
  • Provides:

    • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
  • Requires:

    • dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible in common
    • dojox.charting.scaler.linear in common
    • dojox.charting.axis2d.common in common
    • dojo.colors in common in project dojo
    • dojo.string in common in project dojo
    • dojox.gfx in common
    • dojox.lang.functional in common
    • dojox.lang.utils in common
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default

    • type
    • chains:
      • dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible: (prototype)
      • dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible: (call)
    • summary
      The constructor for an axis.
    • parameters:
      • chart: (typeof dojox.charting.Chart2D)
        The chart the axis belongs to.
      • kwArgs: (typeof dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs)
        Any optional keyword arguments to be used to define this axis.
    • source: [view]
         this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
      du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
         du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.getOffsets

    • type
    • source: [view]
         var s = this.scaler, offsets = { l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0 };
          return offsets;
         var o = this.opt, labelWidth = 0, a, b, c, d,
          gl = dc.scaler.common.getNumericLabel,
          offset = 0, ma = s.major, mi = s.minor,
          ta = this.chart.theme.axis,
          // TODO: we use one font --- of major tick, we need to use major and minor fonts
          taFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font),
          taTitleFont = o.titleFont || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFont),
          taTitleGap = (o.titleGap==0) ? 0 : o.titleGap || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleGap) || 15,
          taMajorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("major", o),
          taMinorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("minor", o),
          size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
          tsize = taTitleFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taTitleFont).size) : 0,
          rotation = o.rotation % 360, leftBottom = o.leftBottom,
          cosr = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
          sinr = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI / 180));
         this.trailingSymbol = (o.trailingSymbol === undefined || o.trailingSymbol === null) ? this.trailingSymbol : o.trailingSymbol;
         if(rotation < 0){
          rotation += 360;

          // we need width of all labels
           labelWidth = this._groupLabelWidth(this.labels, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount);
           labelWidth = this._groupLabelWidth([
            gl(ma.start, ma.prec, o),
            gl(ma.start + ma.count * ma.tick, ma.prec, o),
            gl(mi.start, mi.prec, o),
            gl(mi.start + mi.count * mi.tick, mi.prec, o)
           ], taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount);
          labelWidth = o.maxLabelSize ? Math.min(o.maxLabelSize, labelWidth) : labelWidth;
           var side = leftBottom ? "l" : "r";
            case 0:
            case 180:
             offsets[side] = labelWidth;
             offsets.t = offsets.b = size / 2;
            case 90:
            case 270:
             offsets[side] = size;
             offsets.t = offsets.b = labelWidth / 2;
             if(rotation <= centerAnchorLimit || (180 < rotation && rotation <= (180 + centerAnchorLimit))){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(rotation > (360 - centerAnchorLimit) || (180 > rotation && rotation > (180 - centerAnchorLimit))){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(rotation < 90 || (180 < rotation && rotation < 270)){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
           offsets[side] += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + (o.title ? (tsize + taTitleGap) : 0);
           var side = leftBottom ? "b" : "t";
            case 0:
            case 180:
             offsets[side] = size;
             offsets.l = offsets.r = labelWidth / 2;
            case 90:
            case 270:
             offsets[side] = labelWidth;
             offsets.l = offsets.r = size / 2;
             if((90 - centerAnchorLimit) <= rotation && rotation <= 90 || (270 - centerAnchorLimit) <= rotation && rotation <= 270){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(90 <= rotation && rotation <= (90 + centerAnchorLimit) || 270 <= rotation && rotation <= (270 + centerAnchorLimit)){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(rotation < centerAnchorLimit || (180 < rotation && rotation < (180 - centerAnchorLimit))){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
           offsets[side] += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + (o.title ? (tsize + taTitleGap) : 0);
          this._cachedLabelWidth = labelWidth;
         return offsets; // Object
    • summary
      Get the physical offset values for this axis (used in drawing data series).
    • return_summary
      The calculated offsets in the form of { l, r, t, b } (left, right, top, bottom).
    • returns
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.render

    • type
    • parameters:
      • dim: (typeof Object)
        An object of the form { width, height}.
      • offsets: (typeof Object)
        An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
    • source: [view]
          return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
         // prepare variable
         var o = this.opt, ta = this.chart.theme.axis, leftBottom = o.leftBottom, rotation = o.rotation % 360,
          start, stop, titlePos, titleRotation=0, titleOffset, axisVector, tickVector, anchorOffset, labelOffset, labelAlign,

          // TODO: we use one font --- of major tick, we need to use major and minor fonts
          taFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font),
          taTitleFont = o.titleFont || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFont),
          // TODO: we use one font color --- we need to use different colors
          taFontColor = o.fontColor || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.fontColor) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.fontColor) || "black",
          taTitleFontColor = o.titleFontColor || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFontColor) || "black",
          taTitleGap = (o.titleGap==0) ? 0 : o.titleGap || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleGap) || 15,
          taTitleOrientation = o.titleOrientation || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleOrientation) || "axis",
          taMajorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("major", o),
          taMinorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("minor", o),
          taMicroTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("micro", o),

          tickSize = Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length, taMicroTick.length),
          taStroke = "stroke" in o ? o.stroke : ta.stroke,
          size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
          cosr = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
          sinr = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
          tsize = taTitleFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taTitleFont).size) : 0;
         if(rotation < 0){
          rotation += 360;
          start = {y: dim.height - offsets.b};
          stop = {y: offsets.t};
          titlePos = {y: (dim.height - offsets.b + offsets.t)/2};
          titleOffset = size * sinr + (this._cachedLabelWidth || 0) * cosr + labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + tsize + taTitleGap;
          axisVector = {x: 0, y: -1};
          labelOffset = {x: 0, y: 0};
          tickVector = {x: 1, y: 0};
          anchorOffset = {x: labelGap, y: 0};
           case 0:
            labelAlign = "end";
            labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
           case 90:
            labelAlign = "middle";
            labelOffset.x = -size;
           case 180:
            labelAlign = "start";
            labelOffset.y = -size * 0.4;
           case 270:
            labelAlign = "middle";
            if(rotation < centerAnchorLimit){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < 90){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < (180 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
            }else if(rotation < (180 + centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.y = -size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < 270){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.x = leftBottom ? 0 : size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < (360 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.x = leftBottom ? 0 : size * 0.4;
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
           start.x = stop.x = offsets.l;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "away") ? 90 : 270;
           titlePos.x = offsets.l - titleOffset + (titleRotation == 270 ? tsize : 0);
           tickVector.x = -1;
           anchorOffset.x = -anchorOffset.x;
           start.x = stop.x = dim.width - offsets.r;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "axis") ? 90 : 270;
           titlePos.x = dim.width - offsets.r + titleOffset - (titleRotation == 270 ? 0 : tsize);
            case "start":
             labelAlign = "end";
            case "end":
             labelAlign = "start";
            case "middle":
             labelOffset.x += size;
          start = {x: offsets.l};
          stop = {x: dim.width - offsets.r};
          titlePos = {x: (dim.width - offsets.r + offsets.l)/2};
          titleOffset = size * cosr + (this._cachedLabelWidth || 0) * sinr + labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + tsize + taTitleGap;
          axisVector = {x: 1, y: 0};
          labelOffset = {x: 0, y: 0};
          tickVector = {x: 0, y: 1};
          anchorOffset = {x: 0, y: labelGap};
           case 0:
            labelAlign = "middle";
            labelOffset.y = size;
           case 90:
            labelAlign = "start";
            labelOffset.x = -size * 0.4;
           case 180:
            labelAlign = "middle";
           case 270:
            labelAlign = "end";
            labelOffset.x = size * 0.4;
            if(rotation < (90 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size : 0;
            }else if(rotation < (90 + centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.x = -size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < 180){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? 0 : -size;
            }else if(rotation < (270 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? 0 : -size;
            }else if(rotation < (270 + centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size * 0.4 : 0;
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size : 0;
           start.y = stop.y = dim.height - offsets.b;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "axis") ? 180 : 0;
           titlePos.y = dim.height - offsets.b + titleOffset - (titleRotation ? tsize : 0);
           start.y = stop.y = offsets.t;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "away") ? 180 : 0;
           titlePos.y = offsets.t - titleOffset + (titleRotation ? 0 : tsize);
           tickVector.y = -1;
           anchorOffset.y = -anchorOffset.y;
            case "start":
             labelAlign = "end";
            case "end":
             labelAlign = "start";
            case "middle":
             labelOffset.y -= size;

         // render shapes


          var s =,
           c = this.scaler,
           t = this.ticks,
           f = lin.getTransformerFromModel(this.scaler),
           // GFX Canvas now supports labels, so let's _not_ fallback to HTML anymore on canvas, just use
           // HTML labels if explicitly asked + no rotation + no IE + no Opera
           labelType = !titleRotation && !rotation && this.opt.htmlLabels && !dojo.isIE && !dojo.isOpera ? "html" : "gfx",
           dx = tickVector.x * taMajorTick.length,
           dy = tickVector.y * taMajorTick.length;

           x1: start.x,
           y1: start.y,
           x2: stop.x,
           y2: stop.y

          //create axis title
           var axisTitle = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
           if(labelType == "html"){
            //as soon as rotation is provided, labelType won't be "html"
            //rotate gfx labels
            axisTitle.setTransform(g.matrix.rotategAt(titleRotation, titlePos.x, titlePos.y));

          dojo.forEach(t.major, function(tick){
           var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
            x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
            y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
             x1: x, y1: y,
             x2: x + dx,
             y2: y + dy
             var label = o.maxLabelCharCount ? this.getTextWithLimitCharCount(tick.label, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount) : {
              text: tick.label,
              truncated: false
             label = o.maxLabelSize ? this.getTextWithLimitLength(label.text, taFont, o.maxLabelSize, label.truncated) : label;
             elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
              x + dx + anchorOffset.x + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.x),
              y + dy + anchorOffset.y + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.y),
             label.truncated && this.labelTooltip(elem, this.chart, tick.label, label.text, taFont, labelType);
             if(labelType == "html"){
             }else if(rotation){
               {dx: labelOffset.x, dy: labelOffset.y},
                x + dx + anchorOffset.x,
                y + dy + anchorOffset.y
          }, this);

          dx = tickVector.x * taMinorTick.length;
          dy = tickVector.y * taMinorTick.length;
          canLabel = c.minMinorStep <= c.minor.tick * c.bounds.scale;
          dojo.forEach(t.minor, function(tick){
           var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
            x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
            y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
             x1: x, y1: y,
             x2: x + dx,
             y2: y + dy
            if(canLabel && tick.label){
             var label = o.maxLabelCharCount ? this.getTextWithLimitCharCount(tick.label, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount) : {
              text: tick.label,
              truncated: false
             label = o.maxLabelSize ? this.getTextWithLimitLength(label.text, taFont, o.maxLabelSize, label.truncated) : label;
             elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
              x + dx + anchorOffset.x + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.x),
              y + dy + anchorOffset.y + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.y),
             label.truncated && this.labelTooltip(elem, this.chart, tick.label, label.text, taFont, labelType);
             if(labelType == "html"){
             }else if(rotation){
               {dx: labelOffset.x, dy: labelOffset.y},
                x + dx + anchorOffset.x,
                y + dy + anchorOffset.y
          }, this);

          dx = tickVector.x * taMicroTick.length;
          dy = tickVector.y * taMicroTick.length;
          dojo.forEach(t.micro, function(tick){
           var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
            x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
            y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
             x1: x, y1: y,
             x2: x + dx,
             y2: y + dy
          }, this);
          // squelch

         this.dirty = false;
         return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
    • summary
      Render/draw the axis.
    • return_summary
      The reference to the axis for functional chaining.
    • returns
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.labelTooltip

    • type
    • parameters:
      • elem: (typeof )
      • chart: (typeof )
      • label: (typeof )
      • truncatedLabel: (typeof )
      • font: (typeof )
      • elemType: (typeof )
    • source: [view]




       dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs = function(
        vertical, fixUpper, fixLower, natural, leftBottom,
        includeZero, fixed, majorLabels, minorTicks, minorLabels, microTicks, htmlLabels,
        min, max, from, to, majorTickStep, minorTickStep, microTickStep,
        labels, labelFunc, maxLabelSize,
        stroke, majorTick, minorTick, microTick, tick,
        font, fontColor
       // summary:
       //  Optional arguments used in the definition of an axis.
       // vertical: Boolean?
       //  A flag that says whether an axis is vertical (i.e. y axis) or horizontal. Default is false (horizontal).
       // fixUpper: String?
       //  Align the greatest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are "major", "minor", "micro", or "none". Defaults to "none".
       // fixLower: String?
       //  Align the smallest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are "major", "minor", "micro", or "none". Defaults to "none".
       // natural: Boolean?
       //  Ensure tick marks are made on "natural" numbers. Defaults to false.
       // leftBottom: Boolean?
       //  The position of a vertical axis; if true, will be placed against the left-bottom corner of the chart. Defaults to true.
       // includeZero: Boolean?
       //  Include 0 on the axis rendering. Default is false.
       // fixed: Boolean?
       //  Force all axis labels to be fixed numbers. Default is true.
       // majorLabels: Boolean?
       //  Flag to draw all labels at major ticks. Default is true.
       // minorTicks: Boolean?
       //  Flag to draw minor ticks on an axis. Default is true.
       // minorLabels: Boolean?
       //  Flag to draw labels on minor ticks. Default is true.
       // microTicks: Boolean?
       //  Flag to draw micro ticks on an axis. Default is false.
       // htmlLabels: Boolean?
       //  Flag to use HTML (as opposed to the native vector graphics engine) to draw labels. Default is true.
       // min: Number?
       //  The smallest value on an axis. Default is 0.
       // max: Number?
       //  The largest value on an axis. Default is 1.
       // from: Number?
       //  Force the chart to render data visible from this value. Default is 0.
       // to: Number?
       //  Force the chart to render data visible to this value. Default is 1.
       // majorTickStep: Number?
       //  The amount to skip before a major tick is drawn. Default is 4.
       // minorTickStep: Number?
       //  The amount to skip before a minor tick is drawn. Default is 2.
       // microTickStep: Number?
       //  The amount to skip before a micro tick is drawn. Default is 1.
       // labels: Object[]?
       //  An array of labels for major ticks, with corresponding numeric values, ordered by value.
       // labelFunc: Function?
       //  An optional function used to compute label values.
       // maxLabelSize: Number?
       //  The maximum size, in pixels, for a label. To be used with the optional label function.
       // stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
       //  An optional stroke to be used for drawing an axis.
       // majorTick: Object?
       //  An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a major tick.
       // minorTick: Object?
       //  An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a minor tick.
       // microTick: Object?
       //  An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a micro tick.
       // tick: Object?
       //  An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a tick.
       // font: String?
       //  An optional font definition (as used in the CSS font property) for labels.
       // fontColor: String|dojo.Color?
       //  An optional color to be used in drawing labels.

       this.vertical = vertical;
       this.fixUpper = fixUpper;
       this.fixLower = fixLower;
       this.natural = natural;
       this.leftBottom = leftBottom;
       this.includeZero = includeZero;
       this.fixed = fixed;
       this.majorLabels = majorLabels;
       this.minorTicks = minorTicks;
       this.minorLabels = minorLabels;
       this.microTicks = microTicks;
       this.htmlLabels = htmlLabels;
       this.min = min;
       this.max = max;
       this.from = from; = to;
       this.majorTickStep = majorTickStep;
       this.minorTickStep = minorTickStep;
       this.microTickStep = microTickStep;
       this.labels = labels;
       this.labelFunc = labelFunc;
       this.maxLabelSize = maxLabelSize;
       this.stroke = stroke;
       this.majorTick = majorTick;
       this.minorTick = minorTick;
       this.microTick = microTick;
       this.tick = tick;
       this.font = font;
       this.fontColor = fontColor;

       var dc = dojox.charting,
        du = dojox.lang.utils,
        g = dojox.gfx,
        lin = dc.scaler.linear,
        labelGap = 4,   // in pixels
        centerAnchorLimit = 45; // in degrees

       dojo.declare("dojox.charting.axis2d.Default", dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible, {
        // summary:
        //  The default axis object used in dojox.charting. See dojox.charting.Chart.addAxis for details.
        // defaultParams: Object
        //  The default parameters used to define any axis.
        // optionalParams: Object
        //  Any optional parameters needed to define an axis.

        // TODO: the documentation tools need these to be pre-defined in order to pick them up
        // correctly, but the code here is partially predicated on whether or not the properties
        // actually exist. For now, we will leave these undocumented but in the code for later. -- TRT

        // opt: Object
        //  The actual options used to define this axis, created at initialization.
        // scalar: Object
        //  The calculated helper object to tell charts how to draw an axis and any data.
        // ticks: Object
        //  The calculated tick object that helps a chart draw the scaling on an axis.
        // dirty: Boolean
        //  The state of the axis (whether it needs to be redrawn or not)
        // scale: Number
        //  The current scale of the axis.
        // offset: Number
        //  The current offset of the axis.

        opt: null,
        scalar: null,
        ticks: null,
        dirty: true,
        scale: 1,
        offset: 0,
        defaultParams: {
         vertical: false,  // true for vertical axis
         fixUpper: "none", // align the upper on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none"
         fixLower: "none", // align the lower on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none"
         natural: false,  // all tick marks should be made on natural numbers
         leftBottom: true,  // position of the axis, used with "vertical"
         includeZero: false,  // 0 should be included
         fixed: true,  // all labels are fixed numbers
         majorLabels: true,  // draw major labels
         minorTicks: true,  // draw minor ticks
         minorLabels: true,  // draw minor labels
         microTicks: false,  // draw micro ticks
         rotation: 0,   // label rotation angle in degrees
         htmlLabels: true  // use HTML to draw labels
        optionalParams: {
         min:   0, // minimal value on this axis
         max:   1, // maximal value on this axis
         from:   0, // visible from this value
         to:    1, // visible to this value
         majorTickStep: 4, // major tick step
         minorTickStep: 2, // minor tick step
         microTickStep: 1, // micro tick step
         labels:   [], // array of labels for major ticks
              // with corresponding numeric values
              // ordered by values
         labelFunc:  null, // function to compute label values
         maxLabelSize: 0, // size in px. For use with labelFunc
         maxLabelCharCount: 0, // size in word count.
         trailingSymbol: null,

         // TODO: add support for minRange!
         // minRange:  1, // smallest distance from min allowed on the axis

         // theme components
         stroke:   {}, // stroke for an axis
         majorTick:  {}, // stroke + length for a tick
         minorTick:  {}, // stroke + length for a tick
         microTick:  {}, // stroke + length for a tick
         tick: {}, // stroke + length for a tick
         font:   "", // font for labels
         fontColor:  "", // color for labels as a string
         title:     "", // axis title
         titleGap:    0,  // gap between axis title and axis label
         titleFont:    "",  // axis title font
         titleFontColor:   "",  // axis title font color
         titleOrientation:  ""  // "axis" means the title facing the axis, "away" means facing away

        constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
         // summary:
         //  The constructor for an axis.
         // chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
         //  The chart the axis belongs to.
         // kwArgs: dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs?
         //  Any optional keyword arguments to be used to define this axis.
         this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
      du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
         du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
        getOffsets: function(){
         // summary:
         //  Get the physical offset values for this axis (used in drawing data series).
         // returns: Object
         //  The calculated offsets in the form of { l, r, t, b } (left, right, top, bottom).
         var s = this.scaler, offsets = { l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0 };
          return offsets;
         var o = this.opt, labelWidth = 0, a, b, c, d,
          gl = dc.scaler.common.getNumericLabel,
          offset = 0, ma = s.major, mi = s.minor,
          ta = this.chart.theme.axis,
          // TODO: we use one font --- of major tick, we need to use major and minor fonts
          taFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font),
          taTitleFont = o.titleFont || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFont),
          taTitleGap = (o.titleGap==0) ? 0 : o.titleGap || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleGap) || 15,
          taMajorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("major", o),
          taMinorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("minor", o),
          size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
          tsize = taTitleFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taTitleFont).size) : 0,
          rotation = o.rotation % 360, leftBottom = o.leftBottom,
          cosr = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
          sinr = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI / 180));
         this.trailingSymbol = (o.trailingSymbol === undefined || o.trailingSymbol === null) ? this.trailingSymbol : o.trailingSymbol;
         if(rotation < 0){
          rotation += 360;

          // we need width of all labels
           labelWidth = this._groupLabelWidth(this.labels, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount);
           labelWidth = this._groupLabelWidth([
            gl(ma.start, ma.prec, o),
            gl(ma.start + ma.count * ma.tick, ma.prec, o),
            gl(mi.start, mi.prec, o),
            gl(mi.start + mi.count * mi.tick, mi.prec, o)
           ], taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount);
          labelWidth = o.maxLabelSize ? Math.min(o.maxLabelSize, labelWidth) : labelWidth;
           var side = leftBottom ? "l" : "r";
            case 0:
            case 180:
             offsets[side] = labelWidth;
             offsets.t = offsets.b = size / 2;
            case 90:
            case 270:
             offsets[side] = size;
             offsets.t = offsets.b = labelWidth / 2;
             if(rotation <= centerAnchorLimit || (180 < rotation && rotation <= (180 + centerAnchorLimit))){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(rotation > (360 - centerAnchorLimit) || (180 > rotation && rotation > (180 - centerAnchorLimit))){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(rotation < 90 || (180 < rotation && rotation < 270)){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
           offsets[side] += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + (o.title ? (tsize + taTitleGap) : 0);
           var side = leftBottom ? "b" : "t";
            case 0:
            case 180:
             offsets[side] = size;
             offsets.l = offsets.r = labelWidth / 2;
            case 90:
            case 270:
             offsets[side] = labelWidth;
             offsets.l = offsets.r = size / 2;
             if((90 - centerAnchorLimit) <= rotation && rotation <= 90 || (270 - centerAnchorLimit) <= rotation && rotation <= 270){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(90 <= rotation && rotation <= (90 + centerAnchorLimit) || 270 <= rotation && rotation <= (270 + centerAnchorLimit)){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr / 2;
             }else if(rotation < centerAnchorLimit || (180 < rotation && rotation < (180 - centerAnchorLimit))){
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
              offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
              offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
           offsets[side] += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + (o.title ? (tsize + taTitleGap) : 0);
          this._cachedLabelWidth = labelWidth;
         return offsets; // Object
        render: function(dim, offsets){
         // summary:
         //  Render/draw the axis.
         // dim: Object
         //  An object of the form { width, height}.
         // offsets: Object
         //  An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
         // returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
         //  The reference to the axis for functional chaining.
          return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
         // prepare variable
         var o = this.opt, ta = this.chart.theme.axis, leftBottom = o.leftBottom, rotation = o.rotation % 360,
          start, stop, titlePos, titleRotation=0, titleOffset, axisVector, tickVector, anchorOffset, labelOffset, labelAlign,

          // TODO: we use one font --- of major tick, we need to use major and minor fonts
          taFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font),
          taTitleFont = o.titleFont || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFont),
          // TODO: we use one font color --- we need to use different colors
          taFontColor = o.fontColor || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.fontColor) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.fontColor) || "black",
          taTitleFontColor = o.titleFontColor || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFontColor) || "black",
          taTitleGap = (o.titleGap==0) ? 0 : o.titleGap || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleGap) || 15,
          taTitleOrientation = o.titleOrientation || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleOrientation) || "axis",
          taMajorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("major", o),
          taMinorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("minor", o),
          taMicroTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("micro", o),

          tickSize = Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length, taMicroTick.length),
          taStroke = "stroke" in o ? o.stroke : ta.stroke,
          size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
          cosr = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
          sinr = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
          tsize = taTitleFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taTitleFont).size) : 0;
         if(rotation < 0){
          rotation += 360;
          start = {y: dim.height - offsets.b};
          stop = {y: offsets.t};
          titlePos = {y: (dim.height - offsets.b + offsets.t)/2};
          titleOffset = size * sinr + (this._cachedLabelWidth || 0) * cosr + labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + tsize + taTitleGap;
          axisVector = {x: 0, y: -1};
          labelOffset = {x: 0, y: 0};
          tickVector = {x: 1, y: 0};
          anchorOffset = {x: labelGap, y: 0};
           case 0:
            labelAlign = "end";
            labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
           case 90:
            labelAlign = "middle";
            labelOffset.x = -size;
           case 180:
            labelAlign = "start";
            labelOffset.y = -size * 0.4;
           case 270:
            labelAlign = "middle";
            if(rotation < centerAnchorLimit){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < 90){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < (180 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
            }else if(rotation < (180 + centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.y = -size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < 270){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.x = leftBottom ? 0 : size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < (360 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.x = leftBottom ? 0 : size * 0.4;
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
           start.x = stop.x = offsets.l;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "away") ? 90 : 270;
           titlePos.x = offsets.l - titleOffset + (titleRotation == 270 ? tsize : 0);
           tickVector.x = -1;
           anchorOffset.x = -anchorOffset.x;
           start.x = stop.x = dim.width - offsets.r;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "axis") ? 90 : 270;
           titlePos.x = dim.width - offsets.r + titleOffset - (titleRotation == 270 ? 0 : tsize);
            case "start":
             labelAlign = "end";
            case "end":
             labelAlign = "start";
            case "middle":
             labelOffset.x += size;
          start = {x: offsets.l};
          stop = {x: dim.width - offsets.r};
          titlePos = {x: (dim.width - offsets.r + offsets.l)/2};
          titleOffset = size * cosr + (this._cachedLabelWidth || 0) * sinr + labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + tsize + taTitleGap;
          axisVector = {x: 1, y: 0};
          labelOffset = {x: 0, y: 0};
          tickVector = {x: 0, y: 1};
          anchorOffset = {x: 0, y: labelGap};
           case 0:
            labelAlign = "middle";
            labelOffset.y = size;
           case 90:
            labelAlign = "start";
            labelOffset.x = -size * 0.4;
           case 180:
            labelAlign = "middle";
           case 270:
            labelAlign = "end";
            labelOffset.x = size * 0.4;
            if(rotation < (90 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size : 0;
            }else if(rotation < (90 + centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.x = -size * 0.4;
            }else if(rotation < 180){
             labelAlign = "start";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? 0 : -size;
            }else if(rotation < (270 - centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? 0 : -size;
            }else if(rotation < (270 + centerAnchorLimit)){
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size * 0.4 : 0;
             labelAlign = "end";
             labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size : 0;
           start.y = stop.y = dim.height - offsets.b;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "axis") ? 180 : 0;
           titlePos.y = dim.height - offsets.b + titleOffset - (titleRotation ? tsize : 0);
           start.y = stop.y = offsets.t;
           titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "away") ? 180 : 0;
           titlePos.y = offsets.t - titleOffset + (titleRotation ? 0 : tsize);
           tickVector.y = -1;
           anchorOffset.y = -anchorOffset.y;
            case "start":
             labelAlign = "end";
            case "end":
             labelAlign = "start";
            case "middle":
             labelOffset.y -= size;

         // render shapes


          var s =,
           c = this.scaler,
           t = this.ticks,
           f = lin.getTransformerFromModel(this.scaler),
           // GFX Canvas now supports labels, so let's _not_ fallback to HTML anymore on canvas, just use
           // HTML labels if explicitly asked + no rotation + no IE + no Opera
           labelType = !titleRotation && !rotation && this.opt.htmlLabels && !dojo.isIE && !dojo.isOpera ? "html" : "gfx",
           dx = tickVector.x * taMajorTick.length,
           dy = tickVector.y * taMajorTick.length;

           x1: start.x,
           y1: start.y,
           x2: stop.x,
           y2: stop.y

          //create axis title
           var axisTitle = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
           if(labelType == "html"){
            //as soon as rotation is provided, labelType won't be "html"
            //rotate gfx labels
            axisTitle.setTransform(g.matrix.rotategAt(titleRotation, titlePos.x, titlePos.y));

          dojo.forEach(t.major, function(tick){
           var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
            x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
            y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
             x1: x, y1: y,
             x2: x + dx,
             y2: y + dy
             var label = o.maxLabelCharCount ? this.getTextWithLimitCharCount(tick.label, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount) : {
              text: tick.label,
              truncated: false
             label = o.maxLabelSize ? this.getTextWithLimitLength(label.text, taFont, o.maxLabelSize, label.truncated) : label;
             elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
              x + dx + anchorOffset.x + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.x),
              y + dy + anchorOffset.y + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.y),
             label.truncated && this.labelTooltip(elem, this.chart, tick.label, label.text, taFont, labelType);
             if(labelType == "html"){
             }else if(rotation){
               {dx: labelOffset.x, dy: labelOffset.y},
                x + dx + anchorOffset.x,
                y + dy + anchorOffset.y
          }, this);

          dx = tickVector.x * taMinorTick.length;
          dy = tickVector.y * taMinorTick.length;
          canLabel = c.minMinorStep <= c.minor.tick * c.bounds.scale;
          dojo.forEach(t.minor, function(tick){
           var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
            x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
            y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
             x1: x, y1: y,
             x2: x + dx,
             y2: y + dy
            if(canLabel && tick.label){
             var label = o.maxLabelCharCount ? this.getTextWithLimitCharCount(tick.label, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount) : {
              text: tick.label,
              truncated: false
             label = o.maxLabelSize ? this.getTextWithLimitLength(label.text, taFont, o.maxLabelSize, label.truncated) : label;
             elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
              x + dx + anchorOffset.x + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.x),
              y + dy + anchorOffset.y + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.y),
             label.truncated && this.labelTooltip(elem, this.chart, tick.label, label.text, taFont, labelType);
             if(labelType == "html"){
             }else if(rotation){
               {dx: labelOffset.x, dy: labelOffset.y},
                x + dx + anchorOffset.x,
                y + dy + anchorOffset.y
          }, this);

          dx = tickVector.x * taMicroTick.length;
          dy = tickVector.y * taMicroTick.length;
          dojo.forEach(t.micro, function(tick){
           var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
            x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
            y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
             x1: x, y1: y,
             x2: x + dx,
             y2: y + dy
          }, this);
          // squelch

         this.dirty = false;
         return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
        labelTooltip: function(elem, chart, label, truncatedLabel, font, elemType){
         // to avoid requiring dijit module for that feature, let's test that
         // dynamically and return if we can't do it
         if(!dijit || !dijit.Tooltip){
         var aroundRect = {type: "rect"}, position = ["above", "below"],
          fontWidth = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(truncatedLabel, {font: font}).w || 0;
          fontHeight = font ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(font).size) : 0;
         if(elemType == "html"){
          dojo.mixin(aroundRect, dojo.coords(elem.firstChild, true));
          aroundRect.width = Math.ceil(fontWidth);
          aroundRect.height = Math.ceil(fontHeight);
           shape: dojo,
           handle: dojo.connect(elem.firstChild, "onmouseover", this, function(e){
            dijit.showTooltip(label, aroundRect, position);
           shape: dojo,
           handle: dojo.connect(elem.firstChild, "onmouseout", this, function(e){
          var shp = elem.getShape(),
           lt = dojo.coords(chart.node, true);
          aroundRect = dojo.mixin(aroundRect, {
           x: shp.x - fontWidth / 2,
           y: shp.y
          aroundRect.x += lt.x;
          aroundRect.y += lt.y;
          aroundRect.x = Math.round(aroundRect.x);
          aroundRect.y = Math.round(aroundRect.y);
          aroundRect.width = Math.ceil(fontWidth);
          aroundRect.height = Math.ceil(fontHeight);
           shape: elem,
           handle: elem.connect("onmouseenter", this, function(e){
            dijit.showTooltip(label, aroundRect, position);
           shape: elem,
           handle: elem.connect("onmouseleave", this, function(e){
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.vertical

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.fixUpper

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.fixLower

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.natural

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.leftBottom

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.includeZero

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.fixed

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.majorLabels

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.minorTicks

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.minorLabels

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.microTicks

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.rotation

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.defaultParams.htmlLabels

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.min

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.max

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.from

    • summary

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.majorTickStep

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.minorTickStep

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.microTickStep

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.labels

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.labelFunc

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.maxLabelSize

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.maxLabelCharCount

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.trailingSymbol

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.stroke

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.majorTick

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.minorTick

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.microTick

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.tick

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.font

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.fontColor

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.title

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.titleGap

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.titleFont

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.titleFontColor

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.optionalParams.titleOrientation

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.trailingSymbol

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default._cachedLabelWidth

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.dirty

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.opt

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs

    • type
    • parameters:
      • vertical: (typeof Boolean)
        A flag that says whether an axis is vertical (i.e. y axis) or horizontal. Default is false (horizontal).
      • fixUpper: (typeof String)
        Align the greatest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are &quot;major&quot;, &quot;minor&quot;, &quot;micro&quot;, or &quot;none&quot;.  Defaults to &quot;none&quot;.
      • fixLower: (typeof String)
        Align the smallest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are &quot;major&quot;, &quot;minor&quot;, &quot;micro&quot;, or &quot;none&quot;.  Defaults to &quot;none&quot;.
      • natural: (typeof Boolean)
        Ensure tick marks are made on &quot;natural&quot; numbers. Defaults to false.
      • leftBottom: (typeof Boolean)
        The position of a vertical axis; if true, will be placed against the left-bottom corner of the chart.  Defaults to true.
      • includeZero: (typeof Boolean)
        Include 0 on the axis rendering.  Default is false.
      • fixed: (typeof Boolean)
        Force all axis labels to be fixed numbers.  Default is true.
      • majorLabels: (typeof Boolean)
        Flag to draw all labels at major ticks. Default is true.
      • minorTicks: (typeof Boolean)
        Flag to draw minor ticks on an axis.  Default is true.
      • minorLabels: (typeof Boolean)
        Flag to draw labels on minor ticks. Default is true.
      • microTicks: (typeof Boolean)
        Flag to draw micro ticks on an axis. Default is false.
      • htmlLabels: (typeof Boolean)
        Flag to use HTML (as opposed to the native vector graphics engine) to draw labels. Default is true.
      • min: (typeof Number)
        The smallest value on an axis. Default is 0.
      • max: (typeof Number)
        The largest value on an axis. Default is 1.
      • from: (typeof Number)
        Force the chart to render data visible from this value. Default is 0.
      • to: (typeof Number)
        Force the chart to render data visible to this value. Default is 1.
      • majorTickStep: (typeof Number)
        The amount to skip before a major tick is drawn.  Default is 4.
      • minorTickStep: (typeof Number)
        The amount to skip before a minor tick is drawn. Default is 2.
      • microTickStep: (typeof Number)
        The amount to skip before a micro tick is drawn. Default is 1.
      • labels: (typeof Object[])
        An array of labels for major ticks, with corresponding numeric values, ordered by value.
      • labelFunc: (typeof Function)
        An optional function used to compute label values.
      • maxLabelSize: (typeof Number)
        The maximum size, in pixels, for a label.  To be used with the optional label function.
      • stroke: (typeof dojox.gfx.Stroke)
        An optional stroke to be used for drawing an axis.
      • majorTick: (typeof Object)
        An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a major tick.
      • minorTick: (typeof Object)
        An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a minor tick.
      • microTick: (typeof Object)
        An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a micro tick.
      • tick: (typeof Object)
        An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a tick.
      • font: (typeof String)
        An optional font definition (as used in the CSS font property) for labels.
      • fontColor: (typeof String|dojo.Color)
        An optional color to be used in drawing labels.
    • source: [view]
       this.vertical = vertical;
       this.fixUpper = fixUpper;
       this.fixLower = fixLower;
       this.natural = natural;
       this.leftBottom = leftBottom;
       this.includeZero = includeZero;
       this.fixed = fixed;
       this.majorLabels = majorLabels;
       this.minorTicks = minorTicks;
       this.minorLabels = minorLabels;
       this.microTicks = microTicks;
       this.htmlLabels = htmlLabels;
       this.min = min;
       this.max = max;
       this.from = from; = to;
       this.majorTickStep = majorTickStep;
       this.minorTickStep = minorTickStep;
       this.microTickStep = microTickStep;
       this.labels = labels;
       this.labelFunc = labelFunc;
       this.maxLabelSize = maxLabelSize;
       this.stroke = stroke;
       this.majorTick = majorTick;
       this.minorTick = minorTick;
       this.microTick = microTick;
       this.tick = tick;
       this.font = font;
       this.fontColor = fontColor;
    • summary
      Optional arguments used in the definition of an axis.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.vertical

    • type
    • summary
      A flag that says whether an axis is vertical (i.e. y axis) or horizontal. Default is false (horizontal).
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.fixUpper

    • type
    • summary
      Align the greatest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are &quot;major&quot;, &quot;minor&quot;, &quot;micro&quot;, or &quot;none&quot;.  Defaults to &quot;none&quot;.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.fixLower

    • type
    • summary
      Align the smallest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are &quot;major&quot;, &quot;minor&quot;, &quot;micro&quot;, or &quot;none&quot;.  Defaults to &quot;none&quot;.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.natural

    • type
    • summary
      Ensure tick marks are made on &quot;natural&quot; numbers. Defaults to false.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.leftBottom

    • type
    • summary
      The position of a vertical axis; if true, will be placed against the left-bottom corner of the chart.  Defaults to true.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.includeZero

    • type
    • summary
      Include 0 on the axis rendering.  Default is false.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.fixed

    • type
    • summary
      Force all axis labels to be fixed numbers.  Default is true.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.majorLabels

    • type
    • summary
      Flag to draw all labels at major ticks. Default is true.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.minorTicks

    • type
    • summary
      Flag to draw minor ticks on an axis.  Default is true.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.minorLabels

    • type
    • summary
      Flag to draw labels on minor ticks. Default is true.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.microTicks

    • type
    • summary
      Flag to draw micro ticks on an axis. Default is false.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.htmlLabels

    • type
    • summary
      Flag to use HTML (as opposed to the native vector graphics engine) to draw labels. Default is true.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.min

    • type
    • summary
      The smallest value on an axis. Default is 0.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.max

    • type
    • summary
      The largest value on an axis. Default is 1.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.from

    • type
    • summary
      Force the chart to render data visible from this value. Default is 0.

    • type
    • summary
      Force the chart to render data visible to this value. Default is 1.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.majorTickStep

    • type
    • summary
      The amount to skip before a major tick is drawn.  Default is 4.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.minorTickStep

    • type
    • summary
      The amount to skip before a minor tick is drawn. Default is 2.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.microTickStep

    • type
    • summary
      The amount to skip before a micro tick is drawn. Default is 1.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.labels

    • type
    • summary
      An array of labels for major ticks, with corresponding numeric values, ordered by value.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.labelFunc

    • type
    • summary
      An optional function used to compute label values.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.maxLabelSize

    • type
    • summary
      The maximum size, in pixels, for a label.  To be used with the optional label function.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.stroke

    • type
    • summary
      An optional stroke to be used for drawing an axis.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.majorTick

    • type
    • summary
      An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a major tick.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.minorTick

    • type
    • summary
      An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a minor tick.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.microTick

    • type
    • summary
      An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a micro tick.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.tick

    • type
    • summary
      An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a tick.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.font

    • type
    • summary
      An optional font definition (as used in the CSS font property) for labels.
  • dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs.fontColor

    • type
    • summary
      An optional color to be used in drawing labels.
  • du

    • summary
  • g

    • summary
  • lin

    • summary
  • labelGap

    • summary
  • centerAnchorLimit

    • summary
  • start.y

    • summary
  • start

    • type
    • summary
  • stop.y

    • summary
  • stop

    • type
    • summary
  • titlePos.y

    • summary
  • titlePos

    • type
    • summary
  • axisVector.x

    • summary
  • axisVector.y

    • summary
  • axisVector

    • type
    • summary
  • labelOffset.x

    • summary
  • labelOffset.y

    • summary
  • labelOffset

    • type
    • summary
  • tickVector.x

    • summary
  • tickVector.y

    • summary
  • tickVector

    • type
    • summary
  • anchorOffset.x

    • summary
  • anchorOffset.y

    • summary
  • anchorOffset

    • type
    • summary
  • start.x

    • summary
  • stop.x

    • summary
  • titlePos.x

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.axis2d

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox.charting

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary