Base class for objects that provide named properties with optional getter/setter control and the ability to watch for property changes
var obj = new dojo.Stateful();"foo", function(){ console.log("foo changed to " + this.get("foo")); }); obj.set("foo","bar");
The property to get.
Get a property on a Stateful instance.
Get a named property on a Stateful object. The property may potentially be retrieved via a getter method in subclasses. In the base class this just retrieves the object's property. For example: stateful = new dojo.Stateful({foo: 3}); stateful.get("foo") // returns 3 // returns 3
The property to set.
The value to set in the property.
Set a property on a Stateful instance
Sets named properties on a stateful object and notifies any watchers of the property. A programmatic setter may be defined in subclasses. For example: stateful = new dojo.Stateful();, oldValue, value){ // this will be called on the set below } stateful.set(foo, 5); set() may also be called with a hash of name/value pairs, ex: myObj.set({ foo: "Howdy", bar: 3 }) This is equivalent to calling set(foo, "Howdy") and set(bar, 3)
Indicates the property to watch. This is optional (the callback may be the only parameter), and if omitted, all the properties will be watched
The function to execute when the property changes. This will be called after the property has been changed. The callback will be called with the |this| set to the instance, the first argument as the name of the property, the second argument as the old value and the third argument as the new value.
Watches a property for changes
An object handle for the watch. The unwatch method of this object can be used to discontinue watching this property: var watchHandle ="foo", callback); watchHandle.unwatch(); // callback won't be called now