Notes about the migration
- The migration is compatible with version 5.1 or a superior one.
- Important: user passwords will be migrated from version 5.2.1 or later one.
If your Phprojekt origin version is previous to 5.2.1 then it will be created a new password for each user: it will
be the same than the username. Each user should change it later by a new secret one.
- Root user will be migrated as 'admin'.
This 'admin' user has 'admin' type which provides him with access to 'Administration' module.
This user will have an additional advantage: it will be able to access any item under any project, including the
projects themselves. No other admin type user will be able to do this. Anyway, its permissions have less scope than
in P5: it has not right to see those items that don't depend on a Project and he/she is not related to, e.g.: events
and timecard of other people.
- Since in PHProjekt 6 there are no groups, the groups of PHProjekt 5 are migrated as root projects, using the
user relations to create rights. All the users that have access to the group in PHProjekt 5 will have a read set
(read/access/download) of permissions to work on the equivalent root project in PHProjekt 6.
This means that, for instance, if a P5 group have only 2 users, then it will be created a P6 root project having the
name of the group and all users of that group will have a read set (read/access/download) of permissions to work on
that project. That root project will have as childs all the projects from P5 that were related to the group.
- For every Project and other modules items that were related to the migrated group (migrated as a root project),
only the users that belong to the root project will be listed in the user-list alike select fields, and they are the
ones that will be able to have any rights. If you want a specific user to have any access kind to a child project,
you have to give him/her access to all the parent projects first. The same for other modules items.
- If one item is assigned for example to the user "John Doe", and this user was not in the P5 group, then the
assigned field will show only the user Id number, since this user has no access to the root project. Add him to all
the parent projects of the tree path to see the correct username in the item instead of the Id, so that the user
will have access to the item.
- The modules to be migrated are: Calendar, Projects, Notes, Todos, Timeproj, Contacts, Helpdesk
and Filemanager.
- Customized module fields will not be migrated.
- If Filemanager files do not work after migration please try moving manually the uploaded files (e.g. move the
files on /phprojekt5.x/uploads to /phprojekt6/uploads).