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dojox.drawing.plugins.drawing.Silverlight = dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare(
// summary:
// "Plugin" to allow the Silverlight plugin to work
// with DojoX Drawing.
// WARNING: This is not completely implemented. For the most
// part, DojoX Drawing does not support Silverlight. This class
// was created in an attempt for support, but there were too many
// obstacles and not enough time. The basic functionality is here
// and there's a good head start if anyone elase wishes to pick up
// where I left off.
// summary:
// The constructor is the only method in this class.
// What is happening here is other methods in other
// classes are being overridden to adapt to Silverlight.
if(dojox.gfx.renderer != "silverlight"){ return; }
this.mouse = options.mouse;
this.stencils = options.stencils;
this.anchors = options.anchors;
this.canvas = options.canvas;
this.util = options.util;
dojo.connect(this.stencils, "register", this, function(item){
var c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, self = this;
var conMouse = function(){
//"------connect shape",
// Connect to PARENT (SL Canvas) , not SHAPE
c1 = item.container.connect("onmousedown", function(evt){
//"----------------------------------SHAPE DOWN", item.container)
evt.superTarget = item;