
  • Provides:

  • Requires:

    • in common in project dojo
  • _maxYear

    • summary
  • _zones

    • type
    • summary
  • _loadedRanges

    • type
    • summary
  • _rules

    • type
    • summary
  • data

    • summary
  • dayMap

    • type
    • summary
  • regionMap

    • type
    • summary
  • regionExceptions

    • type
    • summary
  • abbrExceptions

    • type
    • summary
  • time

    • summary
  • rl.d

    • summary
  • oGetZone

    • summary
  • _d._contentHandlers.olson-zoneinfo

    • type
    • parameters:
      • xhr: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        var str = _d._contentHandlers["text"](xhr);
        var s = "";
        var lines = str.split("\n");
        var arr = [];
        var chunk = "";
        var zone = null;
        var rule = null;
        var ret = {zones: {}, rules: {}};
        for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){
         var l = lines[i];
          l = "Zone " + zone + l;
         l = l.split("#")[0];
         if(l.length > 3){
          arr = l.split(/\s+/);
          chunk = arr.shift();
           case 'Zone':
            zone = arr.shift();
             // Handle extra commas in the middle of a zone
             if(!ret.zones[zone]){ ret.zones[zone] = []; }
           case 'Rule':
            rule = arr.shift();
            if(!ret.rules[rule]){ ret.rules[rule] = []; }
           case 'Link':
            // No zones for these should already exist
             throw new Error('Error with Link ' + arr[1]);
            // Create the link
            ret.zones[arr[1]] = arr[0];
           case 'Leap':
            // Fail silently
        return ret; // Object
    • returns
    • summary

    • type
    • source: [view]
      * Dojo port of fleegix date plugin from
      * contributed to Dojo under CLA, with thanks to Matthew Eernisse (
      * and Open Source Applications Foundation
      * Credits: Ideas included from incomplete JS implementation of Olson
      * parser, "XMLDate" by Philippe Goetz (


       var cfg = _d.config;
       var _zoneFiles = [ "africa", "antarctica", "asia", "australasia", "backward",
           "etcetera", "europe", "northamerica", "pacificnew",
           "southamerica" ];

       // Our mins an maxes for years that we care about
       var _minYear = 1835,
        _maxYear = 2038;

       var _loadedZones = {},
        _zones = {},
        _loadedRanges = {},
        _rules = {};

       // timezoneFileBasePath: String
       //  A different location to pull zone files from
       var timezoneFileBasePath = cfg.timezoneFileBasePath ||
              _d.moduleUrl("", "zoneinfo");

       // loadingScheme: String
       //  One of "preloadAll", "lazyLoad" (Defaults "lazyLoad")
       var loadingScheme = cfg.timezoneLoadingScheme || "preloadAll";

       // defaultZoneFile: String or String[]
       //  The default file (or files) to load on startup - other files will
       //  be lazily-loaded on-demand
       var defaultZoneFile = cfg.defaultZoneFile ||
           ((loadingScheme == "preloadAll") ? _zoneFiles : "northamerica");

       // Set our olson-zoneinfo content handler
       _d._contentHandlers["olson-zoneinfo"] = function(xhr){
        var str = _d._contentHandlers["text"](xhr);
        var s = "";
        var lines = str.split("\n");
        var arr = [];
        var chunk = "";
        var zone = null;
        var rule = null;
        var ret = {zones: {}, rules: {}};
        for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){
         var l = lines[i];
          l = "Zone " + zone + l;
         l = l.split("#")[0];
         if(l.length > 3){
          arr = l.split(/\s+/);
          chunk = arr.shift();
           case 'Zone':
            zone = arr.shift();
             // Handle extra commas in the middle of a zone
             if(!ret.zones[zone]){ ret.zones[zone] = []; }
           case 'Rule':
            rule = arr.shift();
            if(!ret.rules[rule]){ ret.rules[rule] = []; }
           case 'Link':
            // No zones for these should already exist
             throw new Error('Error with Link ' + arr[1]);
            // Create the link
            ret.zones[arr[1]] = arr[0];
           case 'Leap':
            // Fail silently
        return ret; // Object

       function loadZoneData(/* Object */ data){
        // summary:
        //  Loads the given data object into the zone database
        // data: Object
        //  The data to load - contains "zones" and "rules" parameters
        data = data || {};
        _zones = _d.mixin(_zones, data.zones||{});
        _rules = _d.mixin(_rules, data.rules||{});

       function errorLoadingZoneFile(e){
        console.error("Error loading zone file:", e);
        throw e;

       function loadZoneFile(/* String */ fileName){
        // summary:
        //  Loads the given URL of the Olson zone information into the
        //  zone database
        // fileName: String
        //  The zoneinfo file name to load

        // TODO: Maybe behave similar to requireLocalization - rather than
        //  Using dojo.xhrGet?
        _loadedZones[fileName] = true;
         url: timezoneFileBasePath + "/" + fileName,
         sync: true, // Needs to be synchronous so we can return values
         handleAs: "olson-zoneinfo",
         load: loadZoneData,
         error: errorLoadingZoneFile

       var monthMap = { 'jan': 0, 'feb': 1, 'mar': 2, 'apr': 3,'may': 4, 'jun': 5,
          'jul': 6, 'aug': 7, 'sep': 8, 'oct': 9, 'nov': 10, 'dec': 11 },
        dayMap = {'sun': 0, 'mon': 1, 'tue': 2, 'wed': 3, 'thu': 4,
          'fri': 5, 'sat': 6 },
        regionMap = {'EST': "northamerica", 'MST': "northamerica",
           'HST': "northamerica", 'EST5EDT': "northamerica",
           'CST6CDT': "northamerica", 'MST7MDT': "northamerica",
           'PST8PDT': "northamerica", 'America': "northamerica",
           'Pacific': "australasia", 'Atlantic': "europe",
           'Africa': "africa", 'Indian': "africa",
           'Antarctica': "antarctica", 'Asia': "asia",
           'Australia': "australasia", 'Europe': "europe",
           'WET': "europe", 'CET': "europe", 'MET': "europe",
           'EET': "europe"},
        regionExceptions = {'Pacific/Honolulu':"northamerica",
        abbrExceptions = { 'US': "S", 'Chatham': "S", 'NZ': "S", 'NT_YK': "S",
             'Edm': "S", 'Salv': "S", 'Canada': "S", 'StJohns': "S",
             'TC': "S", 'Guat': "S", 'Mexico': "S", 'Haiti': "S",
             'Barb': "S", 'Belize': "S", 'CR': "S", 'Moncton': "S",
             'Swift': "S", 'Hond': "S", 'Thule': "S", 'NZAQ': "S",
             'Zion': "S", 'ROK': "S", 'PRC': "S", 'Taiwan': "S",
             'Ghana': "GMT", 'SL': "WAT", 'Chicago': "S",
             'Detroit': "S", 'Vanc': "S", 'Denver': "S",
             'Halifax': "S", 'Cuba': "S", 'Indianapolis': "S",
             'Starke': "S", 'Marengo': "S", 'Pike': "S",
             'Perry': "S", 'Vincennes': "S", 'Pulaski': "S",
             'Louisville': "S", 'CA': "S", 'Nic': "S",
             'Menominee': "S", 'Mont': "S", 'Bahamas': "S",
             'NYC': "S", 'Regina': "S", 'Resolute': "ES",
             'DR': "S", 'Toronto': "S", 'Winn': "S" };

       function invalidTZError(t) {
        throw new Error('Timezone "' + t +
          '" is either incorrect, or not loaded in the timezone registry.');

       function getRegionForTimezone(/* String */ tz) {
        // summary:
        //  Returns the Olson region for the given timezone
        var ret = regionExceptions[tz];
         var reg = tz.split('/')[0];
         ret = regionMap[reg];
         // If there's nothing listed in the main regions for
         // this TZ, check the 'backward' links
          var link = _zones[tz];
          if(typeof link == 'string'){
           return getRegionForTimezone(link); // String
           // Backward-compat file hasn't loaded yet, try looking in there
           if (!_loadedZones.backward) {
            // This is for obvious legacy zones (e.g., Iceland) that
            // don't even have a prefix like "America/" that look like
            // normal zones
            return getRegionForTimezone(tz); // String
        return ret; // String

       function parseTimeString(/* String */ str) {
        // summary:
        //  Parses the given time string and returns it as an integer array
        var pat = /(\d+)(?::0*(\d*))?(?::0*(\d*))?([su])?$/;
        var hms = str.match(pat);
         return null;
        hms[1] = parseInt(hms[1], 10);
        hms[2] = hms[2] ? parseInt(hms[2], 10) : 0;
        hms[3] = hms[3] ? parseInt(hms[3], 10) : 0;
        return hms; // int[]

       function getUTCStamp(/* int */ y, /* int */ m, /* int */ d, /* int */ h,
            /* int */ mn, /* int */ s, /* int? */ off){
        // summary:
        //  Returns the UTC timestamp, adjusted by the given (optional) offset
        return Date.UTC(y, m, d, h, mn, s) + ((off||0) * 60 * 1000);

       function getMonthNumber(/* String */ m){
        // summary:
        //  Returns the javascript month number for the given string
        return monthMap[m.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase()];

       function getOffsetInMins(/* String */ str){
        // summary:
        //  Returns the offset value represented by the string, in minutes
        var off = parseTimeString(str);
        if(off === null){ return 0; }
        var adj = str.indexOf('-') === 0 ? -1 : 1;
        off = adj * (((off[1] * 60 + off[2]) *60 + off[3]) * 1000);
        return -off/60/1000;

       function _getRuleStart(/* Rule */ rule, /* int */ year, /* int */ off){
        // summary:
        //  Returns a date that the rule begins matching in the given year.
        var month = getMonthNumber(rule[3]),
         day = rule[4],
         time = parseTimeString(rule[5]);
        if(time[4] == "u"){
         // We are UTC - so there is no offset to use
         off = 0;

        var d, dtDay, incr;
         if(day.substr(0, 4) == "last"){
          // Last day of the month at the desired time of day
          day = dayMap[day.substr(4,3).toLowerCase()];
          d = new Date(getUTCStamp(year, month + 1, 1,
                time[1] - 24, time[2], time[3],
          dtDay =, "minute", -off).getUTCDay();
          // Set it to the final day of the correct weekday that month
          incr = (day > dtDay) ? (day - dtDay - 7) : (day - dtDay);
          if(incr !== 0){
           d =, "hour", incr * 24);
          return d;
          day = dayMap[day.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase()];
          if(day != "undefined"){
           if(rule[4].substr(3, 2) == '>='){
            // The stated date of the month
            d = new Date(getUTCStamp(year, month, parseInt(rule[4].substr(5), 10),
               time[1], time[2], time[3], off));
            dtDay =, "minute", -off).getUTCDay();
            // Set to the first correct weekday after the stated date
            incr = (day < dtDay) ? (day - dtDay + 7) : (day - dtDay);
            if(incr !== 0){
             d =, "hour", incr * 24);
            return d;
           }else if(day.substr(3, 2) == '<='){
            // The stated date of the month
            d = new Date(getUTCStamp(year, month, parseInt(rule[4].substr(5), 10),
               time[1], time[2], time[3], off));
            dtDay =, "minute", -off).getUTCDay();
            // Set to first correct weekday before the stated date
            incr = (day > dtDay) ? (day - dtDay - 7) : (day - dtDay);
            if(incr !== 0){
             d =, "hour", incr * 24);
            return d;
         // Numeric date
         d = new Date(getUTCStamp(year, month, parseInt(day, 10),
            time[1], time[2], time[3], off));
         return d;
        return null;

       function _getRulesForYear(/* Zone */ zone, /* int */ year){
        var rules = [];
        _d.forEach(_rules[zone[1]]||[], function(r){
         // Clean up rules as needed
         for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++){
           case "min":
            r[i] = _minYear;
           case "max":
            r[i] = _maxYear;
           case "only":
            r[i] = parseInt(r[i], 10);
             throw new Error('Invalid year found on rule');
         if(typeof r[6] == "string"){
          // Change our offset to be an integer
          r[6] = getOffsetInMins(r[6]);

         // Quick-filter to grab all rules that match my year
         if((r[0] <= year && r[1] >= year) || // Matches my y
          (r[0] == year && r[1] == "only")){ // Matches my only
          rules.push({r: r, d: _getRuleStart(r, year, zone[0])});
        return rules;

       function _loadZoneRanges(/* String */ tz, /* Object[] */ zoneList) {
        // summary:
        //  Loads the zone ranges for the given timezone

        var zr = _loadedRanges[tz] = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < zoneList.length; i++){
         var z = zoneList[i];
         var r = zr[i] = [];
         var prevZone = null;
         var prevRange = null;
         var prevRules = [];

         // Set up our zone offset to not be a string anymore
         if(typeof z[0] == "string"){
          z[0] = getOffsetInMins(z[0]);

         if(i === 0){
          // The beginning of zoneinfo time - let's not worry about
          // to-the-hour accuracy before Jan 1, 1835
          r[0] = Date.UTC(_minYear,0,1,0,0,0,0);
          r[0] = zr[i - 1][1];
          prevZone = zoneList[i - 1];
          prevRange = zr[i - 1];
          prevRules = prevRange[2];

         // Load the rules that will be going in to our zone
         var startYear = new Date(r[0]).getUTCFullYear();
         var endYear = z[3] ? parseInt(z[3], 10) : _maxYear;
         var rlz = [];
         var j;
         for(j = startYear; j <= endYear; j++){
          rlz = rlz.concat(_getRulesForYear(z, j));
         rlz.sort(function(a, b){
          return, b.d);
         var rl;
         for(j = 0, rl; (rl = rlz[j]); j++){
          var prevRule = j > 0 ? rlz[j - 1] : null;
          if(rl.r[5].indexOf("u") < 0 && rl.r[5].indexOf("s") < 0){
           if(j === 0 && i > 0){
             // We have a previous rule - so use it
             rl.d =, "minute", prevRules[prevRules.length - 1].r[6]);
            }else if( Date(prevRange[1]), rl.d, "date") === 0){
             // No previous rules - but our date is the same as the
             // previous zone ended on - so use that.
             rl.d = new Date(prevRange[1]);
             rl.d =, "minute", getOffsetInMins(prevZone[1]));
           }else if(j > 0){
            rl.d =, "minute", prevRule.r[6]);
         r[2] = rlz;

          // The end of zoneinfo time - we'll cross this bridge when we
          // get close to Dec 31, 2038
          r[1] = Date.UTC(_maxYear,11,31,23,59,59,999);
          var year = parseInt(z[3], 10),
           month = getMonthNumber(z[4]||"Jan"),
           day = parseInt(z[5]||"1", 10),
           time = parseTimeString(z[6]||"0");
          var utcStmp = r[1] = getUTCStamp(year, month, day,
               time[1], time[2], time[3],
               ((time[4] == "u") ? 0 : z[0]));
           utcStmp = r[1] = _getRuleStart([0,0,0,z[4],z[5],z[6]||"0"],
                 year, ((time[4] == "u") ? 0 : z[0])).getTime();
          var matches = _d.filter(rlz, function(rl, idx){
           var o = idx > 0 ? rlz[idx - 1].r[6] * 60 * 1000 : 0;
           return (rl.d.getTime() < utcStmp + o);
          if(time[4] != "u" && time[4] != "s"){
            r[1] += matches[matches.length - 1].r[6] * 60 * 1000;
            r[1] += getOffsetInMins(z[1]) * 60 * 1000;

       function getZoneInfo(/* String */ dt, /* String */ tz) {
        // summary:
        //  Returns the zone entry from the zoneinfo database for the given date
        //  and timezone
        var t = tz;
        var zoneList = _zones[t];

        // Follow links to get to an actual zone
        while(typeof zoneList == "string"){
         t = zoneList;
         zoneList = _zones[t];
         // Backward-compat file hasn't loaded yet, try looking in there
          // This is for backward entries like "America/Fort_Wayne" that
          // getRegionForTimezone *thinks* it has a region file and zone
          // for (e.g., America => 'northamerica'), but in reality it's a
          // legacy zone we need the backward file for
          var parsed = loadZoneFile("backward", true);
          return getZoneInfo(dt, tz); //Object

         _loadZoneRanges(tz, zoneList);
        var ranges = _loadedRanges[tz];
        var tm = dt.getTime();
        for(var i = 0, r; (r = ranges[i]); i++){
         if(tm >= r[0] && tm < r[1]){
          return {zone: zoneList[i], range: ranges[i], idx: i};
        throw new Error('No Zone found for "' + tz + '" on ' + dt);

       function getRule(/* Date */ dt, /* ZoneInfo */ zoneInfo) {
        // summary:
        //  Returns the latest-matching rule entry from the zoneinfo
        //  database for the given date and zone

        var lastMatch = -1;
        var rules = zoneInfo.range[2]||[];
        var tsp = dt.getTime();
        var zr = zoneInfo.range;
        for(var i = 0, r; (r = rules[i]); i++){
         if(tsp >= r.d.getTime()){
          lastMatch = i;
        if(lastMatch >= 0){
         return rules[lastMatch].r;
        return null;

       function getAbbreviation(/* String */ tz, /* Object */ zoneInfo, /* Object */ rule) {
        // summary:
        //  Returns the abbreviation for the given zone and rule
        var res;
        var zone =;
        var base = zone[2];
        if(base.indexOf('%s') > -1){
         var repl;
          repl = rule[7];
          if(repl == "-"){ repl = ""; }
         }else if(zone[1] in abbrExceptions){
          repl = abbrExceptions[zone[1]];
          if(zoneInfo.idx > 0){
           // Check if our previous zone's base is the same as our
           // current in "S" (standard) mode. If so, then use "S"
           // for our replacement
           var pz = _zones[tz][zoneInfo.idx - 1];
           var pb = pz[2];
           if(pb.indexOf('%s') < 0){
            if(base.replace('%s', "S") == pb){
             repl = "S";
             repl = "";
            repl = "";
           repl = "";
         res = base.replace('%s', repl);
        }else if(base.indexOf("/") > -1){
         var bs = base.split("/");
          res = bs[rule[6] === 0 ? 0 : 1];
          res = bs[0];
         res = base;
        return res; // String

       = function(){
       // summary:
       // mix-in to to provide timezones based on
       // the Olson timezone data
       // description:
       // mix-in to to provide timezones based on
       // the Olson timezone data.
       // If you pass "timezone" as a parameter to your format options,
       // then you get the date formatted (and offset) for that timezone

    • summary
      mix-in to to provide timezones based on
      the Olson timezone data
    • returns
      Object|Needs to be synchronous so we can return values|String|int[]

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dt: (typeof Date)
        The Date - a &quot;proxyDate&quot;
      • tz: (typeof String)
        String representation of the timezone you want to get info
        for date
    • source: [view]
       // summary:
       // Returns the timezone information for the given date and
       // timezone string
       // dt: Date
       // The Date - a "proxyDate"
       // tz: String
       // String representation of the timezone you want to get info
       // for date
    • summary
      Returns the timezone information for the given date and
      timezone string

    • type
    • parameters:
      • data: (typeof Object)
        The data to load - contains &quot;zones&quot; and &quot;rules&quot; parameters
    • source: [view]
       // summary:
       //  Loads the given data object into the zone database
       // data: Object
       //  The data to load - contains "zones" and "rules" parameters
    • summary
      Loads the given data object into the zone database

    • type
    • source: [view]
       // summary:
       // Returns an array of zones that have been loaded
    • summary
      Returns an array of zones that have been loaded

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dateObject: (typeof )
      • options: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        options = options||{};
        if(options.timezone && !options._tzInfo){
         // Store it in our options so we can use it later
         options._tzInfo =, options.timezone);
         // Roll our date to display the correct time according to the
         // desired offset
         var offset = dateObject.getTimezoneOffset() - options._tzInfo.tzOffset;
         dateObject = new Date(dateObject.getTime() + (offset * 60 * 1000));
        return, dateObject, options);
    • chains:
      • oLocaleFmt: (call)
    • summary

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dateObject: (typeof )
      • getName: (typeof )
      • options: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
         return getName ? options._tzInfo.tzAbbr : options._tzInfo.tzOffset;
        return, dateObject, getName, options);
    • chains:
      • oGetZone: (call)
    • summary

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary