvent(e, this.lastOverCellNode)){
          this.lastOverCellNode = null;

        domousedown: function(e){
         if (e.cellNode)

       // Produces html for grid data content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._ContentBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){, view);
        update: function(){

        // cache html for rendering data rows
        prepareHtml: function(){
         var defaultGet=this.grid.get, cells=this.view.structure.cells;
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.get = cell.get || (cell.value == undefined) && defaultGet;
           cell.markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.cellStyles, cell.cellClasses, false);
           if (!this.grid.editable && cell.editable){
            this.grid.editable = true;

        // time critical: generate html using cache and data source
        generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, inRowIndex){
          html = this.getTableArray(),
          v = this.view,
          cells = v.structure.cells,
          item = this.grid.getItem(inRowIndex);

, "onBeforeRow", [inRowIndex, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          if(row.hidden || row.header){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, m, cc, cs; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           m = cell.markup; cc = cell.customClasses = []; cs = cell.customStyles = [];
           // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects)
           m[5] = cell.format(inRowIndex, item);
           // classes
           m[1] = cc.join(' ');
           // styles
           m[3] = cs.join(';');
           // in-place concat
           html.push.apply(html, m);
         return html.join(''); // String

        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(;
         if(!e.rowNode){return false;}
         e.rowIndex = e.rowNode[rowIndexTag];
         e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return true; // Boolean

       // Produces html for grid header content. Owned by grid and used internally
       // for rendering data. Override to implement custom rendering.
       dg._HeaderBuilder = dojo.extend(function(view){
        this.moveable = null;, view);
        _skipBogusClicks: false,
        overResizeWidth: 4,
        minColWidth: 1,

        update: function(){
          this.tableMap = new dg._TableMap(this.view.structure.cells);

        generateHtml: function(inGetValue, inValue){
         var html = this.getTableArray(), cells = this.view.structure.cells;

         , "onBeforeRow", [-1, cells]);
         for(var j=0, row; (row=cells[j]); j++){
          html.push(!row.invisible ? '' : '');
          for(var i=0, cell, markup; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           cell.customClasses = [];
           cell.customStyles = [];
              if(cell.headerClasses.indexOf('dojoDndItem') == -1){
               cell.headerClasses += ' dojoDndItem';
              cell.headerClasses = 'dojoDndItem';
             if(cell.attrs.indexOf("dndType='gridColumn_") == -1){
              cell.attrs += " dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
             cell.attrs = "dndType='gridColumn_" + + "'";
           markup = this.generateCellMarkup(cell, cell.headerStyles, cell.headerClasses, true);
           // content
           markup[5] = (inValue != undefined ? inValue : inGetValue(cell));
           // styles
           markup[3] = cell.customStyles.join(';');
           // classes
           markup[1] = cell.customClasses.join(' '); //(cell.customClasses ? ' ' + cell.customClasses : '');
         return html.join('');

        // event helpers
        getCellX: function(e){
         var n, x = e.layerX;
         if(dojo.isMoz || dojo.isIE >= 9){
          n = ascendDom(, makeNotTagName("th"));
          x -= (n && n.offsetLeft) || 0;
          var t = e.sourceView.getScrollbarWidth();
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()/*&& e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft < t*/){
           //fix #11253
           table = ascendDom(n,makeNotTagName("table"));
           x -= (table && table.offsetLeft) || 0;
          //x -= getProp(ascendDom(, mkNotTagName("td")), "offsetLeft") || 0;
         n = ascendDom(, function(){
          if(!n || n == e.cellNode){
           return false;
          // Mozilla 1.8 (FF 1.5) has a bug that makes offsetLeft = -parent border width
          // when parent has border, overflow: hidden, and is positioned
          // handle this problem here ... not a general solution!
          x += (n.offsetLeft < 0 ? 0 : n.offsetLeft);
          return true;
         return x;

        // event decoration
        decorateEvent: function(e){
         e.rowIndex = -1;
         e.cellX = this.getCellX(e);
         return true;

        // event handlers
        // resizing
        prepareResize: function(e, mod){
          var i = getTdIndex(e.cellNode);
          e.cellNode = (i ? e.cellNode.parentNode.cells[i+mod] : null);
          e.cellIndex = (e.cellNode ? this.getCellNodeIndex(e.cellNode) : -1);
         }while(e.cellNode && == "none");
         return Boolean(e.cellNode);

        canResize: function(e){
         if(!e.cellNode || e.cellNode.colSpan > 1){
          return false;
         var cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex);
         return !cell.noresize && cell.canResize();

        overLeftResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);
         var t = e.cellNode && (e.cellX > 0 && e.cellX < this.overResizeWidth);
         return t;

        overRightResizeArea: function(e){
         // We are never over a resize area if we are in the process of moving
         if(dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dojoDndMove")){
          return false;
         //Bugfix for crazy IE problem (#8807). IE returns position information for the icon and text arrow divs
         //as if they were still on the left instead of returning the position they were 'float: right' to.
         //So, the resize check ends up checking the wrong adjacent cell. This checks to see if the hover was over
         //the image or text nodes, then just ignored them/treat them not in scale range.
          var tN =;
          if(dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonNode") ||
           dojo.hasClass(tN, "dojoxGridArrowButtonChar")){
           return false;

          return e.cellNode && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth);
         return (e.cellIndex>0) && (e.cellX >= e.cellNode.offsetWidth - this.overResizeWidth) && this.prepareResize(e, -1);

        domousemove: function(e){
         //console.log(e.cellIndex, e.cellX, e.cellNode.offsetWidth);
          var c = (this.overRightResizeArea(e) ? 'dojoxGridColResize' : (this.overLeftResizeArea(e) ? 'dojoxGridColResize' : ''));
          if(c && !this.canResize(e)){
           c = 'dojoxGridColNoResize';
          dojo.toggleClass(e.sourceView.headerNode, "dojoxGridColNoResize", (c == "dojoxGridColNoResize"));
          dojo.toggleClass(e.sourceView.headerNode, "dojoxGridColResize", (c == "dojoxGridColResize"));
           var t = e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft;
           e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft = t;

        domousedown: function(e){
          if((this.overRightResizeArea(e) || this.overLeftResizeArea(e)) && this.canResize(e)){
          // this.beginMoveColumn(e);

        doclick: function(e) {
          return true;
         return false;

        // column resizing
        colResizeSetup: function(/*Event Object*/e, /*boolean*/ isMouse ){
         //Set up the drag object for column resizing
         // Called with mouse event in case of drag and drop,
         // Also called from keyboard shift-arrow event when focus is on a header
         var headContentBox = dojo.contentBox(e.sourceView.headerNode);

         if(isMouse){ //IE draws line even with no mouse down so separate from keyboard
          this.lineDiv = document.createElement('div');

          // NOTE: this is for backwards compatibility with Dojo 1.3
          var vw = (dojo.position||dojo._abs)(e.sourceView.headerNode, true);
          var bodyContentBox = dojo.contentBox(e.sourceView.domNode);
          //fix #11340
          var l = e.pageX;
          if(!dojo._isBodyLtr() && dojo.isIE < 8){
           l -= dojox.html.metrics.getScrollbar().w;
, {
           top: vw.y + "px",
           left: l + "px",
           height: (bodyContentBox.h + headContentBox.h) + "px"
          dojo.addClass(this.lineDiv, "dojoxGridResizeColLine");
          this.lineDiv._origLeft = l;
         var spanners = [], nodes = this.tableMap.findOverlappingNodes(e.cellNode);
         for(var i=0, cell; (cell=nodes[i]); i++){
          spanners.push({ node: cell, index: this.getCellNodeIndex(cell), width: cell.offsetWidth });
          //console.log("spanner: " + this.getCellNodeIndex(cell));

         var view = e.sourceView;
         var adj = dojo._isBodyLtr() ? 1 : -1;
         var views = e.grid.views.views;
         var followers = [];
         for(var j=view.idx+adj, cView; (cView=views[j]); j=j+adj){
          followers.push({ node: cView.headerNode, left: window.parseInt( });
         var table = view.headerContentNode.firstChild;
         var drag = {
          scrollLeft: e.sourceView.headerNode.scrollLeft,
          view: view,
          node: e.cellNode,
          index: e.cellIndex,
          w: dojo.contentBox(e.cellNode).w,
          vw: headContentBox.w,
          table: table,
          tw: dojo.contentBox(table).w,
          spanners: spanners,
          followers: followers
         return drag;
        beginColumnResize: function(e){
         this.moverDiv = document.createElement("div");,{position: "absolute", left:0}); // to make DnD work with dir=rtl
         dojo.addClass(this.grid.domNode, "dojoxGridColumnResizing");
         var m = (this.moveable = new dojo.dnd.Moveable(this.moverDiv));

         var drag = this.colResizeSetup(e,true);

         m.onMove = dojo.hitch(this, "doResizeColumn", drag);

         dojo.connect(m, "onMoveStop", dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          delete this.moveable;
          this.moveable = null;
          dojo.removeClass(this.grid.domNode, "dojoxGridColumnResizing");


        doResizeColumn: function(inDrag, mover, leftTop){
         var changeX = leftTop.l;
         var data = {
          deltaX: changeX,
          w: inDrag.w + (dojo._isBodyLtr() ? changeX : -changeX),//fix #11341
          vw: inDrag.vw + changeX,
          tw: + changeX

         this.dragRecord = {inDrag: inDrag, mover: mover, leftTop:leftTop};

         if(data.w >= this.minColWidth){
          if (!mover) { // we are using keyboard do immediate resize
           this.doResizeNow(inDrag, data);
 , "left", (this.lineDiv._origLeft + data.deltaX) + "px");

        endResizeColumn: function(inDrag){
          var leftTop = this.dragRecord.leftTop;
          var changeX = dojo._isBodyLtr() ? leftTop.l : -leftTop.l;
          // Make sure we are not under our minimum
          changeX += Math.max(inDrag.w + changeX, this.minColWidth) - (inDrag.w + changeX);
          if(dojo.isWebKit && inDrag.spanners.length){
           // Webkit needs the pad border extents back in
           changeX += dojo._getPadBorderExtents(inDrag.spanners[0].node).w;
          var data = {
           deltaX: changeX,
           w: inDrag.w + changeX,
           vw: inDrag.vw + changeX,
           tw: + changeX
          // Only resize the columns when the drag has finished
          this.doResizeNow(inDrag, data);
          delete this.dragRecord;

         delete this.moverDiv;
         this._skipBogusClicks = true;
         this._skipBogusClicks = false;
        doResizeNow: function(inDrag, data){
         if(inDrag.view.flexCells && !inDrag.view.testFlexCells()){
          var t = findTable(inDrag.node);
           ( = '');
         var i, s, sw, f, fl;
         for(i=0; (s=inDrag.spanners[i]); i++){
          sw = s.width + data.deltaX;
          if(sw > 0){
  = sw + 'px';
           inDrag.view.setColWidth(s.index, sw);
         if(dojo._isBodyLtr() || !dojo.isIE){//fix #11339
          for(i=0; (f=inDrag.followers[i]); i++){
           fl = f.left + data.deltaX;
  = fl + 'px';
         } = data.w + 'px';
         inDrag.view.setColWidth(inDrag.index, data.w); = data.vw + 'px';
          inDrag.view.headerNode.scrollLeft = inDrag.scrollLeft + data.deltaX;

       // Maps an html table into a structure parsable for information about cell row and col spanning.
       // Used by HeaderBuilder.
       dg._TableMap = dojo.extend(function(rows){
        map: null,

        mapRows: function(inRows){
         // summary: Map table topography

         // # of rows
         var rowCount = inRows.length;
         // map which columns and rows fill which cells = [];
         var row;
         for(var k=0; (row=inRows[k]); k++){
[k] = [];
         for(var j=0; (row=inRows[j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, x=0, cell, colSpan, rowSpan; (cell=row[i]); i++){
 [j][x] = { c: i, r: j };
           rowSpan = cell.rowSpan || 1;
           colSpan = cell.colSpan || 1;
           for(var y=0; y      for(var s=0; s[j+y][x+s] =[j][x];
           x += colSpan;
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._TableMap.dumpMap

    • type
    • source: [view]
         for(var j=0, row, h=''; ([j]); j++,h=''){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           h += cell.r + ',' + cell.c + ' ';
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._TableMap.getMapCoords

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inRow: (typeof )
      • inCol: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         for(var j=0, row; ([j]); j++){
          for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){
           if(cell.c==inCol && cell.r == inRow){
            return { j: j, i: i };
           //else{console.log(inRow, inCol, ' : ', i, j, " : ", cell.r, cell.c); };
         return { j: -1, i: -1 };
    • summary
      Find node's map coords by it's structure coords
  • dojox.grid._TableMap.getNode

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inTable: (typeof )
      • inRow: (typeof )
      • inCol: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var row = inTable && inTable.rows[inRow];
         return row && row.cells[inCol];
    • summary
      Find a node in inNode's table with the given structure coords
  • dojox.grid._TableMap._findOverlappingNodes

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inTable: (typeof )
      • inRow: (typeof )
      • inCol: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var nodes = [];
         var m = this.getMapCoords(inRow, inCol);
         //console.log("node j: %d, i: %d", m.j, m.i);
         for(var j=0, row; ([j]); j++){
          if(j == m.j){ continue; }
          var rw = row[m.i];
          //console.log("overlaps: r: %d, c: %d", rw.r, rw.c);
          var n = (rw?this.getNode(inTable, rw.r, rw.c):null);
          if(n){ nodes.push(n); }
         return nodes;
    • summary
  • dojox.grid._TableMap.findOverlappingNodes

    • type
    • parameters:
      • inNode: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return this._findOverlappingNodes(findTable(inNode), getTrIndex(inNode.parentNode), getTdIndex(inNode));
    • summary
  • dojox.grid

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary