
  • Provides:

    • dojox.collections._base
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry

    • type
    • parameters:
      • k: (typeof string)
      • v: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry.key

    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry.value

    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry.valueOf

    • type
    • source: [view]
        return this.value;  // object
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry.toString

    • type
    • source: [view]
        return String(this.value); // string
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.Iterator

    • type
    • parameters:
      • arr: (typeof array)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.Iterator.element

    • summary
  • dojox.collections.Iterator.atEnd

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.Iterator.get

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
    • returns
    • summary

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fn: (typeof function)
      • scope: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.Iterator.reset

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator

    • type
    • parameters:
      • obj: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.

      /* Notes:
      * The DictionaryIterator no longer supports a key and value property;
      * the reality is that you can use this to iterate over a JS object
      * being used as a hashtable.
      dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator=function(/* object */obj){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator
       var a=[]; // Create an indexing array
       var testObject={};
       for(var p in obj){
         a.push(obj[p]); // fill it up
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
       this.reset=function() {
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator.element

    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator.atEnd

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.

      /* Notes:
      * The DictionaryIterator no longer supports a key and value property;
      * the reality is that you can use this to iterate over a JS object
      * being used as a hashtable.
      dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator=function(/* object */obj){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator
       var a=[]; // Create an indexing array
       var testObject={};
       for(var p in obj){
         a.push(obj[p]); // fill it up
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator.get

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.

      /* Notes:
      * The DictionaryIterator no longer supports a key and value property;
      * the reality is that you can use this to iterate over a JS object
      * being used as a hashtable.
      dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator=function(/* object */obj){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator
       var a=[]; // Create an indexing array
       var testObject={};
       for(var p in obj){
         a.push(obj[p]); // fill it up
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
    • returns
    • summary

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fn: (typeof function)
      • scope: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.

      /* Notes:
      * The DictionaryIterator no longer supports a key and value property;
      * the reality is that you can use this to iterate over a JS object
      * being used as a hashtable.
      dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator=function(/* object */obj){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator
       var a=[]; // Create an indexing array
       var testObject={};
       for(var p in obj){
         a.push(obj[p]); // fill it up
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator.reset

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
        return this.value;  // object
        return String(this.value); // string

      /* Iterators
      * The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
      * work with the Collections included in this module. However, they *can*
      * be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
      dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
       var a=arr;
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.

      /* Notes:
      * The DictionaryIterator no longer supports a key and value property;
      * the reality is that you can use this to iterate over a JS object
      * being used as a hashtable.
      dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator=function(/* object */obj){
       // summary
       // return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator
       var a=[]; // Create an indexing array
       var testObject={};
       for(var p in obj){
         a.push(obj[p]); // fill it up
       var position=0;
        // summary
        // Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
        return (position>=a.length); // bool
        // summary
        // Get the next member in the collection.
         return null;  // object
        return this.element; // object
       };* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
        // summary
        // Functional iteration with optional scope.
        return, fn, scope);
       this.reset=function() {
        // summary
        // reset the internal cursor.
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections._base

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.collections

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary