
  • Provides:

    • dojox.gfx3d.matrix
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad

    • type
    • parameters:
      • degree: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
      dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad = function(degree){ return Math.PI * degree / 180;
    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix._radToDeg

    • type
    • parameters:
      • radian: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
      dojox.gfx3d.matrix._radToDeg = function(radian){ return radian / Math.PI * 180;
    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D

    • type
    • parameters:
      • arg: (typeof Object)
        a 3D matrix-like object, a number, or an array of such objects
    • source: [view]
        if(typeof arg == "number"){
         this.xx = this.yy = this.zz = arg;
        }else if(arg instanceof Array){
         if(arg.length > 0){
          var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize(arg[0]);
          // combine matrices
          for(var i = 1; i < arg.length; ++i){
           var l = m;
           var r = dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize(arg[i]);
           m = new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D();
           m.xx = l.xx * r.xx + l.xy * r.yx + l.xz * r.zx;
           m.xy = l.xx * r.xy + l.xy * r.yy + l.xz * r.zy;
           m.xz = l.xx * r.xz + l.xy * r.yz + l.xz * r.zz;
           m.yx = l.yx * r.xx + l.yy * r.yx + l.yz * r.zx;
           m.yy = l.yx * r.xy + l.yy * r.yy + l.yz * r.zy;
           m.yz = l.yx * r.xz + l.yy * r.yz + l.yz * r.zz;
           m.zx = l.zx * r.xx + l.zy * r.yx + l.zz * r.zx;
           m.zy = l.zx * r.xy + l.zy * r.yy + l.zz * r.zy;
           m.zz = l.zx * r.xz + l.zy * r.yz + l.zz * r.zz;
           m.dx = l.xx * r.dx + l.xy * r.dy + l.xz * + l.dx;
           m.dy = l.yx * r.dx + l.yy * r.dy + l.yz * + l.dy;
  = l.zx * r.dx + l.zy * r.dy + l.zz * +;
          dojo.mixin(this, m);
         dojo.mixin(this, arg);
    • summary
      a 3D matrix object
    • description
      Normalizes a 3D matrix-like object. If arrays is passed,
      all objects of the array are normalized and multiplied sequentially.
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.xx

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.xy

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.xz

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.yx

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.yy

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.yz

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.zx

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.zy

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.zz

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.dx

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D.dy

    • summary

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.identity

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.translate

    • type
    • parameters:
      • a: (typeof Number)
        an x coordinate value
      • b: (typeof Number)
        a y coordinate value
      • c: (typeof Number)
        a z coordinate value
    • source: [view]
        if(arguments.length > 1){
         return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({dx: a, dy: b, dz: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
        // branch
        // a: Object: a point-like object, which specifies offsets for 3 dimensions
        // b: null
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({dx: a.x, dy: a.y, dz: a.z}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a translation matrix
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to translate (move) points by specified offsets.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.scale

    • type
    • parameters:
      • a: (typeof Number)
        a scaling factor used for the x coordinate
      • b: (typeof Number)
        a scaling factor used for the y coordinate
      • c: (typeof Number)
        a scaling factor used for the z coordinate
    • source: [view]
        if(arguments.length > 1){
         return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({xx: a, yy: b, zz: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
        if(typeof a == "number"){
         // branch
         // a: Number: a uniform scaling factor used for the all coordinates
         // b: null
         return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({xx: a, yy: a, zz: a}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
        // branch
        // a: Object: a point-like object, which specifies scale factors for 3 dimensions
        // b: null
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({xx: a.x, yy: a.y, zz: a.z}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a scaling matrix
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to scale (magnify) points by specified offsets.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateX

    • type
    • parameters:
      • angle: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in radians (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        var c = Math.cos(angle);
        var s = Math.sin(angle);
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({yy: c, yz: -s, zy: s, zz: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the x axis)
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateXg

    • type
    • parameters:
      • degree: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in degrees (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateX(dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the x axis)
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
      See dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateX() for comparison.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateY

    • type
    • parameters:
      • angle: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in radians (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        var c = Math.cos(angle);
        var s = Math.sin(angle);
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({xx: c, xz: s, zx: -s, zz: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the y axis)
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateYg

    • type
    • parameters:
      • degree: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in degrees (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateY(dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the y axis)
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
      See dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateY() for comparison.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateZ

    • type
    • parameters:
      • angle: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in radians (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        var c = Math.cos(angle);
        var s = Math.sin(angle);
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({xx: c, xy: -s, yx: s, yy: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the z axis)
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateZg

    • type
    • parameters:
      • degree: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in degrees (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateZ(dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the z axis)
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
      See dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateZ() for comparison.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.cameraTranslate

    • type
    • parameters:
      • a: (typeof Number)
        an x coordinate value
      • b: (typeof Number)
        a y coordinate value
      • c: (typeof Number)
        a z coordinate value
    • source: [view]
        if(arguments.length > 1){
         return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({dx: -a, dy: -b, dz: -c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
        // branch
        // a: Object: a point-like object, which specifies offsets for 3 dimensions
        // b: null
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({dx: -a.x, dy: -a.y, dz: -a.z}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a translation matrix
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to translate (move) points by specified offsets.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.cameraRotateX

    • type
    • parameters:
      • angle: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in radians (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        var c = Math.cos(-angle);
        var s = Math.sin(-angle);
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({yy: c, yz: -s, zy: s, zz: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the x axis) in cameraTransform manner
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.cameraRotateXg

    • type
    • parameters:
      • degree: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in degrees (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateX(dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the x axis)in cameraTransform manner
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
      See dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateX() for comparison.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.cameraRotateY

    • type
    • parameters:
      • angle: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in radians (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        var c = Math.cos(-angle);
        var s = Math.sin(-angle);
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({xx: c, xz: s, zx: -s, zz: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the y axis) in cameraTransform manner
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.cameraRotateYg

    • type
    • parameters:
      • degree: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in degrees (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateY(dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the y axis) in cameraTransform manner
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
      See dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateY() for comparison.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.cameraRotateZ

    • type
    • parameters:
      • angle: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in radians (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        var c = Math.cos(-angle);
        var s = Math.sin(-angle);
        return new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({xx: c, xy: -s, yx: s, yy: c}); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the z axis) in cameraTransform manner
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.cameraRotateZg

    • type
    • parameters:
      • degree: (typeof Number)
        an angle of rotation in degrees (&gt;0 for CW)
    • source: [view]
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateZ(dojox.gfx3d.matrix._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      forms a rotating matrix (about the z axis) in cameraTransform manner
    • description
      The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
      around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
      See dojox.gfx3d.matrix.rotateZ() for comparison.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize

    • type
    • parameters:
      • matrix: (typeof Object)
        an object, which is converted to a matrix, if necessary
    • source: [view]
        return (matrix instanceof dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D) ? matrix : new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D(matrix); // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      converts an object to a matrix, if necessary
    • description
      Converts any 3D matrix-like object or an array of
      such objects to a valid dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D object.
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.clone

    • type
    • parameters:
      • matrix: (typeof dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D)
        a 3D matrix-like object to be cloned
    • source: [view]
        var obj = new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D();
        for(var i in matrix){
         if(typeof(matrix[i]) == "number" && typeof(obj[i]) == "number" && obj[i] != matrix[i]) obj[i] = matrix[i];
        return obj; // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      creates a copy of a 3D matrix
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.invert

    • type
    • parameters:
      • matrix: (typeof dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix3D)
        a 2D matrix-like object to be inverted
    • source: [view]
        var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize(matrix);
        var D = m.xx * m.yy * m.zz + m.xy * m.yz * m.zx + m.xz * m.yx * m.zy - m.xx * m.yz * m.zy - m.xy * m.yx * m.zz - m.xz * m.yy * m.zx;
        var M = new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D({
         xx: (m.yy * m.zz - m.yz * m.zy) / D,
         xy: (m.xz * m.zy - m.xy * m.zz) / D,
         xz: (m.xy * m.yz - m.xz * m.yy) / D,
         yx: (m.yz * m.zx - m.yx * m.zz) / D,
         yy: (m.xx * m.zz - m.xz * m.zx) / D,
         yz: (m.xz * m.yx - m.xx * m.yz) / D,
         zx: (m.yx * m.zy - m.yy * m.zx) / D,
         zy: (m.xy * m.zx - m.xx * m.zy) / D,
         zz: (m.xx * m.yy - m.xy * m.yx) / D,
         dx: -1 * (m.xy * m.yz * + m.xz * m.dy * m.zy + m.dx * m.yy * m.zz - m.xy * m.dy * m.zz - m.xz * m.yy * - m.dx * m.yz * m.zy) / D,
         dy: (m.xx * m.yz * + m.xz * m.dy * m.zx + m.dx * m.yx * m.zz - m.xx * m.dy * m.zz - m.xz * m.yx * - m.dx * m.yz * m.zx) / D,
         dz: -1 * (m.xx * m.yy * + m.xy * m.dy * m.zx + m.dx * m.yx * m.zy - m.xx * m.dy * m.zy - m.xy * m.yx * - m.dx * m.yy * m.zx) / D
        return M; // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      inverts a 2D matrix
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix._multiplyPoint

    • type
    • parameters:
      • m: (typeof )
      • x: (typeof Number)
        an x coordinate of a point
      • y: (typeof Number)
        a y coordinate of a point
      • z: (typeof Number)
        a z coordinate of a point
    • source: [view]
        return {x: m.xx * x + m.xy * y + m.xz * z + m.dx, y: m.yx * x + m.yy * y + m.yz * z + m.dy, z: m.zx * x + m.zy * y + m.zz * z +}; // Object
    • summary
      applies a matrix to a point
      matrix: dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D: a 3D matrix object to be applied
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.multiplyPoint

    • type
    • parameters:
      • matrix: (typeof dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D)
        a 3D matrix object to be applied
      • a: (typeof Number||Point)
        Number: an x coordinate of a point
      • b: (typeof Number, optional)
        Number: a y coordinate of a point
      • c: (typeof Number, optional)
        Number: a z coordinate of a point
    • source: [view]
        var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize(matrix);
        if(typeof a == "number" && typeof b == "number" && typeof c == "number"){
         return dojox.gfx3d.matrix._multiplyPoint(m, a, b, c); // Object
        // branch
        // matrix: dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D: a 3D matrix object to be applied
        // a: Object: a point
        // b: null
        // c: null
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix._multiplyPoint(m, a.x, a.y, a.z); // Object
    • summary
      applies a matrix to a point
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.multiply

    • type
    • parameters:
      • matrix: (typeof dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D)
        a 3D matrix-like object,
        all subsequent arguments are matrix-like objects too
    • source: [view]
        var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize(matrix);
        // combine matrices
        for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i){
         var l = m;
         var r = dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize(arguments[i]);
         m = new dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D();
         m.xx = l.xx * r.xx + l.xy * r.yx + l.xz * r.zx;
         m.xy = l.xx * r.xy + l.xy * r.yy + l.xz * r.zy;
         m.xz = l.xx * r.xz + l.xy * r.yz + l.xz * r.zz;
         m.yx = l.yx * r.xx + l.yy * r.yx + l.yz * r.zx;
         m.yy = l.yx * r.xy + l.yy * r.yy + l.yz * r.zy;
         m.yz = l.yx * r.xz + l.yy * r.yz + l.yz * r.zz;
         m.zx = l.zx * r.xx + l.zy * r.yx + l.zz * r.zx;
         m.zy = l.zx * r.xy + l.zy * r.yy + l.zz * r.zy;
         m.zz = l.zx * r.xz + l.zy * r.yz + l.zz * r.zz;
         m.dx = l.xx * r.dx + l.xy * r.dy + l.xz * + l.dx;
         m.dy = l.yx * r.dx + l.yy * r.dy + l.yz * + l.dy; = l.zx * r.dx + l.zy * r.dy + l.zz * +;
        return m; // dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D
    • summary
      combines matrices by multiplying them sequentially in the given order
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix._project

    • type
    • parameters:
      • m: (typeof )
      • x: (typeof Number)
        an x coordinate of a point
      • y: (typeof Number)
        a y coordinate of a point
      • z: (typeof Number)
        a z coordinate of a point
    • source: [view]
        return { // Object
         x: m.xx * x + m.xy * y + m.xz * z + m.dx,
         y: m.yx * x + m.yy * y + m.yz * z + m.dy,
         z: m.zx * x + m.zy * y + m.zz * z +};
    • summary
      applies a matrix to a point
      matrix: dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D: a 3D matrix object to be applied
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix.project

    • type
    • parameters:
      • matrix: (typeof dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D)
        a 3D matrix object to be applied
      • a: (typeof Number||Point)
        Number: an x coordinate of a point
      • b: (typeof Number, optional)
        Number: a y coordinate of a point
      • c: (typeof Number, optional)
        Number: a z coordinate of a point
    • source: [view]
        var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix.normalize(matrix);
        if(typeof a == "number" && typeof b == "number" && typeof c == "number"){
         return dojox.gfx3d.matrix._project(m, a, b, c); // Object
        // branch
        // matrix: dojox.gfx3d.matrix.Matrix3D: a 3D matrix object to be applied
        // a: Object: a point
        // b: null
        // c: null
        return dojox.gfx3d.matrix._project(m, a.x, a.y, a.z); // Object
    • summary
      applies a matrix to a point
    • returns
  • dojox.gfx3d.Matrix3D

    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d.matrix

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.gfx3d

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary