
  • Provides:

  • Requires:

    • dijit.Tree in common in project dijit
    • dijit.Dialog in common in project dijit
    • dijit.Menu in common in project dijit
    • dijit.form.ValidationTextBox in common in project dijit
    • dijit.form.Textarea in common in project dijit
    • dijit.form.Button in common in project dijit
    • dijit.form.CheckBox in common in project dijit
    • dijit.form.FilteringSelect in common in project dijit

    • type
    • chains:
      • dijit.Tree: (prototype)
      • dijit.Tree: (call)
    • parameters:
      • options: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        dojo.mixin(this, options);
        var self = this;
        var initialRootValue = {};
        var root = this.rootModelNode = {value:initialRootValue,id:"root"};

        this._modelNodeIdMap = {};
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};
        var nextId = 1;
        this.model = {
         getRoot: function(onItem){
         mayHaveChildren: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode.value && typeof modelNode.value == 'object' && !(modelNode.value instanceof Date);
         getChildren: function(parentModelNode, onComplete, onError){
          var keys, parent, item = parentModelNode.value;
          var children = [];
          if(item == initialRootValue){
          var isItem = &&, true);
          if(isItem && !{
           // if it is not loaded, do so now.
             item = loadedItem;
          function enumerate(){
           // once loaded, enumerate the keys
            // get the properties through the dojo data API
            keys =;
            parent = item;
           }else if(item && typeof item == 'object'){
            parent = parentModelNode.value;
            keys = [];
            // also we want to be able to drill down into plain JS objects/arrays
            for(var i in item){
             if(item.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != '__id' && i != '__clientId'){
            for(var key, k=0; key = keys[k++];){
              value: isItem ? getValue(, item, key) : item[key],
              parent: parent});
            children.push({addNew:true, parent: parent, parentNode : parentModelNode});
         getIdentity: function(modelNode){
   = "--addNew";
  = nextId++;
             var identity =;
             (self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
             identity = + '.' +;
             (self._modelNodePropMap[identity] = self._modelNodePropMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
         getLabel: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode === root ?
            "Object Properties" :
             modelNode.addNew ? (modelNode.parent instanceof Array ? "Add new value" : "Add new property") :
     + ": " +
               (modelNode.value instanceof Array ? "(" + modelNode.value.length + " elements)" : modelNode.value);
         onChildrenChange: function(modelNode){
         onChange: function(modelNode){
    • summary

    • summary

    • summary

    • type
    • source: [view]
        // handle the clicking on the "add new property item"
        dojo.connect(this, "onClick", function(modelNode, treeNode){
         this.lastFocused = treeNode;
        var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({
         targetNodeIds: [this.rootNode.domNode],
         id: "contextMenu"
        dojo.connect(contextMenu, "_openMyself", this, function(e){
         var node = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(;
          var item = node.item;
          if(, true) && !item.parent){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Root Node - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // an object that's not a Date - could be a store item
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Object - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if( && dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){ // id node
           alert("Cannot modify an Identifier node.");
          }else if(item.addNew){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Edit") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           // this won't focus the node but gives us a way to reference the node
           this.lastFocused = node;
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Add", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_addProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Edit", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_editProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Delete", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_destroyProperty")}));
    • summary

    • summary

    • type
    • parameters:
      • store: (typeof )
    • source: [view] = store;
        var self = this;
         delete this._editDialog;
        // i think we should just destroy this._editDialog and let _createEditDialog take care of everything
        // once it gets called again by either _editProperty or _addProperty - it will create everything again
        // using the new store. this way we don't need to keep track of what is in the dialog if we change it.
        /*if(this._editDialog && this.useSelect){
         dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("store", store);
        dojo.connect(store, "onSet", function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){
         var nodes, i, identity =;
         nodes = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity];

         if(nodes &&
           (oldValue === undefined || newValue === undefined ||
           oldValue instanceof Array || newValue instanceof Array || typeof oldValue == 'object' || typeof newValue == 'object')){
          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
            self.model.getChildren(node, function(children){
             self.model.onChildrenChange(node, children);
         nodes = self._modelNodePropMap[identity + "." + attribute];

          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
           nodes[i].value = newValue;
    • summary

    • type
    • parameters:
      • item: (typeof )
    • source: [view]

       var getValue = function(store, item, prop){
        var value = store.getValues(item, prop);
        if(value.length < 2){
         value = store.getValue(item, prop);
        return value;

      dojo.declare("", dijit.Tree, {
       useSelect: false,
       refSelectSearchAttr: null,
       constructor: function(options){
        dojo.mixin(this, options);
        var self = this;
        var initialRootValue = {};
        var root = this.rootModelNode = {value:initialRootValue,id:"root"};

        this._modelNodeIdMap = {};
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};
        var nextId = 1;
        this.model = {
         getRoot: function(onItem){
         mayHaveChildren: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode.value && typeof modelNode.value == 'object' && !(modelNode.value instanceof Date);
         getChildren: function(parentModelNode, onComplete, onError){
          var keys, parent, item = parentModelNode.value;
          var children = [];
          if(item == initialRootValue){
          var isItem = &&, true);
          if(isItem && !{
           // if it is not loaded, do so now.
             item = loadedItem;
          function enumerate(){
           // once loaded, enumerate the keys
            // get the properties through the dojo data API
            keys =;
            parent = item;
           }else if(item && typeof item == 'object'){
            parent = parentModelNode.value;
            keys = [];
            // also we want to be able to drill down into plain JS objects/arrays
            for(var i in item){
             if(item.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != '__id' && i != '__clientId'){
            for(var key, k=0; key = keys[k++];){
              value: isItem ? getValue(, item, key) : item[key],
              parent: parent});
            children.push({addNew:true, parent: parent, parentNode : parentModelNode});
         getIdentity: function(modelNode){
   = "--addNew";
  = nextId++;
             var identity =;
             (self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
             identity = + '.' +;
             (self._modelNodePropMap[identity] = self._modelNodePropMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
         getLabel: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode === root ?
            "Object Properties" :
             modelNode.addNew ? (modelNode.parent instanceof Array ? "Add new value" : "Add new property") :
     + ": " +
               (modelNode.value instanceof Array ? "(" + modelNode.value.length + " elements)" : modelNode.value);
         onChildrenChange: function(modelNode){
         onChange: function(modelNode){
       postCreate: function(){
        // handle the clicking on the "add new property item"
        dojo.connect(this, "onClick", function(modelNode, treeNode){
         this.lastFocused = treeNode;
        var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({
         targetNodeIds: [this.rootNode.domNode],
         id: "contextMenu"
        dojo.connect(contextMenu, "_openMyself", this, function(e){
         var node = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(;
          var item = node.item;
          if(, true) && !item.parent){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Root Node - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // an object that's not a Date - could be a store item
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Object - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if( && dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){ // id node
           alert("Cannot modify an Identifier node.");
          }else if(item.addNew){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Edit") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           // this won't focus the node but gives us a way to reference the node
           this.lastFocused = node;
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Add", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_addProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Edit", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_editProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Delete", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_destroyProperty")}));
       store: null,
       setStore: function(store){ = store;
        var self = this;
         delete this._editDialog;
        // i think we should just destroy this._editDialog and let _createEditDialog take care of everything
        // once it gets called again by either _editProperty or _addProperty - it will create everything again
        // using the new store. this way we don't need to keep track of what is in the dialog if we change it.
        /*if(this._editDialog && this.useSelect){
         dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("store", store);
        dojo.connect(store, "onSet", function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){
         var nodes, i, identity =;
         nodes = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity];

         if(nodes &&
           (oldValue === undefined || newValue === undefined ||
           oldValue instanceof Array || newValue instanceof Array || typeof oldValue == 'object' || typeof newValue == 'object')){
          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
            self.model.getChildren(node, function(children){
             self.model.onChildrenChange(node, children);
         nodes = self._modelNodePropMap[identity + "." + attribute];

          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
           nodes[i].value = newValue;
       setItem: function(item){
        // this is called to show a different item

        // reset the maps, for the root getIdentity is not called, so we pre-initialize it here
        (this._modelNodeIdMap = {})[] = [this.rootModelNode];
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};

        this.rootModelNode.value = item;
        var self = this;
        this.model.getChildren(this.rootModelNode, function(children){
    • summary

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary

    • type
    • source: [view]
        this._editDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
          title: "Edit Property",
          execute: dojo.hitch(this, "_updateItem"),
          preload: true

        // handle for dialog content
        var pane = dojo.doc.createElement('div');

        // label for property
        var labelProp = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "for", "property");, "fontWeight", "bold");
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "innerHTML", "Property:")

        // property name field
        var propName = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
         name: "property",
         value: "",
         required: true,
         disabled: true


        // radio button for "value"
        var value = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "value",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("value");})

        // label for value
        var labelVal = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "for", "value");
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "innerHTML", "Value (JSON):")

         // container for value fields
        var valueDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(valueDiv, "value");

        // textarea
        var textarea = new dijit.form.Textarea({
         name: "jsonVal"

        // radio button for "reference"
        var reference = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "reference",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("reference");})

        // label for reference
        var labelRef = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "for", "_reference");
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "innerHTML", "Reference (ID):")

        // container for reference fields
        var refDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(refDiv, "reference");

         // filteringselect
         // TODO: see if there is a way to sort the items in this list
         var refSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
          name: "_reference",
          searchAttr: this.refSelectSearchAttr ||[0],
          required: false,
          value: null,  // need to file a ticket about the fetch that happens when declared with value: null
          pageSize: 10
         var refTextbox = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
          name: "_reference",
          value: "",
          promptMessage: "Enter the ID of the item to reference",
          isValid: dojo.hitch(this, function(isFocused){
           // don't validate while it's focused
           return true;//isFocused ||"value")._reference);

        // buttons
        var buttons = document.createElement('div');
        buttons.setAttribute("dir", "rtl");
        var cancelButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "reset", label: "Cancel"}).placeAt(buttons);
        cancelButton.onClick = dojo.hitch(this._editDialog, "onCancel");
        var okButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "submit", label: "OK"}).placeAt(buttons);

        this._editDialog.attr("content", pane);
    • returns
      isFocused ||"value")._reference);
    • summary

    • type
    • parameters:
      • selection: (typeof )
    • source: [view]

       var getValue = function(store, item, prop){
        var value = store.getValues(item, prop);
        if(value.length < 2){
         value = store.getValue(item, prop);
        return value;

      dojo.declare("", dijit.Tree, {
       useSelect: false,
       refSelectSearchAttr: null,
       constructor: function(options){
        dojo.mixin(this, options);
        var self = this;
        var initialRootValue = {};
        var root = this.rootModelNode = {value:initialRootValue,id:"root"};

        this._modelNodeIdMap = {};
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};
        var nextId = 1;
        this.model = {
         getRoot: function(onItem){
         mayHaveChildren: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode.value && typeof modelNode.value == 'object' && !(modelNode.value instanceof Date);
         getChildren: function(parentModelNode, onComplete, onError){
          var keys, parent, item = parentModelNode.value;
          var children = [];
          if(item == initialRootValue){
          var isItem = &&, true);
          if(isItem && !{
           // if it is not loaded, do so now.
             item = loadedItem;
          function enumerate(){
           // once loaded, enumerate the keys
            // get the properties through the dojo data API
            keys =;
            parent = item;
           }else if(item && typeof item == 'object'){
            parent = parentModelNode.value;
            keys = [];
            // also we want to be able to drill down into plain JS objects/arrays
            for(var i in item){
             if(item.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != '__id' && i != '__clientId'){
            for(var key, k=0; key = keys[k++];){
              value: isItem ? getValue(, item, key) : item[key],
              parent: parent});
            children.push({addNew:true, parent: parent, parentNode : parentModelNode});
         getIdentity: function(modelNode){
   = "--addNew";
  = nextId++;
             var identity =;
             (self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
             identity = + '.' +;
             (self._modelNodePropMap[identity] = self._modelNodePropMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
         getLabel: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode === root ?
            "Object Properties" :
             modelNode.addNew ? (modelNode.parent instanceof Array ? "Add new value" : "Add new property") :
     + ": " +
               (modelNode.value instanceof Array ? "(" + modelNode.value.length + " elements)" : modelNode.value);
         onChildrenChange: function(modelNode){
         onChange: function(modelNode){
       postCreate: function(){
        // handle the clicking on the "add new property item"
        dojo.connect(this, "onClick", function(modelNode, treeNode){
         this.lastFocused = treeNode;
        var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({
         targetNodeIds: [this.rootNode.domNode],
         id: "contextMenu"
        dojo.connect(contextMenu, "_openMyself", this, function(e){
         var node = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(;
          var item = node.item;
          if(, true) && !item.parent){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Root Node - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // an object that's not a Date - could be a store item
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Object - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if( && dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){ // id node
           alert("Cannot modify an Identifier node.");
          }else if(item.addNew){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Edit") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           // this won't focus the node but gives us a way to reference the node
           this.lastFocused = node;
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Add", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_addProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Edit", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_editProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Delete", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_destroyProperty")}));
       store: null,
       setStore: function(store){ = store;
        var self = this;
         delete this._editDialog;
        // i think we should just destroy this._editDialog and let _createEditDialog take care of everything
        // once it gets called again by either _editProperty or _addProperty - it will create everything again
        // using the new store. this way we don't need to keep track of what is in the dialog if we change it.
        /*if(this._editDialog && this.useSelect){
         dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("store", store);
        dojo.connect(store, "onSet", function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){
         var nodes, i, identity =;
         nodes = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity];

         if(nodes &&
           (oldValue === undefined || newValue === undefined ||
           oldValue instanceof Array || newValue instanceof Array || typeof oldValue == 'object' || typeof newValue == 'object')){
          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
            self.model.getChildren(node, function(children){
             self.model.onChildrenChange(node, children);
         nodes = self._modelNodePropMap[identity + "." + attribute];

          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
           nodes[i].value = newValue;
       setItem: function(item){
        // this is called to show a different item

        // reset the maps, for the root getIdentity is not called, so we pre-initialize it here
        (this._modelNodeIdMap = {})[] = [this.rootModelNode];
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};

        this.rootModelNode.value = item;
        var self = this;
        this.model.getChildren(this.rootModelNode, function(children){

       refreshItem: function(){
       _createEditDialog: function(){
        this._editDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
          title: "Edit Property",
          execute: dojo.hitch(this, "_updateItem"),
          preload: true

        // handle for dialog content
        var pane = dojo.doc.createElement('div');

        // label for property
        var labelProp = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "for", "property");, "fontWeight", "bold");
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "innerHTML", "Property:")

        // property name field
        var propName = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
         name: "property",
         value: "",
         required: true,
         disabled: true


        // radio button for "value"
        var value = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "value",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("value");})

        // label for value
        var labelVal = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "for", "value");
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "innerHTML", "Value (JSON):")

         // container for value fields
        var valueDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(valueDiv, "value");

        // textarea
        var textarea = new dijit.form.Textarea({
         name: "jsonVal"

        // radio button for "reference"
        var reference = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "reference",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("reference");})

        // label for reference
        var labelRef = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "for", "_reference");
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "innerHTML", "Reference (ID):")

        // container for reference fields
        var refDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(refDiv, "reference");

         // filteringselect
         // TODO: see if there is a way to sort the items in this list
         var refSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
          name: "_reference",
          searchAttr: this.refSelectSearchAttr ||[0],
          required: false,
          value: null,  // need to file a ticket about the fetch that happens when declared with value: null
          pageSize: 10
         var refTextbox = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
          name: "_reference",
          value: "",
          promptMessage: "Enter the ID of the item to reference",
          isValid: dojo.hitch(this, function(isFocused){
           // don't validate while it's focused
           return true;//isFocused ||"value")._reference);

        // buttons
        var buttons = document.createElement('div');
        buttons.setAttribute("dir", "rtl");
        var cancelButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "reset", label: "Cancel"}).placeAt(buttons);
        cancelButton.onClick = dojo.hitch(this._editDialog, "onCancel");
        var okButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "submit", label: "OK"}).placeAt(buttons);

        this._editDialog.attr("content", pane);
       _enableFields: function(selection){
        // enables/disables fields based on whether the value in this._editDialog is a reference or a primitive value
         case "reference":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
         case "value":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
    • returns
      isFocused ||"value")._reference);
    • summary

    • type
    • parameters:
      • vals: (typeof )
    • source: [view]

       var getValue = function(store, item, prop){
        var value = store.getValues(item, prop);
        if(value.length < 2){
         value = store.getValue(item, prop);
        return value;

      dojo.declare("", dijit.Tree, {
       useSelect: false,
       refSelectSearchAttr: null,
       constructor: function(options){
        dojo.mixin(this, options);
        var self = this;
        var initialRootValue = {};
        var root = this.rootModelNode = {value:initialRootValue,id:"root"};

        this._modelNodeIdMap = {};
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};
        var nextId = 1;
        this.model = {
         getRoot: function(onItem){
         mayHaveChildren: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode.value && typeof modelNode.value == 'object' && !(modelNode.value instanceof Date);
         getChildren: function(parentModelNode, onComplete, onError){
          var keys, parent, item = parentModelNode.value;
          var children = [];
          if(item == initialRootValue){
          var isItem = &&, true);
          if(isItem && !{
           // if it is not loaded, do so now.
             item = loadedItem;
          function enumerate(){
           // once loaded, enumerate the keys
            // get the properties through the dojo data API
            keys =;
            parent = item;
           }else if(item && typeof item == 'object'){
            parent = parentModelNode.value;
            keys = [];
            // also we want to be able to drill down into plain JS objects/arrays
            for(var i in item){
             if(item.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != '__id' && i != '__clientId'){
            for(var key, k=0; key = keys[k++];){
              value: isItem ? getValue(, item, key) : item[key],
              parent: parent});
            children.push({addNew:true, parent: parent, parentNode : parentModelNode});
         getIdentity: function(modelNode){
   = "--addNew";
  = nextId++;
             var identity =;
             (self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
             identity = + '.' +;
             (self._modelNodePropMap[identity] = self._modelNodePropMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
         getLabel: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode === root ?
            "Object Properties" :
             modelNode.addNew ? (modelNode.parent instanceof Array ? "Add new value" : "Add new property") :
     + ": " +
               (modelNode.value instanceof Array ? "(" + modelNode.value.length + " elements)" : modelNode.value);
         onChildrenChange: function(modelNode){
         onChange: function(modelNode){
       postCreate: function(){
        // handle the clicking on the "add new property item"
        dojo.connect(this, "onClick", function(modelNode, treeNode){
         this.lastFocused = treeNode;
        var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({
         targetNodeIds: [this.rootNode.domNode],
         id: "contextMenu"
        dojo.connect(contextMenu, "_openMyself", this, function(e){
         var node = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(;
          var item = node.item;
          if(, true) && !item.parent){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Root Node - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // an object that's not a Date - could be a store item
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Object - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if( && dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){ // id node
           alert("Cannot modify an Identifier node.");
          }else if(item.addNew){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Edit") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           // this won't focus the node but gives us a way to reference the node
           this.lastFocused = node;
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Add", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_addProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Edit", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_editProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Delete", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_destroyProperty")}));
       store: null,
       setStore: function(store){ = store;
        var self = this;
         delete this._editDialog;
        // i think we should just destroy this._editDialog and let _createEditDialog take care of everything
        // once it gets called again by either _editProperty or _addProperty - it will create everything again
        // using the new store. this way we don't need to keep track of what is in the dialog if we change it.
        /*if(this._editDialog && this.useSelect){
         dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("store", store);
        dojo.connect(store, "onSet", function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){
         var nodes, i, identity =;
         nodes = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity];

         if(nodes &&
           (oldValue === undefined || newValue === undefined ||
           oldValue instanceof Array || newValue instanceof Array || typeof oldValue == 'object' || typeof newValue == 'object')){
          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
            self.model.getChildren(node, function(children){
             self.model.onChildrenChange(node, children);
         nodes = self._modelNodePropMap[identity + "." + attribute];

          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
           nodes[i].value = newValue;
       setItem: function(item){
        // this is called to show a different item

        // reset the maps, for the root getIdentity is not called, so we pre-initialize it here
        (this._modelNodeIdMap = {})[] = [this.rootModelNode];
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};

        this.rootModelNode.value = item;
        var self = this;
        this.model.getChildren(this.rootModelNode, function(children){

       refreshItem: function(){
       _createEditDialog: function(){
        this._editDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
          title: "Edit Property",
          execute: dojo.hitch(this, "_updateItem"),
          preload: true

        // handle for dialog content
        var pane = dojo.doc.createElement('div');

        // label for property
        var labelProp = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "for", "property");, "fontWeight", "bold");
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "innerHTML", "Property:")

        // property name field
        var propName = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
         name: "property",
         value: "",
         required: true,
         disabled: true


        // radio button for "value"
        var value = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "value",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("value");})

        // label for value
        var labelVal = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "for", "value");
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "innerHTML", "Value (JSON):")

         // container for value fields
        var valueDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(valueDiv, "value");

        // textarea
        var textarea = new dijit.form.Textarea({
         name: "jsonVal"

        // radio button for "reference"
        var reference = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "reference",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("reference");})

        // label for reference
        var labelRef = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "for", "_reference");
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "innerHTML", "Reference (ID):")

        // container for reference fields
        var refDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(refDiv, "reference");

         // filteringselect
         // TODO: see if there is a way to sort the items in this list
         var refSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
          name: "_reference",
          searchAttr: this.refSelectSearchAttr ||[0],
          required: false,
          value: null,  // need to file a ticket about the fetch that happens when declared with value: null
          pageSize: 10
         var refTextbox = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
          name: "_reference",
          value: "",
          promptMessage: "Enter the ID of the item to reference",
          isValid: dojo.hitch(this, function(isFocused){
           // don't validate while it's focused
           return true;//isFocused ||"value")._reference);

        // buttons
        var buttons = document.createElement('div');
        buttons.setAttribute("dir", "rtl");
        var cancelButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "reset", label: "Cancel"}).placeAt(buttons);
        cancelButton.onClick = dojo.hitch(this._editDialog, "onCancel");
        var okButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "submit", label: "OK"}).placeAt(buttons);

        this._editDialog.attr("content", pane);
       _enableFields: function(selection){
        // enables/disables fields based on whether the value in this._editDialog is a reference or a primitive value
         case "reference":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
         case "value":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
       _updateItem: function(vals){
        // a single "execute" function that handles adding and editing of values and references.
        var node, item, val, storeItemVal, editingItem = this._editDialog.attr("title") == "Edit Property";
        var editDialog = this._editDialog;
        var store =;
        function setValue(){
          var itemVal, propPath = [];
          var prop =;
           while(!store.isItem(item.parent, true)){
            node = node.getParent();
            item = node.item;
           if(propPath.length == 0){
            // working with an item attribute already
            store.setValue(item.parent,, val);
            // need to walk back down the item property to the object
            storeItemVal = getValue(store, item.parent,;
            if(storeItemVal instanceof Array){
             // create a copy for modification
             storeItemVal = storeItemVal.concat();
            itemVal = storeItemVal;
            while(propPath.length > 1){
             itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
            itemVal[propPath] = val; // this change is reflected in storeItemVal as well
            store.setValue(item.parent,, storeItemVal);
           // adding a property
           if(store.isItem(value, true)){
            // adding a top-level property to an item
             // fetch the value and see if it is an array
              item: value,
              onItem: function(loadedItem){
               if(loadedItem instanceof Array){
                prop = loadedItem.length;
               store.setValue(loadedItem, prop, val);
             if(value instanceof Array){
              prop = value.length;
             store.setValue(value, prop, val);
            // adding a property to a lower level in an item
            if(item.value instanceof Array){
            while(!store.isItem(item.parent, true)){
             node = node.getParent();
             item = node.item;
            storeItemVal = getValue(store, item.parent,;
            itemVal = storeItemVal;
            while(propPath.length > 1){
             itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
            itemVal[propPath] = val;
            store.setValue(item.parent,, storeItemVal);

         node = this.lastFocused;
         item = node.item;
         var value = item.value;
         // var property = null;
          // we are adding a property to the parent item
          // the real value of the parent is in the parent property of the lastFocused item
          // this.lastFocused.getParent().item.value may be a reference to an item
          value = node.item.parent;
          node = node.getParent();
          item = node.item;
         val = null;
          case "reference":
             val = item;
             alert("The id could not be found");
          case "value":
           var jsonVal = vals.jsonVal;
           val = dojo.fromJson(jsonVal);
           // ifit is a function we want to preserve the source (comments, et al)
           if(typeof val == 'function'){
            val.toString = function(){
             return jsonVal;
         // the form didn't validate - show it again.;
    • returns
      isFocused ||"value")._reference);
    • summary

    • type
    • source: [view]

       var getValue = function(store, item, prop){
        var value = store.getValues(item, prop);
        if(value.length < 2){
         value = store.getValue(item, prop);
        return value;

      dojo.declare("", dijit.Tree, {
       useSelect: false,
       refSelectSearchAttr: null,
       constructor: function(options){
        dojo.mixin(this, options);
        var self = this;
        var initialRootValue = {};
        var root = this.rootModelNode = {value:initialRootValue,id:"root"};

        this._modelNodeIdMap = {};
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};
        var nextId = 1;
        this.model = {
         getRoot: function(onItem){
         mayHaveChildren: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode.value && typeof modelNode.value == 'object' && !(modelNode.value instanceof Date);
         getChildren: function(parentModelNode, onComplete, onError){
          var keys, parent, item = parentModelNode.value;
          var children = [];
          if(item == initialRootValue){
          var isItem = &&, true);
          if(isItem && !{
           // if it is not loaded, do so now.
             item = loadedItem;
          function enumerate(){
           // once loaded, enumerate the keys
            // get the properties through the dojo data API
            keys =;
            parent = item;
           }else if(item && typeof item == 'object'){
            parent = parentModelNode.value;
            keys = [];
            // also we want to be able to drill down into plain JS objects/arrays
            for(var i in item){
             if(item.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != '__id' && i != '__clientId'){
            for(var key, k=0; key = keys[k++];){
              value: isItem ? getValue(, item, key) : item[key],
              parent: parent});
            children.push({addNew:true, parent: parent, parentNode : parentModelNode});
         getIdentity: function(modelNode){
   = "--addNew";
  = nextId++;
             var identity =;
             (self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
             identity = + '.' +;
             (self._modelNodePropMap[identity] = self._modelNodePropMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
         getLabel: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode === root ?
            "Object Properties" :
             modelNode.addNew ? (modelNode.parent instanceof Array ? "Add new value" : "Add new property") :
     + ": " +
               (modelNode.value instanceof Array ? "(" + modelNode.value.length + " elements)" : modelNode.value);
         onChildrenChange: function(modelNode){
         onChange: function(modelNode){
       postCreate: function(){
        // handle the clicking on the "add new property item"
        dojo.connect(this, "onClick", function(modelNode, treeNode){
         this.lastFocused = treeNode;
        var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({
         targetNodeIds: [this.rootNode.domNode],
         id: "contextMenu"
        dojo.connect(contextMenu, "_openMyself", this, function(e){
         var node = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(;
          var item = node.item;
          if(, true) && !item.parent){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Root Node - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // an object that's not a Date - could be a store item
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Object - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if( && dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){ // id node
           alert("Cannot modify an Identifier node.");
          }else if(item.addNew){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Edit") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           // this won't focus the node but gives us a way to reference the node
           this.lastFocused = node;
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Add", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_addProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Edit", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_editProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Delete", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_destroyProperty")}));
       store: null,
       setStore: function(store){ = store;
        var self = this;
         delete this._editDialog;
        // i think we should just destroy this._editDialog and let _createEditDialog take care of everything
        // once it gets called again by either _editProperty or _addProperty - it will create everything again
        // using the new store. this way we don't need to keep track of what is in the dialog if we change it.
        /*if(this._editDialog && this.useSelect){
         dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("store", store);
        dojo.connect(store, "onSet", function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){
         var nodes, i, identity =;
         nodes = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity];

         if(nodes &&
           (oldValue === undefined || newValue === undefined ||
           oldValue instanceof Array || newValue instanceof Array || typeof oldValue == 'object' || typeof newValue == 'object')){
          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
            self.model.getChildren(node, function(children){
             self.model.onChildrenChange(node, children);
         nodes = self._modelNodePropMap[identity + "." + attribute];

          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
           nodes[i].value = newValue;
       setItem: function(item){
        // this is called to show a different item

        // reset the maps, for the root getIdentity is not called, so we pre-initialize it here
        (this._modelNodeIdMap = {})[] = [this.rootModelNode];
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};

        this.rootModelNode.value = item;
        var self = this;
        this.model.getChildren(this.rootModelNode, function(children){

       refreshItem: function(){
       _createEditDialog: function(){
        this._editDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
          title: "Edit Property",
          execute: dojo.hitch(this, "_updateItem"),
          preload: true

        // handle for dialog content
        var pane = dojo.doc.createElement('div');

        // label for property
        var labelProp = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "for", "property");, "fontWeight", "bold");
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "innerHTML", "Property:")

        // property name field
        var propName = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
         name: "property",
         value: "",
         required: true,
         disabled: true


        // radio button for "value"
        var value = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "value",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("value");})

        // label for value
        var labelVal = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "for", "value");
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "innerHTML", "Value (JSON):")

         // container for value fields
        var valueDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(valueDiv, "value");

        // textarea
        var textarea = new dijit.form.Textarea({
         name: "jsonVal"

        // radio button for "reference"
        var reference = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "reference",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("reference");})

        // label for reference
        var labelRef = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "for", "_reference");
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "innerHTML", "Reference (ID):")

        // container for reference fields
        var refDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(refDiv, "reference");

         // filteringselect
         // TODO: see if there is a way to sort the items in this list
         var refSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
          name: "_reference",
          searchAttr: this.refSelectSearchAttr ||[0],
          required: false,
          value: null,  // need to file a ticket about the fetch that happens when declared with value: null
          pageSize: 10
         var refTextbox = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
          name: "_reference",
          value: "",
          promptMessage: "Enter the ID of the item to reference",
          isValid: dojo.hitch(this, function(isFocused){
           // don't validate while it's focused
           return true;//isFocused ||"value")._reference);

        // buttons
        var buttons = document.createElement('div');
        buttons.setAttribute("dir", "rtl");
        var cancelButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "reset", label: "Cancel"}).placeAt(buttons);
        cancelButton.onClick = dojo.hitch(this._editDialog, "onCancel");
        var okButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "submit", label: "OK"}).placeAt(buttons);

        this._editDialog.attr("content", pane);
       _enableFields: function(selection){
        // enables/disables fields based on whether the value in this._editDialog is a reference or a primitive value
         case "reference":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
         case "value":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
       _updateItem: function(vals){
        // a single "execute" function that handles adding and editing of values and references.
        var node, item, val, storeItemVal, editingItem = this._editDialog.attr("title") == "Edit Property";
        var editDialog = this._editDialog;
        var store =;
        function setValue(){
          var itemVal, propPath = [];
          var prop =;
           while(!store.isItem(item.parent, true)){
            node = node.getParent();
            item = node.item;
           if(propPath.length == 0){
            // working with an item attribute already
            store.setValue(item.parent,, val);
            // need to walk back down the item property to the object
            storeItemVal = getValue(store, item.parent,;
            if(storeItemVal instanceof Array){
             // create a copy for modification
             storeItemVal = storeItemVal.concat();
            itemVal = storeItemVal;
            while(propPath.length > 1){
             itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
            itemVal[propPath] = val; // this change is reflected in storeItemVal as well
            store.setValue(item.parent,, storeItemVal);
           // adding a property
           if(store.isItem(value, true)){
            // adding a top-level property to an item
             // fetch the value and see if it is an array
              item: value,
              onItem: function(loadedItem){
               if(loadedItem instanceof Array){
                prop = loadedItem.length;
               store.setValue(loadedItem, prop, val);
             if(value instanceof Array){
              prop = value.length;
             store.setValue(value, prop, val);
            // adding a property to a lower level in an item
            if(item.value instanceof Array){
            while(!store.isItem(item.parent, true)){
             node = node.getParent();
             item = node.item;
            storeItemVal = getValue(store, item.parent,;
            itemVal = storeItemVal;
            while(propPath.length > 1){
             itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
            itemVal[propPath] = val;
            store.setValue(item.parent,, storeItemVal);

         node = this.lastFocused;
         item = node.item;
         var value = item.value;
         // var property = null;
          // we are adding a property to the parent item
          // the real value of the parent is in the parent property of the lastFocused item
          // this.lastFocused.getParent().item.value may be a reference to an item
          value = node.item.parent;
          node = node.getParent();
          item = node.item;
         val = null;
          case "reference":
             val = item;
             alert("The id could not be found");
          case "value":
           var jsonVal = vals.jsonVal;
           val = dojo.fromJson(jsonVal);
           // ifit is a function we want to preserve the source (comments, et al)
           if(typeof val == 'function'){
            val.toString = function(){
             return jsonVal;
         // the form didn't validate - show it again.;
       _editProperty: function(){
        // this mixin stops us polluting the tree item with jsonVal etc.
        // FIXME: if a store identifies items by instanceof checks, this will fail
        var item = dojo.mixin({}, this.lastFocused.item);
        // create the dialog or reset it if it already exists
        // not allowed to edit an item's id - so check for that and stop it.
        if(dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){
         alert("Cannot Edit an Identifier!");
         this._editDialog.attr("title", "Edit Property");
         // make sure the property input is disabled
         dijit.getEnclosingWidget(dojo.query("input", this._editDialog.containerNode)[0]).attr("disabled", true);
         if(, true)){
          // root node || Item reference
           // Item reference
           item.itemType = "reference";
           item._reference =;
           this._editDialog.attr("value", item);
          } // else root node
          if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // item.value is an object but it's NOT an item from the store - no-op
           // only allow editing on a property not on the node that represents the object/array
           // this is a primitive
           item.itemType = "value";
           item.jsonVal = typeof item.value == 'function' ?
             // use the plain toString for functions, dojo.toJson doesn't support functions
             item.value.toString() :
              item.value instanceof Date ?
               // A json-ish form of a date:
               'new Date("' + item.value + '")' :
           this._editDialog.attr("value", item);
    • returns
      isFocused ||"value")._reference);
    • summary

    • type
    • source: [view]
        var node = this.lastFocused;
        var item = node.item;
        var propPath = [];
        // we have to walk up the tree to the item before we can know if we're working with the identifier
        while(!, true) || item.parent instanceof Array){
         node = node.getParent();
         item = node.item;
        // this will prevent any part of the identifier from being changed
        if(dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){
         alert("Cannot Delete an Identifier!");
          if(propPath.length > 0){
           // not deleting a top-level property of an item so get the top-level store item to change
           var itemVal, storeItemVal = getValue(, item.parent,;
           itemVal = storeItemVal;
           // walk back down the object if needed
           while(propPath.length > 1){
            itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
           // delete the property
            // the value being deleted represents an array element
            itemVal.splice(propPath, 1);
            // object property
            delete itemVal[propPath];
           // save it back to the store
 ,, storeItemVal);
           // deleting an item property
    • summary

    • type
    • source: [view]

       var getValue = function(store, item, prop){
        var value = store.getValues(item, prop);
        if(value.length < 2){
         value = store.getValue(item, prop);
        return value;

      dojo.declare("", dijit.Tree, {
       useSelect: false,
       refSelectSearchAttr: null,
       constructor: function(options){
        dojo.mixin(this, options);
        var self = this;
        var initialRootValue = {};
        var root = this.rootModelNode = {value:initialRootValue,id:"root"};

        this._modelNodeIdMap = {};
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};
        var nextId = 1;
        this.model = {
         getRoot: function(onItem){
         mayHaveChildren: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode.value && typeof modelNode.value == 'object' && !(modelNode.value instanceof Date);
         getChildren: function(parentModelNode, onComplete, onError){
          var keys, parent, item = parentModelNode.value;
          var children = [];
          if(item == initialRootValue){
          var isItem = &&, true);
          if(isItem && !{
           // if it is not loaded, do so now.
             item = loadedItem;
          function enumerate(){
           // once loaded, enumerate the keys
            // get the properties through the dojo data API
            keys =;
            parent = item;
           }else if(item && typeof item == 'object'){
            parent = parentModelNode.value;
            keys = [];
            // also we want to be able to drill down into plain JS objects/arrays
            for(var i in item){
             if(item.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != '__id' && i != '__clientId'){
            for(var key, k=0; key = keys[k++];){
              value: isItem ? getValue(, item, key) : item[key],
              parent: parent});
            children.push({addNew:true, parent: parent, parentNode : parentModelNode});
         getIdentity: function(modelNode){
   = "--addNew";
  = nextId++;
             var identity =;
             (self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
             identity = + '.' +;
             (self._modelNodePropMap[identity] = self._modelNodePropMap[identity] || []).push(modelNode);
         getLabel: function(modelNode){
          return modelNode === root ?
            "Object Properties" :
             modelNode.addNew ? (modelNode.parent instanceof Array ? "Add new value" : "Add new property") :
     + ": " +
               (modelNode.value instanceof Array ? "(" + modelNode.value.length + " elements)" : modelNode.value);
         onChildrenChange: function(modelNode){
         onChange: function(modelNode){
       postCreate: function(){
        // handle the clicking on the "add new property item"
        dojo.connect(this, "onClick", function(modelNode, treeNode){
         this.lastFocused = treeNode;
        var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({
         targetNodeIds: [this.rootNode.domNode],
         id: "contextMenu"
        dojo.connect(contextMenu, "_openMyself", this, function(e){
         var node = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(;
          var item = node.item;
          if(, true) && !item.parent){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Root Node - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // an object that's not a Date - could be a store item
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Add") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           this.lastFocused = node;
           // TODO: Object - allow Edit when mutli-value editing is possible
          }else if( && dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){ // id node
           alert("Cannot modify an Identifier node.");
          }else if(item.addNew){
           dojo.forEach(contextMenu.getChildren(), function(widget){
            widget.attr("disabled", (widget.label != "Edit") && (widget.label != "Delete"));
           // this won't focus the node but gives us a way to reference the node
           this.lastFocused = node;
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Add", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_addProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Edit", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_editProperty")}));
        contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({label: "Delete", onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_destroyProperty")}));
       store: null,
       setStore: function(store){ = store;
        var self = this;
         delete this._editDialog;
        // i think we should just destroy this._editDialog and let _createEditDialog take care of everything
        // once it gets called again by either _editProperty or _addProperty - it will create everything again
        // using the new store. this way we don't need to keep track of what is in the dialog if we change it.
        /*if(this._editDialog && this.useSelect){
         dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("store", store);
        dojo.connect(store, "onSet", function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){
         var nodes, i, identity =;
         nodes = self._modelNodeIdMap[identity];

         if(nodes &&
           (oldValue === undefined || newValue === undefined ||
           oldValue instanceof Array || newValue instanceof Array || typeof oldValue == 'object' || typeof newValue == 'object')){
          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
            self.model.getChildren(node, function(children){
             self.model.onChildrenChange(node, children);
         nodes = self._modelNodePropMap[identity + "." + attribute];

          for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
           nodes[i].value = newValue;
       setItem: function(item){
        // this is called to show a different item

        // reset the maps, for the root getIdentity is not called, so we pre-initialize it here
        (this._modelNodeIdMap = {})[] = [this.rootModelNode];
        this._modelNodePropMap = {};

        this.rootModelNode.value = item;
        var self = this;
        this.model.getChildren(this.rootModelNode, function(children){

       refreshItem: function(){
       _createEditDialog: function(){
        this._editDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
          title: "Edit Property",
          execute: dojo.hitch(this, "_updateItem"),
          preload: true

        // handle for dialog content
        var pane = dojo.doc.createElement('div');

        // label for property
        var labelProp = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "for", "property");, "fontWeight", "bold");
        dojo.attr(labelProp, "innerHTML", "Property:")

        // property name field
        var propName = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
         name: "property",
         value: "",
         required: true,
         disabled: true


        // radio button for "value"
        var value = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "value",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("value");})

        // label for value
        var labelVal = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "for", "value");
        dojo.attr(labelVal, "innerHTML", "Value (JSON):")

         // container for value fields
        var valueDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(valueDiv, "value");

        // textarea
        var textarea = new dijit.form.Textarea({
         name: "jsonVal"

        // radio button for "reference"
        var reference = new dijit.form.RadioButton({
         name: "itemType",
         value: "reference",
         onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){this._enableFields("reference");})

        // label for reference
        var labelRef = dojo.doc.createElement('label');
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "for", "_reference");
        dojo.attr(labelRef, "innerHTML", "Reference (ID):")

        // container for reference fields
        var refDiv = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
        dojo.addClass(refDiv, "reference");

         // filteringselect
         // TODO: see if there is a way to sort the items in this list
         var refSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
          name: "_reference",
          searchAttr: this.refSelectSearchAttr ||[0],
          required: false,
          value: null,  // need to file a ticket about the fetch that happens when declared with value: null
          pageSize: 10
         var refTextbox = new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox({
          name: "_reference",
          value: "",
          promptMessage: "Enter the ID of the item to reference",
          isValid: dojo.hitch(this, function(isFocused){
           // don't validate while it's focused
           return true;//isFocused ||"value")._reference);

        // buttons
        var buttons = document.createElement('div');
        buttons.setAttribute("dir", "rtl");
        var cancelButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "reset", label: "Cancel"}).placeAt(buttons);
        cancelButton.onClick = dojo.hitch(this._editDialog, "onCancel");
        var okButton = new dijit.form.Button({type: "submit", label: "OK"}).placeAt(buttons);

        this._editDialog.attr("content", pane);
       _enableFields: function(selection){
        // enables/disables fields based on whether the value in this._editDialog is a reference or a primitive value
         case "reference":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
         case "value":
          dojo.query(".value [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", false);
          dojo.query(".reference [widgetId]", this._editDialog.containerNode).forEach(function(node){
           dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).attr("disabled", true);
       _updateItem: function(vals){
        // a single "execute" function that handles adding and editing of values and references.
        var node, item, val, storeItemVal, editingItem = this._editDialog.attr("title") == "Edit Property";
        var editDialog = this._editDialog;
        var store =;
        function setValue(){
          var itemVal, propPath = [];
          var prop =;
           while(!store.isItem(item.parent, true)){
            node = node.getParent();
            item = node.item;
           if(propPath.length == 0){
            // working with an item attribute already
            store.setValue(item.parent,, val);
            // need to walk back down the item property to the object
            storeItemVal = getValue(store, item.parent,;
            if(storeItemVal instanceof Array){
             // create a copy for modification
             storeItemVal = storeItemVal.concat();
            itemVal = storeItemVal;
            while(propPath.length > 1){
             itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
            itemVal[propPath] = val; // this change is reflected in storeItemVal as well
            store.setValue(item.parent,, storeItemVal);
           // adding a property
           if(store.isItem(value, true)){
            // adding a top-level property to an item
             // fetch the value and see if it is an array
              item: value,
              onItem: function(loadedItem){
               if(loadedItem instanceof Array){
                prop = loadedItem.length;
               store.setValue(loadedItem, prop, val);
             if(value instanceof Array){
              prop = value.length;
             store.setValue(value, prop, val);
            // adding a property to a lower level in an item
            if(item.value instanceof Array){
            while(!store.isItem(item.parent, true)){
             node = node.getParent();
             item = node.item;
            storeItemVal = getValue(store, item.parent,;
            itemVal = storeItemVal;
            while(propPath.length > 1){
             itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
            itemVal[propPath] = val;
            store.setValue(item.parent,, storeItemVal);

         node = this.lastFocused;
         item = node.item;
         var value = item.value;
         // var property = null;
          // we are adding a property to the parent item
          // the real value of the parent is in the parent property of the lastFocused item
          // this.lastFocused.getParent().item.value may be a reference to an item
          value = node.item.parent;
          node = node.getParent();
          item = node.item;
         val = null;
          case "reference":
             val = item;
             alert("The id could not be found");
          case "value":
           var jsonVal = vals.jsonVal;
           val = dojo.fromJson(jsonVal);
           // ifit is a function we want to preserve the source (comments, et al)
           if(typeof val == 'function'){
            val.toString = function(){
             return jsonVal;
         // the form didn't validate - show it again.;
       _editProperty: function(){
        // this mixin stops us polluting the tree item with jsonVal etc.
        // FIXME: if a store identifies items by instanceof checks, this will fail
        var item = dojo.mixin({}, this.lastFocused.item);
        // create the dialog or reset it if it already exists
        // not allowed to edit an item's id - so check for that and stop it.
        if(dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){
         alert("Cannot Edit an Identifier!");
         this._editDialog.attr("title", "Edit Property");
         // make sure the property input is disabled
         dijit.getEnclosingWidget(dojo.query("input", this._editDialog.containerNode)[0]).attr("disabled", true);
         if(, true)){
          // root node || Item reference
           // Item reference
           item.itemType = "reference";
           item._reference =;
           this._editDialog.attr("value", item);
          } // else root node
          if(item.value && typeof item.value == 'object' && !(item.value instanceof Date)){
           // item.value is an object but it's NOT an item from the store - no-op
           // only allow editing on a property not on the node that represents the object/array
           // this is a primitive
           item.itemType = "value";
           item.jsonVal = typeof item.value == 'function' ?
             // use the plain toString for functions, dojo.toJson doesn't support functions
             item.value.toString() :
              item.value instanceof Date ?
               // A json-ish form of a date:
               'new Date("' + item.value + '")' :
           this._editDialog.attr("value", item);
       _destroyProperty: function(){
        var node = this.lastFocused;
        var item = node.item;
        var propPath = [];
        // we have to walk up the tree to the item before we can know if we're working with the identifier
        while(!, true) || item.parent instanceof Array){
         node = node.getParent();
         item = node.item;
        // this will prevent any part of the identifier from being changed
        if(dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){
         alert("Cannot Delete an Identifier!");
          if(propPath.length > 0){
           // not deleting a top-level property of an item so get the top-level store item to change
           var itemVal, storeItemVal = getValue(, item.parent,;
           itemVal = storeItemVal;
           // walk back down the object if needed
           while(propPath.length > 1){
            itemVal = itemVal[propPath.pop()];
           // delete the property
            // the value being deleted represents an array element
            itemVal.splice(propPath, 1);
            // object property
            delete itemVal[propPath];
           // save it back to the store
 ,, storeItemVal);
           // deleting an item property
       _addProperty: function(){
        // item is what we are adding a property to
        var item = this.lastFocused.item;
        // value is the real value of the item - not a reference to a store item
        var value = item.value;
        var showDialog = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
         var property = null;
         // are we adding another item to an array?
         if(value instanceof Array){
          // preset the property to the next index in the array and disable the property field
          property = value.length;
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(dojo.query("input", this._editDialog.containerNode)[0]).attr("disabled", true);
          // enable the property TextBox
          dijit.getEnclosingWidget(dojo.query("input", this._editDialog.containerNode)[0]).attr("disabled", false);
         this._editDialog.attr("title", "Add Property");
         // default to a value type
         this._editDialog.attr("value", {itemType: "value", property: property});;

         // we are adding a property to the parent item
         item = this.lastFocused.getParent().item;
         // the real value of the parent is in the parent property of the lastFocused item
         // this.lastFocused.getParent().item.value may be a reference to an item
         value = this.lastFocused.item.parent;
        if( && dojo.indexOf(, >= 0){
         alert("Cannot add properties to an ID node!");
         // ifthe value is an item then we need to get the item's value
         if(, true) && !{
          // fetch the value and see if it is an array
           item: value,
           onItem: function(loadedItem){
            value = loadedItem;
    • returns
      isFocused ||"value")._reference);
    • summary

    • summary

    • summary

    • summary

    • summary

    • summary

    • summary

    • summary

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary