
  • Provides:

    • dojox.gantt.GanttChart
  • Requires:

    • dijit.Tooltip in common in project dijit
    • dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem in common
    • dojox.gantt.GanttResourceItem in common
    • dojox.gantt.TabMenu in common
    • in common in project dojo
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart

    • type
    • parameters:
      • configuration: (typeof )
      • node: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         this.resourceChartHeight = configuration.resourceChartHeight !== undefined ? configuration.resourceChartHeight : false;
         this.withResource = configuration.withResource !== undefined ? configuration.withResource : true;
         this.correctError = configuration.autoCorrectError !== undefined ? configuration.autoCorrectError : false;
         this.isShowConMenu = this.isContentEditable = !configuration.readOnly;
         this.withTaskId = configuration.withTaskId !== undefined ? configuration.withTaskId : !configuration.readOnly;
         this.animation = configuration.animation !== undefined ? configuration.animation : true;
         this.saveProgramPath = configuration.saveProgramPath || "saveGanttData.php";
         this.dataFilePath = configuration.dataFilePath || "gantt_default.json";
         this.contentHeight = configuration.height || 400;
         this.contentWidth = configuration.width || 600;
         this.content = dojo.byId(node);
         this.scrollBarWidth = 18;
         this.panelTimeHeight = 102;
         this.maxWidthPanelNames = 150;
         this.maxWidthTaskNames = 150;
         this.minWorkLength = 8;
         this.heightTaskItem = 12;
         this.heightTaskItemExtra = 11;
         this.pixelsPerDay = 24;//px
         this.hsPerDay = 8;
         this.pixelsPerWorkHour = this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay;//px
         this.pixelsPerHour = this.pixelsPerDay / 24;//px
         this.countDays = 0;
         this.totalDays = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
         this.initialPos = 0;

         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.panelTimeExpandDelta = 20;

         this.divTimeInfo = null;
         this.panelNames = null;
         this.panelTime = null;
         this.contentData = null;
         this.tabMenu = null;

         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];

         this.xmlLoader = null;
         this.isMoving = false;
         this.isResizing = false;
         this.animationNodes = [];
         this.scale = 1;
         this.tempDayInPixels = 0;
         this.resource = null;
         this.months ="months", "wide");
         this._events = [];
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getProject

    • type
    • parameters:
      • id: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return dojo.filter(this.arrProjects, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.checkPosPreviousTask

    • type
    • parameters:
      • predTask: (typeof )
      • task: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var widthPred = this.getWidthOnDuration(predTask.duration);
         var posPred = this.getPosOnDate(predTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         if((widthPred + posPred) > posChild){
          return false;
         return true;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.correctPosPreviousTask

    • type
    • parameters:
      • predTask: (typeof )
      • ctask: (typeof )
      • ctaskObj: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var newDate = new Date(predTask.startTime);
         newDate.setHours(newDate.getHours() + (predTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
         if(newDate.getHours() > 0){
          newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 1);
         ctaskObj ? (ctaskObj.setStartTime(newDate, true)) : (ctask.startTime = newDate);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(ctask.parentTask, ctask)){
           var newDate2 = new Date(ctask.parentTask.startTime);
           newDate2.setHours(newDate2.getHours() + (ctask.parentTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
           ctask.duration = parseInt((parseInt((newDate2 - ctask.startTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60))) * this.hsPerDay / 24);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.correctPosParentTask

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
      • ctask: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          if(parentTask.startTime > ctask.startTime){
           ctask.startTime = new Date(parentTask.startTime);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, ctask)){
           ctask.duration = parentTask.duration;
          this.correctPosPreviousTask(ctask.previousTask, ctask);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.checkPosParentTaskInTree

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask)){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(parentTask.startTime > pcTask.startTime){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.setPreviousTask

    • type
    • parameters:
      • project: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < project.parentTasks.length; i++){
          var ppTask = project.parentTasks[i];
           ppTask.previousTask = project.getTaskById(ppTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask);
          exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(ppTask);
         return exception;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.setPreviousTaskInTree

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
           pcTask.previousTask = parentTask.project.getTaskById(pcTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask);

          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.checkPosParentTask

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
      • task: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var widthParent = this.getWidthOnDuration(parentTask.duration);
         var posParent = this.getPosOnDate(parentTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         var widthChild = this.getWidthOnDuration(task.duration);
         return (widthParent + posParent) >= (posChild + widthChild);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.addProject

    • type
    • parameters:
      • projectItem: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.deleteProject

    • type
    • parameters:
      • id: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var project = this.getProject(id);
          if(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
           while(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
          var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          project.nextProject && project.shiftNextProject(project, -rowHeight); //rowHeight: 23
          this.project = dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
           return !=;
          }, this);
          if((project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project.nextProject;
          if((project.previousProject) && !(project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = null;
          if(!(project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var nextProject = project.nextProject;
           nextProject.previousProject = null;
          for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
           if(this.arrProjects[i] == id){
            this.arrProjects.splice(i, 1);
          this.contentDataHeight -= this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          if(this.project.length == 0){
           var d = new Date(this.startDate);
           var t = new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1));
           var pi = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
            id: 1,
            name: "New Project",
            startDate: t
           var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, pi);
           this.contentDataHeight += this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.insertProject

    • type
    • parameters:
      • id: (typeof )
      • name: (typeof )
      • startDate: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         if(this.startDate >= startDate){
          return false;
          return false;
         var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
          id: id,
          name: name,
          startDate: startDate
         var _project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, project);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
          var curProject = this.arrProjects[i],
           preProject = this.arrProjects[i-1],
           nextProject = this.arrProjects[i+1];
          if(startDate < curProject.project.startDate){
           this.arrProjects.splice(i, 0, _project);
           if(i > 0){
            _project.previousProject = preProject;
            preProject.nextProject = _project;
           if(i + 1 <= this.arrProjects.length){
            _project.nextProject = nextProject;
            nextProject.previousProject = _project;
            var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra;
            _project.shiftNextProject(_project, rowHeight);
           return _project;
         if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
          this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1].nextProject = _project;
          _project.previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
         return _project;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.openTree

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var lastParentTask = this.getLastCloseParent(parentTask);
         this.openNode(lastParentTask); != && this.openTree(parentTask);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.openNode

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          dojo.removeClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeExpand");
          dojo.addClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeCollapse");
          parentTask.isExpanded = true;
          parentTask.shiftCurrentTasks(parentTask, parentTask.hideTasksHeight);
          parentTask.showChildTasks(parentTask, parentTask.isExpanded);
          parentTask.hideTasksHeight = 0;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getLastCloseParent

    • type
    • parameters:
      • task: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
          if((!task.parentTask.isExpanded) ||
          (task.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2].style.display == "none")){
           return this.getLastCloseParent(task.parentTask);
           return task;
          return task;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getProjectItemById

    • type
    • parameters:
      • id: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.clearAll

    • type
    • source: [view]
         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.clearEvents

    • type
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(this._events, dojo.disconnect);
         this._events = [];
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.clearData

    • type
    • source: [view]
         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.clearItems

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.buildUIContent

    • type
    • source: [view]
         this.startDate = this.getStartDate();
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
           if(ppTask.startTime < proj.startDate){
           if(this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(ppTask)) return;

         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, proj);
          if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
           var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
           project.previousProject = previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project;
         this.resource && this.resource.reConstruct();
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.loadJSONData

    • type
    • parameters:
      • filename: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var _this = this;
         _this.dataFilePath = filename || _this.dataFilePath;
          url: _this.dataFilePath,
          sync: true,
          load: function(text, ioArgs){
           alert("Successfully! Loaded data from: " + _this.dataFilePath);
          error: function(err, ioArgs){
           alert("Failed! Load error: " + _this.dataFilePath);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.loadJSONString

    • type
    • parameters:
      • content: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


       dojo.declare("dojox.gantt.GanttChart", null, {
        constructor: function(configuration, node){
         this.resourceChartHeight = configuration.resourceChartHeight !== undefined ? configuration.resourceChartHeight : false;
         this.withResource = configuration.withResource !== undefined ? configuration.withResource : true;
         this.correctError = configuration.autoCorrectError !== undefined ? configuration.autoCorrectError : false;
         this.isShowConMenu = this.isContentEditable = !configuration.readOnly;
         this.withTaskId = configuration.withTaskId !== undefined ? configuration.withTaskId : !configuration.readOnly;
         this.animation = configuration.animation !== undefined ? configuration.animation : true;
         this.saveProgramPath = configuration.saveProgramPath || "saveGanttData.php";
         this.dataFilePath = configuration.dataFilePath || "gantt_default.json";
         this.contentHeight = configuration.height || 400;
         this.contentWidth = configuration.width || 600;
         this.content = dojo.byId(node);
         this.scrollBarWidth = 18;
         this.panelTimeHeight = 102;
         this.maxWidthPanelNames = 150;
         this.maxWidthTaskNames = 150;
         this.minWorkLength = 8;
         this.heightTaskItem = 12;
         this.heightTaskItemExtra = 11;
         this.pixelsPerDay = 24;//px
         this.hsPerDay = 8;
         this.pixelsPerWorkHour = this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay;//px
         this.pixelsPerHour = this.pixelsPerDay / 24;//px
         this.countDays = 0;
         this.totalDays = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
         this.initialPos = 0;

         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.panelTimeExpandDelta = 20;

         this.divTimeInfo = null;
         this.panelNames = null;
         this.panelTime = null;
         this.contentData = null;
         this.tabMenu = null;

         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];

         this.xmlLoader = null;
         this.isMoving = false;
         this.isResizing = false;
         this.animationNodes = [];
         this.scale = 1;
         this.tempDayInPixels = 0;
         this.resource = null;
         this.months ="months", "wide");
         this._events = [];
        getProject: function(id){
         return dojo.filter(this.arrProjects, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
        checkPosPreviousTask: function(predTask, task){
         var widthPred = this.getWidthOnDuration(predTask.duration);
         var posPred = this.getPosOnDate(predTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         if((widthPred + posPred) > posChild){
          return false;
         return true;
        correctPosPreviousTask: function(predTask, ctask, ctaskObj){
         var newDate = new Date(predTask.startTime);
         newDate.setHours(newDate.getHours() + (predTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
         if(newDate.getHours() > 0){
          newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 1);
         ctaskObj ? (ctaskObj.setStartTime(newDate, true)) : (ctask.startTime = newDate);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(ctask.parentTask, ctask)){
           var newDate2 = new Date(ctask.parentTask.startTime);
           newDate2.setHours(newDate2.getHours() + (ctask.parentTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
           ctask.duration = parseInt((parseInt((newDate2 - ctask.startTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60))) * this.hsPerDay / 24);
        correctPosParentTask: function(parentTask, ctask){
          if(parentTask.startTime > ctask.startTime){
           ctask.startTime = new Date(parentTask.startTime);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, ctask)){
           ctask.duration = parentTask.duration;
          this.correctPosPreviousTask(ctask.previousTask, ctask);
        checkPosParentTaskInTree: function(parentTask){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask)){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(parentTask.startTime > pcTask.startTime){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
        setPreviousTask: function(project){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < project.parentTasks.length; i++){
          var ppTask = project.parentTasks[i];
           ppTask.previousTask = project.getTaskById(ppTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask);
          exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(ppTask);
         return exception;
        setPreviousTaskInTree: function(parentTask){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
           pcTask.previousTask = parentTask.project.getTaskById(pcTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask);

          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
        checkPosParentTask: function(parentTask, task){
         var widthParent = this.getWidthOnDuration(parentTask.duration);
         var posParent = this.getPosOnDate(parentTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         var widthChild = this.getWidthOnDuration(task.duration);
         return (widthParent + posParent) >= (posChild + widthChild);
        addProject: function(projectItem){
        deleteProject: function(id){
         var project = this.getProject(id);
          if(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
           while(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
          var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          project.nextProject && project.shiftNextProject(project, -rowHeight); //rowHeight: 23
          this.project = dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
           return !=;
          }, this);
          if((project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project.nextProject;
          if((project.previousProject) && !(project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = null;
          if(!(project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var nextProject = project.nextProject;
           nextProject.previousProject = null;
          for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
           if(this.arrProjects[i] == id){
            this.arrProjects.splice(i, 1);
          this.contentDataHeight -= this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          if(this.project.length == 0){
           var d = new Date(this.startDate);
           var t = new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1));
           var pi = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
            id: 1,
            name: "New Project",
            startDate: t
           var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, pi);
           this.contentDataHeight += this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
        insertProject: function(id, name, startDate){
         if(this.startDate >= startDate){
          return false;
          return false;
         var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
          id: id,
          name: name,
          startDate: startDate
         var _project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, project);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
          var curProject = this.arrProjects[i],
           preProject = this.arrProjects[i-1],
           nextProject = this.arrProjects[i+1];
          if(startDate < curProject.project.startDate){
           this.arrProjects.splice(i, 0, _project);
           if(i > 0){
            _project.previousProject = preProject;
            preProject.nextProject = _project;
           if(i + 1 <= this.arrProjects.length){
            _project.nextProject = nextProject;
            nextProject.previousProject = _project;
            var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra;
            _project.shiftNextProject(_project, rowHeight);
           return _project;
         if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
          this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1].nextProject = _project;
          _project.previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
         return _project;
        openTree: function(parentTask){
         var lastParentTask = this.getLastCloseParent(parentTask);
         this.openNode(lastParentTask); != && this.openTree(parentTask);
        openNode: function(parentTask){
          dojo.removeClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeExpand");
          dojo.addClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeCollapse");
          parentTask.isExpanded = true;
          parentTask.shiftCurrentTasks(parentTask, parentTask.hideTasksHeight);
          parentTask.showChildTasks(parentTask, parentTask.isExpanded);
          parentTask.hideTasksHeight = 0;
        getLastCloseParent: function(task){
          if((!task.parentTask.isExpanded) ||
          (task.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2].style.display == "none")){
           return this.getLastCloseParent(task.parentTask);
           return task;
          return task;
        getProjectItemById: function(id){
         return dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
        clearAll: function(){
         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
        clearEvents: function(){
         dojo.forEach(this._events, dojo.disconnect);
         this._events = [];
        clearData: function(){
         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];
        clearItems: function(){
        buildUIContent: function(){
         this.startDate = this.getStartDate();
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
           if(ppTask.startTime < proj.startDate){
           if(this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(ppTask)) return;

         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, proj);
          if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
           var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
           project.previousProject = previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project;
         this.resource && this.resource.reConstruct();
        loadJSONData: function(filename){
         var _this = this;
         _this.dataFilePath = filename || _this.dataFilePath;
          url: _this.dataFilePath,
          sync: true,
          load: function(text, ioArgs){
           alert("Successfully! Loaded data from: " + _this.dataFilePath);
          error: function(err, ioArgs){
           alert("Failed! Load error: " + _this.dataFilePath);
        loadJSONString: function(content){
         //load data
         if(!content){ return; }
         var jsonObj = dojo.fromJson(content);

         var items = jsonObj.items;
         dojo.forEach(items, function(pItem){
          var startDate = pItem.startdate.split("-");
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
           startDate: new Date(startDate[0], (parseInt(startDate[1]) - 1), startDate[2])
          var tItems = pItem.tasks;
          dojo.forEach(tItems, function(tItem){
           var id =,
            name =,
            starttime = tItem.starttime.split("-");
            duration = tItem.duration,
            percentage = tItem.percentage,
            previousTaskId = tItem.previousTaskId,
            taskOwner = tItem.taskOwner;

           var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskItem({
            id: id,
            name: name,
            startTime: new Date(starttime[0], (parseInt(starttime[1]) - 1), starttime[2]),
            duration: duration,
            percentage: percentage,
            previousTaskId: previousTaskId,
            taskOwner: taskOwner
           var ctItems = tItem.children;
           if(ctItems.length != 0){
            this.buildChildTasksData(task, ctItems);
          }, this);
          }, this);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.buildChildTasksData

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
      • childTaskItems: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         childTaskItems && dojo.forEach(childTaskItems, function(ctItem){
          var id =,
           name =,
           starttime = ctItem.starttime.split("-"),
           duration = ctItem.duration,
           percentage = ctItem.percentage,
           previousTaskId = ctItem.previousTaskId,
           taskOwner = ctItem.taskOwner;

          var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskItem({
           id: id,
           name: name,
           startTime: new Date(starttime[0], (parseInt(starttime[1]) - 1), starttime[2]),
           duration: duration,
           percentage: percentage,
           previousTaskId: previousTaskId,
           taskOwner: taskOwner
          task.parentTask = parentTask;

          var ctItems = ctItem.children;
          if(ctItems.length != 0){
           this.buildChildTasksData(task, ctItems);
         }, this);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getJSONData

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var jsonObj = {identifier: 'id', items: []};
         dojo.forEach(this.project, function(proj){
          var project = {
           startdate: proj.startDate.getFullYear() + '-' + (proj.startDate.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + proj.startDate.getDate(),
           tasks: []
          dojo.forEach(proj.parentTasks, function(pTask){
           var task = {
            starttime: pTask.startTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (pTask.startTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + pTask.startTime.getDate(),
            duration: pTask.duration,
            percentage: pTask.percentage,
            previousTaskId: (pTask.previousTaskId || ''),
            taskOwner: (pTask.taskOwner || ''),
            children: this.getChildTasksData(pTask.cldTasks)
          }, this);
         }, this);
         return jsonObj;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getChildTasksData

    • type
    • parameters:
      • childTasks: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var cTaskObj = [];
         childTasks && childTasks.length > 0 && dojo.forEach(childTasks, function(childTask){
          var ctask = {
           starttime: childTask.startTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (childTask.startTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + childTask.startTime.getDate(),
           duration: childTask.duration,
           percentage: childTask.percentage,
           previousTaskId: (childTask.previousTaskId || ''),
           taskOwner: (childTask.taskOwner || ''),
           children: this.getChildTasksData(childTask.cldTasks)
         }, this);
         return cTaskObj;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.saveJSONData

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fileName: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var _this = this;
         _this.dataFilePath = (fileName && dojo.trim(fileName).length > 0) ? fileName : this.dataFilePath;
         try {
          var td = dojo.xhrPost({
           url: _this.saveProgramPath,
           content: {filename: _this.dataFilePath, data: dojo.toJson(_this.getJSONData())},
           handle: function(res, ioArgs){
             (ioArgs.xhr.status == 405)
             alert("Successfully! Saved data to " + _this.dataFilePath);
             alert("Failed! Saved error");
         } catch (e){
          alert("exception: " + e.message);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.sortTaskStartTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • a: (typeof )
      • b: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return a.startTime < b.startTime ? -1 : (a.startTime > b.startTime ? 1 : 0);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.sortProjStartDate

    • type
    • parameters:
      • a: (typeof )
      • b: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return a.startDate < b.startDate ? -1 : (a.startDate > b.startDate ? 1 : 0);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.setStartTimeChild

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parentTask: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(parentTask.cldTasks, function(pcTask){
           pcTask.startTime = parentTask.startTime;
          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length != 0){
         }, this);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.createPanelTasks

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var panelTask = dojo.create("div", {
          className: "ganttTaskPanel"
         });, {
          height: (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px"
         return panelTask;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.refreshParams

    • type
    • parameters:
      • pixelsPerDay: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         this.pixelsPerDay = pixelsPerDay;
         this.pixelsPerWorkHour = this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay;
         this.pixelsPerHour = this.pixelsPerDay / 24;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.createPanelNamesTasksHeader

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var _this = this;
         var panelHeader = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelHeader"});
         var tblHeader = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0px",
          border: "0px",
          cellSpacing: "0px",
          bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
          className: "ganttToolbar"
         }, panelHeader);
         var firstRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var secondRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var thirdRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var forthRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var zoomIn = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarZoomIn"
         }, firstRow);
         var zoomInFn = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          if(this.scale * 2 > 5){return;}
          this.scale = this.scale * 2;
          this.switchTeleMicroView(this.pixelsPerDay * this.scale);
         this.zoomInClickEvent = dojo.connect(zoomIn, "onclick", this, zoomInFn);
         //a11y support
         this.zoomInKeyEvent = dojo.connect(zoomIn, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(zoomIn, "tabIndex", 0);
         var zoomOut = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarZoomOut"
         }, firstRow);
         var zoomOutFn = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          if(this.scale * 0.5 < 0.2){return;}
          this.scale = this.scale * 0.5;
          this.switchTeleMicroView(this.pixelsPerDay * this.scale);
         this.zoomOutClickEvent = dojo.connect(zoomOut, "onclick", this, zoomOutFn);
         //a11y support
         this.zoomOutKeyEvent = dojo.connect(zoomOut, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(zoomOut, "tabIndex", 0);
         var micro = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarMicro"
         }, secondRow);
         this.microClickEvent = dojo.connect(micro, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.refresh, this.animation?15:1, 0, 2));
         //a11y support
         this.microKeyEvent = dojo.connect(micro, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
          this.refresh(this.animation?15:1, 0, 2);
         dojo.attr(micro, "tabIndex", 0);
         var tele = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarTele"
         }, secondRow);
         this.teleClickEvent = dojo.connect(tele, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.refresh, this.animation?15:1, 0, 0.5));
         //a11y support
         this.teleKeyEvent = dojo.connect(tele, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
          this.refresh(this.animation?15:1, 0, 0.5);
         dojo.attr(tele, "tabIndex", 0);
         var save = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarSave"
         }, thirdRow);
         this.saveClickEvent = dojo.connect(save, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.saveJSONData, ""));
         //a11y support
         this.saveKeyEvent = dojo.connect(save, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(save, "tabIndex", 0);
         var load = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarLoad"
         }, thirdRow);
         this.loadClickEvent = dojo.connect(load, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.loadJSONData, ""));
         //a11y support
         this.loadKeyEvent = dojo.connect(load, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(load, "tabIndex", 0);
         //action popup description
         var actions = [zoomIn, zoomOut, micro, tele, save, load],
          titles = ["Enlarge timeline", "Shrink timeline", "Zoom in time zone(microscope view)", "Zoom out time zone(telescope view)",
             "Save gantt data to json file", "Load gantt data from json file"];
         dojo.forEach(actions, function(action, i){
          var title = titles[i];
          var tooltipShow = function(){
           dojo.addClass(action, "ganttToolbarActionHover");
           dijit.showTooltip(title, action, ["above", "below"]);
          action.onmouseover = tooltipShow;
          //a11y support
          action.onfocus = tooltipShow;
          var tooltipHide = function(){
           dojo.removeClass(action, "ganttToolbarActionHover");
           action && dijit.hideTooltip(action);
          action.onmouseout = tooltipHide;
          action.onblur = tooltipHide;
         }, this);
         return panelHeader;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.createPanelNamesTasks

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var panelNameTask = dojo.create("div", {
          innerHTML: " ",
          className: "ganttPanelNames"
         });, {
          height: (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px",
          width: this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px"
         return panelNameTask;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.createPanelTime

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var panelTime = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelTime"});
         var tblTime = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0px",
          border: "0px",
          cellSpacing: "0px",
          bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
          className: "ganttTblTime"
         }, panelTime);
         this.totalDays = this.countDays;
         var newYearRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newYear = oldYear = new Date(this.startDate).getFullYear(), ycount = 0;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, ycount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newYear = date.getFullYear();
          if(newYear != oldYear){
           this.addYearInPanelTime(newYearRow, ycount, oldYear);
           ycount = 0;
           oldYear = newYear;
         this.addYearInPanelTime(newYearRow, ycount, newYear);, "display", "none");
         var newMonthRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newMonth = oldMonth = new Date(this.startDate).getMonth(), mcount = 0, lastYear = 1970;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, mcount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newMonth = date.getMonth();
          lastYear = date.getFullYear();
          if(newMonth != oldMonth){
           this.addMonthInPanelTime(newMonthRow, mcount, oldMonth, lastYear);
           mcount = 0;
           oldMonth = newMonth;
         this.addMonthInPanelTime(newMonthRow, mcount, newMonth, lastYear);
         var newWeekRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newWeek = oldWeek = Date(this.startDate)), mcount = 0;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, mcount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newWeek =;
          if(newWeek != oldWeek){
           this.addWeekInPanelTime(newWeekRow, mcount, oldWeek);
           mcount = 0;
           oldWeek = newWeek;
         this.addWeekInPanelTime(newWeekRow, mcount, newWeek);
         var newDayRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++){
         var newHourRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++){
         }, "display", "none");
         return panelTime;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.adjustPanelTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • width: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var maxEndPos =, function(project){
          return (parseInt(project.projectItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(project.projectItem[0]
           + project.descrProject.offsetWidth + this.panelTimeExpandDelta);
         }, this).sort(function(a,b){return b-a})[0];
         if(this.maxTaskEndPos != maxEndPos){
          //reset panel time
          var prows = this.panelTime.firstChild.firstChild.rows;
          for(var i = 0; i <= 4; i++){//prows.length
          var countDays = Math.round((maxEndPos+this.panelTimeExpandDelta) / this.pixelsPerDay);
          this.totalDays = countDays;
          var newYear = oldYear = new Date(this.startDate).getFullYear(), ycount = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, ycount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newYear = date.getFullYear();
           if(newYear != oldYear){
            this.addYearInPanelTime(prows[0], ycount, oldYear);
            ycount = 0;
            oldYear = newYear;
          this.addYearInPanelTime(prows[0], ycount, newYear);
          var newMonth = oldMonth = new Date(this.startDate).getMonth(), mcount = 0, lastYear = 1970;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, mcount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newMonth = date.getMonth();
           lastYear = date.getFullYear();
           if(newMonth != oldMonth){
            this.addMonthInPanelTime(prows[1], mcount, oldMonth, lastYear);
            mcount = 0;
            oldMonth = newMonth;
          this.addMonthInPanelTime(prows[1], mcount, newMonth, lastYear);
          var newWeek = oldWeek = Date(this.startDate)), mcount = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, mcount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newWeek =;
           if(newWeek != oldWeek){
            this.addWeekInPanelTime(prows[2], mcount, oldWeek);
            mcount = 0;
            oldWeek = newWeek;
          this.addWeekInPanelTime(prows[2], mcount, newWeek);
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++){
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++){
 = this.pixelsPerDay * (prows[3].cells.length) + "px";
 = this.pixelsPerDay * (prows[3].cells.length) + "px";
          this.maxTaskEndPos = maxEndPos;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.addYearInPanelTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • row: (typeof )
      • count: (typeof )
      • year: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var data = "Year " + year;
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttYearNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 20 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.addMonthInPanelTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • row: (typeof )
      • count: (typeof )
      • month: (typeof )
      • year: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var data = this.months[month] + (year ? " of " + year : "");
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttMonthNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 30 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.addWeekInPanelTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • row: (typeof )
      • count: (typeof )
      • week: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var data = "Week " + week;
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttWeekNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 20 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.addDayInPanelTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • row: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var date = new Date(this.startDate);
         date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(row.cells.length));
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttDayNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay > 20 ? date.getDate() : "",
          innerHTMLData: String(date.getDate()),
          data: row.cells.length
         }, row);, "width", this.pixelsPerDay + "px");
         (date.getDay() >= 5) && dojo.addClass(newCell, "ganttDayNumberWeekend");
          dojo.connect(newCell, "onmouseover", this, function(event){
           var dayTime = || event.srcElement;
           var date = new Date(this.startDate.getTime());
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(dojo.attr(dayTime, "data")));
           dijit.showTooltip(date.getFullYear() + "." + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "." + date.getDate(), newCell, ["above", "below"]);
          dojo.connect(newCell, "onmouseout", this, function(event){
           var dayTime = || event.srcElement;
           dayTime && dijit.hideTooltip(dayTime);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.addHourInPanelTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • row: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttHourNumber",
          data: row.cells.length
         }, row);, "width", this.pixelsPerDay + "px");

         var hourTable = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0",
          cellSpacing: "0"
         }, newCell);
         var newRow = hourTable.insertRow(hourTable.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.hsPerDay; i++){
          var hourTD = dojo.create("td", {
           className: "ganttHourClass"
          }, newRow);
, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay) + "px");
          dojo.attr(hourTD, "innerHTMLData", String(9 + i));
          if(this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay > 5){
           dojo.attr(hourTD, "innerHTML", String(9 + i));
          dojo.addClass(hourTD, i <= 3?"ganttHourNumberAM":"ganttHourNumberPM");
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.incHeightPanelTasks

    • type
    • parameters:
      • height: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var containerTasks = this.contentData.firstChild; = parseInt( + height + "px";
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.incHeightPanelNames

    • type
    • parameters:
      • height: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var containerNames = this.panelNames.firstChild; = parseInt( + height + "px";
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.checkPosition

    • type
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(this.arrProjects, function(project){
          dojo.forEach(project.arrTasks, function(task){
          }, this);
         }, this);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.checkHeighPanelTasks

    • type
    • source: [view]
         this.contentDataHeight += this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
         if((parseInt( <= this.contentDataHeight)){
          this.incHeightPanelTasks(this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra);
          this.incHeightPanelNames(this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.sortTasksByStartTime

    • type
    • parameters:
      • project: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         for(var i = 0; i < project.parentTasks.length; i++){
          project.parentTasks[i] = this.sortChildTasks(project.parentTasks[i]);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.sortChildTasks

    • type
    • parameters:
      • parenttask: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         for(var i = 0; i < parenttask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          if(parenttask.cldTasks[i].cldTasks.length > 0) this.sortChildTasks(parenttask.cldTasks[i]);
         return parenttask;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.refresh

    • type
    • parameters:
      • count: (typeof )
      • current: (typeof )
      • multi: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


       dojo.declare("dojox.gantt.GanttChart", null, {
        constructor: function(configuration, node){
         this.resourceChartHeight = configuration.resourceChartHeight !== undefined ? configuration.resourceChartHeight : false;
         this.withResource = configuration.withResource !== undefined ? configuration.withResource : true;
         this.correctError = configuration.autoCorrectError !== undefined ? configuration.autoCorrectError : false;
         this.isShowConMenu = this.isContentEditable = !configuration.readOnly;
         this.withTaskId = configuration.withTaskId !== undefined ? configuration.withTaskId : !configuration.readOnly;
         this.animation = configuration.animation !== undefined ? configuration.animation : true;
         this.saveProgramPath = configuration.saveProgramPath || "saveGanttData.php";
         this.dataFilePath = configuration.dataFilePath || "gantt_default.json";
         this.contentHeight = configuration.height || 400;
         this.contentWidth = configuration.width || 600;
         this.content = dojo.byId(node);
         this.scrollBarWidth = 18;
         this.panelTimeHeight = 102;
         this.maxWidthPanelNames = 150;
         this.maxWidthTaskNames = 150;
         this.minWorkLength = 8;
         this.heightTaskItem = 12;
         this.heightTaskItemExtra = 11;
         this.pixelsPerDay = 24;//px
         this.hsPerDay = 8;
         this.pixelsPerWorkHour = this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay;//px
         this.pixelsPerHour = this.pixelsPerDay / 24;//px
         this.countDays = 0;
         this.totalDays = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
         this.initialPos = 0;

         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.panelTimeExpandDelta = 20;

         this.divTimeInfo = null;
         this.panelNames = null;
         this.panelTime = null;
         this.contentData = null;
         this.tabMenu = null;

         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];

         this.xmlLoader = null;
         this.isMoving = false;
         this.isResizing = false;
         this.animationNodes = [];
         this.scale = 1;
         this.tempDayInPixels = 0;
         this.resource = null;
         this.months ="months", "wide");
         this._events = [];
        getProject: function(id){
         return dojo.filter(this.arrProjects, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
        checkPosPreviousTask: function(predTask, task){
         var widthPred = this.getWidthOnDuration(predTask.duration);
         var posPred = this.getPosOnDate(predTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         if((widthPred + posPred) > posChild){
          return false;
         return true;
        correctPosPreviousTask: function(predTask, ctask, ctaskObj){
         var newDate = new Date(predTask.startTime);
         newDate.setHours(newDate.getHours() + (predTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
         if(newDate.getHours() > 0){
          newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 1);
         ctaskObj ? (ctaskObj.setStartTime(newDate, true)) : (ctask.startTime = newDate);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(ctask.parentTask, ctask)){
           var newDate2 = new Date(ctask.parentTask.startTime);
           newDate2.setHours(newDate2.getHours() + (ctask.parentTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
           ctask.duration = parseInt((parseInt((newDate2 - ctask.startTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60))) * this.hsPerDay / 24);
        correctPosParentTask: function(parentTask, ctask){
          if(parentTask.startTime > ctask.startTime){
           ctask.startTime = new Date(parentTask.startTime);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, ctask)){
           ctask.duration = parentTask.duration;
          this.correctPosPreviousTask(ctask.previousTask, ctask);
        checkPosParentTaskInTree: function(parentTask){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask)){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(parentTask.startTime > pcTask.startTime){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
        setPreviousTask: function(project){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < project.parentTasks.length; i++){
          var ppTask = project.parentTasks[i];
           ppTask.previousTask = project.getTaskById(ppTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask);
          exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(ppTask);
         return exception;
        setPreviousTaskInTree: function(parentTask){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
           pcTask.previousTask = parentTask.project.getTaskById(pcTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask);

          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
        checkPosParentTask: function(parentTask, task){
         var widthParent = this.getWidthOnDuration(parentTask.duration);
         var posParent = this.getPosOnDate(parentTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         var widthChild = this.getWidthOnDuration(task.duration);
         return (widthParent + posParent) >= (posChild + widthChild);
        addProject: function(projectItem){
        deleteProject: function(id){
         var project = this.getProject(id);
          if(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
           while(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
          var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          project.nextProject && project.shiftNextProject(project, -rowHeight); //rowHeight: 23
          this.project = dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
           return !=;
          }, this);
          if((project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project.nextProject;
          if((project.previousProject) && !(project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = null;
          if(!(project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var nextProject = project.nextProject;
           nextProject.previousProject = null;
          for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
           if(this.arrProjects[i] == id){
            this.arrProjects.splice(i, 1);
          this.contentDataHeight -= this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          if(this.project.length == 0){
           var d = new Date(this.startDate);
           var t = new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1));
           var pi = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
            id: 1,
            name: "New Project",
            startDate: t
           var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, pi);
           this.contentDataHeight += this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
        insertProject: function(id, name, startDate){
         if(this.startDate >= startDate){
          return false;
          return false;
         var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
          id: id,
          name: name,
          startDate: startDate
         var _project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, project);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
          var curProject = this.arrProjects[i],
           preProject = this.arrProjects[i-1],
           nextProject = this.arrProjects[i+1];
          if(startDate < curProject.project.startDate){
           this.arrProjects.splice(i, 0, _project);
           if(i > 0){
            _project.previousProject = preProject;
            preProject.nextProject = _project;
           if(i + 1 <= this.arrProjects.length){
            _project.nextProject = nextProject;
            nextProject.previousProject = _project;
            var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra;
            _project.shiftNextProject(_project, rowHeight);
           return _project;
         if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
          this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1].nextProject = _project;
          _project.previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
         return _project;
        openTree: function(parentTask){
         var lastParentTask = this.getLastCloseParent(parentTask);
         this.openNode(lastParentTask); != && this.openTree(parentTask);
        openNode: function(parentTask){
          dojo.removeClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeExpand");
          dojo.addClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeCollapse");
          parentTask.isExpanded = true;
          parentTask.shiftCurrentTasks(parentTask, parentTask.hideTasksHeight);
          parentTask.showChildTasks(parentTask, parentTask.isExpanded);
          parentTask.hideTasksHeight = 0;
        getLastCloseParent: function(task){
          if((!task.parentTask.isExpanded) ||
          (task.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2].style.display == "none")){
           return this.getLastCloseParent(task.parentTask);
           return task;
          return task;
        getProjectItemById: function(id){
         return dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
        clearAll: function(){
         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
        clearEvents: function(){
         dojo.forEach(this._events, dojo.disconnect);
         this._events = [];
        clearData: function(){
         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];
        clearItems: function(){
        buildUIContent: function(){
         this.startDate = this.getStartDate();
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
           if(ppTask.startTime < proj.startDate){
           if(this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(ppTask)) return;

         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, proj);
          if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
           var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
           project.previousProject = previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project;
         this.resource && this.resource.reConstruct();
        loadJSONData: function(filename){
         var _this = this;
         _this.dataFilePath = filename || _this.dataFilePath;
          url: _this.dataFilePath,
          sync: true,
          load: function(text, ioArgs){
           alert("Successfully! Loaded data from: " + _this.dataFilePath);
          error: function(err, ioArgs){
           alert("Failed! Load error: " + _this.dataFilePath);
        loadJSONString: function(content){
         //load data
         if(!content){ return; }
         var jsonObj = dojo.fromJson(content);

         var items = jsonObj.items;
         dojo.forEach(items, function(pItem){
          var startDate = pItem.startdate.split("-");
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
           startDate: new Date(startDate[0], (parseInt(startDate[1]) - 1), startDate[2])
          var tItems = pItem.tasks;
          dojo.forEach(tItems, function(tItem){
           var id =,
            name =,
            starttime = tItem.starttime.split("-");
            duration = tItem.duration,
            percentage = tItem.percentage,
            previousTaskId = tItem.previousTaskId,
            taskOwner = tItem.taskOwner;

           var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskItem({
            id: id,
            name: name,
            startTime: new Date(starttime[0], (parseInt(starttime[1]) - 1), starttime[2]),
            duration: duration,
            percentage: percentage,
            previousTaskId: previousTaskId,
            taskOwner: taskOwner
           var ctItems = tItem.children;
           if(ctItems.length != 0){
            this.buildChildTasksData(task, ctItems);
          }, this);
          }, this);
        buildChildTasksData: function(parentTask, childTaskItems){
         childTaskItems && dojo.forEach(childTaskItems, function(ctItem){
          var id =,
           name =,
           starttime = ctItem.starttime.split("-"),
           duration = ctItem.duration,
           percentage = ctItem.percentage,
           previousTaskId = ctItem.previousTaskId,
           taskOwner = ctItem.taskOwner;

          var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskItem({
           id: id,
           name: name,
           startTime: new Date(starttime[0], (parseInt(starttime[1]) - 1), starttime[2]),
           duration: duration,
           percentage: percentage,
           previousTaskId: previousTaskId,
           taskOwner: taskOwner
          task.parentTask = parentTask;

          var ctItems = ctItem.children;
          if(ctItems.length != 0){
           this.buildChildTasksData(task, ctItems);
         }, this);
        getJSONData: function(){
         var jsonObj = {identifier: 'id', items: []};
         dojo.forEach(this.project, function(proj){
          var project = {
           startdate: proj.startDate.getFullYear() + '-' + (proj.startDate.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + proj.startDate.getDate(),
           tasks: []
          dojo.forEach(proj.parentTasks, function(pTask){
           var task = {
            starttime: pTask.startTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (pTask.startTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + pTask.startTime.getDate(),
            duration: pTask.duration,
            percentage: pTask.percentage,
            previousTaskId: (pTask.previousTaskId || ''),
            taskOwner: (pTask.taskOwner || ''),
            children: this.getChildTasksData(pTask.cldTasks)
          }, this);
         }, this);
         return jsonObj;
        getChildTasksData: function(childTasks){
         var cTaskObj = [];
         childTasks && childTasks.length > 0 && dojo.forEach(childTasks, function(childTask){
          var ctask = {
           starttime: childTask.startTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (childTask.startTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + childTask.startTime.getDate(),
           duration: childTask.duration,
           percentage: childTask.percentage,
           previousTaskId: (childTask.previousTaskId || ''),
           taskOwner: (childTask.taskOwner || ''),
           children: this.getChildTasksData(childTask.cldTasks)
         }, this);
         return cTaskObj;
        saveJSONData: function(fileName){
         var _this = this;
         _this.dataFilePath = (fileName && dojo.trim(fileName).length > 0) ? fileName : this.dataFilePath;
         try {
          var td = dojo.xhrPost({
           url: _this.saveProgramPath,
           content: {filename: _this.dataFilePath, data: dojo.toJson(_this.getJSONData())},
           handle: function(res, ioArgs){
             (ioArgs.xhr.status == 405)
             alert("Successfully! Saved data to " + _this.dataFilePath);
             alert("Failed! Saved error");
         } catch (e){
          alert("exception: " + e.message);
        sortTaskStartTime: function(a, b){
         return a.startTime < b.startTime ? -1 : (a.startTime > b.startTime ? 1 : 0);
        sortProjStartDate: function(a, b){
         return a.startDate < b.startDate ? -1 : (a.startDate > b.startDate ? 1 : 0);
        setStartTimeChild: function(parentTask){
         dojo.forEach(parentTask.cldTasks, function(pcTask){
           pcTask.startTime = parentTask.startTime;
          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length != 0){
         }, this);
        createPanelTasks: function(){
         var panelTask = dojo.create("div", {
          className: "ganttTaskPanel"
         });, {
          height: (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px"
         return panelTask;
        refreshParams: function(pixelsPerDay){
         this.pixelsPerDay = pixelsPerDay;
         this.pixelsPerWorkHour = this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay;
         this.pixelsPerHour = this.pixelsPerDay / 24;
        createPanelNamesTasksHeader: function(){
         var _this = this;
         var panelHeader = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelHeader"});
         var tblHeader = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0px",
          border: "0px",
          cellSpacing: "0px",
          bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
          className: "ganttToolbar"
         }, panelHeader);
         var firstRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var secondRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var thirdRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var forthRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var zoomIn = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarZoomIn"
         }, firstRow);
         var zoomInFn = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          if(this.scale * 2 > 5){return;}
          this.scale = this.scale * 2;
          this.switchTeleMicroView(this.pixelsPerDay * this.scale);
         this.zoomInClickEvent = dojo.connect(zoomIn, "onclick", this, zoomInFn);
         //a11y support
         this.zoomInKeyEvent = dojo.connect(zoomIn, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(zoomIn, "tabIndex", 0);
         var zoomOut = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarZoomOut"
         }, firstRow);
         var zoomOutFn = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          if(this.scale * 0.5 < 0.2){return;}
          this.scale = this.scale * 0.5;
          this.switchTeleMicroView(this.pixelsPerDay * this.scale);
         this.zoomOutClickEvent = dojo.connect(zoomOut, "onclick", this, zoomOutFn);
         //a11y support
         this.zoomOutKeyEvent = dojo.connect(zoomOut, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(zoomOut, "tabIndex", 0);
         var micro = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarMicro"
         }, secondRow);
         this.microClickEvent = dojo.connect(micro, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.refresh, this.animation?15:1, 0, 2));
         //a11y support
         this.microKeyEvent = dojo.connect(micro, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
          this.refresh(this.animation?15:1, 0, 2);
         dojo.attr(micro, "tabIndex", 0);
         var tele = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarTele"
         }, secondRow);
         this.teleClickEvent = dojo.connect(tele, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.refresh, this.animation?15:1, 0, 0.5));
         //a11y support
         this.teleKeyEvent = dojo.connect(tele, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
          this.refresh(this.animation?15:1, 0, 0.5);
         dojo.attr(tele, "tabIndex", 0);
         var save = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarSave"
         }, thirdRow);
         this.saveClickEvent = dojo.connect(save, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.saveJSONData, ""));
         //a11y support
         this.saveKeyEvent = dojo.connect(save, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(save, "tabIndex", 0);
         var load = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarLoad"
         }, thirdRow);
         this.loadClickEvent = dojo.connect(load, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.loadJSONData, ""));
         //a11y support
         this.loadKeyEvent = dojo.connect(load, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(load, "tabIndex", 0);
         //action popup description
         var actions = [zoomIn, zoomOut, micro, tele, save, load],
          titles = ["Enlarge timeline", "Shrink timeline", "Zoom in time zone(microscope view)", "Zoom out time zone(telescope view)",
             "Save gantt data to json file", "Load gantt data from json file"];
         dojo.forEach(actions, function(action, i){
          var title = titles[i];
          var tooltipShow = function(){
           dojo.addClass(action, "ganttToolbarActionHover");
           dijit.showTooltip(title, action, ["above", "below"]);
          action.onmouseover = tooltipShow;
          //a11y support
          action.onfocus = tooltipShow;
          var tooltipHide = function(){
           dojo.removeClass(action, "ganttToolbarActionHover");
           action && dijit.hideTooltip(action);
          action.onmouseout = tooltipHide;
          action.onblur = tooltipHide;
         }, this);
         return panelHeader;
        createPanelNamesTasks: function(){
         var panelNameTask = dojo.create("div", {
          innerHTML: " ",
          className: "ganttPanelNames"
         });, {
          height: (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px",
          width: this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px"
         return panelNameTask;
        createPanelTime: function(){
         var panelTime = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelTime"});
         var tblTime = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0px",
          border: "0px",
          cellSpacing: "0px",
          bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
          className: "ganttTblTime"
         }, panelTime);
         this.totalDays = this.countDays;
         var newYearRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newYear = oldYear = new Date(this.startDate).getFullYear(), ycount = 0;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, ycount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newYear = date.getFullYear();
          if(newYear != oldYear){
           this.addYearInPanelTime(newYearRow, ycount, oldYear);
           ycount = 0;
           oldYear = newYear;
         this.addYearInPanelTime(newYearRow, ycount, newYear);, "display", "none");
         var newMonthRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newMonth = oldMonth = new Date(this.startDate).getMonth(), mcount = 0, lastYear = 1970;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, mcount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newMonth = date.getMonth();
          lastYear = date.getFullYear();
          if(newMonth != oldMonth){
           this.addMonthInPanelTime(newMonthRow, mcount, oldMonth, lastYear);
           mcount = 0;
           oldMonth = newMonth;
         this.addMonthInPanelTime(newMonthRow, mcount, newMonth, lastYear);
         var newWeekRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newWeek = oldWeek = Date(this.startDate)), mcount = 0;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, mcount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newWeek =;
          if(newWeek != oldWeek){
           this.addWeekInPanelTime(newWeekRow, mcount, oldWeek);
           mcount = 0;
           oldWeek = newWeek;
         this.addWeekInPanelTime(newWeekRow, mcount, newWeek);
         var newDayRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++){
         var newHourRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++){
         }, "display", "none");
         return panelTime;
        adjustPanelTime: function(width){
         var maxEndPos =, function(project){
          return (parseInt(project.projectItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(project.projectItem[0]
           + project.descrProject.offsetWidth + this.panelTimeExpandDelta);
         }, this).sort(function(a,b){return b-a})[0];
         if(this.maxTaskEndPos != maxEndPos){
          //reset panel time
          var prows = this.panelTime.firstChild.firstChild.rows;
          for(var i = 0; i <= 4; i++){//prows.length
          var countDays = Math.round((maxEndPos+this.panelTimeExpandDelta) / this.pixelsPerDay);
          this.totalDays = countDays;
          var newYear = oldYear = new Date(this.startDate).getFullYear(), ycount = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, ycount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newYear = date.getFullYear();
           if(newYear != oldYear){
            this.addYearInPanelTime(prows[0], ycount, oldYear);
            ycount = 0;
            oldYear = newYear;
          this.addYearInPanelTime(prows[0], ycount, newYear);
          var newMonth = oldMonth = new Date(this.startDate).getMonth(), mcount = 0, lastYear = 1970;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, mcount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newMonth = date.getMonth();
           lastYear = date.getFullYear();
           if(newMonth != oldMonth){
            this.addMonthInPanelTime(prows[1], mcount, oldMonth, lastYear);
            mcount = 0;
            oldMonth = newMonth;
          this.addMonthInPanelTime(prows[1], mcount, newMonth, lastYear);
          var newWeek = oldWeek = Date(this.startDate)), mcount = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, mcount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newWeek =;
           if(newWeek != oldWeek){
            this.addWeekInPanelTime(prows[2], mcount, oldWeek);
            mcount = 0;
            oldWeek = newWeek;
          this.addWeekInPanelTime(prows[2], mcount, newWeek);
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++){
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++){
 = this.pixelsPerDay * (prows[3].cells.length) + "px";
 = this.pixelsPerDay * (prows[3].cells.length) + "px";
          this.maxTaskEndPos = maxEndPos;
        addYearInPanelTime: function(row, count, year){
         var data = "Year " + year;
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttYearNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 20 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
        addMonthInPanelTime: function(row, count, month, year){
         var data = this.months[month] + (year ? " of " + year : "");
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttMonthNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 30 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
        addWeekInPanelTime: function(row, count, week){
         var data = "Week " + week;
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttWeekNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 20 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
        addDayInPanelTime: function(row){
         var date = new Date(this.startDate);
         date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(row.cells.length));
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttDayNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay > 20 ? date.getDate() : "",
          innerHTMLData: String(date.getDate()),
          data: row.cells.length
         }, row);, "width", this.pixelsPerDay + "px");
         (date.getDay() >= 5) && dojo.addClass(newCell, "ganttDayNumberWeekend");
          dojo.connect(newCell, "onmouseover", this, function(event){
           var dayTime = || event.srcElement;
           var date = new Date(this.startDate.getTime());
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(dojo.attr(dayTime, "data")));
           dijit.showTooltip(date.getFullYear() + "." + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "." + date.getDate(), newCell, ["above", "below"]);
          dojo.connect(newCell, "onmouseout", this, function(event){
           var dayTime = || event.srcElement;
           dayTime && dijit.hideTooltip(dayTime);
        addHourInPanelTime: function(row){
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttHourNumber",
          data: row.cells.length
         }, row);, "width", this.pixelsPerDay + "px");

         var hourTable = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0",
          cellSpacing: "0"
         }, newCell);
         var newRow = hourTable.insertRow(hourTable.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.hsPerDay; i++){
          var hourTD = dojo.create("td", {
           className: "ganttHourClass"
          }, newRow);
, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay) + "px");
          dojo.attr(hourTD, "innerHTMLData", String(9 + i));
          if(this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay > 5){
           dojo.attr(hourTD, "innerHTML", String(9 + i));
          dojo.addClass(hourTD, i <= 3?"ganttHourNumberAM":"ganttHourNumberPM");
        incHeightPanelTasks: function(height){
         var containerTasks = this.contentData.firstChild; = parseInt( + height + "px";
        incHeightPanelNames: function(height){
         var containerNames = this.panelNames.firstChild; = parseInt( + height + "px";
        checkPosition: function(){
         dojo.forEach(this.arrProjects, function(project){
          dojo.forEach(project.arrTasks, function(task){
          }, this);
         }, this);
        checkHeighPanelTasks: function(){
         this.contentDataHeight += this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
         if((parseInt( <= this.contentDataHeight)){
          this.incHeightPanelTasks(this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra);
          this.incHeightPanelNames(this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra);
        sortTasksByStartTime: function(project){
         for(var i = 0; i < project.parentTasks.length; i++){
          project.parentTasks[i] = this.sortChildTasks(project.parentTasks[i]);
        sortChildTasks: function(parenttask){
         for(var i = 0; i < parenttask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          if(parenttask.cldTasks[i].cldTasks.length > 0) this.sortChildTasks(parenttask.cldTasks[i]);
         return parenttask;
        refresh: function(count, current, multi){
         //return if no task items
         if(this.arrProjects.length <= 0){return;}
         if(this.arrProjects[0].arrTasks.length <= 0){return;}
         //Show panel of names
         if(!count || current > count){
          this.tempDayInPixels = 0;
          this.panelNameHeadersCover &&, "display", "none");
         if(this.tempDayInPixels == 0){
          this.tempDayInPixels = this.pixelsPerDay;
         this.panelNameHeadersCover &&, "display", "");
         var dip = this.tempDayInPixels + this.tempDayInPixels * (multi - 1) * Math.pow((current / count), 2);
         dojo.forEach(this.arrProjects, function(project){
          dojo.forEach(project.arrTasks, function(task){
          }, this);
         }, this);
         setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          this.refresh(count, ++current, multi);
         }), 15);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.switchTeleMicroView

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dip: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var plChild = this.panelTime.firstChild.firstChild;
         for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){//0:Y 1:M 2:W 3:D 4:H
          if(dip > 40){
 [i], "display", (i==0||i==1)?"none":"");
          }else if(dip < 20){
 [i], "display", (i==2||i==4)?"none":"");
 [i], "display", (i==0||i==4)?"none":"");
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.refreshController

    • type
    • source: [view] = Math.max(1200, this.pixelsPerDay * this.totalDays) + "px"; = this.pixelsPerDay * this.totalDays + "px"; = this.pixelsPerDay * this.totalDays + "px";
         dojo.forEach(this.panelTime.firstChild.firstChild.rows, function(row){
          dojo.forEach(row.childNodes, function(td){
           var cs = parseInt(dojo.attr(td, "colSpan") || 1);
           var idata = dojo.trim(dojo.attr(td, "innerHTMLData")||"");
           if(idata.length > 0){
            dojo.attr(td, "innerHTML", this.pixelsPerDay * cs < 20 ? "" : idata);
            dojo.forEach(td.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes, function(td){
             var sdata = dojo.trim(dojo.attr(td, "innerHTMLData")||"");
             dojo.attr(td, "innerHTML", this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay > 10 ? sdata : "");
            }, this);
           if(cs == 1){
  , "width", (this.pixelsPerDay*cs) + "px");
            if(idata.length <= 0){
             dojo.forEach(td.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes, function(td){
    , "width", (this.pixelsPerDay*cs / this.hsPerDay) + "px");
             }, this);
          }, this);
         }, this);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.init

    • type
    • source: [view]
         this.startDate = this.getStartDate();, {
          width: this.contentWidth + "px",
          height: this.contentHeight + "px"
         //create Table
         this.tableControl = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0",
          cellSpacing: "0",
          className: "ganttTabelControl"
         var newRowTblControl = this.tableControl.insertRow(this.tableControl.rows.length);
         //Add to content Table
         this.countDays = this.getCountDays();
         //Creation panel of time
         this.panelTime = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelTimeContainer"});, "height", this.panelTimeHeight + "px");
         //Creation panel contentData
         this.contentData = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttContentDataContainer"});, "height", (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight) + "px");
         //Creation panel of names
         var newCellTblControl = dojo.create("td", {
          vAlign: "top"
         //Creation panel of task header
         this.panelNameHeaders = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelNameHeaders"}, newCellTblControl);, {
          height: this.panelTimeHeight + "px",
          width: this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px"
         this.panelNames = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelNamesContainer"}, newCellTblControl);
         //add to control contentData and dataTime
         newCellTblControl = dojo.create("td", {
          vAlign: "top"
         var divCell = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttDivCell"});
         //Show panel of names, "height", (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px");, "width", this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px");, "width", (this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames) + "px");, "width", this.pixelsPerDay * this.countDays + "px");, "width", (this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px");, "width", this.pixelsPerDay * this.countDays + "px");
          this.tabMenu = new dojox.gantt.TabMenu(this);
         var _this = this;
         this.contentData.onscroll = function(){
          _this.panelTime.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
           _this.panelNames.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
           _this.resource.contentData.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
            ppTask.startTime = proj.startDate;
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
           if(ppTask.startTime < proj.startDate){
             ppTask.startTime = proj.startDate;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          //creation project
          var proj = this.project[i];
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, proj);
          if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
           var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
           project.previousProject = previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project;
          this.resource = new dojox.gantt.GanttResourceItem(this);
         return this;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.postLoadData

    • type
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(this.arrProjects, function(project){
          dojo.forEach(project.arrTasks, function(task){
          }, this);
         }, this);
         //toolbar cover div
         var cpos = dojo.coords(this.panelNameHeaders);
          this.panelNameHeadersCover = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttHeaderCover"}, this.panelNameHeaders.parentNode);
, {
           left: cpos.l+"px",
           top: cpos.t+"px",
           height: cpos.h+"px",
           width: cpos.w+"px",
           display: "none"
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.postBindEvents

    • type
    • source: [view]


       dojo.declare("dojox.gantt.GanttChart", null, {
        constructor: function(configuration, node){
         this.resourceChartHeight = configuration.resourceChartHeight !== undefined ? configuration.resourceChartHeight : false;
         this.withResource = configuration.withResource !== undefined ? configuration.withResource : true;
         this.correctError = configuration.autoCorrectError !== undefined ? configuration.autoCorrectError : false;
         this.isShowConMenu = this.isContentEditable = !configuration.readOnly;
         this.withTaskId = configuration.withTaskId !== undefined ? configuration.withTaskId : !configuration.readOnly;
         this.animation = configuration.animation !== undefined ? configuration.animation : true;
         this.saveProgramPath = configuration.saveProgramPath || "saveGanttData.php";
         this.dataFilePath = configuration.dataFilePath || "gantt_default.json";
         this.contentHeight = configuration.height || 400;
         this.contentWidth = configuration.width || 600;
         this.content = dojo.byId(node);
         this.scrollBarWidth = 18;
         this.panelTimeHeight = 102;
         this.maxWidthPanelNames = 150;
         this.maxWidthTaskNames = 150;
         this.minWorkLength = 8;
         this.heightTaskItem = 12;
         this.heightTaskItemExtra = 11;
         this.pixelsPerDay = 24;//px
         this.hsPerDay = 8;
         this.pixelsPerWorkHour = this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay;//px
         this.pixelsPerHour = this.pixelsPerDay / 24;//px
         this.countDays = 0;
         this.totalDays = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
         this.initialPos = 0;

         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.panelTimeExpandDelta = 20;

         this.divTimeInfo = null;
         this.panelNames = null;
         this.panelTime = null;
         this.contentData = null;
         this.tabMenu = null;

         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];

         this.xmlLoader = null;
         this.isMoving = false;
         this.isResizing = false;
         this.animationNodes = [];
         this.scale = 1;
         this.tempDayInPixels = 0;
         this.resource = null;
         this.months ="months", "wide");
         this._events = [];
        getProject: function(id){
         return dojo.filter(this.arrProjects, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
        checkPosPreviousTask: function(predTask, task){
         var widthPred = this.getWidthOnDuration(predTask.duration);
         var posPred = this.getPosOnDate(predTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         if((widthPred + posPred) > posChild){
          return false;
         return true;
        correctPosPreviousTask: function(predTask, ctask, ctaskObj){
         var newDate = new Date(predTask.startTime);
         newDate.setHours(newDate.getHours() + (predTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
         if(newDate.getHours() > 0){
          newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 1);
         ctaskObj ? (ctaskObj.setStartTime(newDate, true)) : (ctask.startTime = newDate);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(ctask.parentTask, ctask)){
           var newDate2 = new Date(ctask.parentTask.startTime);
           newDate2.setHours(newDate2.getHours() + (ctask.parentTask.duration / this.hsPerDay * 24))
           ctask.duration = parseInt((parseInt((newDate2 - ctask.startTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60))) * this.hsPerDay / 24);
        correctPosParentTask: function(parentTask, ctask){
          if(parentTask.startTime > ctask.startTime){
           ctask.startTime = new Date(parentTask.startTime);
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, ctask)){
           ctask.duration = parentTask.duration;
          this.correctPosPreviousTask(ctask.previousTask, ctask);
        checkPosParentTaskInTree: function(parentTask){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
          if(!this.checkPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask)){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(parentTask.startTime > pcTask.startTime){
            return true;
            this.correctPosParentTask(parentTask, pcTask);
          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
        setPreviousTask: function(project){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < project.parentTasks.length; i++){
          var ppTask = project.parentTasks[i];
           ppTask.previousTask = project.getTaskById(ppTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(ppTask.previousTask, ppTask);
          exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(ppTask);
         return exception;
        setPreviousTaskInTree: function(parentTask){
         var exception = false;
         for(var i = 0; i < parentTask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          var pcTask = parentTask.cldTasks[i];
           pcTask.previousTask = parentTask.project.getTaskById(pcTask.previousTaskId);
             return true;
           if(!this.checkPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask)){
             return true;
             this.correctPosPreviousTask(pcTask.previousTask, pcTask);

          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           exception = this.setPreviousTaskInTree(pcTask);
         return exception;
        checkPosParentTask: function(parentTask, task){
         var widthParent = this.getWidthOnDuration(parentTask.duration);
         var posParent = this.getPosOnDate(parentTask.startTime);
         var posChild = this.getPosOnDate(task.startTime);
         var widthChild = this.getWidthOnDuration(task.duration);
         return (widthParent + posParent) >= (posChild + widthChild);
        addProject: function(projectItem){
        deleteProject: function(id){
         var project = this.getProject(id);
          if(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
           while(project.arrTasks.length > 0){
          var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          project.nextProject && project.shiftNextProject(project, -rowHeight); //rowHeight: 23
          this.project = dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
           return !=;
          }, this);
          if((project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project.nextProject;
          if((project.previousProject) && !(project.nextProject)){
           var previousProject = project.previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = null;
          if(!(project.previousProject) && (project.nextProject)){
           var nextProject = project.nextProject;
           nextProject.previousProject = null;
          for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
           if(this.arrProjects[i] == id){
            this.arrProjects.splice(i, 1);
          this.contentDataHeight -= this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
          if(this.project.length == 0){
           var d = new Date(this.startDate);
           var t = new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1));
           var pi = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
            id: 1,
            name: "New Project",
            startDate: t
           var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, pi);
           this.contentDataHeight += this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
        insertProject: function(id, name, startDate){
         if(this.startDate >= startDate){
          return false;
          return false;
         var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
          id: id,
          name: name,
          startDate: startDate
         var _project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, project);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.arrProjects.length; i++){
          var curProject = this.arrProjects[i],
           preProject = this.arrProjects[i-1],
           nextProject = this.arrProjects[i+1];
          if(startDate < curProject.project.startDate){
           this.arrProjects.splice(i, 0, _project);
           if(i > 0){
            _project.previousProject = preProject;
            preProject.nextProject = _project;
           if(i + 1 <= this.arrProjects.length){
            _project.nextProject = nextProject;
            nextProject.previousProject = _project;
            var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra;
            _project.shiftNextProject(_project, rowHeight);
           return _project;
         if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
          this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1].nextProject = _project;
          _project.previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
         return _project;
        openTree: function(parentTask){
         var lastParentTask = this.getLastCloseParent(parentTask);
         this.openNode(lastParentTask); != && this.openTree(parentTask);
        openNode: function(parentTask){
          dojo.removeClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeExpand");
          dojo.addClass(parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2], "ganttImageTreeCollapse");
          parentTask.isExpanded = true;
          parentTask.shiftCurrentTasks(parentTask, parentTask.hideTasksHeight);
          parentTask.showChildTasks(parentTask, parentTask.isExpanded);
          parentTask.hideTasksHeight = 0;
        getLastCloseParent: function(task){
          if((!task.parentTask.isExpanded) ||
          (task.parentTask.cTaskNameItem[2].style.display == "none")){
           return this.getLastCloseParent(task.parentTask);
           return task;
          return task;
        getProjectItemById: function(id){
         return dojo.filter(this.project, function(proj){
          return == id;
         }, this)[0];
        clearAll: function(){
         this.contentDataHeight = 0;
         this.startDate = null;
        clearEvents: function(){
         dojo.forEach(this._events, dojo.disconnect);
         this._events = [];
        clearData: function(){
         this.project = [];
         this.arrProjects = [];
        clearItems: function(){
        buildUIContent: function(){
         this.startDate = this.getStartDate();
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
           if(ppTask.startTime < proj.startDate){
           if(this.checkPosParentTaskInTree(ppTask)) return;

         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, proj);
          if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
           var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
           project.previousProject = previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project;
         this.resource && this.resource.reConstruct();
        loadJSONData: function(filename){
         var _this = this;
         _this.dataFilePath = filename || _this.dataFilePath;
          url: _this.dataFilePath,
          sync: true,
          load: function(text, ioArgs){
           alert("Successfully! Loaded data from: " + _this.dataFilePath);
          error: function(err, ioArgs){
           alert("Failed! Load error: " + _this.dataFilePath);
        loadJSONString: function(content){
         //load data
         if(!content){ return; }
         var jsonObj = dojo.fromJson(content);

         var items = jsonObj.items;
         dojo.forEach(items, function(pItem){
          var startDate = pItem.startdate.split("-");
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectItem({
           startDate: new Date(startDate[0], (parseInt(startDate[1]) - 1), startDate[2])
          var tItems = pItem.tasks;
          dojo.forEach(tItems, function(tItem){
           var id =,
            name =,
            starttime = tItem.starttime.split("-");
            duration = tItem.duration,
            percentage = tItem.percentage,
            previousTaskId = tItem.previousTaskId,
            taskOwner = tItem.taskOwner;

           var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskItem({
            id: id,
            name: name,
            startTime: new Date(starttime[0], (parseInt(starttime[1]) - 1), starttime[2]),
            duration: duration,
            percentage: percentage,
            previousTaskId: previousTaskId,
            taskOwner: taskOwner
           var ctItems = tItem.children;
           if(ctItems.length != 0){
            this.buildChildTasksData(task, ctItems);
          }, this);
          }, this);
        buildChildTasksData: function(parentTask, childTaskItems){
         childTaskItems && dojo.forEach(childTaskItems, function(ctItem){
          var id =,
           name =,
           starttime = ctItem.starttime.split("-"),
           duration = ctItem.duration,
           percentage = ctItem.percentage,
           previousTaskId = ctItem.previousTaskId,
           taskOwner = ctItem.taskOwner;

          var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskItem({
           id: id,
           name: name,
           startTime: new Date(starttime[0], (parseInt(starttime[1]) - 1), starttime[2]),
           duration: duration,
           percentage: percentage,
           previousTaskId: previousTaskId,
           taskOwner: taskOwner
          task.parentTask = parentTask;

          var ctItems = ctItem.children;
          if(ctItems.length != 0){
           this.buildChildTasksData(task, ctItems);
         }, this);
        getJSONData: function(){
         var jsonObj = {identifier: 'id', items: []};
         dojo.forEach(this.project, function(proj){
          var project = {
           startdate: proj.startDate.getFullYear() + '-' + (proj.startDate.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + proj.startDate.getDate(),
           tasks: []
          dojo.forEach(proj.parentTasks, function(pTask){
           var task = {
            starttime: pTask.startTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (pTask.startTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + pTask.startTime.getDate(),
            duration: pTask.duration,
            percentage: pTask.percentage,
            previousTaskId: (pTask.previousTaskId || ''),
            taskOwner: (pTask.taskOwner || ''),
            children: this.getChildTasksData(pTask.cldTasks)
          }, this);
         }, this);
         return jsonObj;
        getChildTasksData: function(childTasks){
         var cTaskObj = [];
         childTasks && childTasks.length > 0 && dojo.forEach(childTasks, function(childTask){
          var ctask = {
           starttime: childTask.startTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (childTask.startTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + childTask.startTime.getDate(),
           duration: childTask.duration,
           percentage: childTask.percentage,
           previousTaskId: (childTask.previousTaskId || ''),
           taskOwner: (childTask.taskOwner || ''),
           children: this.getChildTasksData(childTask.cldTasks)
         }, this);
         return cTaskObj;
        saveJSONData: function(fileName){
         var _this = this;
         _this.dataFilePath = (fileName && dojo.trim(fileName).length > 0) ? fileName : this.dataFilePath;
         try {
          var td = dojo.xhrPost({
           url: _this.saveProgramPath,
           content: {filename: _this.dataFilePath, data: dojo.toJson(_this.getJSONData())},
           handle: function(res, ioArgs){
             (ioArgs.xhr.status == 405)
             alert("Successfully! Saved data to " + _this.dataFilePath);
             alert("Failed! Saved error");
         } catch (e){
          alert("exception: " + e.message);
        sortTaskStartTime: function(a, b){
         return a.startTime < b.startTime ? -1 : (a.startTime > b.startTime ? 1 : 0);
        sortProjStartDate: function(a, b){
         return a.startDate < b.startDate ? -1 : (a.startDate > b.startDate ? 1 : 0);
        setStartTimeChild: function(parentTask){
         dojo.forEach(parentTask.cldTasks, function(pcTask){
           pcTask.startTime = parentTask.startTime;
          if(pcTask.cldTasks.length != 0){
         }, this);
        createPanelTasks: function(){
         var panelTask = dojo.create("div", {
          className: "ganttTaskPanel"
         });, {
          height: (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px"
         return panelTask;
        refreshParams: function(pixelsPerDay){
         this.pixelsPerDay = pixelsPerDay;
         this.pixelsPerWorkHour = this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay;
         this.pixelsPerHour = this.pixelsPerDay / 24;
        createPanelNamesTasksHeader: function(){
         var _this = this;
         var panelHeader = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelHeader"});
         var tblHeader = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0px",
          border: "0px",
          cellSpacing: "0px",
          bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
          className: "ganttToolbar"
         }, panelHeader);
         var firstRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var secondRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var thirdRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var forthRow = tblHeader.insertRow(tblHeader.rows.length);
         var zoomIn = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarZoomIn"
         }, firstRow);
         var zoomInFn = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          if(this.scale * 2 > 5){return;}
          this.scale = this.scale * 2;
          this.switchTeleMicroView(this.pixelsPerDay * this.scale);
         this.zoomInClickEvent = dojo.connect(zoomIn, "onclick", this, zoomInFn);
         //a11y support
         this.zoomInKeyEvent = dojo.connect(zoomIn, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(zoomIn, "tabIndex", 0);
         var zoomOut = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarZoomOut"
         }, firstRow);
         var zoomOutFn = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          if(this.scale * 0.5 < 0.2){return;}
          this.scale = this.scale * 0.5;
          this.switchTeleMicroView(this.pixelsPerDay * this.scale);
         this.zoomOutClickEvent = dojo.connect(zoomOut, "onclick", this, zoomOutFn);
         //a11y support
         this.zoomOutKeyEvent = dojo.connect(zoomOut, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(zoomOut, "tabIndex", 0);
         var micro = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarMicro"
         }, secondRow);
         this.microClickEvent = dojo.connect(micro, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.refresh, this.animation?15:1, 0, 2));
         //a11y support
         this.microKeyEvent = dojo.connect(micro, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
          this.refresh(this.animation?15:1, 0, 2);
         dojo.attr(micro, "tabIndex", 0);
         var tele = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarTele"
         }, secondRow);
         this.teleClickEvent = dojo.connect(tele, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.refresh, this.animation?15:1, 0, 0.5));
         //a11y support
         this.teleKeyEvent = dojo.connect(tele, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
          this.refresh(this.animation?15:1, 0, 0.5);
         dojo.attr(tele, "tabIndex", 0);
         var save = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarSave"
         }, thirdRow);
         this.saveClickEvent = dojo.connect(save, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.saveJSONData, ""));
         //a11y support
         this.saveKeyEvent = dojo.connect(save, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(save, "tabIndex", 0);
         var load = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttToolbarLoad"
         }, thirdRow);
         this.loadClickEvent = dojo.connect(load, "onclick", this, dojo.hitch(this, this.loadJSONData, ""));
         //a11y support
         this.loadKeyEvent = dojo.connect(load, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
          if(e.keyCode != dojo.keys.ENTER){return;}
         dojo.attr(load, "tabIndex", 0);
         //action popup description
         var actions = [zoomIn, zoomOut, micro, tele, save, load],
          titles = ["Enlarge timeline", "Shrink timeline", "Zoom in time zone(microscope view)", "Zoom out time zone(telescope view)",
             "Save gantt data to json file", "Load gantt data from json file"];
         dojo.forEach(actions, function(action, i){
          var title = titles[i];
          var tooltipShow = function(){
           dojo.addClass(action, "ganttToolbarActionHover");
           dijit.showTooltip(title, action, ["above", "below"]);
          action.onmouseover = tooltipShow;
          //a11y support
          action.onfocus = tooltipShow;
          var tooltipHide = function(){
           dojo.removeClass(action, "ganttToolbarActionHover");
           action && dijit.hideTooltip(action);
          action.onmouseout = tooltipHide;
          action.onblur = tooltipHide;
         }, this);
         return panelHeader;
        createPanelNamesTasks: function(){
         var panelNameTask = dojo.create("div", {
          innerHTML: " ",
          className: "ganttPanelNames"
         });, {
          height: (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px",
          width: this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px"
         return panelNameTask;
        createPanelTime: function(){
         var panelTime = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelTime"});
         var tblTime = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0px",
          border: "0px",
          cellSpacing: "0px",
          bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
          className: "ganttTblTime"
         }, panelTime);
         this.totalDays = this.countDays;
         var newYearRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newYear = oldYear = new Date(this.startDate).getFullYear(), ycount = 0;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, ycount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newYear = date.getFullYear();
          if(newYear != oldYear){
           this.addYearInPanelTime(newYearRow, ycount, oldYear);
           ycount = 0;
           oldYear = newYear;
         this.addYearInPanelTime(newYearRow, ycount, newYear);, "display", "none");
         var newMonthRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newMonth = oldMonth = new Date(this.startDate).getMonth(), mcount = 0, lastYear = 1970;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, mcount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newMonth = date.getMonth();
          lastYear = date.getFullYear();
          if(newMonth != oldMonth){
           this.addMonthInPanelTime(newMonthRow, mcount, oldMonth, lastYear);
           mcount = 0;
           oldMonth = newMonth;
         this.addMonthInPanelTime(newMonthRow, mcount, newMonth, lastYear);
         var newWeekRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length), newWeek = oldWeek = Date(this.startDate)), mcount = 0;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++, mcount++){
          var date = new Date(this.startDate);
          date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
          newWeek =;
          if(newWeek != oldWeek){
           this.addWeekInPanelTime(newWeekRow, mcount, oldWeek);
           mcount = 0;
           oldWeek = newWeek;
         this.addWeekInPanelTime(newWeekRow, mcount, newWeek);
         var newDayRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++){
         var newHourRow = tblTime.insertRow(tblTime.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.countDays; i++){
         }, "display", "none");
         return panelTime;
        adjustPanelTime: function(width){
         var maxEndPos =, function(project){
          return (parseInt(project.projectItem[0].style.left) + parseInt(project.projectItem[0]
           + project.descrProject.offsetWidth + this.panelTimeExpandDelta);
         }, this).sort(function(a,b){return b-a})[0];
         if(this.maxTaskEndPos != maxEndPos){
          //reset panel time
          var prows = this.panelTime.firstChild.firstChild.rows;
          for(var i = 0; i <= 4; i++){//prows.length
          var countDays = Math.round((maxEndPos+this.panelTimeExpandDelta) / this.pixelsPerDay);
          this.totalDays = countDays;
          var newYear = oldYear = new Date(this.startDate).getFullYear(), ycount = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, ycount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newYear = date.getFullYear();
           if(newYear != oldYear){
            this.addYearInPanelTime(prows[0], ycount, oldYear);
            ycount = 0;
            oldYear = newYear;
          this.addYearInPanelTime(prows[0], ycount, newYear);
          var newMonth = oldMonth = new Date(this.startDate).getMonth(), mcount = 0, lastYear = 1970;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, mcount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newMonth = date.getMonth();
           lastYear = date.getFullYear();
           if(newMonth != oldMonth){
            this.addMonthInPanelTime(prows[1], mcount, oldMonth, lastYear);
            mcount = 0;
            oldMonth = newMonth;
          this.addMonthInPanelTime(prows[1], mcount, newMonth, lastYear);
          var newWeek = oldWeek = Date(this.startDate)), mcount = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++, mcount++){
           var date = new Date(this.startDate);
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
           newWeek =;
           if(newWeek != oldWeek){
            this.addWeekInPanelTime(prows[2], mcount, oldWeek);
            mcount = 0;
            oldWeek = newWeek;
          this.addWeekInPanelTime(prows[2], mcount, newWeek);
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++){
          for(var i = 0; i < countDays; i++){
 = this.pixelsPerDay * (prows[3].cells.length) + "px";
 = this.pixelsPerDay * (prows[3].cells.length) + "px";
          this.maxTaskEndPos = maxEndPos;
        addYearInPanelTime: function(row, count, year){
         var data = "Year " + year;
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttYearNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 20 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
        addMonthInPanelTime: function(row, count, month, year){
         var data = this.months[month] + (year ? " of " + year : "");
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttMonthNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 30 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
        addWeekInPanelTime: function(row, count, week){
         var data = "Week " + week;
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          colSpan: count,
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttWeekNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay * count > 20 ? data : "",
          innerHTMLData: data
         }, row);, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay * count) + "px");
        addDayInPanelTime: function(row){
         var date = new Date(this.startDate);
         date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(row.cells.length));
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttDayNumber",
          innerHTML: this.pixelsPerDay > 20 ? date.getDate() : "",
          innerHTMLData: String(date.getDate()),
          data: row.cells.length
         }, row);, "width", this.pixelsPerDay + "px");
         (date.getDay() >= 5) && dojo.addClass(newCell, "ganttDayNumberWeekend");
          dojo.connect(newCell, "onmouseover", this, function(event){
           var dayTime = || event.srcElement;
           var date = new Date(this.startDate.getTime());
           date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(dojo.attr(dayTime, "data")));
           dijit.showTooltip(date.getFullYear() + "." + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "." + date.getDate(), newCell, ["above", "below"]);
          dojo.connect(newCell, "onmouseout", this, function(event){
           var dayTime = || event.srcElement;
           dayTime && dijit.hideTooltip(dayTime);
        addHourInPanelTime: function(row){
         var newCell = dojo.create("td", {
          align: "center",
          vAlign: "middle",
          className: "ganttHourNumber",
          data: row.cells.length
         }, row);, "width", this.pixelsPerDay + "px");

         var hourTable = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0",
          cellSpacing: "0"
         }, newCell);
         var newRow = hourTable.insertRow(hourTable.rows.length);
         for(var i = 0; i < this.hsPerDay; i++){
          var hourTD = dojo.create("td", {
           className: "ganttHourClass"
          }, newRow);
, "width", (this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay) + "px");
          dojo.attr(hourTD, "innerHTMLData", String(9 + i));
          if(this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay > 5){
           dojo.attr(hourTD, "innerHTML", String(9 + i));
          dojo.addClass(hourTD, i <= 3?"ganttHourNumberAM":"ganttHourNumberPM");
        incHeightPanelTasks: function(height){
         var containerTasks = this.contentData.firstChild; = parseInt( + height + "px";
        incHeightPanelNames: function(height){
         var containerNames = this.panelNames.firstChild; = parseInt( + height + "px";
        checkPosition: function(){
         dojo.forEach(this.arrProjects, function(project){
          dojo.forEach(project.arrTasks, function(task){
          }, this);
         }, this);
        checkHeighPanelTasks: function(){
         this.contentDataHeight += this.heightTaskItemExtra + this.heightTaskItem;
         if((parseInt( <= this.contentDataHeight)){
          this.incHeightPanelTasks(this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra);
          this.incHeightPanelNames(this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra);
        sortTasksByStartTime: function(project){
         for(var i = 0; i < project.parentTasks.length; i++){
          project.parentTasks[i] = this.sortChildTasks(project.parentTasks[i]);
        sortChildTasks: function(parenttask){
         for(var i = 0; i < parenttask.cldTasks.length; i++){
          if(parenttask.cldTasks[i].cldTasks.length > 0) this.sortChildTasks(parenttask.cldTasks[i]);
         return parenttask;
        refresh: function(count, current, multi){
         //return if no task items
         if(this.arrProjects.length <= 0){return;}
         if(this.arrProjects[0].arrTasks.length <= 0){return;}
         //Show panel of names
         if(!count || current > count){
          this.tempDayInPixels = 0;
          this.panelNameHeadersCover &&, "display", "none");
         if(this.tempDayInPixels == 0){
          this.tempDayInPixels = this.pixelsPerDay;
         this.panelNameHeadersCover &&, "display", "");
         var dip = this.tempDayInPixels + this.tempDayInPixels * (multi - 1) * Math.pow((current / count), 2);
         dojo.forEach(this.arrProjects, function(project){
          dojo.forEach(project.arrTasks, function(task){
          }, this);
         }, this);
         setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
          this.refresh(count, ++current, multi);
         }), 15);
        switchTeleMicroView: function(dip){
         var plChild = this.panelTime.firstChild.firstChild;
         for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){//0:Y 1:M 2:W 3:D 4:H
          if(dip > 40){
 [i], "display", (i==0||i==1)?"none":"");
          }else if(dip < 20){
 [i], "display", (i==2||i==4)?"none":"");
 [i], "display", (i==0||i==4)?"none":"");
        refreshController: function(){ = Math.max(1200, this.pixelsPerDay * this.totalDays) + "px"; = this.pixelsPerDay * this.totalDays + "px"; = this.pixelsPerDay * this.totalDays + "px";
         dojo.forEach(this.panelTime.firstChild.firstChild.rows, function(row){
          dojo.forEach(row.childNodes, function(td){
           var cs = parseInt(dojo.attr(td, "colSpan") || 1);
           var idata = dojo.trim(dojo.attr(td, "innerHTMLData")||"");
           if(idata.length > 0){
            dojo.attr(td, "innerHTML", this.pixelsPerDay * cs < 20 ? "" : idata);
            dojo.forEach(td.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes, function(td){
             var sdata = dojo.trim(dojo.attr(td, "innerHTMLData")||"");
             dojo.attr(td, "innerHTML", this.pixelsPerDay / this.hsPerDay > 10 ? sdata : "");
            }, this);
           if(cs == 1){
  , "width", (this.pixelsPerDay*cs) + "px");
            if(idata.length <= 0){
             dojo.forEach(td.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes, function(td){
    , "width", (this.pixelsPerDay*cs / this.hsPerDay) + "px");
             }, this);
          }, this);
         }, this);
        init: function(){
         this.startDate = this.getStartDate();, {
          width: this.contentWidth + "px",
          height: this.contentHeight + "px"
         //create Table
         this.tableControl = dojo.create("table", {
          cellPadding: "0",
          cellSpacing: "0",
          className: "ganttTabelControl"
         var newRowTblControl = this.tableControl.insertRow(this.tableControl.rows.length);
         //Add to content Table
         this.countDays = this.getCountDays();
         //Creation panel of time
         this.panelTime = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelTimeContainer"});, "height", this.panelTimeHeight + "px");
         //Creation panel contentData
         this.contentData = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttContentDataContainer"});, "height", (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight) + "px");
         //Creation panel of names
         var newCellTblControl = dojo.create("td", {
          vAlign: "top"
         //Creation panel of task header
         this.panelNameHeaders = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelNameHeaders"}, newCellTblControl);, {
          height: this.panelTimeHeight + "px",
          width: this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px"
         this.panelNames = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttPanelNamesContainer"}, newCellTblControl);
         //add to control contentData and dataTime
         newCellTblControl = dojo.create("td", {
          vAlign: "top"
         var divCell = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttDivCell"});
         //Show panel of names, "height", (this.contentHeight - this.panelTimeHeight - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px");, "width", this.maxWidthPanelNames + "px");, "width", (this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames) + "px");, "width", this.pixelsPerDay * this.countDays + "px");, "width", (this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames - this.scrollBarWidth) + "px");, "width", this.pixelsPerDay * this.countDays + "px");
          this.tabMenu = new dojox.gantt.TabMenu(this);
         var _this = this;
         this.contentData.onscroll = function(){
          _this.panelTime.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
           _this.panelNames.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
           _this.resource.contentData.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          var proj = this.project[i];
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
            ppTask.startTime = proj.startDate;
          for(var k = 0; k < proj.parentTasks.length; k++){
           var ppTask = proj.parentTasks[k];
           if(ppTask.startTime < proj.startDate){
             ppTask.startTime = proj.startDate;
         for(var i = 0; i < this.project.length; i++){
          //creation project
          var proj = this.project[i];
          var project = new dojox.gantt.GanttProjectControl(this, proj);
          if(this.arrProjects.length > 0){
           var previousProject = this.arrProjects[this.arrProjects.length - 1];
           project.previousProject = previousProject;
           previousProject.nextProject = project;
          this.resource = new dojox.gantt.GanttResourceItem(this);
         return this;
        postLoadData: function(){
         dojo.forEach(this.arrProjects, function(project){
          dojo.forEach(project.arrTasks, function(task){
          }, this);
         }, this);
         //toolbar cover div
         var cpos = dojo.coords(this.panelNameHeaders);
          this.panelNameHeadersCover = dojo.create("div", {className: "ganttHeaderCover"}, this.panelNameHeaders.parentNode);
, {
           left: cpos.l+"px",
           top: cpos.t+"px",
           height: cpos.h+"px",
           width: cpos.w+"px",
           display: "none"
        postBindEvents: function(){
         //highlight row
         var pos = dojo.position(this.tableControl, true);
         !dojo.isIE && this._events.push(
          dojo.connect(this.tableControl, "onmousemove", this, function(event){
           var elem = event.srcElement ||;
           if(elem == this.panelNames.firstChild || elem == this.contentData.firstChild){
            //23: this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra
            var rowHeight = this.heightTaskItem + this.heightTaskItemExtra;
            var hlTop = parseInt(event.layerY / rowHeight) * rowHeight + this.panelTimeHeight - this.contentData.scrollTop;
            if(hlTop != this.oldHLTop && hlTop < (pos.h - 50)){
    , "top", (pos.y + hlTop) + "px");
              this.highLightDiv = dojo.create("div", {
               className: "ganttRowHighlight"
              }, dojo.body());
    , {
               top: (pos.y + hlTop) + "px",
               left: pos.x + "px",
               width: (pos.w - 20) + "px",
               height: rowHeight + "px"
            this.oldHLTop = hlTop;
         //TODO: other event bindings
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getStartDate

    • type
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(this.project, function(proj){
           if(proj.startDate < this.startDate){
            this.startDate = new Date(proj.startDate);
           this.startDate = new Date(proj.startDate);
         }, this);
         this.initialPos = 24 * this.pixelsPerHour;
         return this.startDate ? new Date(this.startDate.setHours(this.startDate.getHours() - 24)) : new Date();
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getCountDays

    • type
    • source: [view]
         return parseInt((this.contentWidth - this.maxWidthPanelNames) / (this.pixelsPerHour * 24));
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.createTasks

    • type
    • parameters:
      • project: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(project.project.parentTasks, function(pppTask, i){
          if(i > 0){
           project.project.parentTasks[i - 1].nextParentTask = pppTask;
           pppTask.previousParentTask = project.project.parentTasks[i - 1];
          var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskControl(pppTask, project, this);
          if(pppTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           this.createChildItemControls(pppTask.cldTasks, project);
         }, this);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.createChildItemControls

    • type
    • parameters:
      • arrChildTasks: (typeof )
      • project: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         arrChildTasks && dojo.forEach(arrChildTasks, function(cTask, i){
          if(i > 0){
           cTask.previousChildTask = arrChildTasks[i - 1];
           arrChildTasks[i - 1].nextChildTask = cTask;
          var task = new dojox.gantt.GanttTaskControl(cTask, project, this);
          if(cTask.cldTasks.length > 0){
           this.createChildItemControls(cTask.cldTasks, project);
         }, this);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getPosOnDate

    • type
    • parameters:
      • startTime: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return (startTime - this.startDate) / (60 * 60 * 1000) * this.pixelsPerHour;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getWidthOnDuration

    • type
    • parameters:
      • duration: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return Math.round(this.pixelsPerWorkHour * duration);
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.getLastChildTask

    • type
    • parameters:
      • task: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return task.childTask.length > 0 ? this.getLastChildTask(task.childTask[task.childTask.length - 1]) : task;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.removeCell

    • type
    • parameters:
      • row: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.project

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.project.length

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.contentDataHeight

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.startDate

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart._events

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.arrProjects

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.pixelsPerDay

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.pixelsPerWorkHour

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.pixelsPerHour

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.scale

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.zoomInClickEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.zoomInKeyEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.zoomOutClickEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.zoomOutKeyEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.microClickEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.microKeyEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.teleClickEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.teleKeyEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.saveClickEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.saveKeyEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.loadClickEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.loadKeyEvent

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.totalDays

    • summary

    • summary

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.maxTaskEndPos

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.tempDayInPixels

    • summary

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.tableControl

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.countDays

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.panelTime

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.contentData

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.panelNameHeaders

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.panelNames

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.tabMenu

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.contentData.onscroll

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.resource

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.init.contentData.onscroll

    • type
    • source: [view]
          _this.panelTime.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
           _this.panelNames.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
           _this.resource.contentData.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.panelNameHeadersCover

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.highLightDiv

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.oldHLTop

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.initialPos

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.resourceChartHeight

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.withResource

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.correctError

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.isShowConMenu

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.withTaskId

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.animation

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.saveProgramPath

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.dataFilePath

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.contentHeight

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.contentWidth

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.content

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.scrollBarWidth

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.panelTimeHeight

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.maxWidthPanelNames

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.maxWidthTaskNames

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.minWorkLength

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.heightTaskItem

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.heightTaskItemExtra

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.hsPerDay

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.panelTimeExpandDelta

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.divTimeInfo

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.xmlLoader

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.isMoving

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.isResizing

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.animationNodes

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt.GanttChart.months

    • summary
  • dojox.gantt

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary