

  • Provides:

    • dojox.drawing.Drawing
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing

    • type
    • summary
      Drawing is not a Dijit. This is the master method.
      props is always null since this is not a real widget
      Will change when Drawing can be created programmatically.
    • description
      Drawing is similar to DojoX Sketch, but is designed to be more versatile
      extendable and customizable.
      Drawing currently only initiates from HTML although it's technically not
      a Dijit to keep the file size light. But if Dijit is available, Drawing
      will register itself with it and can be accessed dijit.byId('myDrawing')
      Although not Drawing and Toolbar, all other objects are created with a custom
      declare. See dojox.drawing.util.oo
      The files are laid out as such:
      - Drawing
      The master class. More than one instance of a Drawing can be placed
      on a page at one time (although this has not yet been tested). Plugins
      can be added in markup.
      - Toolbar
      Like Drawing, Toolbar is a psudeo Dijit that does not need Dijit. It is
      optional. It can be oriented horizontal or vertical by placing one of
      those params in the class (at least one is required).  Plugins
      can be added in markup. A drawingId is required to point toolbar to
      the drawing.
      - defaults
      Contains the default styles and dimensions for Stencils. An individual
      Stencil can be changed by calling stencil.att({color obj}); To change
      all styles, a custom defaults file should be used.
      Drawing uses a concept of 'Stencils' to avoid confusion between a
      Dojox Shape and a Drawing Shape. The classes in the 'stencils' package
      are display only, they are not used for actually drawing (see 'tools').
      This package contains _Base from which stencils inherit most of their
      methods.(Path and Image are display only and not found in Tools)
      - Tools
      The Tools package contains Stencils that are attached to mouse events
      and can be used for drawing. Items in this package can also be selected
      and modified.
      - Tools / Custom
      Holds tools that do not directly extend Stencil base classes and often
      have very custom code.
      - Library (not implemented)
      The Library package, which is not yet implemented, will be the place to
      hold stencils that have very specific data points that result in a picture.
      Flag-like-banners, fancy borders, or other complex shapes would go here.
      - Annotations
      Annotations 'decorate' and attach to other Stencils, such as a 'Label'
      that can show text on a stencil, or an 'Angle' that shows while dragging
      or modifying a Vector, or an Arrow head that is attached to the beginning
      or end of a line.
      - Manager
      Contains classes that control functionality of a Drawing.
      - Plugins
      Contains optional classes that are 'plugged into' a Drawing. There are two
      types: 'drawing' plugins that modify the canvas, and 'tools' which would
      show in the toolbar.
      - Util
      A collection of common tasks.
    • example
      	<div dojoType="dojox.drawing.Drawing" id="drawing" defaults="myCustom.defaults"
      		plugins="[{'name':'dojox.drawing.plugins.drawing.Grid', 'options':{gap:100}}]">
    • example
      	<div dojoType="dojox.drawing.Toolbar" drawingId="drawing" class="drawingToolbar vertical">
      		<div tool="dojox.drawing.tools.Line" selected="false">Line</div>
      		<div tool="dojox.drawing.tools.Rect" selected="false">Rect</div>
      		<div tool="dojox.drawing.tools.Ellipse" selected="false">Ellipse</div>
      		<div tool="dojox.drawing.tools.TextBlock" selected="false">Statement</div>
      		<div tool="dojox.drawing.tools.custom.Equation" selected="false">Equation</div>
      		<div plugin="dojox.drawing.plugins.tools.Pan" options="{}">Pan</div>
      		<div plugin="dojox.drawing.plugins.tools.Zoom" options="{zoomInc:.1,minZoom:.5,maxZoom:2}">Zoom</div>
    • parameters:
      • props: (typeof Object)
      • node: (typeof HTMLNode)
    • source: [view]
         var def = dojo.attr(node, "defaults");
          dojox.drawing.defaults = dojo.getObject(def);
         this.defaults = dojox.drawing.defaults;

         this.id = node.id;
         dojox.drawing.register(this, "drawing");
         this.mode = (props.mode || dojo.attr(node, "mode") || "").toLowerCase();
         var box = dojo.contentBox(node);
         this.width = box.w;
         this.height = box.h;
         this.util = dojox.drawing.util.common;
         this.util.register(this); // So Toolbar can find this Drawing DEPRECATED
         this.keys = dojox.drawing.manager.keys;
         this.mouse = new dojox.drawing.manager.Mouse({util:this.util, keys:this.keys, id:this.mode=="ui"?"MUI":"mse"});

         this.tools = {};
         this.stencilTypes = {};
         this.stencilTypeMap = {};
         this.srcRefNode = node; // need this?
         this.domNode = node;
         var str = dojo.attr(node, "plugins"); // FIXME: get this from props if available
          this.plugins = eval(str);
          this.plugins = [];

         this.widgetId = this.id;
         dojo.attr(this.domNode, "widgetId", this.widgetId);
         // If Dijit is available in the page, register with it
         if(dijit && dijit.registry){
          console.log("using dijit")
          // else fake dijit.byId
          // FIXME: This seems pretty hacky.
          // Maybe should just encourage jsId
          dijit.registry = {
            this.objs[obj.id] = obj;
          dijit.byId = function(id){
           return dijit.registry.objs[id];

         var stencils = dojox.drawing.getRegistered("stencil");
         for(var nm in stencils){
         var tools = dojox.drawing.getRegistered("tool");
         for(nm in tools){
         var plugs = dojox.drawing.getRegistered("plugin");
         for(nm in plugs){
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.ready

    • type
    • summary
      Whether or not the canvas has been created and Stencils can be added
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.mode

    • tags: optional
    • type
    • summary
      Changes the functionality of the drawing
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.width

    • type
    • summary
      Width of the canvas
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.height

    • type
    • summary
      Height of the canvas
      defaults : Object
      Optional replacements for native defaults.
      plugins: Object
      Key values of plugins that apply to canvas.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing._createCanvas

    • type
    • source: [view]
         console.info("drawing create canvas...");
         this.canvas = new dojox.drawing.manager.Canvas({
          callback: dojo.hitch(this, "onSurfaceReady")
    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.resize

    • type
    • parameters:
      • box: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
         box && dojo.style(this.domNode, {
         }else if(box){
          this.canvas.resize(box.w, box.h);
    • summary
      Resizes the canvas.
      If within a ContentPane this will get called automatically.
      Can also be called directly.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.startup

    • type
    • source: [view]


       var _plugsInitialized = false;

       dojo.declare("dojox.drawing.Drawing", [], {
        // summary:
        //  Drawing is a project that sits on top of DojoX GFX and uses SVG and
        //  VML vector graphics to draw and display.
        // description:
        //  Drawing is similar to DojoX Sketch, but is designed to be more versatile
        //  extendable and customizable.
        //  Drawing currently only initiates from HTML although it's technically not
        //  a Dijit to keep the file size light. But if Dijit is available, Drawing
        //  will register itself with it and can be accessed dijit.byId('myDrawing')
        // NOTES:
        //  Although not Drawing and Toolbar, all other objects are created with a custom
        //  declare. See dojox.drawing.util.oo
        //The files are laid out as such:
        //  - Drawing
        //   The master class. More than one instance of a Drawing can be placed
        //   on a page at one time (although this has not yet been tested). Plugins
        //   can be added in markup.
        //  - Toolbar
        //   Like Drawing, Toolbar is a psudeo Dijit that does not need Dijit. It is
        //   optional. It can be oriented horizontal or vertical by placing one of
        //   those params in the class (at least one is required). Plugins
        //   can be added in markup. A drawingId is required to point toolbar to
        //   the drawing.
        //  - defaults
        //   Contains the default styles and dimensions for Stencils. An individual
        //   Stencil can be changed by calling stencil.att({color obj}); To change
        //   all styles, a custom defaults file should be used.
        //  -Stencils
        //   Drawing uses a concept of 'Stencils' to avoid confusion between a
        //   Dojox Shape and a Drawing Shape. The classes in the 'stencils' package
        //   are display only, they are not used for actually drawing (see 'tools').
        //   This package contains _Base from which stencils inherit most of their
        //   methods.(Path and Image are display only and not found in Tools)
        //  - Tools
        //   The Tools package contains Stencils that are attached to mouse events
        //   and can be used for drawing. Items in this package can also be selected
        //   and modified.
        //  - Tools / Custom
        //   Holds tools that do not directly extend Stencil base classes and often
        //   have very custom code.
        //  - Library (not implemented)
        //   The Library package, which is not yet implemented, will be the place to
        //   hold stencils that have very specific data points that result in a picture.
        //   Flag-like-banners, fancy borders, or other complex shapes would go here.
        //  - Annotations
        //   Annotations 'decorate' and attach to other Stencils, such as a 'Label'
        //   that can show text on a stencil, or an 'Angle' that shows while dragging
        //   or modifying a Vector, or an Arrow head that is attached to the beginning
        //   or end of a line.
        //  - Manager
        //   Contains classes that control functionality of a Drawing.
        //  - Plugins
        //   Contains optional classes that are 'plugged into' a Drawing. There are two
        //   types: 'drawing' plugins that modify the canvas, and 'tools' which would
        //   show in the toolbar.
        //  - Util
        //   A collection of common tasks.
        // example:
        //  | 
        //  |  plugins="[{'name':'dojox.drawing.plugins.drawing.Grid', 'options':{gap:100}}]">
        //  |

        // example:
        //  | 

        //  |  

        //  |  

        //  |  

        //  |  

        //  |  

        //  |  

        //  |  

        //  | 

        // ready: Boolean
        // Whether or not the canvas has been created and Stencils can be added
        // mode: [optional] String
        //  Changes the functionality of the drawing
        mode: "",
        // width: Number
        //  Width of the canvas
        // height: Number
        //  Height of the canvas
        // defaults : Object
        //  Optional replacements for native defaults.
        // plugins: Object
        //  Key values of plugins that apply to canvas.
        constructor: function(/* Object */props, /* HTMLNode */node){
         // summary:
         //  Drawing is not a Dijit. This is the master method.
         //  NOTE:
         //    props is always null since this is not a real widget
         //   Will change when Drawing can be created programmatically.
         var def = dojo.attr(node, "defaults");
          dojox.drawing.defaults = dojo.getObject(def);
         this.defaults = dojox.drawing.defaults;

         this.id = node.id;
         dojox.drawing.register(this, "drawing");
         this.mode = (props.mode || dojo.attr(node, "mode") || "").toLowerCase();
         var box = dojo.contentBox(node);
         this.width = box.w;
         this.height = box.h;
         this.util = dojox.drawing.util.common;
         this.util.register(this); // So Toolbar can find this Drawing DEPRECATED
         this.keys = dojox.drawing.manager.keys;
         this.mouse = new dojox.drawing.manager.Mouse({util:this.util, keys:this.keys, id:this.mode=="ui"?"MUI":"mse"});

         this.tools = {};
         this.stencilTypes = {};
         this.stencilTypeMap = {};
         this.srcRefNode = node; // need this?
         this.domNode = node;
         var str = dojo.attr(node, "plugins"); // FIXME: get this from props if available
          this.plugins = eval(str);
          this.plugins = [];

         this.widgetId = this.id;
         dojo.attr(this.domNode, "widgetId", this.widgetId);
         // If Dijit is available in the page, register with it
         if(dijit && dijit.registry){
          console.log("using dijit")
          // else fake dijit.byId
          // FIXME: This seems pretty hacky.
          // Maybe should just encourage jsId
          dijit.registry = {
            this.objs[obj.id] = obj;
          dijit.byId = function(id){
           return dijit.registry.objs[id];

         var stencils = dojox.drawing.getRegistered("stencil");
         for(var nm in stencils){
         var tools = dojox.drawing.getRegistered("tool");
         for(nm in tools){
         var plugs = dojox.drawing.getRegistered("plugin");
         for(nm in plugs){


        _createCanvas: function(){
         console.info("drawing create canvas...");
         this.canvas = new dojox.drawing.manager.Canvas({
          callback: dojo.hitch(this, "onSurfaceReady")

        resize: function(/* Object */box){
         // summary:
         //  Resizes the canvas.
         //  If within a ContentPane this will get called automatically.
         //  Can also be called directly.
         box && dojo.style(this.domNode, {
         }else if(box){
          this.canvas.resize(box.w, box.h);

        startup: function(){
         //console.info("drawing startup")
    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.getShapeProps

    • type
    • parameters:
      • data: (typeof Object)
      • mode: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         var surface = data.stencilType;
         var ui = this.mode=="ui" || mode=="ui";
         return dojo.mixin({
          container: ui && !surface ? this.canvas.overlay.createGroup() : this.canvas.surface.createGroup(),
          drawingType: ui && !surface ? "ui" : "stencil",
         }, data || {});
    • summary
      The common objects that are mixed into
      a new Stencil. Mostly internal, but could be used.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.addPlugin

    • type
    • parameters:
      • plugin: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
    • summary
      Add a toolbar plugin object to plugins array
      to be parsed
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.initPlugins

    • type
    • source: [view]
         if(!this.canvas || !this.canvas.surfaceReady){
          var c = dojo.connect(this, "onSurfaceReady", this, function(){

         dojo.forEach(this.plugins, function(p, i){
          var props = dojo.mixin({
          }, p.options || {});
          //console.log('drawing.plugin:::', p.name, props)
          this.registerTool(p.name, dojo.getObject(p.name));
           this.plugins[i] = new this.tools[p.name](props);
           console.error("Failed to initilaize plugin: " +p.name + ". Did you require it?");
         }, this);
         this.plugins = [];
         _plugsInitialized = true;
         // In IE, because the timing is different we have to get the
         // canvas position after everything has drawn. *sigh*
    • summary
      Called from Toolbar after a plugin has been loaded
      The call to this coming from toobar is a bit funky as the timing
      of IE for canvas load is different than other browsers
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.onSurfaceReady

    • type
    • source: [view]
         this.ready = true;
         //console.info("Surface ready")
         this.undo = new dojox.drawing.manager.Undo({keys:this.keys});
         this.anchors = new dojox.drawing.manager.Anchors({drawing:this, mouse:this.mouse, undo:this.undo, util:this.util});
         if(this.mode == "ui"){
          this.uiStencils = new dojox.drawing.manager.StencilUI({canvas:this.canvas, surface:this.canvas.surface, mouse:this.mouse, keys:this.keys});
          this.stencils = new dojox.drawing.manager.Stencil({canvas:this.canvas, surface:this.canvas.surface, mouse:this.mouse, undo:this.undo, keys:this.keys, anchors:this.anchors});
          this.uiStencils = new dojox.drawing.manager.StencilUI({canvas:this.canvas, surface:this.canvas.surface, mouse:this.mouse, keys:this.keys});
          new dojox.drawing.plugins.drawing.Silverlight({util:this.util, mouse:this.mouse, stencils:this.stencils, anchors:this.anchors, canvas:this.canvas});
           throw new Error("Attempted to install the Silverlight plugin, but it was not found.");
         dojo.forEach(this.plugins, function(p){
          p.onSurfaceReady && p.onSurfaceReady();
    • summary
      Event that to which can be connected.
      Fired when the canvas is ready and can be drawn to.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.addUI

    • type
    • parameters:
      • type: (typeof String)
        The parameters used to draw the object. See stencil._Base and each
        tool for specific parameters of teh data or points objects.
      • options: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
          var c = dojo.connect(this, "onSurfaceReady", this, function(){
           this.addUI(type, options);
          return false;
         if(options && !options.data && !options.points){
          options = {data:options}
          if(type != "tooltip"){
           console.warn("Not registered:", type);
          return null;
         var s = this.uiStencils.register( new this.stencilTypes[type](this.getShapeProps(options, "ui")));
         return s;
    • summary
      Use this method to programmatically add Stencils that display on
      the canvas.
      FIXME: Currently only supports Stencils that have been registered,
      which is items in the toolbar, and the additional Stencils at the
      end of onSurfaceReady. This covers all Stencils, but you can't
      use 'display only' Stencils for Line, Rect, and Ellipse.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.addStencil

    • type
    • parameters:
      • type: (typeof String)
        The parameters used to draw the object. See stencil._Base and each
        tool for specific parameters of teh data or points objects.
      • options: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
          var c = dojo.connect(this, "onSurfaceReady", this, function(){
           this.addStencil(type, options);
          return false;
         if(options && !options.data && !options.points){
          options = {data:options}
         var s = this.stencils.register( new this.stencilTypes[type](this.getShapeProps(options)));
         // need this or not?
         //s.connect(s, "destroy", this, "onDeleteStencil");
         this.currentStencil && this.currentStencil.moveToFront();
         return s;
    • summary
      Use this method to programmatically add Stencils that display on
      the canvas.
      FIXME: Currently only supports Stencils that have been registered,
      which is items in the toolbar, and the additional Stencils at the
      end of onSurfaceReady. This covers all Stencils, but you can't
      use 'display only' Stencils for Line, Rect, and Ellipse.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.removeStencil

    • type
    • parameters:
      • stencil: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
    • summary
      Use this method to programmatically remove Stencils from the canvas.
      Stencil: Object
      The Stencil to be removed
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.removeAll

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
      Deletes all Stencils on the canvas.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.selectAll

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
      Selects all stencils
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.toSelected

    • type
    • parameters:
      • func: (typeof String [args, .)
    • source: [view]
         this.stencils.toSelected.apply(this.stencils, arguments);
    • summary
      Call a function within all selected Stencils
      like attr()
    • example
      	myDrawing.toSelected('attr', {x:10})
    • chains:
      • this.stencils.toSelected: (call)
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.exporter

    • type
    • source: [view]
         console.log("this.stencils", this.stencils);
         return this.stencils.exporter(); //Array
    • summary
      Collects all Stencil data and returns an
      Array of objects.
    • returns
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.importer

    • type
    • parameters:
      • objects: (typeof Array)
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(objects, function(m){
          this.addStencil(m.type, m);
         }, this);
    • summary
      Handles an Array of stencil data and imports the objects
      to the drawing.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.changeDefaults

    • type
    • parameters:
      • newStyle: (typeof Object)
        An object that represents one of the objects in
        drawing.style that will be mixed in. Not all
        properties are necessary. Only one object may
        be changed at a time. The object boolean parameter
        is not required and if not set objects will automatically
        be changed.
        Changing non-objects like angleSnap requires value
        to be true.
      • value: (typeof boolean)
    • source: [view]
         if(value!=undefined && value){
          for(var nm in newStyle){
           this.defaults[nm] = newStyle[nm];
          for(var nm in newStyle){
           for(var n in newStyle[nm]){
            //console.log(" copy", nm, n, " to: ", newStyle[nm][n]);
            this.defaults[nm][n] = newStyle[nm][n];

         if(this.currentStencil!=undefined && (!this.currentStencil.created || this.defaults.clickMode)){
    • summary
      Change the defaults so that all Stencils from this
      point on will use the newly changed style.
    • example
      console.log("----->>> changeDefault: ",newStyle, " value?: ",value);
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.onRenderStencil

    • type
    • parameters:
      • stencil: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
          this.defaults.clickable = true;
    • summary
      Event that fires when a stencil is drawn. Does not fire from
      console.info(&quot;--------------------------------------dojox.drawing.onRenderStencil:&quot;, stencil.id);
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.onDeleteStencil

    • type
    • parameters:
      • stencil: (typeof Object)
    • source: [view]
    • summary
      Event fired from a stencil that has destroyed itself
      will also be called when it is removed by &quot;removeStencil&quot;
      or stencils.onDelete.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.registerTool

    • type
    • parameters:
      • type: (typeof String)
    • source: [view]
         if(this.tools[type]){ return; }
         var constr = dojo.getObject(type);
         //console.log("constr:", type)
         this.tools[type] = constr;
         var abbr = this.util.abbr(type);
         this.stencilTypes[abbr] = constr;
         this.stencilTypeMap[abbr] = type;
    • summary
      Registers a tool that can be accessed. Internal.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.getConstructor

    • type
    • parameters:
      • abbr: (typeof String)
    • source: [view]
         return this.stencilTypes[abbr];
    • summary
      Returns a Stencil constructor base on
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.setTool

    • type
    • parameters:
      • type: (typeof String)
    • source: [view]
         if(this.mode=="ui"){ return; }
         if(!this.canvas || !this.canvas.surface){
          var c = dojo.connect(this, "onSurfaceReady", this, function(){

         this.currentType = this.tools[type] ? type : this.stencilTypeMap[type];
         //console.log("new tool arg:", type, "curr:", this.currentType, "mode:", this.mode, "tools:", this.tools)

          this.currentStencil = new this.tools[this.currentType]({container:this.canvas.surface.createGroup(), util:this.util, mouse:this.mouse, keys:this.keys});
          console.log("new tool is:", this.currentStencil.id, this.currentStencil);
          if(this.defaults.clickMode){ this.defaults.clickable = false; }
          this.currentStencil.connect(this.currentStencil, "onRender", this, "onRenderStencil");
          this.currentStencil.connect(this.currentStencil, "destroy", this, "onDeleteStencil");
          console.error("dojox.drawing.setTool Error:", e);
          console.error(this.currentType + " is not a constructor: ", this.tools[this.currentType]);
    • summary
      Sets up a new class to be used to draw. Called from Toolbar,
      and this class... after a tool is used a new one of the same
      type is initialized. Could be called externally.
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.unSetTool

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
      Destroys current tool
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.canvas

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.plugins

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.undo

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.anchors

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.uiStencils

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.stencils

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.defaults.clickable

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.currentType

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.currentStencil

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.defaults

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.id

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.util

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.keys

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.mouse

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.tools

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.stencilTypes

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.stencilTypeMap

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.srcRefNode

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.domNode

    • summary
  • dojox.drawing.Drawing.widgetId

    • summary
  • dijit.registry.objs

    • summary
  • dijit.registry

    • type
    • summary
  • options.data

    • summary
  • options

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.drawing

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary