Initialize this Urchin instance. Immediately starts the load sequence, so defer construction until (ideally) after onLoad and potentially widget parsing.
A small class object will allows for lazy-loading the Google Analytics API at any point during a page lifecycle. Most commonly, Google-Analytics is loaded via a synchronous script tag in the body, which causes `dojo.addOnLoad` to stall until the external API has been completely loaded. The Urchin helper will load the API on the fly, and provide a convenient API to use, wrapping Analytics for Ajaxy or single page applications. The class can be instantiated two ways: Programatically, by passing an `acct:` parameter, or via Markup / dojoType and defining a djConfig parameter `urchin:` IMPORTANT: This module will not work simultaneously with the core package. If you need the ability to run Google Analytics AND your own local analytics system, you MUST include BEFORE
// create the tracker programatically: var tracker = new{ acct:"UA-123456-7" });
// define the urchin djConfig option: var djConfig = { urchin: "UA-123456-7" }; // and in markup: <div dojoType=""></div> // or code: new;
// create and define all analytics with one tag. <div dojoType="" acct="UA-12345-67"></div>
your GA urchin tracker account number. Overrides `djConfig.urchin`
initialize the tracker
Stub function to fire when urchin is complete
This function is executed when the tracker variable is complete and initialized. The initial trackPageView (with no arguments) is called here as well, so remeber to call manually if overloading this method.
Create an Urchin tracker that will track a specific page on init after page load (or parsing, if parseOnLoad is true) dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ new dojox.ananlytics.Urchin({ acct:"UA-12345-67", GAonLoad: function(){ this.trackPageView("/custom-page"); } }); });
String A location to tell the tracker to track, eg: "/my-ajaxy-endpoint"
A public API attached to this widget instance, allowing you Ajax-like notification of updates.
Track clicks from a container of anchors and populate a `ContentPane` // 'tracker' is our `Urchin` instance, pane is the `ContentPane` ref. dojo.connect(container, "onclick", function(e){ var ref = dojo.attr(, "href"); tracker.trackPageView(ref); pane.attr("href", ref); });