
  • Provides:

    • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage

    • type
    • chains:
      • dijit._editor.plugins.ImgLinkDialog: (prototype)
      • dijit._editor.plugins.ImgLinkDialog: (call)
    • summary
      This plugin provides an enhanced image link dialog that
      not only insert the online images, but upload the local image files onto
      to server then insert them as well.
      This plugin depends on dojox.form.FileUploader to upload the images on the local driver.
      Do the regression test whenever FileUploader is upgraded.
      uploadable [public] Boolean
      Indicate whether the user can upload a local image file onto the server.
      If it is set to true, the Browse button will be available.
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.uploadable

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.uploadUrl

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.baseImageUrl

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.fileMask

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.urlRegExp

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._fileUploader

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.htmlFieldName

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._isLocalFile

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._messages

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._cssPrefix

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._closable

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.linkDialogTemplate

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._initButton

    • type
    • source: [view]
        var _this = this,
         messages = this._messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "LocalImage");

        this.tag = "img";
        var dropDown = (this.dropDown = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
         title: messages[this.command + "Title"],
         onOpen: function(){
          dijit.TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
           // Auto-select the text if it is not empty
           _this._urlInput.isLoadComplete = true;
          }, 0);
         onClose: function(){
          _this.blurHandler = null;
         onCancel: function(){
          setTimeout(dojo.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);

        var label = this.getLabel(this.command),
         className = this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + this.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.command.substr(1),
         props = dojo.mixin({
           label: label,
           showLabel: false,
           iconClass: className,
           dropDown: this.dropDown,
           tabIndex: "-1"
          }, this.params || {});

        if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
         // Workaround for Non-IE problem:
         // Safari 5: After the select-file dialog opens, the first time the user clicks anywhere (even on that dialog)
         // it's treated like a plain click on the page, and the tooltip dialog closes
         // FF & Chrome: the select-file dialog does not block the execution of JS
         props.closeDropDown = function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
            if(focus){ this.focus(); }
            this._opened = false;
            this.state = "";
          setTimeout(function(){ _this._closable = true; }, 10);

        this.button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton(props);

        // Generate the RegExp of the ValidationTextBox from fileMask
        // *.jpg;*.png => /.*\.jpg|.*\.JPG|.*\.png|.*\.PNG/
        var masks = this.fileMask.split(";"),
         temp = "";
        dojo.forEach(masks, function(m){
         m = m.replace(/\./, "\\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*");
         temp += "|" + m + "|" + m.toUpperCase();
        messages.urlRegExp = this.urlRegExp = temp.substring(1);

         messages["prePopuTextBrowse"] = ".";

        = dijit.getUniqueId(;
        messages.uploadable = this.uploadable ? "inline" : "none";
        this._uniqueId =;
      " + dropDown.title + "
      " +
         dojo.string.substitute(this.linkDialogTemplate, messages));

        var urlInput = this._urlInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_urlInput");
        this._textInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
        this._setButton = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");

         var pt = dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.prototype;
         urlInput = dojo.mixin(urlInput, {
          // Indicate if the widget is ready to validate the input text
          isLoadComplete: false,
          isValid: function(isFocused){
            return pt.isValid.apply(this, arguments);
            return this.get("value").length > 0;
          reset: function(){
           this.isLoadComplete = false;
           pt.reset.apply(this, arguments);

         this.connect(urlInput, "onKeyDown", "_cancelFileUpload");
         this.connect(urlInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
         this.connect(this._setButton, "onClick", "_checkAndSetValue");
    • summary
      Override _Plugin._initButton() to initialize DropDownButton and TooltipDialog.
    • tags:
    • chains:
      • dijit.TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen: (call)
      • pt.isValid: (call)
      • pt.reset: (call)
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._initialFileUploader

    • type
    • source: [view]
        var fup = null,
         _this = this,
         widgetId = _this._uniqueId,
         fUpId = widgetId + "_browse",
         urlInput = _this._urlInput;

        if(_this.uploadable && !_this._fileUploader){
         fup = _this._fileUploader = new dojox.form.FileUploader({
          force: "html", // Noticed that SWF may cause browsers to crash sometimes
          uploadUrl: _this.uploadUrl,
          htmlFieldName: _this.htmlFieldName,
          uploadOnChange: false,
          selectMultipleFiles: false,
          showProgress: true
         }, fUpId);

         // TooltipDialog will call reset on all the widgets contained within it.
         // Have FileUploader be responsive to this call.
         fup.reset = function(){
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onClick", function(){
          if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
           // Firefox (below v4), Chome and Safari have a strange behavior:
           // When the File Upload dialog is open, the browse div (FileUploader) will lose its focus
           // and triggers onBlur event. This event will cause the whole tooltip dialog
           // to be closed when the File Upload dialog is open. The popup dialog should hang up
           // the js executioin rather than triggering an event. IE does not have such a problem.
           _this._closable = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onChange", function(data){
          _this._isLocalFile = true;
          urlInput.set("value", data[0].name); //Single selection

         _this.connect(fup, "onComplete", function(data){
          var urlPrefix = _this.baseImageUrl;
          urlPrefix = urlPrefix && urlPrefix.charAt(urlPrefix.length - 1) == "/" ? urlPrefix : urlPrefix + "/";
          urlInput.set("value", urlPrefix + data[0].file); //Single selection
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onError", function(evtObject){
          // summary:
          //  Fires on errors
          console.log("Error occurred when uploading image file!");
    • summary
      Initialize the FileUploader and connect up its events
    • tags:
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._checkAndFixInput

    • type
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/editor/plugins/LocalImage", ["dojo", "dijit", "dojox", "dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog", "dojox/form/FileUploader", "dojo/i18n", "i18n!dojox/editor/plugins/nls/LocalImage"], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) {

      dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage", dijit._editor.plugins.ImgLinkDialog, {
       // summary:
       //  This plugin provides an enhanced image link dialog that
       //  not only insert the online images, but upload the local image files onto
       //  to server then insert them as well.
       // Dependencies:
       //  This plugin depends on dojox.form.FileUploader to upload the images on the local driver.
       //  Do the regression test whenever FileUploader is upgraded.

       // uploadable [public] Boolean
       //  Indicate whether the user can upload a local image file onto the server.
       //  If it is set to true, the Browse button will be available.
       uploadable: false,

       // uploadUrl [public] String
       //  The url targeted for uploading. Both absolute and relative URLs are OK.
       uploadUrl: "",

       // baseImageUrl [public] String
       //  The prefix of the image url on the server.
       //  For example, an image is uploaded and stored at the following location
       //  When the image is uploaded, the server returns "uploads/test.jpg" as the
       //  relative path. So the baseImageUrl should be set to ""
       //  so that the client can retrieve the image from the server.
       //  If the image file is located on the same domain as that of the current web page,
       //  baseImageUrl can be a relative path. For example:
       //   baseImageUrl = images/
       //  and the server returns uploads/test.jpg
       //  The complete URL of the image file is images/upload/test.jpg
       baseImageUrl: "",

       // fileMask [public] String
       //  Specify the types of images that are allowed to be uploaded.
       //  Note that the type checking on server is also very important!
       fileMask: "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp",

       // urlRegExp [protected] String
       //  Used to validate if the input is a valid image URL.
       urlRegExp: "",

       // _fileUploader [private] dojox.form.FileUploader
       //  The component to upload the local image file onto the server
       _fileUploader: null,

       // _fileUploader [private] htmlFieldName

       // _isLocalFile [private] Boolean
       //  Indicate if a local file is to be uploaded to the server
       //  If false, the text of _urlInput field is regarded as the
       //  URL of the online image
       _isLocalFile: false,

       // _messages [private] Array
       //  Contains i18n strings.
       _messages: "",

       // _cssPrefix [private] String
       //  The prefix of the CSS style
       _cssPrefix: "dijitEditorEilDialog",

       // _closable [private] Boolean
       //  Indicate if the tooltip dialog can be closed. Used to workaround Safari 5 bug
       //  where the file dialog doesn't pop up in modal until after the first click.
       _closable: true,

       // linkDialogTemplate [protected] String
       //  Over-ride for template since this is an enhanced image dialog.
       linkDialogTemplate: [
      ", //
      breaks the dialog in IE6
        "  "regExp='${urlRegExp}' title='${prePopuTextUrl}${prePopuTextBrowse}' selectOnClick='true' required='true' " +
        "id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' intermediateChanges='true' invalidMessage='${invalidMessage}' " +
        "  "name='textInput' intermediateChanges='true' selectOnClick='true' class='dijitEditorEilDialogField'>",

       _initButton: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Override _Plugin._initButton() to initialize DropDownButton and TooltipDialog.
        // tags:
        //  protected
        var _this = this,
         messages = this._messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "LocalImage");

        this.tag = "img";
        var dropDown = (this.dropDown = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
         title: messages[this.command + "Title"],
         onOpen: function(){
          dijit.TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
           // Auto-select the text if it is not empty
           _this._urlInput.isLoadComplete = true;
          }, 0);
         onClose: function(){
          _this.blurHandler = null;
         onCancel: function(){
          setTimeout(dojo.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);

        var label = this.getLabel(this.command),
         className = this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + this.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.command.substr(1),
         props = dojo.mixin({
           label: label,
           showLabel: false,
           iconClass: className,
           dropDown: this.dropDown,
           tabIndex: "-1"
          }, this.params || {});

        if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
         // Workaround for Non-IE problem:
         // Safari 5: After the select-file dialog opens, the first time the user clicks anywhere (even on that dialog)
         // it's treated like a plain click on the page, and the tooltip dialog closes
         // FF & Chrome: the select-file dialog does not block the execution of JS
         props.closeDropDown = function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
            if(focus){ this.focus(); }
            this._opened = false;
            this.state = "";
          setTimeout(function(){ _this._closable = true; }, 10);

        this.button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton(props);

        // Generate the RegExp of the ValidationTextBox from fileMask
        // *.jpg;*.png => /.*\.jpg|.*\.JPG|.*\.png|.*\.PNG/
        var masks = this.fileMask.split(";"),
         temp = "";
        dojo.forEach(masks, function(m){
         m = m.replace(/\./, "\\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*");
         temp += "|" + m + "|" + m.toUpperCase();
        messages.urlRegExp = this.urlRegExp = temp.substring(1);

         messages["prePopuTextBrowse"] = ".";

        = dijit.getUniqueId(;
        messages.uploadable = this.uploadable ? "inline" : "none";
        this._uniqueId =;
      " + dropDown.title + "
      " +
         dojo.string.substitute(this.linkDialogTemplate, messages));

        var urlInput = this._urlInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_urlInput");
        this._textInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
        this._setButton = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");

         var pt = dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.prototype;
         urlInput = dojo.mixin(urlInput, {
          // Indicate if the widget is ready to validate the input text
          isLoadComplete: false,
          isValid: function(isFocused){
            return pt.isValid.apply(this, arguments);
            return this.get("value").length > 0;
          reset: function(){
           this.isLoadComplete = false;
           pt.reset.apply(this, arguments);

         this.connect(urlInput, "onKeyDown", "_cancelFileUpload");
         this.connect(urlInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
         this.connect(this._setButton, "onClick", "_checkAndSetValue");

       _initialFileUploader: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Initialize the FileUploader and connect up its events
        // tags:
        //  private
        var fup = null,
         _this = this,
         widgetId = _this._uniqueId,
         fUpId = widgetId + "_browse",
         urlInput = _this._urlInput;

        if(_this.uploadable && !_this._fileUploader){
         fup = _this._fileUploader = new dojox.form.FileUploader({
          force: "html", // Noticed that SWF may cause browsers to crash sometimes
          uploadUrl: _this.uploadUrl,
          htmlFieldName: _this.htmlFieldName,
          uploadOnChange: false,
          selectMultipleFiles: false,
          showProgress: true
         }, fUpId);

         // TooltipDialog will call reset on all the widgets contained within it.
         // Have FileUploader be responsive to this call.
         fup.reset = function(){
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onClick", function(){
          if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
           // Firefox (below v4), Chome and Safari have a strange behavior:
           // When the File Upload dialog is open, the browse div (FileUploader) will lose its focus
           // and triggers onBlur event. This event will cause the whole tooltip dialog
           // to be closed when the File Upload dialog is open. The popup dialog should hang up
           // the js executioin rather than triggering an event. IE does not have such a problem.
           _this._closable = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onChange", function(data){
          _this._isLocalFile = true;
          urlInput.set("value", data[0].name); //Single selection

         _this.connect(fup, "onComplete", function(data){
          var urlPrefix = _this.baseImageUrl;
          urlPrefix = urlPrefix && urlPrefix.charAt(urlPrefix.length - 1) == "/" ? urlPrefix : urlPrefix + "/";
          urlInput.set("value", urlPrefix + data[0].file); //Single selection
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onError", function(evtObject){
          // summary:
          //  Fires on errors
          console.log("Error occurred when uploading image file!");

       _checkAndFixInput: function(){
        // summray:
        //  Over-ride the original method
        this._setButton.set("disabled", !this._isValid());
    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._isValid

    • type
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/editor/plugins/LocalImage", ["dojo", "dijit", "dojox", "dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog", "dojox/form/FileUploader", "dojo/i18n", "i18n!dojox/editor/plugins/nls/LocalImage"], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) {

      dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage", dijit._editor.plugins.ImgLinkDialog, {
       // summary:
       //  This plugin provides an enhanced image link dialog that
       //  not only insert the online images, but upload the local image files onto
       //  to server then insert them as well.
       // Dependencies:
       //  This plugin depends on dojox.form.FileUploader to upload the images on the local driver.
       //  Do the regression test whenever FileUploader is upgraded.

       // uploadable [public] Boolean
       //  Indicate whether the user can upload a local image file onto the server.
       //  If it is set to true, the Browse button will be available.
       uploadable: false,

       // uploadUrl [public] String
       //  The url targeted for uploading. Both absolute and relative URLs are OK.
       uploadUrl: "",

       // baseImageUrl [public] String
       //  The prefix of the image url on the server.
       //  For example, an image is uploaded and stored at the following location
       //  When the image is uploaded, the server returns "uploads/test.jpg" as the
       //  relative path. So the baseImageUrl should be set to ""
       //  so that the client can retrieve the image from the server.
       //  If the image file is located on the same domain as that of the current web page,
       //  baseImageUrl can be a relative path. For example:
       //   baseImageUrl = images/
       //  and the server returns uploads/test.jpg
       //  The complete URL of the image file is images/upload/test.jpg
       baseImageUrl: "",

       // fileMask [public] String
       //  Specify the types of images that are allowed to be uploaded.
       //  Note that the type checking on server is also very important!
       fileMask: "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp",

       // urlRegExp [protected] String
       //  Used to validate if the input is a valid image URL.
       urlRegExp: "",

       // _fileUploader [private] dojox.form.FileUploader
       //  The component to upload the local image file onto the server
       _fileUploader: null,

       // _fileUploader [private] htmlFieldName

       // _isLocalFile [private] Boolean
       //  Indicate if a local file is to be uploaded to the server
       //  If false, the text of _urlInput field is regarded as the
       //  URL of the online image
       _isLocalFile: false,

       // _messages [private] Array
       //  Contains i18n strings.
       _messages: "",

       // _cssPrefix [private] String
       //  The prefix of the CSS style
       _cssPrefix: "dijitEditorEilDialog",

       // _closable [private] Boolean
       //  Indicate if the tooltip dialog can be closed. Used to workaround Safari 5 bug
       //  where the file dialog doesn't pop up in modal until after the first click.
       _closable: true,

       // linkDialogTemplate [protected] String
       //  Over-ride for template since this is an enhanced image dialog.
       linkDialogTemplate: [
      ", //
      breaks the dialog in IE6
        "  "regExp='${urlRegExp}' title='${prePopuTextUrl}${prePopuTextBrowse}' selectOnClick='true' required='true' " +
        "id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' intermediateChanges='true' invalidMessage='${invalidMessage}' " +
        "  "name='textInput' intermediateChanges='true' selectOnClick='true' class='dijitEditorEilDialogField'>",

       _initButton: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Override _Plugin._initButton() to initialize DropDownButton and TooltipDialog.
        // tags:
        //  protected
        var _this = this,
         messages = this._messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "LocalImage");

        this.tag = "img";
        var dropDown = (this.dropDown = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
         title: messages[this.command + "Title"],
         onOpen: function(){
          dijit.TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
           // Auto-select the text if it is not empty
           _this._urlInput.isLoadComplete = true;
          }, 0);
         onClose: function(){
          _this.blurHandler = null;
         onCancel: function(){
          setTimeout(dojo.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);

        var label = this.getLabel(this.command),
         className = this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + this.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.command.substr(1),
         props = dojo.mixin({
           label: label,
           showLabel: false,
           iconClass: className,
           dropDown: this.dropDown,
           tabIndex: "-1"
          }, this.params || {});

        if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
         // Workaround for Non-IE problem:
         // Safari 5: After the select-file dialog opens, the first time the user clicks anywhere (even on that dialog)
         // it's treated like a plain click on the page, and the tooltip dialog closes
         // FF & Chrome: the select-file dialog does not block the execution of JS
         props.closeDropDown = function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
            if(focus){ this.focus(); }
            this._opened = false;
            this.state = "";
          setTimeout(function(){ _this._closable = true; }, 10);

        this.button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton(props);

        // Generate the RegExp of the ValidationTextBox from fileMask
        // *.jpg;*.png => /.*\.jpg|.*\.JPG|.*\.png|.*\.PNG/
        var masks = this.fileMask.split(";"),
         temp = "";
        dojo.forEach(masks, function(m){
         m = m.replace(/\./, "\\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*");
         temp += "|" + m + "|" + m.toUpperCase();
        messages.urlRegExp = this.urlRegExp = temp.substring(1);

         messages["prePopuTextBrowse"] = ".";

        = dijit.getUniqueId(;
        messages.uploadable = this.uploadable ? "inline" : "none";
        this._uniqueId =;
      " + dropDown.title + "
      " +
         dojo.string.substitute(this.linkDialogTemplate, messages));

        var urlInput = this._urlInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_urlInput");
        this._textInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
        this._setButton = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");

         var pt = dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.prototype;
         urlInput = dojo.mixin(urlInput, {
          // Indicate if the widget is ready to validate the input text
          isLoadComplete: false,
          isValid: function(isFocused){
            return pt.isValid.apply(this, arguments);
            return this.get("value").length > 0;
          reset: function(){
           this.isLoadComplete = false;
           pt.reset.apply(this, arguments);

         this.connect(urlInput, "onKeyDown", "_cancelFileUpload");
         this.connect(urlInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
         this.connect(this._setButton, "onClick", "_checkAndSetValue");

       _initialFileUploader: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Initialize the FileUploader and connect up its events
        // tags:
        //  private
        var fup = null,
         _this = this,
         widgetId = _this._uniqueId,
         fUpId = widgetId + "_browse",
         urlInput = _this._urlInput;

        if(_this.uploadable && !_this._fileUploader){
         fup = _this._fileUploader = new dojox.form.FileUploader({
          force: "html", // Noticed that SWF may cause browsers to crash sometimes
          uploadUrl: _this.uploadUrl,
          htmlFieldName: _this.htmlFieldName,
          uploadOnChange: false,
          selectMultipleFiles: false,
          showProgress: true
         }, fUpId);

         // TooltipDialog will call reset on all the widgets contained within it.
         // Have FileUploader be responsive to this call.
         fup.reset = function(){
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onClick", function(){
          if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
           // Firefox (below v4), Chome and Safari have a strange behavior:
           // When the File Upload dialog is open, the browse div (FileUploader) will lose its focus
           // and triggers onBlur event. This event will cause the whole tooltip dialog
           // to be closed when the File Upload dialog is open. The popup dialog should hang up
           // the js executioin rather than triggering an event. IE does not have such a problem.
           _this._closable = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onChange", function(data){
          _this._isLocalFile = true;
          urlInput.set("value", data[0].name); //Single selection

         _this.connect(fup, "onComplete", function(data){
          var urlPrefix = _this.baseImageUrl;
          urlPrefix = urlPrefix && urlPrefix.charAt(urlPrefix.length - 1) == "/" ? urlPrefix : urlPrefix + "/";
          urlInput.set("value", urlPrefix + data[0].file); //Single selection
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onError", function(evtObject){
          // summary:
          //  Fires on errors
          console.log("Error occurred when uploading image file!");

       _checkAndFixInput: function(){
        // summray:
        //  Over-ride the original method
        this._setButton.set("disabled", !this._isValid());

       _isValid: function(){
        // summray:
        //  Invalid cases: URL is not ended with the suffix listed
        return this._urlInput.isValid();
    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._cancelFileUpload

    • type
    • source: [view]
        this._isLocalFile = false;
    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._checkAndSetValue

    • type
    • source: [view]
      define("dojox/editor/plugins/LocalImage", ["dojo", "dijit", "dojox", "dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog", "dojox/form/FileUploader", "dojo/i18n", "i18n!dojox/editor/plugins/nls/LocalImage"], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) {

      dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage", dijit._editor.plugins.ImgLinkDialog, {
       // summary:
       //  This plugin provides an enhanced image link dialog that
       //  not only insert the online images, but upload the local image files onto
       //  to server then insert them as well.
       // Dependencies:
       //  This plugin depends on dojox.form.FileUploader to upload the images on the local driver.
       //  Do the regression test whenever FileUploader is upgraded.

       // uploadable [public] Boolean
       //  Indicate whether the user can upload a local image file onto the server.
       //  If it is set to true, the Browse button will be available.
       uploadable: false,

       // uploadUrl [public] String
       //  The url targeted for uploading. Both absolute and relative URLs are OK.
       uploadUrl: "",

       // baseImageUrl [public] String
       //  The prefix of the image url on the server.
       //  For example, an image is uploaded and stored at the following location
       //  When the image is uploaded, the server returns "uploads/test.jpg" as the
       //  relative path. So the baseImageUrl should be set to ""
       //  so that the client can retrieve the image from the server.
       //  If the image file is located on the same domain as that of the current web page,
       //  baseImageUrl can be a relative path. For example:
       //   baseImageUrl = images/
       //  and the server returns uploads/test.jpg
       //  The complete URL of the image file is images/upload/test.jpg
       baseImageUrl: "",

       // fileMask [public] String
       //  Specify the types of images that are allowed to be uploaded.
       //  Note that the type checking on server is also very important!
       fileMask: "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp",

       // urlRegExp [protected] String
       //  Used to validate if the input is a valid image URL.
       urlRegExp: "",

       // _fileUploader [private] dojox.form.FileUploader
       //  The component to upload the local image file onto the server
       _fileUploader: null,

       // _fileUploader [private] htmlFieldName

       // _isLocalFile [private] Boolean
       //  Indicate if a local file is to be uploaded to the server
       //  If false, the text of _urlInput field is regarded as the
       //  URL of the online image
       _isLocalFile: false,

       // _messages [private] Array
       //  Contains i18n strings.
       _messages: "",

       // _cssPrefix [private] String
       //  The prefix of the CSS style
       _cssPrefix: "dijitEditorEilDialog",

       // _closable [private] Boolean
       //  Indicate if the tooltip dialog can be closed. Used to workaround Safari 5 bug
       //  where the file dialog doesn't pop up in modal until after the first click.
       _closable: true,

       // linkDialogTemplate [protected] String
       //  Over-ride for template since this is an enhanced image dialog.
       linkDialogTemplate: [
      ", //
      breaks the dialog in IE6
        "  "regExp='${urlRegExp}' title='${prePopuTextUrl}${prePopuTextBrowse}' selectOnClick='true' required='true' " +
        "id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' intermediateChanges='true' invalidMessage='${invalidMessage}' " +
        "  "name='textInput' intermediateChanges='true' selectOnClick='true' class='dijitEditorEilDialogField'>",

       _initButton: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Override _Plugin._initButton() to initialize DropDownButton and TooltipDialog.
        // tags:
        //  protected
        var _this = this,
         messages = this._messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "LocalImage");

        this.tag = "img";
        var dropDown = (this.dropDown = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
         title: messages[this.command + "Title"],
         onOpen: function(){
          dijit.TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
           // Auto-select the text if it is not empty
           _this._urlInput.isLoadComplete = true;
          }, 0);
         onClose: function(){
          _this.blurHandler = null;
         onCancel: function(){
          setTimeout(dojo.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);

        var label = this.getLabel(this.command),
         className = this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + this.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.command.substr(1),
         props = dojo.mixin({
           label: label,
           showLabel: false,
           iconClass: className,
           dropDown: this.dropDown,
           tabIndex: "-1"
          }, this.params || {});

        if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
         // Workaround for Non-IE problem:
         // Safari 5: After the select-file dialog opens, the first time the user clicks anywhere (even on that dialog)
         // it's treated like a plain click on the page, and the tooltip dialog closes
         // FF & Chrome: the select-file dialog does not block the execution of JS
         props.closeDropDown = function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
            if(focus){ this.focus(); }
            this._opened = false;
            this.state = "";
          setTimeout(function(){ _this._closable = true; }, 10);

        this.button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton(props);

        // Generate the RegExp of the ValidationTextBox from fileMask
        // *.jpg;*.png => /.*\.jpg|.*\.JPG|.*\.png|.*\.PNG/
        var masks = this.fileMask.split(";"),
         temp = "";
        dojo.forEach(masks, function(m){
         m = m.replace(/\./, "\\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*");
         temp += "|" + m + "|" + m.toUpperCase();
        messages.urlRegExp = this.urlRegExp = temp.substring(1);

         messages["prePopuTextBrowse"] = ".";

        = dijit.getUniqueId(;
        messages.uploadable = this.uploadable ? "inline" : "none";
        this._uniqueId =;
      " + dropDown.title + "
      " +
         dojo.string.substitute(this.linkDialogTemplate, messages));

        var urlInput = this._urlInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_urlInput");
        this._textInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
        this._setButton = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");

         var pt = dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.prototype;
         urlInput = dojo.mixin(urlInput, {
          // Indicate if the widget is ready to validate the input text
          isLoadComplete: false,
          isValid: function(isFocused){
            return pt.isValid.apply(this, arguments);
            return this.get("value").length > 0;
          reset: function(){
           this.isLoadComplete = false;
           pt.reset.apply(this, arguments);

         this.connect(urlInput, "onKeyDown", "_cancelFileUpload");
         this.connect(urlInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
         this.connect(this._setButton, "onClick", "_checkAndSetValue");

       _initialFileUploader: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Initialize the FileUploader and connect up its events
        // tags:
        //  private
        var fup = null,
         _this = this,
         widgetId = _this._uniqueId,
         fUpId = widgetId + "_browse",
         urlInput = _this._urlInput;

        if(_this.uploadable && !_this._fileUploader){
         fup = _this._fileUploader = new dojox.form.FileUploader({
          force: "html", // Noticed that SWF may cause browsers to crash sometimes
          uploadUrl: _this.uploadUrl,
          htmlFieldName: _this.htmlFieldName,
          uploadOnChange: false,
          selectMultipleFiles: false,
          showProgress: true
         }, fUpId);

         // TooltipDialog will call reset on all the widgets contained within it.
         // Have FileUploader be responsive to this call.
         fup.reset = function(){
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onClick", function(){
          if(!dojo.isIE && (!dojo.isFF || dojo.isFF < 4)){
           // Firefox (below v4), Chome and Safari have a strange behavior:
           // When the File Upload dialog is open, the browse div (FileUploader) will lose its focus
           // and triggers onBlur event. This event will cause the whole tooltip dialog
           // to be closed when the File Upload dialog is open. The popup dialog should hang up
           // the js executioin rather than triggering an event. IE does not have such a problem.
           _this._closable = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onChange", function(data){
          _this._isLocalFile = true;
          urlInput.set("value", data[0].name); //Single selection

         _this.connect(fup, "onComplete", function(data){
          var urlPrefix = _this.baseImageUrl;
          urlPrefix = urlPrefix && urlPrefix.charAt(urlPrefix.length - 1) == "/" ? urlPrefix : urlPrefix + "/";
          urlInput.set("value", urlPrefix + data[0].file); //Single selection
          _this._isLocalFile = false;

         _this.connect(fup, "onError", function(evtObject){
          // summary:
          //  Fires on errors
          console.log("Error occurred when uploading image file!");

       _checkAndFixInput: function(){
        // summray:
        //  Over-ride the original method
        this._setButton.set("disabled", !this._isValid());

       _isValid: function(){
        // summray:
        //  Invalid cases: URL is not ended with the suffix listed
        return this._urlInput.isValid();

       _cancelFileUpload: function(){
        this._isLocalFile = false;

       _checkAndSetValue: function(){
        // summray:
        //  Determine if a local file is to be uploaded.
        //  If a local file is to be uploaded, do not close the dialog
        //  until the file uploading is finished. Else, insert the image directly into the editor.
        // tags:
        //  private
        if(this._fileUploader && this._isLocalFile){
    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._setDialogStatus

    • type
    • parameters:
      • value: (typeof Boolean)
    • source: [view]
        this._urlInput.set("disabled", !value);
        this._textInput.set("disabled", !value);
        this._setButton.set("disabled", !value);
    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.destroy

    • type
    • source: [view]
         this._fileUploader = null;
    • summary
      Cleanup of the plugin.
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.tag

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.dropDown

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._opened

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.state

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.button

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._uniqueId

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._urlInput

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._textInput

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage._setButton

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage.isLoadComplete

    • summary
  • urlInput.isLoadComplete

    • summary
  • urlInput.isValid

    • type
    • parameters:
      • isFocused: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
            return pt.isValid.apply(this, arguments);
            return this.get("value").length > 0;
    • chains:
      • pt.isValid: (call)
    • summary
  • urlInput.reset

    • type
    • source: [view]
           this.isLoadComplete = false;
           pt.reset.apply(this, arguments);
    • chains:
      • pt.reset: (call)
    • summary
  • urlInput.reset.isLoadComplete

    • summary
  • name

    • summary
  • o.plugin

    • summary
  • dojox.editor.plugins

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.editor

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary