
  • Provides:

    • dojox.charting.Element
  • Requires:

    • dojox.gfx in common
  • dojox.charting.Element

    • type
    • summary
      Creates a new charting element.
    • parameters:
      • chart: (typeof dojox.charting.Chart2D)
        The chart that this element belongs to.
    • source: [view]
        this.chart = chart; = null;
        this.htmlElements = [];
        this.dirty = true;
        this.trailingSymbol = "...";
        this._events = [];
  • dojox.charting.Element.chart

    • type
    • summary
      The chart that this element belongs to.

    • type
    • summary
      The visual GFX group representing this element.
      htmlElement: Array
      Any DOMNodes used as a part of this element (such as HTML-based labels).
  • dojox.charting.Element.htmlElements

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.Element.dirty

    • type
    • summary
      A flag indicating whether or not this element needs to be rendered.
  • dojox.charting.Element.createGroup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • creator: (typeof dojox.gfx.Surface)
        An optional surface in which to create this group.
    • source: [view]
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        if(!{ = creator.createGroup();
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
    • summary
      Convenience function to create a new dojox.gfx.Group.
    • return_summary
      A reference to this object for functional chaining.
    • returns
  • dojox.charting.Element.purgeGroup

    • type
    • source: [view]
        if({;; = null;
        this.dirty = true;
         dojo.forEach(this._events, function(item){
         this._events = [];
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
    • summary
      Clear any elements out of our group, and destroy the group.
    • return_summary
      A reference to this object for functional chaining.
    • returns
  • dojox.charting.Element.cleanGroup

    • type
    • parameters:
      • creator: (typeof dojox.gfx.Surface)
        An optional surface to work with.
    • source: [view]
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        }else{ = creator.createGroup();
        this.dirty = true;
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
    • summary
      Clean any elements (HTML or GFX-based) out of our group, and create a new one.
    • return_summary
      A reference to this object for functional chaining.
    • returns
  • dojox.charting.Element.destroyHtmlElements

    • type
    • source: [view]
         dojo.forEach(this.htmlElements, dojo.destroy);
         this.htmlElements = [];
    • summary
      Destroy any DOMNodes that may have been created as a part of this element.
  • dojox.charting.Element.destroy

    • type
    • source: [view]
    • summary
      API addition to conform to the rest of the Dojo Toolkit's standard.
  • dojox.charting.Element.getTextWidth

    • type
    • parameters:
      • s: (typeof )
      • font: (typeof )
    • source: [view]
        return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(s, {font: font}).w || 0;
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.Element.getTextWithLimitLength

    • type
    • parameters:
      • s: (typeof String)
        candidate text.
      • font: (typeof String)
        text's font style.
      • limitWidth: (typeof Number)
        text limited width in px.
      • truncated: (typeof whether)
        text has been truncated
    • source: [view]
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!limitWidth || limitWidth <= 0){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        var delta = 2,
         //golden section for dichotomy algorithm
         trucPercentage = 0.618,
         minStr = s.substring(0,1) + this.trailingSymbol,
         minWidth = this.getTextWidth(minStr, font);
        if (limitWidth <= minWidth) {
         return {
          text: minStr,
          truncated: true
        var width = this.getTextWidth(s, font);
        if(width <= limitWidth){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
         var begin = 0,
          end = s.length;
         while(begin < end){
          if(end - begin <= delta ){
           while (this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, begin) + this.trailingSymbol, font) > limitWidth) {
            begin -= 1;
           return {
            text: (s.substring(0,begin) + this.trailingSymbol),
            truncated: true
          var index = begin + Math.round((end - begin) * trucPercentage),
           widthIntercepted = this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, index), font);
          if(widthIntercepted < limitWidth){
           begin = index;
           end = end;
           begin = begin;
           end = index;
    • summary
      Get the truncated string based on the limited width in px(dichotomy algorithm)
    • return_summary
      text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
  • dojox.charting.Element.getTextWithLimitCharCount

    • type
    • parameters:
      • s: (typeof String)
        candidate text.
      • font: (typeof String)
        text's font style.
      • wcLimit: (typeof Number)
        text limited character count.
      • truncated: (typeof whether)
        text has been truncated
    • source: [view]
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!wcLimit || wcLimit <= 0 || s.length <= wcLimit){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        return {
         text: s.substring(0, wcLimit) + this.trailingSymbol,
         truncated: true
    • summary
      Get the truncated string based on the limited character count(dichotomy algorithm)
    • return_summary
      text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
  • dojox.charting.Element._plotFill

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fill: (typeof )
      • dim: (typeof )
      • offsets: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


      dojo.declare("dojox.charting.Element", null, {
       // summary:
       //  A base class that is used to build other elements of a chart, such as
       //  a series.
       // chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
       //  The parent chart for this element.
       // group: dojox.gfx.Group
       //  The visual GFX group representing this element.
       // htmlElement: Array
       //  Any DOMNodes used as a part of this element (such as HTML-based labels).
       // dirty: Boolean
       //  A flag indicating whether or not this element needs to be rendered.

       chart: null,
       group: null,
       htmlElements: null,
       dirty: true,

       constructor: function(chart){
        // summary:
        //  Creates a new charting element.
        // chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
        //  The chart that this element belongs to.
        this.chart = chart; = null;
        this.htmlElements = [];
        this.dirty = true;
        this.trailingSymbol = "...";
        this._events = [];
       createGroup: function(creator){
        // summary:
        //  Convenience function to create a new dojox.gfx.Group.
        // creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
        //  An optional surface in which to create this group.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        if(!{ = creator.createGroup();
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       purgeGroup: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Clear any elements out of our group, and destroy the group.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if({;; = null;
        this.dirty = true;
         dojo.forEach(this._events, function(item){
         this._events = [];
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       cleanGroup: function(creator){
        // summary:
        //  Clean any elements (HTML or GFX-based) out of our group, and create a new one.
        // creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
        //  An optional surface to work with.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        }else{ = creator.createGroup();
        this.dirty = true;
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       destroyHtmlElements: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Destroy any DOMNodes that may have been created as a part of this element.
         dojo.forEach(this.htmlElements, dojo.destroy);
         this.htmlElements = [];
       destroy: function(){
        // summary:
        //  API addition to conform to the rest of the Dojo Toolkit's standard.
       //text utilities
       getTextWidth: function(s, font){
        return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(s, {font: font}).w || 0;
       getTextWithLimitLength: function(s, font, limitWidth, truncated){
        // summary:
        //  Get the truncated string based on the limited width in px(dichotomy algorithm)
        // s: String?
        //  candidate text.
        // font: String?
        //  text's font style.
        // limitWidth: Number?
        //  text limited width in px.
        // truncated: Boolean?
        //  whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
        // returns: Object
        //  {
        //   text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
        //   truncated: whether text has been truncated
        //  }
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!limitWidth || limitWidth <= 0){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        var delta = 2,
         //golden section for dichotomy algorithm
         trucPercentage = 0.618,
         minStr = s.substring(0,1) + this.trailingSymbol,
         minWidth = this.getTextWidth(minStr, font);
        if (limitWidth <= minWidth) {
         return {
          text: minStr,
          truncated: true
        var width = this.getTextWidth(s, font);
        if(width <= limitWidth){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
         var begin = 0,
          end = s.length;
         while(begin < end){
          if(end - begin <= delta ){
           while (this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, begin) + this.trailingSymbol, font) > limitWidth) {
            begin -= 1;
           return {
            text: (s.substring(0,begin) + this.trailingSymbol),
            truncated: true
          var index = begin + Math.round((end - begin) * trucPercentage),
           widthIntercepted = this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, index), font);
          if(widthIntercepted < limitWidth){
           begin = index;
           end = end;
           begin = begin;
           end = index;
       getTextWithLimitCharCount: function(s, font, wcLimit, truncated){
        // summary:
        //  Get the truncated string based on the limited character count(dichotomy algorithm)
        // s: String?
        //  candidate text.
        // font: String?
        //  text's font style.
        // wcLimit: Number?
        //  text limited character count.
        // truncated: Boolean?
        //  whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
        // returns: Object
        //  {
        //   text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
        //   truncated: whether text has been truncated
        //  }
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!wcLimit || wcLimit <= 0 || s.length <= wcLimit){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        return {
         text: s.substring(0, wcLimit) + this.trailingSymbol,
         truncated: true
       // fill utilities
       _plotFill: function(fill, dim, offsets){
        // process a plot-wide fill
        if(!fill || !fill.type || !{
         return fill;
        var space =;
         case "linear":
          if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process Y
            var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
            fill.y1 = offsets.t + span * fill.y1 / 100;
            fill.y2 = offsets.t + span * fill.y2 / 100;
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process X
            var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
            fill.x1 = offsets.l + span * fill.x1 / 100;
            fill.x2 = offsets.l + span * fill.x2 / 100;
         case "radial":
          if(space === "plot"){
           // this one is used exclusively for scatter charts
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process both dimensions
           var spanX = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r,
            spanY = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
  = offsets.l + spanX * / 100;
  = offsets.t + spanY * / 100;
           fill.r = fill.r * Math.sqrt(spanX * spanX + spanY * spanY) / 200;
         case "pattern":
          if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process Y
            var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
            fill.y = offsets.t + span * fill.y / 100;
            fill.height = span * fill.height / 100;
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process X
            var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
            fill.x = offsets.l + span * fill.x / 100;
            fill.width = span * fill.width / 100;
        return fill;
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.Element._shapeFill

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fill: (typeof )
      • bbox: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


      dojo.declare("dojox.charting.Element", null, {
       // summary:
       //  A base class that is used to build other elements of a chart, such as
       //  a series.
       // chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
       //  The parent chart for this element.
       // group: dojox.gfx.Group
       //  The visual GFX group representing this element.
       // htmlElement: Array
       //  Any DOMNodes used as a part of this element (such as HTML-based labels).
       // dirty: Boolean
       //  A flag indicating whether or not this element needs to be rendered.

       chart: null,
       group: null,
       htmlElements: null,
       dirty: true,

       constructor: function(chart){
        // summary:
        //  Creates a new charting element.
        // chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
        //  The chart that this element belongs to.
        this.chart = chart; = null;
        this.htmlElements = [];
        this.dirty = true;
        this.trailingSymbol = "...";
        this._events = [];
       createGroup: function(creator){
        // summary:
        //  Convenience function to create a new dojox.gfx.Group.
        // creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
        //  An optional surface in which to create this group.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        if(!{ = creator.createGroup();
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       purgeGroup: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Clear any elements out of our group, and destroy the group.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if({;; = null;
        this.dirty = true;
         dojo.forEach(this._events, function(item){
         this._events = [];
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       cleanGroup: function(creator){
        // summary:
        //  Clean any elements (HTML or GFX-based) out of our group, and create a new one.
        // creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
        //  An optional surface to work with.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        }else{ = creator.createGroup();
        this.dirty = true;
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       destroyHtmlElements: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Destroy any DOMNodes that may have been created as a part of this element.
         dojo.forEach(this.htmlElements, dojo.destroy);
         this.htmlElements = [];
       destroy: function(){
        // summary:
        //  API addition to conform to the rest of the Dojo Toolkit's standard.
       //text utilities
       getTextWidth: function(s, font){
        return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(s, {font: font}).w || 0;
       getTextWithLimitLength: function(s, font, limitWidth, truncated){
        // summary:
        //  Get the truncated string based on the limited width in px(dichotomy algorithm)
        // s: String?
        //  candidate text.
        // font: String?
        //  text's font style.
        // limitWidth: Number?
        //  text limited width in px.
        // truncated: Boolean?
        //  whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
        // returns: Object
        //  {
        //   text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
        //   truncated: whether text has been truncated
        //  }
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!limitWidth || limitWidth <= 0){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        var delta = 2,
         //golden section for dichotomy algorithm
         trucPercentage = 0.618,
         minStr = s.substring(0,1) + this.trailingSymbol,
         minWidth = this.getTextWidth(minStr, font);
        if (limitWidth <= minWidth) {
         return {
          text: minStr,
          truncated: true
        var width = this.getTextWidth(s, font);
        if(width <= limitWidth){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
         var begin = 0,
          end = s.length;
         while(begin < end){
          if(end - begin <= delta ){
           while (this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, begin) + this.trailingSymbol, font) > limitWidth) {
            begin -= 1;
           return {
            text: (s.substring(0,begin) + this.trailingSymbol),
            truncated: true
          var index = begin + Math.round((end - begin) * trucPercentage),
           widthIntercepted = this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, index), font);
          if(widthIntercepted < limitWidth){
           begin = index;
           end = end;
           begin = begin;
           end = index;
       getTextWithLimitCharCount: function(s, font, wcLimit, truncated){
        // summary:
        //  Get the truncated string based on the limited character count(dichotomy algorithm)
        // s: String?
        //  candidate text.
        // font: String?
        //  text's font style.
        // wcLimit: Number?
        //  text limited character count.
        // truncated: Boolean?
        //  whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
        // returns: Object
        //  {
        //   text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
        //   truncated: whether text has been truncated
        //  }
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!wcLimit || wcLimit <= 0 || s.length <= wcLimit){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        return {
         text: s.substring(0, wcLimit) + this.trailingSymbol,
         truncated: true
       // fill utilities
       _plotFill: function(fill, dim, offsets){
        // process a plot-wide fill
        if(!fill || !fill.type || !{
         return fill;
        var space =;
         case "linear":
          if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process Y
            var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
            fill.y1 = offsets.t + span * fill.y1 / 100;
            fill.y2 = offsets.t + span * fill.y2 / 100;
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process X
            var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
            fill.x1 = offsets.l + span * fill.x1 / 100;
            fill.x2 = offsets.l + span * fill.x2 / 100;
         case "radial":
          if(space === "plot"){
           // this one is used exclusively for scatter charts
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process both dimensions
           var spanX = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r,
            spanY = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
  = offsets.l + spanX * / 100;
  = offsets.t + spanY * / 100;
           fill.r = fill.r * Math.sqrt(spanX * spanX + spanY * spanY) / 200;
         case "pattern":
          if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process Y
            var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
            fill.y = offsets.t + span * fill.y / 100;
            fill.height = span * fill.height / 100;
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process X
            var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
            fill.x = offsets.l + span * fill.x / 100;
            fill.width = span * fill.width / 100;
        return fill;
       _shapeFill: function(fill, bbox){
        // process shape-specific fill
        if(!fill || !{
         return fill;
        var space =;
         case "linear":
          if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process X
            var span = bbox.width;
            fill.x1 = bbox.x + span * fill.x1 / 100;
            fill.x2 = bbox.x + span * fill.x2 / 100;
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process Y
            var span = bbox.height;
            fill.y1 = bbox.y + span * fill.y1 / 100;
            fill.y2 = bbox.y + span * fill.y2 / 100;
         case "radial":
          if(space === "shape"){
           // this one is used exclusively for bubble charts and pie charts
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process both dimensions
  = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;
  = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
           fill.r = fill.r * bbox.width / 200;
         case "pattern":
          if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process X
            var span = bbox.width;
            fill.x = bbox.x + span * fill.x / 100;
            fill.width = span * fill.width / 100;
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process Y
            var span = bbox.height;
            fill.y = bbox.y + span * fill.y / 100;
            fill.height = span * fill.height / 100;
        return fill;
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.Element._pseudoRadialFill

    • type
    • parameters:
      • fill: (typeof )
      • center: (typeof )
      • radius: (typeof )
      • start: (typeof )
      • end: (typeof )
    • source: [view]


      dojo.declare("dojox.charting.Element", null, {
       // summary:
       //  A base class that is used to build other elements of a chart, such as
       //  a series.
       // chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
       //  The parent chart for this element.
       // group: dojox.gfx.Group
       //  The visual GFX group representing this element.
       // htmlElement: Array
       //  Any DOMNodes used as a part of this element (such as HTML-based labels).
       // dirty: Boolean
       //  A flag indicating whether or not this element needs to be rendered.

       chart: null,
       group: null,
       htmlElements: null,
       dirty: true,

       constructor: function(chart){
        // summary:
        //  Creates a new charting element.
        // chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
        //  The chart that this element belongs to.
        this.chart = chart; = null;
        this.htmlElements = [];
        this.dirty = true;
        this.trailingSymbol = "...";
        this._events = [];
       createGroup: function(creator){
        // summary:
        //  Convenience function to create a new dojox.gfx.Group.
        // creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
        //  An optional surface in which to create this group.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        if(!{ = creator.createGroup();
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       purgeGroup: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Clear any elements out of our group, and destroy the group.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if({;; = null;
        this.dirty = true;
         dojo.forEach(this._events, function(item){
         this._events = [];
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       cleanGroup: function(creator){
        // summary:
        //  Clean any elements (HTML or GFX-based) out of our group, and create a new one.
        // creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
        //  An optional surface to work with.
        // returns: dojox.charting.Element
        //  A reference to this object for functional chaining.
        if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
        }else{ = creator.createGroup();
        this.dirty = true;
        return this; // dojox.charting.Element
       destroyHtmlElements: function(){
        // summary:
        //  Destroy any DOMNodes that may have been created as a part of this element.
         dojo.forEach(this.htmlElements, dojo.destroy);
         this.htmlElements = [];
       destroy: function(){
        // summary:
        //  API addition to conform to the rest of the Dojo Toolkit's standard.
       //text utilities
       getTextWidth: function(s, font){
        return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(s, {font: font}).w || 0;
       getTextWithLimitLength: function(s, font, limitWidth, truncated){
        // summary:
        //  Get the truncated string based on the limited width in px(dichotomy algorithm)
        // s: String?
        //  candidate text.
        // font: String?
        //  text's font style.
        // limitWidth: Number?
        //  text limited width in px.
        // truncated: Boolean?
        //  whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
        // returns: Object
        //  {
        //   text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
        //   truncated: whether text has been truncated
        //  }
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!limitWidth || limitWidth <= 0){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        var delta = 2,
         //golden section for dichotomy algorithm
         trucPercentage = 0.618,
         minStr = s.substring(0,1) + this.trailingSymbol,
         minWidth = this.getTextWidth(minStr, font);
        if (limitWidth <= minWidth) {
         return {
          text: minStr,
          truncated: true
        var width = this.getTextWidth(s, font);
        if(width <= limitWidth){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
         var begin = 0,
          end = s.length;
         while(begin < end){
          if(end - begin <= delta ){
           while (this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, begin) + this.trailingSymbol, font) > limitWidth) {
            begin -= 1;
           return {
            text: (s.substring(0,begin) + this.trailingSymbol),
            truncated: true
          var index = begin + Math.round((end - begin) * trucPercentage),
           widthIntercepted = this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, index), font);
          if(widthIntercepted < limitWidth){
           begin = index;
           end = end;
           begin = begin;
           end = index;
       getTextWithLimitCharCount: function(s, font, wcLimit, truncated){
        // summary:
        //  Get the truncated string based on the limited character count(dichotomy algorithm)
        // s: String?
        //  candidate text.
        // font: String?
        //  text's font style.
        // wcLimit: Number?
        //  text limited character count.
        // truncated: Boolean?
        //  whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
        // returns: Object
        //  {
        //   text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
        //   truncated: whether text has been truncated
        //  }
        if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
         return {
          text: "",
          truncated: truncated || false
        if(!wcLimit || wcLimit <= 0 || s.length <= wcLimit){
         return {
          text: s,
          truncated: truncated || false
        return {
         text: s.substring(0, wcLimit) + this.trailingSymbol,
         truncated: true
       // fill utilities
       _plotFill: function(fill, dim, offsets){
        // process a plot-wide fill
        if(!fill || !fill.type || !{
         return fill;
        var space =;
         case "linear":
          if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process Y
            var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
            fill.y1 = offsets.t + span * fill.y1 / 100;
            fill.y2 = offsets.t + span * fill.y2 / 100;
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process X
            var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
            fill.x1 = offsets.l + span * fill.x1 / 100;
            fill.x2 = offsets.l + span * fill.x2 / 100;
         case "radial":
          if(space === "plot"){
           // this one is used exclusively for scatter charts
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process both dimensions
           var spanX = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r,
            spanY = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
  = offsets.l + spanX * / 100;
  = offsets.t + spanY * / 100;
           fill.r = fill.r * Math.sqrt(spanX * spanX + spanY * spanY) / 200;
         case "pattern":
          if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process Y
            var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
            fill.y = offsets.t + span * fill.y / 100;
            fill.height = span * fill.height / 100;
           if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process X
            var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
            fill.x = offsets.l + span * fill.x / 100;
            fill.width = span * fill.width / 100;
        return fill;
       _shapeFill: function(fill, bbox){
        // process shape-specific fill
        if(!fill || !{
         return fill;
        var space =;
         case "linear":
          if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process X
            var span = bbox.width;
            fill.x1 = bbox.x + span * fill.x1 / 100;
            fill.x2 = bbox.x + span * fill.x2 / 100;
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process Y
            var span = bbox.height;
            fill.y1 = bbox.y + span * fill.y1 / 100;
            fill.y2 = bbox.y + span * fill.y2 / 100;
         case "radial":
          if(space === "shape"){
           // this one is used exclusively for bubble charts and pie charts
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
  = space;
           // process both dimensions
  = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;
  = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
           fill.r = fill.r * bbox.width / 200;
         case "pattern":
          if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
           // clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
           fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
  = space;
           // process dimensions
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX"){
            // process X
            var span = bbox.width;
            fill.x = bbox.x + span * fill.x / 100;
            fill.width = span * fill.width / 100;
           if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeY"){
            // process Y
            var span = bbox.height;
            fill.y = bbox.y + span * fill.y / 100;
            fill.height = span * fill.height / 100;
        return fill;
       _pseudoRadialFill: function(fill, center, radius, start, end){
        // process pseudo-radial fills
        if(!fill || fill.type !== "radial" || !== "shape"){
         return fill;
        // clone and normalize fill
        var space =;
        fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill); = space;
        if(arguments.length < 4){
         // process both dimensions = center.x; = center.y;
         fill.r = fill.r * radius / 100;
         return fill;
        // convert to a linear gradient
        var angle = arguments.length < 5 ? start : (end + start) / 2;
        return {
         type: "linear",
         x1: center.x,
         y1: center.y,
         x2: center.x + fill.r * radius * Math.cos(angle) / 100,
         y2: center.y + fill.r * radius * Math.sin(angle) / 100,
         colors: fill.colors
        return fill;
    • returns
    • summary
  • dojox.charting.Element._events

    • summary
  • dojox.charting.Element.trailingSymbol

    • summary
  • dojox.charting

    • type
    • summary
  • dojox

    • type
    • summary