Effects library on top of Base animations
Chain a list of `dojo.Animation`s to run in sequence
Return a `dojo.Animation` which will play all passed `dojo.Animation` instances in sequence, firing its own synthesized events simulating a single animation. (eg: onEnd of this animation means the end of the chain, not the individual animations within)
Once `node` is faded out, fade in `otherNode` dojo.fx.chain([ dojo.fadeIn({ node:node }), dojo.fadeOut({ node:otherNode }) ]).play();
Combine a list of `dojo.Animation`s to run in parallel
Combine an array of `dojo.Animation`s to run in parallel, providing a new `dojo.Animation` instance encompasing each animation, firing standard animation events.
Fade out `node` while fading in `otherNode` simultaneously dojo.fx.combine([ dojo.fadeIn({ node:node }), dojo.fadeOut({ node:otherNode }) ]).play();
When the longest animation ends, execute a function: var anim = dojo.fx.combine([ dojo.fadeIn({ node: n, duration:700 }), dojo.fadeOut({ node: otherNode, duration: 300 }) ]); dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", function(){ // overall animation is done. }); anim.play(); // play the animation
A hash-map of standard `dojo.Animation` constructor properties (such as easing: node: duration: and so on)
Expand a node to it's natural height.
Returns an animation that will expand the node defined in 'args' object from it's current height to it's natural height (with no scrollbar). Node must have no margin/border/padding.
dojo.fx.wipeIn({ node:"someId" }).play()
A hash-map of standard `dojo.Animation` constructor properties (such as easing: node: duration: and so on)
Shrink a node to nothing and hide it.
Returns an animation that will shrink node defined in "args" from it's current height to 1px, and then hide it.
dojo.fx.wipeOut({ node:"someId" }).play()
A hash-map of standard `dojo.Animation` constructor properties (such as easing: node: duration: and so on). Special args members are `top` and `left`, which indicate the new position to slide to.
Slide a node to a new top/left position
Returns an animation that will slide "node" defined in args Object from its current position to the position defined by (args.left, args.top).
dojo.fx.slideTo({ node: node, left:"40", top:"50", units:"px" }).play()