
  • Provides:

    • dojox.collections.ArrayList
  • Requires:

    • dojox.collections._base in common
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList

    • type
    • parameters:
      • arr: (typeof array)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
       this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return an array with function applied to all elements
        // summary
        // Reverse the internal array
       this.sort=function(/* function? */ fn){
        // summary
        // sort the internal array
       this.setByIndex=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Set an element in the array by the passed index.
        // summary
        // Return a new array with all of the items of the internal array concatenated.
        return [].concat(items);
       this.toString=function(/* string */ delim){
        // summary
        // implementation of toString, follows [].toString();
        return items.join((delim||","));
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.count

    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.add

    • type
    • parameters:
      • obj: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.addRange

    • type
    • parameters:
      • a: (typeof array)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.clear

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.clone

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.contains

    • type
    • parameters:
      • obj: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.forEach

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fn: (typeof function)
      • scope: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.getIterator

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.indexOf

    • type
    • parameters:
      • obj: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.insert

    • type
    • parameters:
      • i: (typeof int)
      • obj: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.item

    • type
    • parameters:
      • i: (typeof int)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.remove

    • type
    • parameters:
      • obj: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.removeAt

    • type
    • parameters:
      • i: (typeof int)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
       this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return an array with function applied to all elements
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.reverse

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
       this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return an array with function applied to all elements
        // summary
        // Reverse the internal array
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.sort

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fn: (typeof function)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
       this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return an array with function applied to all elements
        // summary
        // Reverse the internal array
       this.sort=function(/* function? */ fn){
        // summary
        // sort the internal array
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.setByIndex

    • type
    • parameters:
      • i: (typeof int)
      • obj: (typeof object)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
       this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return an array with function applied to all elements
        // summary
        // Reverse the internal array
       this.sort=function(/* function? */ fn){
        // summary
        // sort the internal array
       this.setByIndex=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Set an element in the array by the passed index.
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.toArray

    • type
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
       this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return an array with function applied to all elements
        // summary
        // Reverse the internal array
       this.sort=function(/* function? */ fn){
        // summary
        // sort the internal array
       this.setByIndex=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Set an element in the array by the passed index.
        // summary
        // Return a new array with all of the items of the internal array concatenated.
        return [].concat(items);
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections.ArrayList.toString

    • type
    • parameters:
      • delim: (typeof string)
    • source: [view]

      dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
       // summary
       // Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
       var items=[];
       if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
       this.add=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Add an element to the collection.
       this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
        // summary
        // Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
         var e=a.getIterator();
         for(var i=0; i    items.push(a[i]);
        // summary
        // Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
        items.splice(0, items.length);
        // summary
        // Clone the array list
        return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items); // dojox.collections.ArrayList
       this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return true; // bool
        return false; // bool
       this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
        // summary
        // functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
        dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
        // summary
        // Get an Iterator for this object
        return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items); // dojox.collections.Iterator
       this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
        for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
         if(items[i] == obj) {
          return i; // int
        return -1; // int
       this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Insert the passed object at index i
       this.item=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return the element at index i
        return items[i]; // object
       this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
        // summary
        // Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
        var i=this.indexOf(obj);
        if(i >=0) {
       this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
        // summary
        // return an array with function applied to all elements
        // summary
        // Reverse the internal array
       this.sort=function(/* function? */ fn){
        // summary
        // sort the internal array
       this.setByIndex=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
        // summary
        // Set an element in the array by the passed index.
        // summary
        // Return a new array with all of the items of the internal array concatenated.
        return [].concat(items);
       this.toString=function(/* string */ delim){
        // summary
        // implementation of toString, follows [].toString();
        return items.join((delim||","));
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.collections

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary