Optional text to create the document from. If not provided, an empty XML document will be created. If str is empty string "", then a new empty document will be created.
Optional mimetype of the text. Typically, this is text/xml. Will be defaulted to text/xml if not provided.
cross-browser implementation of creating an XML document object.
The node to get the text off of or set the text on.
Optional argument of the text to apply to the node.
Implementation of the DOM Level 3 attribute; scan node for text
Implementation of the DOM Level 3 attribute; scan node for text This function can also update the text of a node by replacing all child content of the node.
The node to modify the children on
The children to add to the node. It can either be a single Node or an array of Nodes.
Removes all children of node and appends newChild. All the existing children will be destroyed.
Removes all children of node and appends newChild. All the existing children will be destroyed.
The node to remove all the children from.
removes all children from node and returns the count of children removed. The children nodes are not destroyed. Be sure to call dojo._destroyElement on them after they are not used anymore.
The node from which to generate the XML text representation.
Implementation of MS's innerXML function.